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ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.

3 Desember 2017 | Page 4591



Lanusgana Amerta, 2Yuli Adam Prasetyo, S.T., M.T., 3 Dr. Basuki Rahmad, CISA.,

Information System Program, Industrial and System Engineering Faculty, Telkom

PT XYZ is one of the biggest cellular telecommunication provider in Indonesia. One of its main concern is
Customer Care Management. This research focuses on the Analytic of Customer Care Management, which
positioned under Sales Directorate. Analytic of Customer Care Management has the main purpose to do
analytical services and strategies, policies, and processes management for Customer Care Management. In
this research, TOGAF is being used to develop Analytic of Customer Care Management’s enterprise
architecture. This research is limited only from preliminary phase to migration planning phase. In each of
these phase, existing architects are being identified and also target architectures are being proposed.
Hopefully, this research could help provide insight to the telecommunication company regarding baseline of
Analytic of Customer Care Management.

Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Customer Care Management, Telecommunication


1. Introduction
PT XYZ is one of the biggest cellular telecommunication provider in Indonesia. There are a lot of products to
offer to customer, these products are categorized to two big categories. The first category is core product or legacy,
which consists of voice, text, and data bunding services. The second category is the content product, which mainly
consists of third-parties’ products that bundled with company services.
Customer Care activity is one of the most important thing a telecommunication company must managed
properly to maintain customer satisfaction, hence gaining growth for the company as the whole. Therefore, it has
been establishing Customer Care Management to take care of this activity. Positioned under the Sales Directorate,
Customer Care Management or CCM has main task to manages customer interaction (information, request, and
complain) via various touch point (walk-in, call-in, e-care, and self-care). Moreover, it is important for the company
to manages the Customer Care properly, therefore company could establish good relation with the customers
(Bianchi, Schiavotto, & Svobod, 2014).
Customer Care Management currently being divided into two big section. The first section is the operational
section, this section is responsible to the operation of managing customer interaction through multiple touch point on
the daily basis. The next section is the analytic section, which responsible to provide analytic, such as planning,
system development and maintenance, and facility for the operational section.
To provide analytic for the operational section, analytic section has been developing and maintaining some
crucial systems for the Customer Care Management. These systems are combination of in-house developed system
and cost-off-the-shelf system provided by vendors. However, more systems might be needed to adapt to the ever-
changing business environment, and so could maintain high level of growth for the company.
Hopefully, by using the approach adapted from TOGAF ADM, analysis and design of enterprise architecture
for better analytic of Customer Care Management could be developed.
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4592

There are two problems that could be identified in this research, the problems are as follow:

• Tactical, strategic, and forecast analytic dashboard are needed to support the business service, hence better
decision-making and overall improved performance could be achieved.

• More agile policies and processes improvement are needed to accommodate dynamic business situation.
2. Research Systematic
This section has the purpose to shows the concept o the research that being done based on TOGAF Architecture
Development Method. In this research, the research systematic is as follows:
Preparation Phase Start

Literature Study Field Study

Determine the Research

Problem scope
problem purpose

Data gathering Research and interview

Business identification Data identification Application

Analytics Customer Analytics Customer identification Technlogy
Care Management Care Management Analytics Customer identification
Care Management

Analysis and Design Phase

Determine the
Preliminary Phase principles

Determine the stakeholders Create company s value chain

Architecture Vision

Business Deterimine the business

Architecture Phase requirement

Identify the business Design the target business

architecture architecture
Perform gap

Confirm the business No



Data Architecture (IS) Determine the data

Phase requirement

Design the target data

Identify the data architecture

Perform gap

Confirm the data
architecture Yes

Architecture (IS) Deterimne the application
Phase requirement

Identify the application Design the target

architecture application architecture

Perform gap

Confirm the application No


Determine the
Technology Phase technoogy
Identify the Design the target
technology technology
architecture architecture
Perform gap

