Unit 10A

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- afford V /əˈfɔːd/ Đủ khả năng mua / làm gì
I can't afford a new car right now.
- budget N /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ Ngân sách
Have a budget : ______________________________
It's important to have a budget for your monthly expenses.
make a budget : ______________________________
We need to make a budget to control our spending.
stick to a budget : ______________________________
It's hard to stick to a budget when there are so many temptations.
- cut back V phr /kʌt bæk/ Cắt giảm
We need to cut back on unnecessary expenses.
- be in debt Phrase /bi ɪn det/ Nợ, lâm vào nợ nần
I'm in debt because of my student loans.
- get out of debt Phrase /ɡet aʊt ʌv det/ Trả nợ hết
It took years to get out of debt after the financial crisis.
- go into debt Phrase /ɡoʊ ˈɪntu det/ Mắc nợ
Many people go into debt during the holiday season.
- owe V /oʊ/ Nợ
I owe $100 to my friend for the concert tickets.
- borrow : ______________________________
- lend : ______________________________
- pay back : ______________________________
- save : ______________________________ put aside / put by
- spend : ______________________________

Lời ước hiện tại: hành động không có thật ở hiện
tại Lời ước tương lai:
S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V2/were S + wish(es) + (that) + S + would/could + V
be: were cho mọi ngôi (will -> would; can -> could; shall -> should;
Ex: I wish I were a bird to fly everywhere may-> might)
Ex: I wish I only needed to work until Friday Ex: I wish I could be a billionaire

Lời ước quá khứ: hành động không có thật ở quá

khứ Note: If only (giá như) có thể dùng thay cho S +
S + wish(es) + (that) + S + had + V3 wish
Ex: I wish I hadn’t told him the fact Ex: I wish I had the second chance
> If only I had the second chance
Write you wish
A wish for now: _______________________________________________________________
A wish for your future: _________________________________________________________
I. Complete the statements.
cut back borrow lends stick save debt afford pays back
1. It's easy to make a budget, but it's hard to ______________ to it.
2. Jose doesn't like it when people ask to ______________ money from him.
3. You need to ______________ on buying coffee at the cafe. You're spending close to $25 a week!
4. Wanda's older sister always ______________ her money when she asks for it.
5. Many college graduates feel like they'll never get out of ______________.
6. Li always ______________ any money that he borrows.
7. My brother wants a new car, but he can't ______________ one right now.
8. We're careful about spending and try to ______________ a little money every month.
II. Match the words and phrases with the meaning.
1. I wish I ____________ more spare time.
did were had
2. Andy wishes he ____________ a professional athlete.
were is could
3. Marta wishes she ____________ stop coughing.
was can could
4. They wish they ____________ sick.
didn't hadn't weren't
5. We wish our company ____________ in a slump.
didn't can't weren't
6. Do you wish you ____________ more money?
wanted had were
7. Do you wish she ____________ more respectful?
did were was
8.Do you wish we ____________ speak Spanish?
were can could
III. Read each sentence. Then change each sentence to a wish statement.
Example: Kelly isn’t rich. Kelly wishes she were rich.
1. Sara isn’t good at French. -> ............................................................................................................
2. I don’t have enough time. -> ............................................................................................................
3. My brother doesn’t know how to swim. -> ......................................................................................
4. Mr. Donnelly is late for work. -> .......................................................................................................
5. The children don’t have a dog. -> ....................................................................................................
6. Emma can’t ride a bike. -> ...............................................................................................................
7. Hannah is broke. -> ..........................................................................................................................
8. Julio has a headache. -> ...................................................................................................................
IV. Use the words to write a sentence with wish.
Example: They / wish / it / be / snowing. They wish it were snowing.
1. We / wish / it / be / not / raining. -> ..........................................................................................
2. Loren / wish / he / can / afford / it. -> ........................................................................................
3. Sylvia / wish / she / live / closer. -> .............................................................................................
4. They / wish / they / can / go. -> ..................................................................................................
5. I / wish / you / be / here. -> ........................................................................................................
6. He / wish / she / be / not / angry. -> ..........................................................................................
7. Tara / wish / she / have / more / time. -> ...................................................................................
8. I / wish / you / will / stop. -> .......................................................................................................

Listen for specific information. Read the outline and try to guess the answers. Then listen to the lecture.

Answer: 1. a. ______________ b. ______________ c. ______________

2. a. ______________ b. ______________ c. ______________
3. a. ______________ b. ______________ c. ______________

One thing your family made you feel angry and you need an

One thing your friend made you feel angry and you need an

One thing your neighbor made you feel angry and you need
an apology

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