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Important MCQ
• History
• Polity
• Geography
• Economics and Finance
• General Science and Computer (IT)
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
Indian History


1. Name the Greek Ambassador at the Chandragupta Mauryan Court.

1. Alexander 2. Megasthanese 3. Plato 4. Aristotle
Answer:- Megasthanese

2. Ashok spread Buddhism all over India and Ceylon by

1. Teaching the Triratn as 2. Sending the Dharma Mahamatras 3. Waging wars
4. Becoming a Buddhist Monk
Answer:- Sending the Dharma Mahamatras

3. Which of the following was not composed by Harshvardhana?

1. Harshcharitra 2. Nagnanda 3. Priyadarshika 4. Ratnavali
Answer:- Harshcharitra

4. The Harappa site is located on the bank of the river

1. Saraswati 2. Indus 3. Beas 4. Ravi
Answer:- Ravi

5. Which of the following dynasties succeededSungas?

1. Mughals 2. Kanvas 3. Chalukyas 4. Mauryans

6. The famous Sun Temple at Konark was built by

1. Prataparudra 2. Anantavarman 3. Narasimha-I 4.Narasimha-II
Answer:- Narasimha-I

7. The ancient name of Assam is

1. Pawa 2. Kamrupa 3. Pippalivan 4. Ramgram

8. Who is hailed as the “God of Medicine” by the practitioners of Ayurveda ?

1. Susruta 2. Chyavana 3. Dhanwantari 4. Charaka
Answer:- Dhanwantari

9. The title ‘Indian Napolean’ has been attached to

1. Chandra Gupta Maurya 2. Samudragupta 3. Chandragupta-I
4. Harshavardhana
Answer:- Samudragupta

10. Which one of the following sites of the Indus Valley Civilisation had an ancient dockyard?
1. Kalibangan 2. Lothal 3. Rangpur 4. Harappa
Answer:- Lothal
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11. Mahavira’s first disciple was
1. Bhadrabahu 2. Sthulabhadra 3. Charvaka 4.Jamali
Answer:- Jamali

12. The term 'Yavnapriya' mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted

1. Gold 2. Pepper 3. Salt 4. Silver
Answer:- Pepper

13. Which of the following Vedas contain magical charms and spells
1. Atharvaveda 2. Samveda 3. Rigveda 4. yajurveda

14. Both Buddhism and Jainism do not believe in

1. Soul 2. Ahimsa 3. God 4. Salvation
Answer:- God

15. The Nalanda University was founded by

1. Harsha Vardhana 2. Kumara Gupta 3. Samudra Gupta 4.Chandra Gupta
Answer:- Kumara Gupta

16. Ajanta paintings depict scenes from the

1. Ramayana 2. Mahabharata 3. Jatakas 4. Upanishads
Answer:- Jatakas

17. The first Shaka king in India was

1. Rudradaman 2. Menadar 3. Maues 4. Damanrudra
Answer:- Maues

18. Rajatarangini was written by

1. Kalhana 2. Alberuni 3. Harsha Vardhana 4. Kautilya
Answer:- Kalhana

19. Which dynasty immediately succeeded the Maurya dynasty and ruled Magadha Kingdom ?
1. Satavahana 2. Sunga 3. Nanda 4. Kanva

20. Who was the first ruler of Magadha?

1. Bindusara 2. Ashoka 3. Bimbisara 4. Ajatshatru
Answer:- Ajatshatru

21. Kalinga war took place in the year

1. 261 BC 2. 263 BC 3. 232 BC 4. 240 BC
Answer:- 261 BC

22. The Aryans came to India as_____________

1. Invaders 2. Refugees 3. Immigrants 4. Merchants
Answer:- Immigrants
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23. With which of the following is the classic "JivakaChintamani" in Tamil associated ?
1. Jainism 2. Buddhism 3. Hinduism 4. Christianity
Answer:- Jainism

24. Which among the following built the famous Khajuraho Temple?
1. The Chandella Kings 2. The Pala Kings 3.
4. The Jaina Monks of Central India
Answer:- The Chandella Kings

25. Who was the first known Gupta ruler?

1. Sri Gupta 2. Chandragupta I 3. Ghatotkacha 4. Kumaragupta I
Answer:-Sri Gupta

26. Great Stupa at Sanchi is in ___________

1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Arunachal Pradesh 4.Andhra Pradesh
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

27. Which of the following was not known during the Rigvedic period?
1. Joint Family System 2. Agriculture 3. Varna System (caste) 4. Marriage
Answer:- Joint Family System

28. Which among the following paid careful attention to the promotion and improvement of agriculture?
1. MohdTughlaq 2. FerozTughlaq 3. AllaudinKhilji 4. None of these
Answer:- AllaudinKhilji

29. Which of the following games was known to the Indus Valley people?
1. Chariot racing 2. Game of dice 3. Polo 4. Horse riding
Answer:- Game of dice

30. ‘Charak’ was the famous court physician of ____________

1. Harsha 2. Chandra Gupta Maurya 3. Ashoka 4. Kanishka
Answer:- Kanishka

31. The religion of early Vedic Aryans was primarily was __________
1. Worship of Nature and Yajnas 2. Bhakti 3. Image worship and Yajnas
4. Worship of Nature and Bhakti
Answer:- Worship of Nature and Yajnas

32. Who was the last Viceroy of India?

1. Lord Linlithgow 2. Lord Mountbatten 3. Lord Wavell 4. Clement Attlee
Answer:- Lord Mountbatten
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33. Who was the last Mauryan ruler?
1. Bindusara 2. Chandragupta Maurya 3. Devavarman 4. Brihadratha
Answer:- Brihadratha

34. Who was the founder of the Mauryanempire?

1. Ashoka 2. Bidusara 3. Chandragupta 4. Pushyamitra
Answer:- Chandragupta

35. Kalibangan is situated in ____________

1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Sindh 3. Rajasthan 4. Gujarat
Answer:- Rajasthan

36. Who among the following was a famous author of Sanskrit language?
1. Kalidas 2. Mirabai 3. Tulsidas 4. Jaidev
Answer:- Kalidas

37. The place where Lord Krishna explained the Philosophy of Bhagwad Gita is__________
1. Dwarka 2. Gokul 3. Kurukshetra 4.Mathura
Answer:- Kurukshetra

38. Harisena was the court poet of ____________

1. Samudragupta 2. Chandragupta II 3. Ramgupta 4. Ashoka
Answer:- Samudragupta

39. Who is called as the ‘Second Ashoka’?

1. Samudra Gupta 2. Chandra Gupta Mauiya 3. Kanishka 4.Harshavardhana
Answer:- Kanishka

40. The early Buddhist scriptures were composed in___________ :

1. Prakrit texts 2. Pali texts 3. Sanskrit texts 4. Pictographical texts
Answer:- Pali texts

41. Patanjali is well known for the compilation of __________

1. Ayurveda 2. Rigveda 3. Kalp sutra 4. Yoga Sutra
Answer:- Yoga Sutra

42. Who were the first to issue gold coins in India?

1. Indio Greeks 2. Mauryas 3. Guptas 4. Kushan
Answer:- Kushan

43. Which Gupta emperor took up the southern campaign?

1. Kumargupta 2. Ramgupta 3. Chandragupta II 4. Samudragupta
Answer:- Samudragupta

44. Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at __________

1. Pataliputra 2. Magadha 3. Kalinga 4. Sarnath
Answer:- Pataliputra
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
45. Who was the first Gupta king to take the title of 'Maharajadhiraj'?
1. Ghatotkacha 2. Srigupta 3. Samudragupta 4. ChandraguptaI

46. Which of the following Vedas provides information about the civilisation of the Early Vedic Age?
1. Rig-veda 2. Yajur-veda 3. Atharva-veda 4. Sama-veda

47. Who, according to the Buddhists, is believed to be the next incarnation of GautamBuddha ?
1. Atreya 2. Maitreya 3. Nagarjuna 4. Kalki

48. Mahavira was the _____________

1. 21stTirthankara 2. 24th Tirthankara 3. 23rd Tirthankara 4. 22nd Tirthankara
Answer:- 24th Tirthankara

49. The Gupta Saka was founded by______

1. Chandragupta I 2. Chandragupta II 3. Samudragupta 4.
Answer:- Chandragupta Is

50. The tutor of Alexander, the great was_______

1. Darius 2. Cyrus 3. Socrates 4. Aristotle
Answer:- Aristotle

51. The capital of Pallava dynasty was_______

1. Arcot 2. Kanchi 3. Malkhed 4.Banavasi
Answer:- Kanchi

52. During which Gupta King’s reign did the Chinese traveller Fa-Hien visit India?
1. Chandragupta I 2. Samudragupta 3. Chandragupta II 4.Kumaragupta
Answer:- Chandragupta II

53. In Maurya dynasty, Kalinga War took place in the year__________

1. 260 BC 2. 261 BC 3. 126 BC 4. 232 BC
Answer:- 261 BC

54. In which state was the Nalanda University located in India

1. Bengal 2. Bihar 3. Orissa 4. Uttar Pradesh
Answer:- Bihar

55. Buddha gave his first religious message at_________

1. Rajagriha 2. Pataliputra 3. Gaya 4. Sarnath
Answer:- Sarnath

56. Sarnath Stambh was built by________

1. Harshwardhan 2. Ashoka 3. Bindusar 4. Kanishka
Answer:- Ashoka
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
57. Buddhism in Nepal was introduced during the reign of________
1. Samudragupta 2. Ashoka 3. Chandragupta 4.Harshavardhana
Answer:- Ashoka

58. Who propounded the ‘Eight-Fold Path’ for the end of misery of mankind?
1. Mahavir 2. Gautama Buddha 3. Adi Shankaracharya 4. Kabir
Answer:- Gautama Buddha

59. Who wrote the ‘Harshacharita’?

1. Kalidasa 2. Banabhatta 3. Vishnugupta 4. Parimalgupta
Answer:- Banabhatta

60. Aryabhatta and Varahamihira belong to which age?

1. Maurya 2. Kushana 3. Gupta 4. Cholas
Answer:- Gupta

61. Kumarsambhavam describes the story of the birth of_____________:

1. Kartikeya 2. Pradyamna 3. Abhimanyu 4.Sanatkumara
Answer:- Kartikeya

62. The PrayagaPrasasti inscription is associated with which one of the following?
1. Mahapadmanand 2. Kanishka 3. Chandragupta II 4. Samudragupta
Answer:- Samudragupta

63. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were called____________:

1. Rupaka 2. Karshapana 3. Dinara 4.Pana
Answer:- Rupaka

64. In the Gupta inscription who has been called “Lichchhavi Dauhitra”?
1. Chandragupta I 2. Samudragupta 3. Chandragupta II
4. Skandgupta
Answer:- Samudragupta

65. Who among the following is known as the ‘Napoleon of India’?

1. Chandragupta Maurya 2. Samudragupta 3. Chandragupta II
4. Harshvardhan
Answer:- Samudragupta

66. The Huns invaded India during the reign of ____________

1. Chandragupta II 2. Kumargupta- I 3. Skandgupta
4. Budhagupta
Answer:- Skandgupta

67. Who among the following influenced Ashoka to adopt Buddhism?

1. Vishnu Gupta 2. Upa Gupta 3. Brahma Gupta 4.Chandragupta
Answer:- Upa Gupta
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68. Chankya was the chief advisor of which ruler ?
1. Ashok 2. Harshvardhan 3. Chandragupta Maurya 4.Kanishka
Answer:- Chandragupta Maurya

69. The word ‘SathyamevaJayate’ is taken from ______________

1. Yajur Veda 2. Mundaka Upanishad 3. Atharva Veda 4. Sam Veda
Answer:- Mundaka Upanishad

70. Which among the following has not been found in the excavation of Harappan sites ?
1. Drains and well 2. Fort 3. Reservoirs 4.Temple with Shikhar
Answer:- Temple with Shikhar