Confirm the technoogy No


Design the
Opportunities and
Solution Phase



Create the
conclusion and


Figure 1 Research Systematic

3. Literature Study
3.1 The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4593

The Open Group Architecture Framework or TOGAF is a framework that can be used to developed an
enterprise architecture for a company or an organization (The Open Group, 2011) (Dwi, Prasetyo, & Hanafi, 2016)
(Christini & Rahmad, 2015). TOGAF plays an important role in the development of enterprise architecture as a
standardization and also as an effort to reduce risk during the development of the enterprise architecture.
Phase A: Architecture Vision
This phase explains about the vision of the architecture, including the scope, definition of related
stakeholders, and also an approval to start the development of the enterprise architecture
Phase B: Business Architecture
This phase explains about the strategy, products or services, organization, function, processes, and
other information related to business of the organization
Phase C: Information Systems Architectures
This phase explains about the information system architecture. There are two big division in this
• Data Architecture, which explains about the data involved in the information system architecture
• Application Architecture, which explains about the application involved in the architecture
Phase D: Technology Architecture
This phase explains about the technology architecture that being used and/or will be used in the
enterprise architecture
Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions
This phase identifies the architecture deliverables, such as project, program, and/or portfolio that
effectively realize the target architecture from the previous phase
Phase F: Migration Planning
This phase aim to deliver the plan of migration from the previous architecture (baseline) to the
target architecture
Phase G: Implementation Governance
This phase explains about the monitoring of the plan of implementation, to ensure the
implementation is going as it should be
Phase H: Architecture Change Management
This phase organizes the procedure to manage the change of enterprise architecture, hence ensuring
continuity of the life cycle of the enterprise architecture
ADM Architecture Requirements Management
This section explains about the process to manage the requirement of all phases in the TOGAF
3.2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a term that being used to describe the strategy and
technology used by a company or an organization to manage and analyze its interaction between the
company or organization and the customers. In CRM, business will be helped to arrange and log
customer information centrally, therefore further customer identification, including customer
satisfaction measurement could be well executed (Jaelani, 2016).
3.3. Performance Dashboard
According to Wayne W. Eckerson, performance dashboard is essentially a performance management
system. It has the purpose to translate organization’s strategy into objectives, metrics, initiatives, and
tasks for each group and/or individual within the organization. It works by providing information and
insights to enable business users to improve the decision-making processes (Eckerson, 2010).
4. Discussion
a. Preliminary Phase
This is the first phase of the TOGAF ADM. During this phase, a set of principles is developed.
Table 1 Principle Catalog
Category Principle
Adaptive CCM
Maximizing Benefit for Company
Business Continuity
Beyond Customer Expectation
Business Principles
Common Use Applications
Information Management is Everyone’s
Compliance to Regulation
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4594

Data is Shared
Data Principles Data is Assets
Data Security
Application Principles
Technology Independence
Technology Principles
Control Technical Diversity
b. Architecture Vision
This phase also the initial phase in the TOGAF ADM. This phase has the objective to define the vision of the
architecture. Furthermore, this phase includes, defining the scope and identifying stakeholders. One of the artifact
that being explained in this phase is Architecture Vision, as in this phase, the Architecture Vision is as follow:
Planning and Transformation

Value / Profit
Human Capital Management

Network Marketing Sales Charging Billing Payment

Information Technology
Customer Care Management

Operational Customer Care Management Operational
CCM CCM Planning CCM System Management CCM Assurance

Figure 2 Value Chain Diagram

: Focused in the research

c. Business Architecture
This section provides the architecture of business of analytic of Customer Care Management. One of the
artifact used in this section is Business Requirement that has the purpose to identifies the requirement of business
needed by the analytic of Customer Care Management. Furthermore, this requirement then will be used as guidance
of developing necessary business architecture, if needed.

Table 2 Business Architecture Requirement

No Requirement
1 Provide agile policies and processes improvement
2 Every policy and process must be aligned with the strategic plan
3 Provide analytic and decision support for each level of stakeholder (operational, tactical, and strategic)
4 Ensure business continuity throughout customer care management
Moreover, this business architecture also explains the proposed improvement of business processes by adding new
analytical processes and imrpove current processes of development of policies and processes as shown in the table

Table 3 Business Service/Function/Processes Catalog

Function Business Service Processes
Customer Satisfaction
Customer care operational Identification
analytics service Customer Care Operational
Analytic Reporting
Customer care tactical analytics Customer Care Tactical
service Analytic Reporting
Customer Care Management Customer Care Strategic
Customer care strategic analytics Analytic Reporting
service Customer Care Forecast
Customer Care Policies and
Policies and processes
Processes Analysis and
management service
: Target
d. Data Architecture
Data architecture phase has the purpose to define all related matter regarding data architecture. This is the third
phase of TOGAF Architecture Development Method. This phase is part of information system architecture phase.
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4595

Generally, this phase has the purpose to explains about the relationship of data, applications with corresponding data
entities, and mapped the data for application development. One of the artifact that being used in this phase is data
dissemination diagram, this artifact has the purpose to provide information regarding the relationship between
application and its corresponding data entities.

