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Andrei G.


1BSA – 2

The Contemporary World

Activity 3

1. What is Global Governance?

Global governance is a purposeful order that emerges from institutions,

processes, norms, formal agreements, and informal mechanisms that regulate

action for a common good. Global governance encompasses activity at the

international, transnational, and regional levels, and refers to activities in the

public and private sectors that transcend national boundaries. Global

governance, as its name implies, is the way in which global affairs are managed.

Global governance is understood as “…the way in which global affairs are

managed. As there is no global government, global governance typically involves

a range of actors including states, as well as regional and international

organizations. Global governance, thus, aids in working through the myriad of

issues within the international system.

2. Discuss the goals of Global Governance.

The aims and goals of Global Governance are the following:

 The first and foremost aim of Global Governance is to ensure that we, as

citizens of this Earth, are able to accomplish our shared human aims.
 To ensure that the Earth continues to be intact as one undivided unit, with

its natural abundance, beauty, and diversity

 To ensure fair economic and political policies that are free from

exploitation, so that every citizen across the globe can feel safe, secure,

and valued

 To ensure every citizen is skilled, proficient in behavior, and wise by

providing proper education

 To establish national and international relations to ensure –

- Human security worldwide

- Responsible use of all natural resources

- Availability of holistic and humane education for all

- Development of appropriate technologies that are people friendly

and planet friendly

- The opportunity, means the ability for all to live with happiness and


 To provide the education, framework and guidelines for the rights,

responsibilities and duties at every level of social organization for

participation in global governance

3. List down some problems Global Governance deals with in the

contemporary world.

With the intensification of globalization dynamics, risks to the stability of

the international system have grown to the extent that formerly localized threats

are no longer locally containable. Ethnic conflicts, infectious diseases,

climate change, food insecurity, and other pressing threats, are increasingly

threatening global security and stability, prompting doubts about the ability of the

current global governance order to respond to the challenges plaguing the 21st




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