71. The most powerful Peshwa was ______________
1. Balaji Baji Rao 2. Baji Rao 3. Madhava Rao 4. Balaji Vishwanath
Answer:- Baji Rao

72. The first country which discovered sea route to India was ___________
1. Portugal 2. Dutch 3. French 4.Britain
Answer:- Portugal

73. Who among the following was known as the ‘Parrot of India?
1. Hussain Shah 2. Amir Khusrau 3. Barbak Shah 4. Nanak
Answer:- Amir Khusrau

74. Who among the following kings of Delhi was famous for his market reforms?
1. Akbar 2. Allaudin Khilji 3. Mohd Tughlaq 4. Malik Kafur
Answer:- Allaudin Khilji

75. The ‘Kirti Stambha’ (Tower of Victory) at Chittor was built by ________
1. Rana Pratap 2. Rana Kumbha 3. Rana Sanga 4. Bappa Raval
Answer:- Rana Kumbha

76. Goswami Tulsidas was a contemporary of _________

1. Akbar 2. Jahangir 3. Shahjehan 4. Aurangzeb
Answer:- Akbar

77. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between the _____ and _____.
1. Afghans and Marathas 2. Afghans and Sikhs 3. Marathas and Turks
4. Marathas and Mughals
Answer:- Afghans and Marathas
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
78. The Market Regulation system was introduced by____________
1. Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq 2. Iltutmish 3. Ala-ud-din Khilji
4. Ghias-ud-din
Answer:- Ala-ud-din Khilji

79. In which of the following towns is “Moti Masjid” situated ?

1. Delhi 2. Jaipur 3. Lahore 4. Ahmedabad
Answer:- Delhi

80. Which of the following is associated with Sufi saints ?

1. Tripitaka 2. Dakhma 3. Khanqah 4. Synagogue
Answer:- Khanqah

81. Who was the founder of Sufi order in India?

1. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti 2. Khwaja Bakhtiyar Kaki
3. Sheikh Nizamudin Auliya 4. None of the Above
Answer:-Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti

82. Akbar was crowned as emperor in the year _______

1. 1542 2. 1564 3. 1584 4. 1556
Answer:- 1556

83. Which of the following Sikh Gurus organized the Sikhs into a powerful military force?
1. Sri Guru TegBahadur 2. Guru Gobind Singh 3. Guru Hargobind
4. None of these
Answer:- Guru Hargobind Singh

84. Who among the following was a remarkably modern and scientific man / woman and took the
French officers’ help to train his / her army?
1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh 2. Tipu Sultan 3. Rani Lakshmi Bai
4. Swai Jai Singh
Answer:- Tipu Sultan

85. What was the official language of the Sultanate?

1. Persian 2. Urdu 3. Arabic 4. Hindi
Answer:- Persian

86. Akbar did not construct _______

1. Agra Fort 2. Allahabad Fort 3. PuranaQuila 4. Lahore Fort

87. The term khalisa in Mughal administration signified the?

1. Entire imperial establishment
2. Land owned by the emperor himself
3. Religious land grants
4. Land from where revenue was collected for the Imperial treasury
Answer:- Land owned by the emperor himself
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
88. The Sultan who described himself as The Second Alexander’ (Sikander-i-Sani) was
1. Balban 2. Alauddin Khilji 3. Muhammad bin Tughluq 4. Sikander Lodi
Answer:- Alauddin Khilji

89. The founder of the Lodi Dynasty was ______

1. Bahlul Khan Lodi 2. Sikandar Shah Lodi 3. Jalal Khan Lodi
4. Ibrahim Lodi
Answer:- Bahlul Khan Lodi

90. ‘Prithvirajraso’ was written by

1. Bhavabhuti 2. Jaideva 3. Chand Bardai 4. Banabhatta
Answer:- Chand Bardai

91. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between__________

1. Hemu and Akbar
2. Humayun and Sher Shah
3. Maratha and Ahmad Shah Abdali
4. Nadir Shah and Mughals
Answer:- Maratha and Ahmad Shah Abdali

92. Raziya Sultan was the daughter of

1. Iltutmish 2. Qutbuddin Aibak 3. Nasiruddin 4. Balban
Answer:- Iltutmish

93. Who built the Red Fort?

1. Sher Shah 2. Humayun 3. Akbar 4. Shah Jahan
Answer:- Shah Jahan

94. The Court language of the Mughals was: _______

1. Arabic 2. Hindi 3. Persian 4. Urdu
Answer:- Persian

95. Mansabdari System was introduced to Mughal administration by-

1. Shah Jahan 2. Akbar 3. Jehangir 4. Babur
Answer:- Akbar

96. Who established Ibadatkhana?

1. Humayun 2. Babur 3. Akbar 4. Shahjahan
Answer:- Akbar

97. The medieval Indian writer, who refers to the discovery of America is ___________
1. Malik Mohammad Jaysi 2. Amir Khusro 3. AbulFazal 4. Raskhan
Answer:- Abul Fazal

98. Which among the following was the capital of Shivaji?

1. Poona 2. Raigarh 3. Singhgarh 4. Panhala
Answer:- Raigarh
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99. Who destroyed the Somnath temple in Gujrat?
1. Mohammed Ghouri 2. Mahmud Ghaznavi 3. Changhez Khan 4. Taimur Lang
Answer:- Mahmud Ghaznavi

100. The Mir Bakshi of the Mughal Emperors was the head of
1. Intelligence 2. Foreign affairs 3. Army organisation 4. Finance
Answer:- Army organisation

101. Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the practice of 'Sijda'?
1. Balban 2. Muhammad Tughlaq 3. Alauddin Khilji 4. Firoz Tughlaq
Answer:- Balban

102. The ‘Din-i-Iiahi’ was founded by: ______

1. Akbar the Great 2. Jehangir 3. Aurangzeb 4. Tipu- Sultan
Answer:- Akbar the Great

103. The Sikh militaiy sect the Khal- sa’ was inti oduced by—
1. Har Rai 2. Harkishan 3. Har Gobind Singh 4. Tegh Bahadur
Answer:- Har Govind Singh

104. Akbar’s regent was _______

1. AbulFazal 2. his father 3. Bairam Khan
4. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana
Answer:- Bairam Khan

105. Who translated Ramayana into Persian ?

1. Abul Fazl 2. Badauni 3. Abdul Latif 4. Isar Das
Answer:- Badauni

106. Who took away the Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan?

1. Ahmed Shah Abdali 2. Nadir Shah 3. Changez Khan 4. Mahmud of Ghazni
Answer:- Nadir Shah

107. The Mughal General who forced Shivaji to sign the treaty of Purandar
1. Man Singh 2. Jai Singh 3. Jaswant Singh 4. Amrit Singh
Answer:- Jai Singh

108. Which medieval king was famous for his ruthless policy towards the clergy (the ulem1. ?
1. Balban 2. Aurangzeb 3. Jahangir 4. Mohammed Tughlaq
Answer:- Balban

109. The third battle of Panipat was fought in the year ______
1. 1761 2. 1865 3. 1757 4. 1526
Answer:- 1761
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
110. Akbar founded the Din-i-llahi primarily to ___________
1. Put 2. an end to the differences between Hindus and Muslims.
3. Establish a national religion, which would be acceptable to the Muslim and Hindus
4. Ensure racial and communal harmony
5. Found a religious club
Answer:- Ensure racial and communal harmony

111. The Muslim adventurer who destroyed the Nalanda University was
1. Alla-ud-din Khilji 2. Muhammad-bin-Tughlak 3. Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar
4. Muhammad-bin-Quasim
Answer:- Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar

112. In which battle Rana Sanga defeated Ibrahim Lodhi?

1. Battle of Khatoli 2. Battle of Chausa 3. Battle of Khanwa
4. Battle of Haldighati
Answer:- Battle of Khatoli

113. Which Sikh Guru called himself the ‘Sachcha Badshah’?

1. Guru Gobind Singh 2. Guru Hargovind 3. Guru Tegh Bahadur
4.Guru Aijan Dev
Answer:- Guru Hargovind

114. The Market regulation system was introduced by ________

1. M4. Bin Tughlaq 2. Iltutmish 3. Al-ud-din Khilji
4. Ghias- Ud- Din Khilji
Answer:- Al-ud-din Khilji

115. Alberuni Came to India with-

1. Muhmmed Gauri 2. Mahmmud Ghazni 3. Babur 4. None of these
Answer:- Mahmmud Ghazni

116. A monument resembling TajMahal was created byAurangzeb in __________

1. Ahmedabad 2. Aurangabad 3. Hoshangabad 4. Daulatabad
Answer:- Aurangabad

117. Who among the following Bahmani rulers built the famous Gol Gumbaj at Bijapur ?
1. Muhammad Adil Shall 2. Mahmud Gawan 3. Yusiuf Adil Shah
4. Ismail Adil Shah
Answer:- Muhammad Adil Shall

118. Tipu Sultan was the ruler of?

1. Mysore 2. Hyderabad 3. Madurai 4. Vijayanagar
Answer:- Mysore
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
119. A 16th century bilingual inscription was discovered adding a new dimension to the
QutbShahi history. Where was this inscription discovered?
1. Golconda Fort 2. Mehragarh Fort 3. BadaImambada
4. FatehpuriSikri
Answer:- Golconda Fort

120. Ain-i-Akbari was written by

1. Farishta 2. Ibn-Batuta 3. Abul Fazl 4. Birbal
Answer:- Abul Fazl

121. The last Mughal emperor was____________

1. Akbar 2. Babur 3. Bahadur Shah 4. None of these
Answer:- Bahadur Shah

122. BibikaMaqbara is located in which of these cities?

1. Hyderabad 2. Aligarh 3. Aurangabad 4. Ahemdabad
Answer:- Aurangabad

123. Who among the following was an illiterate?

1. Jahangir 2. Shah Jahan 3. Akbar 4. Aurangazeb
Answer:- Akbar

124. Who wrote ' HumayunNama’?

1. AbulFazal 2. Faizi 3. Gulbadan Begum 4. Badauni
Answer:- Gulbadan Begum

125. The outstanding achievement of Todar Mal was in the field of___________
1. Military Conquests 2. Revenue Administration 3. Religious Reforms
4. Art and Architecture
Answer:- Revenue Administration

126. Who was Akbar’s guardian?

1. AbusFazal 2. Tansen 3. Bairam Khan 4. Amir Khusru
Answer:- Bairam Khan

127. Presently, Daulatabad where Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq had transferred the capital from Delhi
is situated in which state?
1. U.P. 2. Maharashtra 3. Tamilnadu 4. None of these
Answer:- Maharashtra

128. Gol Gumbaz is in______________

1. Aurangabad 2. Hyderabad 3. Puri 4. Bijapur
Answer:- Bijapur

129. Nurjahan’s real name was____________

1. Mehr-un-Nissa 2. Mumtaz Mahal 3. Ladli Begum 4. Jahanara
Answer:- Mehr-un-Nissa
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130. Who among the following was defeated by Prithvi Raj Chauhan in the first battle of Tarain?
1. Balban 2. Muhammed Ghori 3. Mahmud of Ghazni
4. Iitutmish
Answer:- Muhammed Ghori

131. The third Battle of Panipat was fought between__________

1. The Marathas and the Afghans 2. the Marathas and the Mughals
3. The Mughals and the Afghans 4. the Marathas and the Rajputs
Answer:- the Marathas and the Afghans

132. Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar was defeated by the Mughal army in the battle of__________
1. Mewar 2. Chittor 3. Haldighati 4. Udaipur
Answer:- Haldighati