Unit Customer

Product Customer Unit Problem Unit Problem
Finansial Account Postpaid
Product Problem Case Problem Case Registration
MSISDN Product Product
Activation Report Report Report Report

Problem First Call Order Customer

Report Unit Order Summary
Unit Billing Customer
Problem Refund

Order Problem
Order Problem
Call Center Unit
Unit Internasional
Interaction Summary
Report Billing Financial Account
Payment Partner

Unit Order

Order Machine MSISDN Finansial Account

Prepaid Billing Customer
Unit Selfcare
Transaction Registration
Report E-Bil Delivery
Report Report

Survey Question Customer Problem

Order Survey Question

Problem Spike Report

Billing Financial Account
Billing Customer
Customer MSISDN
AR Outstanding
Report Customer Problem

Unit Sales Order Survey Response Survey Response Customer

Revenue Report Problem Order

Satisfaction Score

Customer Care Operational Analytics Service Customer Care Tactical Analytics Service Customer Care Strategic Analytics Service Customer Care Policies and Process Management Service

Strategy Strategy Policy Strategy Policy

Revenue Report Customer Process

Satisfaction Score
First Call Area Average Problem Customer Problem Revenue Report Revenue Trend Satisfaction
Resolution Resolution Time Satisfaction Score Report Trend Report
Problem Area Satisfaction Per
Report Report Summary Problem Report

Satisfaction Score Customer Area Order Process

Summary Satisfaction Product Order Effectiveness Process
Area Trend Report Product Report
Trend Report Revenue Customer
Problem Revenue Report Customer
Problem Forecast Forecast Satisfaction Score
Report Area Summary
Trend Forecast
Report Area

Effectiveness Policy

Figure 3 Data Dissemination Diagram

e. Application Architecture
Application architecture identifies the applications that being used to processes data within the Analytics
Customer Care Management. Application could help provide useful information that supports business activities,
hence improve business performance.
In this architecture, existing application would be analyzed and mapped. Then, new or improved applications
would be proposed. Furthermore, these proposed applications aim to fulfil business requirement while also
considering the data architecture needed to develop this architecture.
One of the artifact used in this phase is application communication diagram. This artifact helps determine the
application proposed and identified, and then also provide information of the relationship between those application.
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4596

Customer care strategic analytics service

<<Physical Application>>
Customer Care Forecast Analysis

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

Problem Forecast Customer Interaction Volume Forecast

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

Customer Satisfaction Trend Forecast Revenue Forecast

<<Physical Application>>
Customer Care Strategic Analytic Dashboard

<<Logical Application>>
Customer Satisfaction Score Trend

<<Physical Application>>
<<Logical Application>>
Customer Care Information System
Revenue Trend Dashboard

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

Product Activation Reporting Problem Case Reporting Interaction Summary Reporting

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

<<Logical Application>>
Postpaid Registration Reporting Customer Order Reporting
First Call Resolution Reporting

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

Adjustment Refund Reporting Selfcare Transaction Reporting Call Center Dashboard
<<Physical Application>>
Customer Care Tactical Analytic Dashboard

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

<<Logical Application>>
Walk-In International Dashboard Revenue Reporting Problem on First Call Resolution per Average Resolution Time per Area
Prepaid Registration Reporting

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>> Customer Satisfaction Trend per Area Customer Satisfaction per Problem
Incident Spike Reporting E-Bill Delivery Reporting Account Receivable Dashboard

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

Product Order Trend per Area Process Effectiveness
<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>
Data Checker Payment via Partner Reporting

<<Logical Application>>
Policy Effectiveness

<<Physical Application>>
Customer Experience Survey
Customer care tactical analytics service
<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>
Survey Designer Survey Deployer

<<Logical Application>> <<Logical Application>>

Survey Retriever Customer Experience Score Reporting <<Physical Application>>
Customer Care Policies and
Process Management System

<<Logical Application>>
Strategy Manager

Customer care operational analytics service

<<Logical Application>>
Non CCM Application
Policy Manager

Process Manager

Non CCM Application

Policies and processes

management service

Figure 4 Application Communication Diagram

f. Technology Architecture
Technology architecture identifies usage of technology to enables applications within the company, hence
business performance could be improved. In this phase, relevant technology architecture would be developed by
considering application architecture that has been developed previously. One of the artifact produced in this
architecture is environment and location diagram. Environment and location diagram shows the identified and
proposed technology to support the application and data requirement.
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4597

