Q4 GP2 Written Works Mod12

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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade/Section: __________________________________ Score: _________________

General Physics 2
Quarter 4 - Written Works #1

I. Directions: Answer the given problem.

1. The magnetic flux through a single wire loop changes from 3.5 Wb to 1.5 Wb in
What emf is induced in the loop?

2. What is the emf for a 10-turn coil through which the flux changes at 10 Wb/s?

3. Given a bar magnet, how can you induce an electric current in a wire loop?

4. What factors can cause an induced current in a wire loop through which a magnetic
field passes?

5. What is the prime importance of Lenz’s law?

6. What does the negative sign indicate in Lenz’s law?

7. What is the difference between Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law?

II. Make a simple electric motor using module 2 Deepen Application 1 as a guide.
(Performance Tasks)

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