133. Who got the Gita translated into Persian?

1. Shah Jahan 2. Akbar 3. Murad 4. DaraShikoh
Answer:- DaraShikoh

134. The Home Rule League was started by

1. M.K. Gandhi 2. 2. G. Tilak 3. Ranade 4. K.T. Telang
Answer:- 2. G. Tilak

135. Qutab Minar, as we find at present, was finally re-built by________

1. Balban 2. Alauddin Khilji 3. Sikandar Lodhi 4. Firoz Tughlaq
Answer:- Firoz Tughlaq

136. Sultana Razia Begum was the daughter of_________

1. Balban 2. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak 3. Iltutmish 4. Rukn-ud-din
Answer:- Iltutmish

137. ‘Lakh Baksh’ was a title given to the ruler

1. Iltutmish 2. Balban 3. Raziya 4. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
Answer:- Qutub-ud-din Aibak

138. The only Hindu Courtier of Akbar who accepted Din-i-IIhai was__________
1. Todermal 2. Birbal 3. Tansen 4. Man Singh
Answer:- Birbal

139. Which one of the following was not constructed by QutubuddinAibak?

1. Kubbat-ul-Islam mosque 2. Qutub Minar 3. Adhai Din Ka Jhopada 4.Alai
Answer:- Alai Darwaja

140. The city of Jaunpur was founded by_____________

1. Mohmmad Bin Tughlaq 2. Firoz Shah Tughlaq 3. Ibrahim Lodi
4. Sikandar Lodi
Answer:- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
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141. Which Sultan of Delhi assumed the title of Alexander the Great?
1. Balban 2. Alauddin Khilji 3. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
4. Sikandar Lodi
Answer:- Alauddin Khilji

142. Which Sultan of Delhi is said to have followed the Policy of “Blood and Iron”?
1. Jalaluddin Khilji 2. Alauddin Khilji 3. Balban 4. Iitutmish
Answer:- Balban

143. Who of the following was the first woman ruler of medieval India?
1. Razia Sultan 2. Chand Bibi 3. Durgavati 4. Noorjahan
Answer:- Razia Sultan

144. The foreign traveller who visited and described Vijayanagar soon after its fall in the battle of
Talikota, was______________
1. AbdurRazzak 2. Ceasar Frederick 3. Nicolo Conti 4. Nuniz
Answer:- Ceasar Frederick

145. The first dynasty of the Vijayanagar Kingdom was_________

1. Hoyasala 2. Sangama 3. Saluva 4. Tuluva
Answer:- Sangama

146. Gita Govinda was written by________

1. Jayant 2. Jayadeva 3. Jayasimha 4. Jayachandra
Answer:- Jayadeva

147. Buland Darwaza at FatehpurSikri was built by Akbar to commemorate his victory over which
1. Sindh 2. Punjab 3. Gujarat 4. Mewar
Answer:- Gujarat

148. Somnath temple in Gujrat was destroyed by. ________

1. Mohammed Ghouri 2. Mahmud Ghaznavi 3. Changhez Khan
4. Taimur Lan
Answer:- Mahmud Ghaznavi

149. Which of the following Mughal Emperors wrote their own autobiographies?
1. ShahAlam and FarukhSiyar
2. Babar and Jahangir
3. Jahangir and Shah Jahan
4. Akbar and Aurangzeb
Answer:- Babar and Jahangir

150. Who is consider as the chief architect of Tajmahal ?

1. Makramat Khan 2. Mohamad Khan 3. Ahmad Lahauri 4. Ahmad
Answer:- Ahmad Lahauri
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151. . Who got constructed ‘Grand Trunk Road’ ?
1. Akbar 2. Ashoka 3. Shershah Suri 4. Samudra Gupta
Answer:- Shershah Suri

152. Who among the following was responsible for the revival of Hinduism in 19th century?
1. Swami Dayanand 2. Swami Vivekanand 3. Guru Shankaracharya
4. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Answer:- Swami Vivekanand

153. The first woman President of Indian National congress was

1. Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya 2. Sarojini Naidu 3. Annie Besant
4. Ramkumar Amrit Kaur
Answer:- Annie Besant

154. Who succeeded Guru Nanak ?

1. Guru Angad 2. GuruRamdas 3. Guru Aijan 4. Guru Hargobind
Answer:- Guru Angad

155. Mahatma Gandhi launched the legendary “Quit India” struggle on____________
1. 8th August, 1942 2. 9th August, 1942 3. 8th August, 1945
4. 9th August 1945
Answer:- 9th August, 1942

156. The All-India HarijanSewak Sangh was established during the pre-independence era
1. Dr. Ambedkar 2. JyotibaiPhule 3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. N.M. Lokhanday
Answer:- Mahatma Gandhi

157. The ‘Sarvodaya’ movement was started by_____________

1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Jayaprakash Narayan 3. VinobaBhave 4. J L Nehru
Answer:- VinobaBhave

158. The Cabinet Mission was sent to India to__________

A. Establish a national government
B. To work out a process for the transfer of power
C. To discuss Jinnah’s demand for Pakistan
1. A and B 2. B and C 3. A B and C 4. B only
Answer: 1 and 2

159. “The Grand Old Man of India” is a title given to__________

1. Gandhiji 2. Dada BhaiNauroji 3. C. R. Dass 4. Justice Ranade
Answer:- Dada BhaiNauroji
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160. Who is referred to as the “Deenbandhu”?
1. A. O. Hume 2. Stafford Cripps 3. C. F. Andrews 4. Lord Rippon
Answer:- C. F. Andrews

161. Who founded the Naujawan Bharat Sabha?

1. 2. 3. Pal 2. G. Subramania Iyer 3. Sardar Bagat Singh
Rukmani Lakshmipath
Answer:- Sardar Bagat Singh

162. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

1. Lord Ripon – Subsidiary Alliance
2. Lord Wellesley – Doctrine of Lapse
3. Lord William Bentick – Abolition of Sati
4. Lord Dalhouse – Partition of Bengal
Answer: Lord William Bentick – Abolition of Sati

163. The Battle of Plassey was fought in____________

1. 1757 2. 1782 3. 1748 4. 1764
Answer:- 1757

164. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on

1. March 10, 1930 2. March 20,1931 3. March 12, 1930
4. March 5, 1931
Answer:- March 5, 1931

165. At which place did Gandhi ji had the first experience of a mass-movement in India?
1. Bardoli 2. Dandi 3. ChauriChaura 4. Champaran
Answer:- Champaran

166. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Moh4. Ghori in the battle of

1. Tarain in 1191 1. 4. 2. Tarain in 1192 1. 4. 3. Chandawar in 1193 1.
4. Ranthambhor in 1195 1. 4.
Answer:- Tarain in 1192 1. 4.

167. Why were the Indians dissatisfied with the Simon Commission?
1. Because no Indian was taken as a member of the Commission
2. Because Indians never wanted the review of the working of Act of 1919
3. Because it recommended that Dyarchy in the provinces should be abolished
4. None of the above
Answer:- Because no Indian was taken as a member of the Commission

168. How many spokes are there in the Dharma Chakra of the National flag?
1. 22 2. 18 3. 24 4. 14
Answer:- 24
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169. Who among the following led the agitation against the Partition of Bengal (1905)?
1. Surendranath Banerjee
2. R.Das
3. Ashutosh Mukherjee
4. Rabindra Nath Tagore
Answer:- Surendranath Banerjee

170. Who was called the “Father of Local Self-government” in India?

1. Lord Ripon 2. Lord Hardinge 3. Lord Dalhousie 4. Lord Lytton
Answer:- Lord Ripon

171. The statement “I am a socialist and a republican and am no believer in Kings and Princes” is
associated with_________
1. Narendra Dev 2. Achyut Patwardhan 3. Jai Prakash Narayan 4. JawaharLal Nehru
Answer:- JawaharLal Nehru

172. Who founded the ‘Theosophical Society’?

1. Madame H.P.Blavatsky 2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy 3. Mahatma Gandhi
Swami Vivekananda
Answer:- Madame H.P.Blavatsky

173. Pakistan Resolution adopted by Muslim League in 1940 is also known as__________
1. Lahore Resolution 2. Karachi Resolution 3. Delhi Resolution
Bombay Resolution
Answer:- Lahore Resolution

174. Who among the following is known as the “Father of the Indian Renaissance”?
1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
2. RabindraNath Tagore
3. Swami Dayanand Saraswati
4. Swami Vivekanand
Answer:- Raja Ram Mohan Roy

175. Find the Incorrect pair?

1. Simon Commission-1927 2. Salt satyagraha-1930 3. Gandhi-Irwin Pact-1931
4. Quit India Movement-1941
Answer:- Quit India Movement-1941

176. Under which of the following systems, the British government collected revenue directly
from the farmers?
1. Ryotwari 2. Mahalwari 3. Zamindari 4. none of the above
Answer:- Ryotwari

177. Who was regarded by Gandhiji as his political Guru?

1. Lala Lajpat Rai 2. Bipin Chandra Pal 3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
4. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer:- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
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178. Why did Mahatma Gandhi support the Khilafat movement?
1. The khalifa had given shelter to Indian revolutionaries
2. Gandhiji wanted to win the support of the Indian Muslims against the British
3. The khalifa supported Indian struggle for freedom
4. The Khalifa was a Personal friend of Gandhiji
Answer:- Gandhiji wanted to win the support of the Indian Muslims against the British

179. Who was the Prime Minister of England at the time of India’s Independence?
1. Winston Churchill 2. Lord Mountbatten 3. Alfred Powell
4. Clement

180. Who emphasized democratization of local administration of India?

1. Charles Metcalf 2. Lord Mayo 3. Lord Ripon 4. Lord Dufferin
Answer:- Lord Ripon

181. Who was called the ‘Iron Man’ ?

1. J.L.Nehru 2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 3. Mahatma Gandhi 4. Subhas Chandra Bose
Answer:- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

182. When did Royal Indian Navy Revolt in Bombay take place?
1. 1942 2. 1944 3. 1945 4. 1946

183. Bengal was partitioned in 1905 under the viceroyalty of_________

1. Lord Curzon 2. Lord Dufferin 3. Lord Hardings 4. Lord Minto
Answer:- Lord Curzon

184. The first Governor General of the East India Company in India was_________
1. Robert Clive 2. Sir John Shore 3. Warren Hastings 4. None of these
Answer:- None of these (it was Lord William Bentinck)

185. Who propounded the theory of ‘Drain of wealth’ from India to Great Britain ?
1. Gopal Krishana Gokhale 2. Dadabahai Naoroji 3. Surendranth Banerjee
4. Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer:- Dadabahai Naoroji

186. Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences?
1. Jawaharlal Nehru 2. B. R.Ambedkar 3. Vallabhbhai Patel
4. Rajendra Prasad
Answer:- B. R. Ambedkar

187. Who among the following had led the Swadeshi Movement in Delhi?
1. Balgangadhar Tilak 2. Ajit Singh 3. LalaLajpatRai
4. Syed HaiderRaza
Answer:- Syed HaiderRaza
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188. The First Indian Governor General of Independent India was______
1. C Rajagopalachari 2. Surinder Nath 3. Rajendra Prasad
4. B. R. Ambedkar
Answer:- C Rajagopalachari

189. What are the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909 known for?

1. Separate Electorates 2. Provincial Dyarchy 3. Provincial Autonomy
4. Federalism
Answer:- Separate Electorates

190. Who was the first propounder of the Doctrine of Passive Resistance?
1. 2. G. Tilak 2. Aurobindo Ghosh 3. Lajpat Rai 4. G. K. Gokhale
Answer:- Aurobindo Ghosh

191. ‘Royal Asiatic Society’ was founded by_____________

1. Sir William Jones 2. Sir John Marshall 3. R. D. Banerjee
4. Henry' Thomas Colebrooke
Answer:- Henry' Thomas Colebrooke

192. Simon Commission was boycotted by the nationalist leaders of India because:
1. They felt that it was only eyewash
2. All the members of the Commission were English
3. The members of the Commission were biased against Indi1.
4. It did not meet the demands of the Indians
Answer:- All the members of the Commission were English

193. The ‘Permanent Settlement’ was made with_________

1. Zamindars 2. Village communities 3. Muqaddamas 4. Peasants
Answer: Zamindars

194. Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held?
1. Lucknow 2. Calcutta 3. Bombay 4. Madras
Answer:- Bombay