Data Center



Active Directory Server VPN

Load Balancer

Switch Switch

Virtual Machine Server Virtual Machine Server

CES Application Server Analytics Application Server Forecast Application Service CCPPMS Application Server Exadata Database Server Celcius Database Server MySQL Database Server Hadoop Database Server

<<Physical Application>> <<Physical Application>> <<Physical Application>> <<Physical Application>> <<Physical Application>> <<Physical Application>>
Customer Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care
Experience Survei (CES) Information System (CCIS) Tactical Analytic Strategic Analytic Forecast Analysis Policies and Processes SAN
Dashboard (CCTAD) Dashboard (CCSAD) (CCFA) Management System

Figure 5 Environment and Location Diagram

g. Opportunities and Solution Architecture

Opportunities and Solutions is one of TOGAF Architecture Development Method phase that has the purpose to
evaluate the design model of developed architecture. This phase will then be the foundation or guidance for the
implementation plan. This phase helps the implementation plan to achieve its target of implementation. One of the
artifact used in this application is benefit diagram. This diagram has the purpose to explain the relationship of benefit
of the opportunities identified and proposed.
Provide insight for middle
managament and upper
management of
Customer Care

Provide tactical, strategic,
and forecast analysis Benefit
application Higher customer care
overall score whcih lead
Outcome to higher revenue for the
Better decision-making company
in the middle and upper
management of
customer care

Higher custmer care
satisfaction overall score
Better customer overall
satisfaction could lead to
better revenue
Smoother and agile
strategies, policies, and
processes management

Provide integrated
application to manage
strategies, policies, and
More agile policies and
processes management
processes in Customer
Care might leads to
Outcome better perceived
Smoother and more agile customer care
strategies, policies, and
processes management

Higher ability to adapt
new strategies, policies,
and processes

Figure 6 Benefit Diagram

h. Migration Planning
Migration planning is a phase within the TOGAF Architecture Development Method that has the purpose to
ensure implementation and migration plan coordination. Moreover, it ensures the migration from the baseline to the
target architecture. One of the artifact used in this application is architecture roadmap, it helps identify what project
need to be met in certain timeline.
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.4, No.3 Desember 2017 | Page 4598

2018 2019 2020

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Customer Care Tactical Analytic Dashboard


Customer Care Strategic and

Forecast Analytic Dashboard

Technology Upgrade

Figure 7 Architecture Roadmap

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
To be sustainable in current business situation Customer Care Management must be able to adapt to the dynamic
business situation. Therefore, some improvement needed to be done to the business. One of solution is to employ
enterprise architecture to help company to determine better architecture for the enterprise.
TOGAF ADM is used to perform development of the enterprise architecture. This framework consists of several
architecture phases, they are: preliminary architecture, architecture vision, business architecture, information system
architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, and migration planning. This phase then produce
identification of current architecture, and based on that current architecture, target architecture is developed.
This research finds that business architecture is need improvement, it needs new services and processes,
especially in analytic services and improvement in policies and processes management. Furthermore, improvement
in data architecture is needed and some new entities are introduced to enrich the analytical application needed to
improve analytical services. Moreover, to be able to develop and maintain the target application technology
architecture also need to be improved. Then roadmap is being determined as explain in the discussion above.
Hopefully, this research could help analytic of Customer Care Management in telecommunication industry to
improve it business which may leads to higher benefit or value of the company.
5.2 Recommendation
As the end of the research, it is recommended to:
• Consider this research to be guidance of IT development in Analytic of Customer Care
• Continue the phase TOGAF ADM as necessary to establish enterprise architecture capabilities in the
Analytic of Customer Care Management
Bianchi, R., Schiavotto, D., & Svobod, D. (2014). Why companies should care about e-care | McKinsey &
Company. Retrieved from
Dwi, T. Y. P., Prasetyo, Y. A., & Hanafi, R. (2016). INFORMATION SYSTEM STRATEGIC PLANNING
Eckerson, W. W. (2010). Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business, Second
Jaelani, E. (2016). the Effect of Customer Relationship Management Toward Product Innovation At Football Distro
in Bandung.

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