195. Who started the Home Rule Movement?

1. Annie Beasant 2. Padmaja Naidu 3. Kami a Devi Chattopadyaya
4. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur
Answer:- Annie Beasant

196. Who among the following was famous for framing the education minute?
1. Lord Elgin 2. Lord Macaulay 3. Sadler 4. None of these
Answer:- Lord Macaulay

197. Who, among the following, abolished the Dual System of Government in Bengal?
1. Lord Clive 2. Lord Cornwallis 3. Spencer 4. Lord Warren Hastings
Answer:- Lord Warren Hastings
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198. The joint session of the Congress and Muslim League was held in 1916 at____________
1. Delhi 2. Kanpur 3. Lucknow 4. Madras
Answer:- Lucknow

199. In whose reign was English education introduced in India?

1. Lord William Bentinck 2. Lord Hardinge 3. Lord Minto
4. Lord Dalhousie
Answer: Lord William Bentinck

200. Which one of the following personalities is known as ‘Grand Old Man of India’?
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 2. Dadabhai Naoroji 3. Motilal Nehru
4. Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer:- Dadabhai Naoroji

201. According to Dadabhai Naoroji ‘Swaraj’ meant_____________

1. Complete independence 2. Self-government
3. Economic independence 4. Political independence
Answer:- Self government

202. Who was the founder-editor of the famous newspaper ‘Kesari’ during the National Struggle?
1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Jawaharlal Nehru 3. Lokmanya Tilak
4.Muhammad Iqbal
Answer:- Lokmanya Tilak

203. First Indian Commander-in-Chief was

1. Gen. K. S. Thimayya 2. Gen. K.M. Kariappa 3. S.H.F.J. Manekshaw
4. None of the above
Answer:- Gen. K.M. Kariappa

204. Jawaharlal Nehru declared 'Poorna Swaraj' at:________

1. Surat (1907) 2. Belgaum(1924. 3. Lahore (1929)
4. Tripuri(1939) 5. Calcutta (1938)
Answer:- Lahore (1929)

205. Who among the following gave the slogan 'Jai Hind'_______
1. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 2. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 3. Indira Gandhi
4. Subhash Chandra Bose
Answer:- Subhash Chandra Bose

206. JalianwalaBagh Tragedy took place in the year________

1. 1919 2. 1925 3. 1929 4. 1909

207. Most of the Chola temples were dedicated to ________

1. Vishu 2. Shiva 3. Brahma 4. Durga
Answer:- Shiva
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208. Who among the following had repealed the Vernacular Press Act?
1. Lord Lytton 2. Lord Ripon 3. Lord Dufferin 4. Lord Lansdowne
Answer:- Lord Ripon

209. The number of delegates who attended the first session of the Indian National Congress, held
in Bombay in 1885, was_________
1. 72 2. 304 3. 556 4. 1500
Answer:- 72

210. Who said, “Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it”?
1. Gopal Krishna Gokhale 2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3. Bipin Chandra Pal
4. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- Bal Gangadhar Tilak

211. The 1909 Indian Council Act is also known as ___________

1. The Chelmsford Reforms 2. The Pitts India Act 3. The August offer
4. The Minto-Marley Reforms
Answer:- The Minto-Marley Reforms

212. On which one of the following dates Jawahar Lal Nehru unfurl the tri-colour national flag on
the banks of the Ravi as the clock struck the midnight?
1. 31st December, 1929 2. 26th January, 1930 3. 31st December, 1931
4. 26th January, 1933
Answer:- 31st December, 1929

213. Who said that “India’s soul lives in villages”?

1. VinobaBhave 2. Jayaprakash Narayan 3. Jawahar Lai Nehru
4. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- Mahatma Gandhi

214. The first Governor-General of Bengal was

1. Lord Clive 2. Lord Warren Hastings 3. Lord John Shore 4. Lord Cornwallis
Answer:- Lord Warren Hastings

215. Bal, Pal and Lal were the most prominent leaders of the:
1. Swaraj Party 2. Militant National Party 3. Gadar Party 4. Congress Party
Answer:- Congress Party

216. 234. Lord Dalhousie annexed Oudh for the British Empire in India
1. Through policy of subsidiary alliance 2. through doctrine of lapse
3. As the State being malad ministered 4. through waging a war
Answer:- As the State being malad ministered

217. ‘Deshbandhu’ is the title of____________

1. B. R. Ambedkar 2. C. R. Das 3. 2. 3. Pal 4. Rabindranath Tagore
Answer:- C. R. Das
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218. Who among the following was associated with Kakori Conspiracy Case?
1. Abul Kalam Azad 2. Shahnawaz Khan 3. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
4. Asfaqulla
Answer:- Asfaqulla

219. Who among the following was NOT known as a moderate in the National Movement?
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 2. DadabhaiNaoroji 3. M.G. Ranade
4.Gopal Krishna Gokhle
Answer:- Bal Gangadhar Tilak

220. Who among the following, rejected the title of ‘Knight hood’ and refused to accept a position
in the council of the Secretary of State for India?
1. Motilal Nehru 2. M.G. Ranade 3. G.K. Gokhle 4.2. G. Tilak
Answer:- G.K. Gokhle

221. The introduction of local self-government in the modern period of India is associated with the
administration of______________--
1. Lord Ripon 2. Lord Irwin 3. Lord Dufferin 4. Lord Canning
Answer:- Lord Ripon

222. Rabindranath Tagore gave up his knighthood in response to__________

1. Partition of Bengal 2. Press Act of 1910 3. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
4.Salt Laws
Answer:- Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

223. Which of the following Governor Generals is associated with Doctrine of Lapse?
1. Lord Ripon 2. Lord Dalhousie 3. Lord Wellesley
4.Lord Canning
Answer:- Lord Dalhousie

224. Who among the following started the Home Rule League?
1. MotiLal Nehru 2. Nana Deshmukh 3. B G Tilak 4.Subhash
Chandra Bose
Answer:- B G Tilak

225. The partition of Bengal was done during the tenure of. _____________.
1. Lord Dalhousie 2. Lord Wellesley 3. Lord Curzon 4.Lord Canning
Answer:- Lord Curzon

226. After Gandhiji’s arrest, who replaced him as leader of the Salt Satyagraha?
1. Abbas Tyabji 2. Rajendra Prasad 3. LalaLajpatRai
4.Vallabhbhai Patel
Answer:- Abbas Tyabji

227. The capital was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi during the tenure of. ________________.
1. Lord Minto 2. Lord Hardinge 3. Lord Curzon 4. Lord Canning
Answer:- Lord Hardinge
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228. Who was the first Governor General was of free India?
1. C. Rajagopalachari 2. Rajendra Prasad 3. Lord Mountbatten
4. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
229. Answer:- Lord Mountbatten

230. The Sarvodaya Movement was initiated by

1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. J P Narayan 3. VinobaBhave
4. Bhagat Singh
Answer:- VinobaBhave

231. The title Punjab Kesari was conferred on?

1. Lala Lajpat Rai 2. Sardar Baldev Singh 3. Bhagat Singh 4.Ranjit Singh
Answer:- Lala Lajpat Rai

232. Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?

1. Anand Mohan Bose 2. W.C. Bannerji 3. A. O. Hume 4. William Adam
Answer:- O. Hume

233. Who founded Slave dynasty?

1. Razia Begum 2. altamash 3. Ibrahim Lodhi
4. Qutbuddin Aibak
Answer:- Qutbuddin Aibak

234. Who gave the slogan: Do or Die?

1. Bhagat Singh 2. Nehru 3. Subhash Chandra Bose 4. MK Gandhi
Answer:- MK Gandhi

235. KAKORI TRAIN ROBBERY was happened in which year?

1. 1929 2. 1927 3. 1925 4. 1919
Answer:- 1925

236. Who was the First Indian to make a solo air flight?
1. JRD Tata 2. Dhirubhai Ambani 3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Subhash Chand Bose
Answer:- JRD Tata

237. “Long Walk to Freedom” is the autobiography of which one of the following Bharat Ratna
1. Jawaharlal Nehru 2. S. Radhakrishnan 3. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
4. Nelson Mandela
Answer:- Nelson Mandela

238. Chipko movement was basically against

1. Water pollution 2. Noise pollution 3. Deforestation
4. Cultural pollution
Answer:- Deforestation
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239. Which freedom fighter authored the book Discovery of India ?
1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. BalGangadhr Tilak 3. Rabindra Nath Tagore
4. Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer:- Jawaharlal Nehru

240. Which novel Rabindra Nath Tagore won the Noble Prize for?
1. Rajashi 2. Rupanjali 3. Gitanjali 4.Meghadutam
Answer:- Gitanjali

241. Arrange the following events in the order of their chronology: 1. August Offer 2. Poona
Pact 3. Third Round Table Conference Choose the correct option:
1. 1-2-3 2. 2-3-1 3. 2-1-3 4. 2-1-3
Answer:- 2-3-1

242. Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and social
1. Ramakrishna Paramahansa 2. Swami Dayananda Saraswati
3. Swami Vivekananda 4. Blavatsky and Olcott
Answer:- Swami Vivekananda.

243. The revolutionary organisation ‘Abhinav Bharat Society’ was founded in 1904 by_________
1. Bhagat Singh 2. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
3. Barindra Kumar Ghosh 4. PulinBehari Das
Answer:- Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

244. Who among the following was popularly known as the ‘Frontier Gandhi’?
1. HasratMohani 2. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
3. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 4. Iqbal Khan
Answer:- Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

245. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a great 19th Century Social Reformer who waged a struggle
for/against which of the following social cause?
1. Education of Women 2. Widow Remarriage 3. Abolition of Sati
4. Untouchability
Answer:- Widow Remarriage

246. ‘New India’ and ‘Commonweal’ newspapers were started by_______ :

1. Madan Mohan Malviya 2. S.SubramaniyamIyer 3. Annie Besant
4. Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer:- Annie Besant

247. The only session of Indian National Congress which was presided by Mahatma Gandhi was
held at:
1. Belgaum 2. Faizpur 3. Allahabad 4. Karachi
Answer:- Belgaum
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248. Who among the following founded the Depressed Classes Mission of India?
1. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar 2. VitthalRamji Shinde 3. AnnabhauSathe
Answer:- VitthalRamji Shinde

249. Who among the following is called the father of Nationalism in India?
1. Raja Rammohan Roy 2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Dadabhai Naoroji A
Answer:- Raja Rammohan Roy

250. Which among the following was the immediate cause of Quit India Movement?
1. Withdrawal of British from South East Asia 2. Failure of Cripps Mission
3. Failure of August Offer 4. Arrest of Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- Failure of Cripps Mission

251. Who among the following was the President of Indian National Congress at the time of
1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad 2. JB Kriplani 3. Dr. BhimraoAmedkar 4. Jawahar
Lal Nehru
Answer:- JB Kriplani

252. Ahalyabai, the saintly queen of Maheshwar (Central Indi1. belonged to which dynasty?
1. Scindhya dynasty 2. Peshwa dynasty 3. Holkar dynasty
4. Rajput dynasty
Answer:- Holkar dynasty

253. Who among the following was popularly known as ‘Lokahitawadi’?

1. JyotibaPhule 2. Pt. Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar 3. GopalHari Deshmukh
4. Mahadev Govind Ranade
Answer:- GopalHari Deshmukh

254. Who among the following established the Tattvabodhini Sabha in 1839 at Calcutta (Now
Kolkat1. ?
1. Keshab Chandra Sen 2. Debendra Nath Tagore 3. Rammohan Roy
4. SivanathaSasri
Answer:- Debendra Nath Tagore

255. Which of the following is associated with the Young Bengal Movement?
1. Derozians 2. Mitra Bandhu 3. Native marriage Act 4. Bethune School
Answer:- Derozians

256. Who among the following establishes the Mukti Mission in Pune?
1. PanditaRamabai 2. Swami Dayanand Saraswati 3. SavitribaiPhule 4.
Answer:- Pandita Ramabai
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257. Who among the following founded the Nirankari Movement?
1. Baba Dyal Singh 2. Baba Ram Singh 3. Mahmud Hasan 4.
Answer:- Baba Dyal Singh

258. With whose permission did the English set up their first factory in Surat?
1. Akbar 2. Jahangir 3. Shahjahan 4. Aurangzeb
Answer:- Jahangir

259. All India HarijanSangha established in?

1. 1930 2. 1931 3. 1932 4. 1933
Answer:- 1932

260. Azad Hind was created with the assistance of__________

1. USA 2. Russia 3. Japan 4. China
Answer:- Japan

261. The French Revolution took place in the year__________

1. 1786 2. 1787 3. 1788 4. 1789
Answer:- 1789

262. I n which of the following years, 26th January was celebrated as an independence day?
1. 1930 2. 1929 3. 1942 4. 1946
Answer:- 1930

263. Sati was prohibited by___________

1. Warren Hastings 2. Lord Wellesley 3. Lord William Bentinck 4. Lord Dalhousie
Answer:- Lord William Bentinck
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Indian Polity
264. The main feature of the Federal State is
1. Decentralisation 2. Centralisation 3. Theory of separation of powers
Answer:- Decentralisation

265. Who admits a new State to the Union of India?

1. President 2. Supreme Court 3. Prime Minister 4.Parliament
Answer:- President

266. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act” was enacted in
1. 1986 2. 1956 3. 2013 4. 2012
Answer:- 2012

267. Comptroller and Auditor General of India acts as a friend, Philosopher and Guide for.
1. Public Accounts Committee 2. Estimates Committee 3. Finance Ministry
4.Committee on Public Undertakings
Answer:- Public Accounts Committee

268. Which of the following constitutional Amendment Act, deals with the Elementary Education
as a Fundamental Right?
1. 76th Amendment Act 2. 78th amendment act 3. 86th amendment act
4. 92nd amendment act
Answer:- 86th Amendment Act

269. The concept of “Rule of Law” is a special feature of constitutional system of

1. Britain 2. U.S1. 3. France 4. Switzerland
Answer:- Britain

270. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt National Anthem ?

1. 25th January 1950 2. 26th January 1950 3. 24th January 1950 4.29th
January 1950
Answer:- 24th January 1950

271. Section of IPC, which deals with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community is:
1. 377 2. 376 3. 370 4. None of these
Answer:- 377

272. The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by _________

1. Elected members of the Legislative council
2. Elected members of the Legislative Assembly
3. Elected members of the Lok Sabha
4. Elected Chief Ministers of States
Answer:- Elected members of the Legislative Assembly

273. The Indian Judiciary is headed by:

1. The president 2. The prime minister 3. The supreme court 4.
The parliament
Answer:- The supreme court
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274. In the 42nd Constitutional Amendment 1976, which word was added to the Preamble?
1. Republic 2. Secular 3. Democratic 4. Socialist
Answer:- Secular

275. What is the maximum gap permissible between two sessions of Parliament ?
1. One month 2. Three months 3. Six months 4. Twelvemonths
Answer:- Six months

276. Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the Parliament to regulate right of citizenship?
1. Article 8 2. Article 9 3. Article 10 4. Article 11
Answer:- Article 11

277. Which of the following Article of Indian Constitution deals with the Right to Equality before
1. Article 45 2. Article 35 3. Article 14 4. Article 22
Answer:- Article 14

278. Which Article empowers the President to impose Financial Emergency ?

1. Article 356 2. Article 364 3. Article 352 4. Article 360
Answer:- Article 360

279. The term of a Governor is

1. 4 Years 2. 5 Years 3. 6 Years 4. 3 Years
Answer 5 Years

280. President of India can be removed from his office by

1. Prime Minister of India 2. Chief Justice of India 3. Parliament 4. Lok
Answer:- Parliament

281. Subordinate courts are supervised by

1. Supreme Court 2. District Court 3. High Court 4. Parliament
Answer:- High court

282. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for equal opportunities for all citizen in Public
employment ?
1. Article-22 2. Article-16 3. Article-20 4. Article-25
Answer:- Article-16

283. National Income of India is compiled by

1. Finance Commission 2. Indian Statistical Institute 3. National Development
Council 4. Central Statistical Organization
Answer:- Central Statistical Organization

284. In which part of the Indian Constitution, the fundamental duties are enshrined ?
1. IV A 2. IV B 3. V 4. IV
Answer:- IV A
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285. Indian Citizenship is granted by
1. The President of India 2. The Prime Minister
3. The Ministry of Home Affairs 4. The Ministry of External Affairs
Answer:- the Ministry of Home Affairs

286. Dual citizenship is an important feature in which form of government?

1. Parliamentary 2. Federal 3. Unitary 4. Authoritarian
Answer:- Federal

287. The Chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDM1. is

1. National Security Advisor 2. Prime Minister of India 3. Chief of DRDO
4. Home Minister of India
Answer:- Prime Minister of India

288. The Anti-Defection Law was passed by the Indian Parliament in the year
1. 1986 2. 1988 3. 19844. 1985
Answer:- 1985

289. When the offices of the President and Vice -President fall vacant simultaneously, who acts as
1. Prime Minister of India 2. The Chief Justice of India 3. The Speaker of Lok
4. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Answer:- The Chief Justice of India

290. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha can be removed from his office by
1. The President 2. The Prime Minister 3. a resolution passed by both Houses of
4. a resolution passed by the Lok Sabha
Answer:- a resolution passed by the Lok Sabha

291. Zero hour is at the discretion

1. Prime Minister 2. Speaker 3. Opposition leader 4. President
Answer:- Speaker

292. What does Section 124A of Indian Penal Code deal with?
1. Atrocity against women 2. Sedition 3. Crime for demanding dowry
4. Atrocity against SC / ST
Answer:- Sedition

293. The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is _______.
1. 21 years 2. 25 years 3. 30 years 4. 35 years
Answer:- 30 years

294. India is a secular state because in our country:

1. state has no religion 2. religion has been abolished 3. state patronises a particular religion
4.None of these
Answer:- state has no religion
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295. The largest committee of Parliament of India is
1. Public Accounts Committee 2. Estimates Committee 3. Committee on Public
4. Joint Parliamentary Committee
Answer:- Estimates Committee

296. Which of the following State / UT has unicameral legislature?

1. Tamil Nadu 2. Punjab 3. Sikkim 4. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer:- Sikkim

297. Who proposed the Preamble before the drafting committee of the Constitution ?
1. Jawaharlal Nehru 2. 2. R. Ambedkar 3. 2. N. Rao 4. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- Jawaharlal Nehru

298. Who is the first law officer of the country?

1. Chief Justice of India 2. Attorney General 3. Law Minister 4. Solicitor
Answer:- Attorney General

299. “Not to destroy the Government property” is a

1. Positive duty 2. Legal duty 3. Civil duty 4. Negative duty
Answer:- Civil duty

300. The term of office of the Vice-President of India is

1. 4 years 2. 5 years 3. 2 years 4. 6 years
Answer:- 5 years

301. Who was responsible for the integration of princely states into the Indian Union after
1. Sri Rajagopalachari 2. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 3. Sardar Vallabh Bhai
4. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
Answer:- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

302. A motion moved by Member of Parliament when he feels a minister has committed a breach
of privilege of the House by withholding facts of a case is called
1. No confidence motion 2. Censure motion 3. Privilege motion 4. Cut
Answer:- Privilege motion

303. What is the maximum age limit prescribed for the post of the President of India ?
1. 58 years 2. 60 years 3. 62 years 4. There is no maximum age limit
Answer:- There is no maximum age limit

304. Which one of the following was established with a definite provision under an Article of the
Constitution of India?
1. Union Public Service Commission 2. National Human Rights Commission
3. Election Commission 4. Central Vigilance Commission
Answer:- Election commission
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305. ‘Equality before law’ in India is derived from
1. Case Law 2. Political Conventions 3. Constitution 4. Gandhian Philosophy
Answer:- Constitution

306. A person can become a citizen of India even if born outside India if his/her:
1. Father or mother is a citizen of India at the time of the person’s birth
2. Mother is a citizen of India
3. Father is a citizen of India at the time of the person’s birth
4. Father is a citizen of India
Answer:- Father or mother is a citizen of India at the time of the person’s birth

307. Which of the following rights was described by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as ‘The Heart and Soul
of the Constitution’?
1. Right of Freedom of Religion 2. Right to religious freedom 3. Right to
Right to Constitutional Remedies
Answer:- Right to Constitutional Remedies

308. Which one of the following is a human right as well as a fundamental right under the
Constitution of India?
1. Right to Information 2. Right to Education 3. Right to Work
4. Right to Housing
Answer:- Right to Education

309. Which Article of the Constitution envisages free and compulsory education for children upto
the age of 14 years?
1. Article 32 2. Article 19 s 3. Article 29 4. Article 45
Answer:- Article 45

310. Which language is not recognized in the 8th Schedule though it is an official language of a
1. Sindhi 2. English 3. Sanskrit 4. Kashmiri
Answer:- English

311. Under which Article of the Constitution is the President’s rule promulgated on any State in
1. 352 2. 356 3. 360 4. 370
Answer:- 356

312. National Emergency has been declared so far:

1. Once 2. Thrice 3. Twice 4. Four times
Answer:- Thrice

313. Who administers the oath of office to the President?

1. Chief Justice of India 2. Speaker of Lok Sabha 3. Vice-President 4. Prime
Answer:- Chief Justice of India
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314. An individual who is not a member of either House of Parliament can be appointed a member
of the Council of Ministers, but he has to become a member of either House within a period of:
1. 1 month 2. 6 months 3. 3 months 4. 2 months
Answer:- 6 months

315. Which one of the following does not constitute the electoral college for electing the President
of India?
1. Elected members of Rajya Sabha
2. Elected members of the Legislative Council
3. Elected members of the Legislative Assembly of each State
4. Elected members of Lok Sabha
Answer:- Elected members of the Legislative Council

316. The five year term of the President is calculated from the:
1. First day of the month he assumes charge
2. First day of the month following the month he assumes charge
3. Date of his election result
4. Day he assumes charge
Answer:- Day he assumes charge

317. If the President wants to resign from office, he may do so by writing to the:
1. Prime Minister 2. Chief Justice of India 3. Vice-President 4. Speaker of Lok
Answer:- Vice-President

318. The only President of India who was elected unopposed is :

1. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 2. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 3. Dr. Zakir Hussain
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
Answer:- Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

319. Who acts as the President of India when neither the President nor the Vice-President is
1. Chief Justice of India 2. Speaker of Lok Sabha
3. Auditor General of India 4. Senior most Governor of a State
Answer:- Chief Justice of India

320. Which one of the following resigned as Vice-President to contest for the office of the
1. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 2. Fakhruddin Ali Anmed 3. VV. Giri
4. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
Answer:- VV. Giri

321. Which of the following Chief Justices of India has acted as President of India?
1. P.N. Bhagwati 2. P.2. Gajendra Gadkar 3. M. Hidayatulla 4. All of the
Answer:- M. Hidayatullah
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322. Who was the member of the Rajya Sabha when first appointed as the Prime Minister of India
1. Lal Bahadur Shastri 2. Morarji Desai 3. Indira Gandhi 4. Charan
Answer:- Indira Gandhi

323. In case a President dies while in office, the Vice-President can act as President for a
maximum period of:
1. 2 years 2. 1year 3. 6 months 4. 3 months
Answer:- 6 months

324. The Rajya Sabha can have a maximum strength of:

1. 200 2. 210 3. 260 4. 250
Answer:- 250

325. What is ‘zero hour’?

1. When matters of utmost importance are raised
2. When the proposals of the opposition are considered
3. Interval between the morning- and afternoon sessions
4. When a Money Bill is introduced in the Lok Sabha
Answer:- When matters of utmost importance are raised

326. Parliament’s expenditure is controlled by :

1. President 2. Finance Commission 3. RAW 4. Comptroller and Auditor
Answer:- Comptroller and Auditor General

327. The Constitution of India does not mention the post of:
1. The Deputy Prime Minister 2. The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
3. The Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha 4. The Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative
Answer:- The Deputy Prime Minister

328. Funds belonging to the. Government of India are kept in:

1. Contingency Fund of India 2. Public Accounts Fund of India 3. Consolidated
Fund of India
All of the above
Answer:- All of the above

329. If the Speaker of the Lower House of a State wants to resign, his letter of resignation is to be
addressed to the:
1. Chief Minister 2. Deputy Speaker 3. Cabinet Minister 4.
Answer:- Deputy Speaker

330. How many members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President of India?
1. 10 2. 11 3. 13 4. 12
Answer:- 12
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331. The time gap between two sessions of the Parliament should not exceed:
1. 3 months 2. 9 months 3. 6 months 4. 1 year
Answer:- 6 months

332. One-third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire after every:
1. One year 2. Third year 3. Second year 4. Fifth year
Answer:- Second year

333. A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha has to be passed/returned by Rajya Sabha within:
1. 21 days 2. 14 days 3. 1 month 4. 3 months
Answer:- 14 days

334. Which one of the following is the largest (area wise) Lok Sabha constituency?
1. Kangra 2. Kachchh 3. Ladakh 4. Bhilwara
Answer:- Ladakh

335. Which of the following non-members of Parliament has the right to address it?
1. Solicitor-General of India 2. Attorney General of India 3. Chief Justice of India
4. Chief Election Commissioner
Answer:- Attorney General of India

336. Who among the following decides whether a particular bill is a Money Bill or not?
1. President 2. Finance Minister 3. Chairman of Rajya Sabha
4. Speaker of Lok Sabha
Answer:- Speaker of Lok Sabha

337. The President can advance money to meet unforeseen expenses from the
1. Consolidated Fund of India 2. Grants of the Central Government
3. Aid from the Union Government 4. Contingency Fund
Answer:- Contingency Fund

338. The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of the Lok Sabha
1. One fourth of the total membership 2. One tenth of the total membership
3. Fifty percent strength of the Lok Sabha 4. At least hundred members
Answer:- One tenth of the total membership

339. The Election Commission of India is a :

1. One-member Commission 2. Three-member Commission
3. Five-member Commission 4. Seven-member Commission
Answer:- Three-member Commission

340. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament is appointed by the
1. President of India 2. Prime Minister of India 3. Speaker of Lok Sabha
4. Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Answer:- Speaker of Lok Sabha
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341. The Chairman of NITI Aayog is _____________
1. Industry Minister 2. Prime Minister 3. Finance Minister 4. Commerce
Answer:- Prime Minister

342. Right to Privacy comes under _____________

1. Article 19 2. Article 20 3. Article 21 4. Article 18
Answer:- Article 21

343. Right to Constitutional Remedies comes under

1. Legal rights 2. Fundamental rights 3. Human rights 4. Natural
Answer:- Fundamental rights

344. The Sharda Act is related to _____________

1. Upliftment of scheduled tribes 2. Upliftment of minorities 3. Child Marriage
4. Empowerment of women
Answer:- Child Marriage

345. Which parliamentary committee in India is normally chaired by a prominent member of the
1. Committee on Government Assurances 2. Estimates Committee 3. Privileges
4. Public Accounts Committee
Answer:- Public Accounts Committee

346. Which Institution has the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India?
1. Parliament 2. Supreme Court of India 3. President 4. Attorney General of
Answer:- Supreme Court of India

347. Who appoints the Finance Commission in India?

1. Governor, R. 2. I2. CAG of India 3. President of India 4. Central Finance
Answer:- President of India

348. Which one of the following Articles is not related to the right to equality enshrined in the
Indian Constitution?
1. Article 13 2. Article 14 3. Article 15 4. Article 16
Answer:- Article 13

349. How many members of the Anglo-Indian Community can be appointed by the President in
Lok Sabha of the parliament?
1. 2 2. 5 3. 7 4.6
Answer:- 2
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350. The maximum strength of the House pictured by the Constitution of India is
1. 552 2. 545 3. 550 4.540
Answer : 552

351. Who can remove the Vice-President from his office ?

1. President 2. Prime minister 3. Parliament 4. Legislative assemblies of
the state
Answer:- Parliament

352. The total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Council of Ministers shall
not exceed?
1. 20% members of the Lok sabha 2. 15% members of the Lok sabha
3. 2596 members of the Lok sabha 4. 1596 members of the Lok sabha
Answer:- 15% members of the Lok sabha

353. The Supreme Court at present contains the following number of Judges?
1. 25 judges 2. 31 judges 3. 20 judges 4. 30 judges
Answer:- 31 judges

354. The impeachment of the President is carried by which one of the following?
1. Attorney general 2. Members of the legislative 3. Parliament 4. Prime
Answer:- Parliament

355. Which of the following describes India as a secular state?

1. Fundamental rights 2. Directive principles of state policy 3. Fifth
4. Preamble of the constitution
Answer:- Preamble of the constitution

356. “The independence of Judiciary” in Indian constitution is taken from.

1. Britain 2. USA 3. South Africa 4. Australia
Answer:- USA

357. Which of the following state was the first to establish Panchayati raj institutions?
1. Rajasthan 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. West Bengal 4. Gujarat
Answer:- Rajasthan

358. The chief justice and other judges of the high courts are appointed by which one of the
1. Prime minister 2. Chief minister 3. Governor 4. President
Answer:- President

359. Which is the oldest known system designed for the redressal of citizen’s grievance?
1. Ombudsman System 2. Lokpal 3. Lokayukta 4. None of the
Answer:- Ombudsman System
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360. Which is the smallest Lok Sabha Constituency in General Elections by area?
1. Delhi Sadar 2. Mumbai South 3. Kolkata North West 4. Chandni
Chowk, Delhi
Answer:- Chandni Chowk, Delhi

361. Where are the headquarters of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) located?
1. New Delhi 2. Darjeeling 3. Mumbai 4. Ghaziabad
Answer:- New Delhi

362. Which of the following is NOT the fundamental duty for Indian citizens?
1. To safe guard public property 2. To protect and improve the natural environment
3. To obey all the women 4. To develop the scientific temper and spirit of enquiry
Answer:- To obey all the women

363. The Cabinet Mission to India was headed by

1. Stafford Cripps 2. Lord Pethick Lawrence 3. 1. V. Alexander 4. Hugh
Answer:- Lord Pethick Lawrence

364. Which of the following articles is called the “Soul of the Constitution” by the Dr. Ambedkar?
1. Article 32 2. Article 368 3. Article 19 4. Article 15
Answer:- Article 32

365. The Constitution of India was adopted by the:

1. Governor General 2. British Parliament 3. Parliament of India
4. Constituent Assembly
Answer:- Constituent Assembly

366. The Constitution of India was enacted by a Constituent Assembly set up ________:
1. Under the Indian Independence Act, 1947 2. By the Indian National
3. Through a resolution of the provisional government 4. Under the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946
Answer:- Under the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946

367. The Constituent Assembly which framed the Constitution for Independent India was set up
1. 1945 2. 1947 3. 1946 4. 1949
Answer:- 1946

368. Who presided over the inaugural meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India?
1. P. Upendra 2. 2. R. Ambedkar 3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad 4. Sachidananda
Answer:- Sachidananda Sinha

369. Who among the following was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian
1. Rajendra Prasad 2. Tej Bahadur Sapru 3. 2. R. Ambedkar 4. Rajagopalachari
Answer:- 2. R. Ambedkar
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370. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
1. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 2. 3. Rajagopalachari 3. Dr. 2. R. Ambedkar
4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Answer:- Dr. Rajendra Prasad

371. The demand for the Constituent Assembly was put forward by the Indian National Congress
in 1936 at its session held at____________
1. Kanpur 2. Bombay 3. Lahore 4. Lucknow
Answer:- Lucknow

372. Who was the Chairman of Committee on Fundamental and Minority Rights?
1. Vallabh bhai Patel 2. Jawaharlal Nehru 3. Kanhiyalal Munshi 4. 2. R.
Answer:- Vallabh bhai Patel

373. Which of the following is/are correctly matched?

I. India’s National Song-Vande Mataram
II. India s National Flower-Rose
III. India’s National Animal-Tiger
IV. India’s National Bird Eagle
1. I and III 2. II and III 3. I and IV 4. II and IV
Answer:- I and III

374. Which of the following proved to be the most short lived of all the British constitutional
experiments in India?
1. Government of India Act, 1919 2. Pitt’s India Act, 1784
3. Indian Council Act, 1909 4. Government of India Act, 1935
Answer:- Indian Council Act, 1909

375. Which of the following features do not contribute to making the Indian Constitution the
bulkiest in the world?
I. Various types of emergencies are considered in detail.
II. It codifies the rights and privileges of the members of Parliament and State
III. It enumerates all types of Indian citizenship and how it can be terminate4.
IV. It contains not only a list of fundamental rights but also the restrictions to be
placed on them.
1. I and II 2. II and III 3. I and IV 4. II, III and IV
Answer:- II and III

376. Which of the following items is wrongly matched?

1. December 9, 1947-Constituent Assembly’s first meeting
2. November 26, 1949-the people of India adopted, enacted and gave to themselves the Constitution
3. January 24,’ 1950-the Constitution was finally signed by the members of the Constituent
4. January 26, 1950-the date of commencement of the Constitution
Answer:- December 9, 1947-Constituent Assembly’s first meeting
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377. Which of the following Acts gave representation to Indians for the first time in the
1. Government of India Act, 1935 2. Indian Councils Act, 1919
3. Indian Councils Act, 1909 4. None of the above
Answer:- Indian Councils Act, 1909

378. The Indian Constitution establishes a secular state, meaning:

I. the State treats all religions equally.
II. Freedom of faith and worship is allowed to all the people.
III. Educational institutions, without exception, are free to impart religious
IV. The State makes no discrimination on the basis of religion in matters of
1. I and II 2. I and IV 3. II and IV 4. I and III
Answer:- I and IV

379. Which of the following was adopted from the Maurya dynasty in the emblem of Government
of India?
1. Chariot 2. Four lions 3. Peacock 4. Words ‘Satyameva Jayate’
Answer:- Four lions

380. Who among the following is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution?
1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 2. Mahatma Gandhi 3. banwarilal purohit 4.
Vallabhbhai Patel
Answer:- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

381. When did Mr. Attlee, Prime Minister of England, announce the transfer of power to the
1. February, 1947 2. August, 1947 3. June, 1949 4. June, 1948
Answer:- June, 1948

382. The amendment procedure laid down in the Constitution of India is on the pattern of?
1. Government of India Act, 1935 2. Government of India Act, 1947
3. Constitution of UK 4. Constitution of South Africa
Answer:- Constitution of South Africa

383. The first session of the Constituent Assembly was held in ____________
1. Bombay 2. Lucknow 3. Bangalore 4. New Delhi
Answer:- New Delhi

384. Who among the following was the Chairman of the Union Constitution Committee of the
Constituent Assembly?
1. G V mavalankar 2. Atal Bihari Bajpai 3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
Answer:- Jawaharlal Nehru
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385. Who was the first Foreign Minister of free India?
1. John Mathai 2. Gulzari Lal Nanda 3. Lal Bahadur Shastri 4.
Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer:- Jawaharlal Nehru

386. Which one among the following is a fundamental duty of citizens under the Constitution of
1. To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so
2. To visit monuments of national importance
3. To provide friendly cooperation to the people of the neighbouring countries
4. To know more and more about the history of India
Answer:- To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so

387. The Constitution of India was promulgated on January 26, 1950 because:
1. This day was being celebrated as the Independence Day since 1929
2. It was the wish of the framers of the Constitution
3. The British did not want to leave India earlier than this date
4. It was birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- This day was being celebrated as the Independence Day since 1929

388. The idea of the Constitution of India was first of all given by :
1. M.N. Roy 2. Dr. 2. R. Ambedkar 3. Jawaharlal Nehru 4.
Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- M.N. Roy

389. India became a Sovereign, democratic republic on:

1. Aug 15, 1947 2. Jan 30, 1948 3. Jan 26, 1929 4. Jan 26, 1950
Answer:- Jan 26, 1950

390. Which one of the following made the Indian Legislature bicameral:
1. Indian Councils Act, 1909
2. Government of India Act, 1935
3. Government of India Act, 1919
4. Indian Independence Act, 1947
Answer:- Government of India Act, 1919

391. The Indian Constitution closely follows the constitutional system of:
1. UK 2. USA 3. Switzerland 4. Russia
Answer:- UK

392. The inspiration of ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ was derived from:
1. American revolution 2. Russian revolution 3. French revolution 4.
None of the above
Answer:- French revolution

393. Indian President and Prime Minister are a replica of the heads of the State of which country?
1. USA 2. Britain 3. Ireland 4. Russia
Answer:- Britain
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394. The President of the Indian Union has the same constitutional authority as the:
1. President of USA 2. British Monarch 3. President of Egypt 4. President of
Answer:- British Monarch

395. Which of the following describes India as a Secular State?

1. Fundamental Rights 2. Preamble to the Constitution 3. Directive Principles
Ninth Schedule
Answer:- Preamble to the Constitution

396. In a parliamentary form of government, real powers of the State are vested in the:
1. Parliament 2. President 3. Government
4. Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister
Answer:- Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister

397. Which of the following is not a basic feature of the Indian Constitution?
1. Federal Government 2. Parliamentary Government 3. Presidential
4. Independence of Judiciary
Answer:- Presidential Government

398. Which of the following features and their source is wrongly matched?
1. Directive Principles — Irish Constitution
2. Concurrent List — Australian Constitution
3. Judicial review - British practice
4. Fundamental Rights - US Constitution
Answer:- Judicial review - British practice

399. The Constitution of India is designed to work as a unitary government:

1. In times of Emergency 2. In normal times 3. When the Parliament so
4. at the will of the President
Answer:- In times of Emergency

400. The Indian Constitution has borrowed the ideas of Preamble from the:
1. Italian Constitution 2. Canadian Constitution 3. Constitution of UK
4. Constitution of USA
Answer:- Constitution of USA

401. Secularism me Answer:-

1. Suppression of all religions
2. A system of political and social philosophy that does not favour any particular religious faith
3. Separation of religion from State
4. Freedom of worship to minorities
Answer:- A system of political and social philosophy that does not favour any particular
religious faith
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402. India opted for a federal form of government because of:
1. vast-territory 2. Cultural integration 3. Administrative
4. Linguistic and regional diversity
Answer:- Linguistic and regional diversity

403. The word ‘socialist secular’ and ‘unity and integrity of the Nation’ were added to our
Constitution by :
1. 46th Amendment of the Constitution
2. 44th Amendment of the Constitution
3. 42nd Amendment of the Constitution
4. None of the above
Answer:- 42nd Amendment of the Constitution

404. The correct nomenclature of India according to the Preamble is:

1. Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic 2. Sovereign, Secular, Democratic
3. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic 4. Sovereign, Secular, Socialist
Answer:- Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic

405. India is a democratic republic, because:

1. The Head of the State is elected by the people
2. There is independence of judiciary
3. There is distribution of powers between the Centre and the States
4. There is Parliamentary supremacy
Answer:- The Head of the State is elected by the people

406. The source of India’s sovereignty lies in the:

1. President 2. Preamble to the Constitution 3. People of India 4. Prime
Answer:- Preamble to the Constitution

407. In India, the concept of single citizenship is adopted from

1. Canada 2. U.S.I. 3. England 4. France
Answer:- England

408. The Indian Constitution comprises of

1. 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 12 Schedules 2. 355 Articles, 11 Parts and 21
3. 372 Articles, 20 Parts and 7 Schedules 4. 381 Articles, 23 Parts and 8 Schedules
Answer:- 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 12 Schedules

409. The word ‘Socialist’ was added to the Preamble, its main aim is to:
1. eliminate class based society
2. eliminate inequality in political and religious affairs
3. eliminate inequality in income and status and standards of life
4. eliminate inequality in economic and political status
Answer:- eliminate inequality in economic and political status
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410. Which of the pairs is correctly matched?
1. Secular — State is without any religion of its own
2. Sovereign — Constitution rests on people’s will
3. Democratic — Constitution does not recognize legal supremacy of another country
4. Republic — Head of the State is hereditary Monarch
Answer:- Secular — State is without any religion of its own

411. The Indian Constitution is regarded as :

1. federal 2. federal in form and unitary in spirit 3. Parliamentary 4.
Answer:- federal in form and unitary in spirit

412. Under which Article of the Constitution are the Cultural and Educational Rights granted?
1. Article 29 and 31 2. Article 29 and 30 3. Article 29 and 32 4. Article 30
and 31
Answer:- Article 29 and 30

413. Right to Constitutional Remedies comes under:

1. Legal Rights 2. Fundamental Rights 3. Constitutional Rights 4. Natural
Answer:- Fundamental Rights

414. Untouchability is abolished and its practice is punishable according to:

1. Article 15 2. Article 17 3. Article 16 4. Article 154.
Answer:- Article 17

415. What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine?
1. 14 years 2. 12 years 3. 16 years 4. 18 years
Answer:- 14 years

416. Which of the following is not a condition for becoming a citizen of India?
1. Acquiring property 2. Birth 3. Descent 4. Naturalisation
Answer:- Acquiring property
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Indian Geography
417. The famous Lagoon lake of India is :
1. Dal Lake 2. Chilka Lake 3. Pulicat Lake 4. Mansarover
Answer:- Chilka Lake

418. Which state has smallest land area?

1. Tripura 2. Nagaland 3. Sikkim 4. Goa
Answer:- Goa

419. Which of the following city is situated in the farthest east ?

1. Lucknow 2. Jablapur 3. Hyderabad 4. Chennai
Answer:- Lucknow

420. Arrange the following Indian port cities beginning from East to West.
I. Jamnagar II. Kochi III. Chennai IV. Visakhapatnam
Answer: . IV-III-II-I

421. Which of the following cities is at the junction of the highways known as North-South and
East-West Corridors?
1. Delhi 2. Nagpur 3. Jhansi 4. Hyderabad
Answer: Jhansi

422. The Kharif crops are harvested in_____________

1. June – July 2. October – November 3. May – June 4. March –
Answer: March – April

423. The Greater Himalayas is otherwise called ___________

1. Himadri 2. Sahyadri 3. Assam Himalayas 4. Shivaliks
Answer: Himadri

424. How many islands are there in the Lakshadweep group?

1. 36 2. 30 3. 35 4.34

425. Which mountain range is an example of the oldest fold mountains in India?
1. Himalayas 2. Nilgiri Hills 3. Aravalli 4. Satpura
Answer: Aravalli

426. Indrāvati is a tributary of___________

1. Ganga 2. Krishna 3. Godavari 4.Mahanadi
Answer: Godavari
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427. The highest mountain peak in Peninsular India is____________
1. Anaimudi 2. Dodabetta 3. Mahendragiri 4. Nilgiris
Answer: Anaimudi

428. Retreating monsoon causes sporadic rainfall in which of the following areas ?
1. Coast of North Maharashtra
2. Northern Chhattisgarh
3. Malwa plateau and Vidarbha region
4. Coast of Tamil Nadu
Answer: Coast of Tamil Nadu

429. How many national waterways are there in India?

1. 93 2. 72 3. 51 4.111
Answer : 111

430. The position of length of Indian Railways network in the world is

1. Second 2. Third 3. Fourth 4.Fifth
Answer: Fourth

431. Which of the following rivers is called the sorrow of Bihar?

1. Gandaki 2. Kosi 3. Bramhaputra 4. Mahananda
Answer: Kosi

432. In which of the following state is Tungabhadra project of irrigation?

1. Maharashtra 2. Karnataka 3. Tamil Nadu 4. Kerala
Answer:- Karnataka

433. Which of the following states is called Tiger State’ of India?

1. Himachal Pradesh 2. Gujarat 3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Assam
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

434. The climate of India is mainly tropical because:

1. Major part of India lies within the tropics
2. of the location of the Himalayas in its North
3. Of the overpowering influence of India Ocean
4. of the seasonal influence of jet streams
Answer:- of the location of the Himalayas in its North

435. Khasi and Garo Tribes mainly live in :

1. Meghalaya 2. Nagaland 3. Mizoram 4.Manipur
Answer:- Meghalaya

436. The longest river in the world is

1. Nile 2. Thames 3. Ganges 4. Mississippi
Answer:- Nile
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437. The largest irrigation canal in India is called the ____:
1. Yamuna canal 2. Sirhand canal 3. Indira Gandhi canal 4.Upper Bari Doab canal
Answer:- Indira Gandhi canal

438. Among the following Union Territories of India, which one has the largest size?
1. Chandigarh 2. Lakshadweep 3. Daman and Diu 4. Pondicherry
Answer:- Pondicherry

439. Consider the following pairs:

A. Dam/Reservoir River
B. BhakraNangal : Sutlej
C. NagarjunaSagar : Narmada
D. TehriDam : Tapti
E. Hirakund : Mahanadi

Which of the above pairs are correctly matched?

1. Only A 2. B and C 3. A, B and C 4. B, C and D
Answer : Only A

440. …………………. is a place where river meets sea.

1. Connect 2. Estuary 3. Bay 4.Peninsula
Answer: Estuary

441. Consider the following statements:

A. Eastern Ghats is a source of many rivers.
B. Western ghats runs parallel to the western coast in N-S direction from Tap river to Kanyakumari.
C. The Nilgiri hills in Tamil Nadu lies at the junction of Eastern and Western Ghats.

Which - of the above statements are correct?

1. A and B 2. A and C 3. B and C 4. A, B and C
Answer : B and C

442. Which country owns, buys and consumes the most gold in the world?
1. China 2. USA 3. India 4.South Africa

443. Next to Hindi, the language spoken by the largest number of people in the Indian
subcontinent is
1. Tamil 2. Telugu 3. Bengali 4.Marathi
Answer: Bengali

444. Which of the following countries in India’s neighbourhood has agreed that Indians staying in
the border areas will be allowed to visit upto 16 km inside its boundary without obtaining
1. Bangladesh 2. Nepal 3. China 4. Myanmar
Answer: Myanmar
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445. Which of the following is the capital of Lakshadweep?
1. Silvassa 2. Daman 3. Kavaratti 4.Hubli
Answer: Kavaratti

446. Which of the following states has the lowest population density?
1. Assam 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Mizoram 4. Tripura
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh

447. Which of the following cities became the first 100% e – literate district of India?
1. Vishakhapatnam 2. Guntur 3. Malappuram 4.
Answer : Malappuram

448. Where is the Bandipur National Park?

1. Rajasthan 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Karnataka 4. Assam
Answer:- Karnataka

449. Which one of the following states is landlocked?

1. Orissa 2. Assam 3. Andhra Pradesh 4. Kerala
Answer:- Assam

450. The Jawahar Tunnel, the largest in India is located in

1. Himachal Pradesh 2. Rajasthan 3. West Bengal 4. Jammu & Kashmir
Answer:- Jammu & Kashmir

451. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

1. Plimsoll Line : India and Afghanistan
2. Radcliffe Line : India and Pakistan
3. Macmohan Line : India and Nepal
4. Durand Line : India and Myanmar
Answer:- Radcliffe Line : India and Pakistan

452. Which of the following rivers makes an estuary?

1. Krishna 2. Mahanadi 3. Godavari 4. Narmada
Answer:- Narmada

453. __________population in India?

1. Punjab 2. Goa 3. Chandigarh 4. Maharashtra

454. Which organization that controls the Telecommunications Department in India?

1. Ministry of Communications
2. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
3. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd
4. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Answer: Ministry of Communications
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455. Where is Fort William located ?
1. Chennai 2. Goa 3. Kolkata 4. Mysore

456. Which soil is found in Indo-Gangetic planes?

1. Loam 2. Alluvial 3. Black 4.Dry
Answer : Alluvial

457. Corbett National Park is in

1. Assam 2. Bihar 3. Madhya Pradesh 4.Uttarakhand
Answer: Uttarakhand

458. Pondicherry territory is scattered in several states. Which state does not share boundary with
1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Kerala 3. Karnataka 4. Tamil Nadu
Answer: Karnataka

459. Kolar Gold Mines are in this state

1. Karnataka 2. Bihar 3. Odisha 4. Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Karnataka

460. Which river in India flows in a rift-valley?

1. Narmada 2. Krishna 3. Cauvery 4. Tapti
Answer: Narmada

461. Which one of the following is not a major export item from India to China?
1. Mineral Products 2. Animal and vegetable fats 3. Raw hides and skins
4. Machinery
Answer: Machinery

462. The Central Drug Research Institute is in

1. Srinagar 2. New Delhi 3. Lucknow 4. Pune
Answer: Lucknow

463. The Uri Hydro-electric Project is in

1. Himachal Pradesh 2. J&K 3. U P 4. M P
Answer: J&K

464. The Indian city which has a natural harbour and is also one of the largest Indian ports is
1. Mumbai 2. Calcutta – Haldia 3. Cochin 4. Vishakhapatnam
Answer: Mumbai

465. With which country does India not share a de-facto international boundary?
1. Bangladesh 2. Afghanistan 3. Nepal 4. Myanmar
Answer: Afghanistan
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466. Name the river whose water is utilized by Kakrapara project—
1. Mahanadi 2. Tunghbhadra 3. Damodar 4. Tapi
Answer:- Tapi

467. Which State has the lowest area under forests ?

1. Gujarat 2. Uttar Pradesh 3. Andhra Pradesh 4. Haryana
Answer:- Haryana

468. Ten Degree Channel is between:

1. Andaman and Nicobar 2. Alaska and Russia
3. Dover and Calais 4. North Korea and South Korea
Answer:- Andaman and Nicobar

469. Sambhar Salt Lake is situated in___________:

1. Himachal Pradesh 2. Karnataka 3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Rajasthan
Answer:- Rajasthan

470. The number indicating the intensity of an earthquake on a Richter scale range between
1. 1 to 7 2. 1 to 8 3. 1 to 9 4. 1 to 12
Answer:- 1 to 9

471. Where has the Geological Survey of India located most of India’s Chromite ?
1. Cuttack 2. Singhbhum 3. Manipur 4. Hubli
Answer:- Cuttack

472. If the usual rule of calculation of time were applied for the extremes of Gujarat and
Arunachal Pradesh, then approximately time:
1. At Arunachal Pradesh would be ahead of that at Gujarat by about 2 hours
2. At Gujarat would be ahead of that at Arunachal Pradesh by about 2 hours
3. At Arunachal Pradesh would be ahead of that at Gujarat by about 3 hours
4. At Gujarat would be ahead of that at Arunachal Pradesh by about 3 hours
Answer:- At Arunachal Pradesh would be ahead of that at Gujarat by about 2 hours

473. Which countries are linked by the Khyber Pass?

1. India and Pakistan 2. India and Afghanistan 3. Afghanistan and
4. Afghanistan and Tajikistan
Answer:- Afghanistan and Pakistan

474. Which of the following continents has no active volcanoes ___________

1. Africa 2. Australia 3. North America 4. South America
Answer:- Australia

475. Which of the following passes lies in the Sutlej valley ?

1. Nathu La 2. Jelep La 3. Shipki La 4. Shera La
Answer:- Shipki La
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476. ‘Indian Standard Meridian’ passes through the states of UP, MP:
1. Orissa and AP
2. AP and Tamil Nadu
3. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
4. AP and Karnataka
Answer:- Orissa and AP

477. Which of the following is not a Kharif crop ?

1. Rice 2. Wheat 3. Sugarcane 4.Cotton
Answer:- Wheat

478. Which country has a highly developed dairy industry?

1. France 2. Germany 3. Denmark 4. Netherlands
Answer:- Denmark

479. The piligrims of Kailash Mansarovar have to pass through which pass to enter into Tibet ?
1. Khardungala 2. Rohtang 3. Lipulikh 4. Nathu la
Answer:- Lipulikh

480. The Lakshadweep Islands are situated in :

1. Indian Ocean 2. Bay of Bengal 3. Arabian Sea 4. none of these
Answer:- Arabian Sea

481. Which is the home of “Alphonso mango”?

1. Ratnagiri 2. Benares 3. Malda 4. Vijayawada
Answer:- Ratnagiri

482. Which of the following is the largest Biosphere Reserves of India?

1. Nilgiri 2. Nandadevi 3. Sundarbans 4. Gulf of Mannar
Answer:- Gulf of Mannar

483. Singhbhum is famous for

1. Coal 2. Iron 3. Copper 4.Aluminium
Answer:- Iron

484. Apatanis are the major tribal group of

1. Sikkim 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Jharkhand 4. Nagaland
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh

485. The 9th Postal Zone of India covers

1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Army Post Office 3. Goa 4. Andaman and Nicobar
Answer: Army Post Office

486. Which pair of states does not touch each other ?

1. Meghalaya, Manipur 2. Chhattisgarh, U.P. 3. Rajasthan, Punjab 4. J.K. H.P.
Answer: Meghalaya, Manipur
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
487. Baglihar dam, is constructed on river
1. Ravi 2. Chenab 3. Indus 4.Sutlej
Answer: Chenab

488. Guwahati is situated on the banks of

1. Yamuna 2. Ganga 3. Brahmaputra 4. Godavari
Answer: Brahmaputra

489. The Pong Dam reservoir is known to be one of the largest man-made wetlands in the foothills of the
Himalayas. In which of the following states is the Pong Dam reservoir located?
1. Jammu & Kashmir 2. Himachal Pradesh 3. Uttarakhand 4.
Answer: Himachal Pradesh

490. Which Indian State has no railway line?

1. Jammu and Kashmir 2. Kerala 3. Meghalaya 4. Assam
Answer: Meghalaya

491. Recently, the Supreme Court has ruled that some Asiatic lions in Gir National Park, Gujarat
should be shifted to ______ to save them from extinction due to epidemics and large forest fires.
1. Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh
2. Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan
3. Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh
4. Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh

492. Which one of the following ancient indigenous tribes in the Andaman Islands faces extinction
as poaching and tourism threaten their survival?
1. Khasis 2. Jarawas 3. Jaintias 4.Santhals
Answer: Jarawas

493. Duncan Passage is located between:

1. South and Little Andaman 2. Middle and South Andaman 3. North and Middle
Little and Great Nicobar
Answer: South and Little Andaman

494. How many railway stations are approximately there on the Indian Railway Network ?
1. 6000 2. 9000 3. 8000 4.7000
Answer: 7000
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495. Which of the following has the oldest rock in India?
1. Himalayas 2. Siwaliks 3. The Aravallis 4. Indo - Gangetic Plain
Answer: The Aravallis

496. In India forests account for about ____________ of land surface.

1. 11% 2. 22% 3. 33% 4.14%
Answer: 22%

497. National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology is situated at –

1. Hisar 2. New Delhi 3. Mumbai 4. Kolkata
Answer: Hisar

498. Which foreign country is closest to Andaman Islands?

1. Sri Lanka 2. Maldives 3. Indonesia 4. Myanmar
Answer:- Myanmar

499. Which of the following mountain ranges in India are the oldest?
1. Himalayas 2. Vindhyas 3. Aravalli 4. Sahyadri
Answer:- Aravalli

500. Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune because

1. Mumbai is on the windward side 2. Pune is at a greater elevation
3. Mumbai is a coastal city 4. Pune has greater vegetation than Mumbai
Answer:- Mumbai is on the windward side

501. Which one of the following States shares boundaries with the maximum number of other
States of India?
1. Madhya Pradesh 2. Maharashtra 3. Bihar 4. Assam
Answer:- Assam

502. ‘Radcliff line’ is a boundary line between

1. India and Bangladesh 2. India and Bhutan 3. India and China 4.India
and Pakistan
Answer:- India and Pakistan

503. Which of the following cities in India is considered greenest?

1. Bengaluru 2. Delhi 3. Chandigarh 4. Mysore
Answer:- Mysore

504. The Sundarbans or the ‘Man-grove’ forests are found in

1. Kutch Peninsula 2. Western Ghats 3. Konkan Coast 4. Deltaic West Bengal
Answer:- Deltaic West Bengal
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505. Jharkhand does not share boundary with:
1. West Bengal 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Chhattisgarh 4. Odisha
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

506. The highest multipurpose dam built on the river Ravi is__________
1. Bhakra Nagal 2. Kahalgaon 3. Ranjit Sagar dam 4. Rihand dam
Answer:- Ranjit Sagar dam

507. Afforestation is the process of ___________

1. Clearing forests 2. planting more trees 3. cutting down trees
4. Collecting forest resources
Answer:- planting more trees

508. The States which have common borders with China are__________
1. Jammu and Kashmir 2. Sikkim 3. Arunachal Pradesh 4. Himachal
1. 1, 3 and 4 2. 1,2 and 3 3. 1 only 4. 1, 2,3 and 4
Answer:- 1, 2,3 and 4

509. Brightest planet in our solar system is __________

1. Venus 2. Mercury 3. Mars 4. Jupiter
Answer:- Venus

510. The States of India having common border with Myanmar are:
1. Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh
2. Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam
3. Mizoram, Manipur
4. Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh
Answer:- Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh

511. Which from the following rivers does not originate in Indian territory ?
1. Mahanadi 2. Brahmaputra 3. Ravi 4.Chenab
Answer:- Brahmaputra

512. The ‘Chipko Movement is related to

1. Wildlife preservation 2. Forest conservation 3. Scientific agriculture
4. Deforestation
Answer:- Forest conservation

513. The proposed sea-route “Sethu Samudram” is a canal through which of the sea-lanes?
1. Gulf of Mannar 2. Malacca Strait 3. Gulf of Kutch 4.Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Answer:- Gulf of Mannar

514. The State with the largest area under waste land is:
1. Rajasthan 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Jammu and Kashmir 4. Gujarat
Answer:- Rajasthan
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
515. Sardar Sarovar dam is being built on the river
1. Tapti 2. Mahi 3. Chambal 4. Narmada
Answer:- Narmada

516. Which of the following shipyards make warships?

1. Cochin shipyard 2. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Lt4. 3. Mazagaon Dock
4.Hindustan Shipyard
Answer :Mazagaon Dock

517. Which one of the following is a major source of commercial energy in India?
1. Natural gas 2. Coal 3. Mineral oil 4. Nuclear energy
Answer: Coal

518. Where would you find the Chilkalake?

1. Orissa 2. Assam 3. Gujarat 4.Kerala
Answer: Orissa

519. 'Isabgol' is an important cash crop in which of the following states:

1. Madhya Pradesh 2. Haryana 3. Rajasthan 4. Gujarat
Answer: Gujarat

520. The longitude according to which Indian Standard Time (I.S.T.) is determined
1. 82.5° East Longitude
2. 0° Longitude or Greenwich meridian
3. 180° West Longitude
4. 70° East Longitude
Answer: 82.5° East Longitude

521. The oldest large scale Industry of India is

1. Iron & Steel 2. Jute 3. Cotton Textiles 4. Paper
Answer : Cotton Textiles

522. Gandhiji's "Champaran Movement" was for ____________

1. The security of rights of Harijans 2. Civil Disobediance Movement
3. Maintaining the unity of Hindu Society 4. Solving the problem of indigo workers
Answer : Solving the problem of indigo workers

523. The Film and TV Institute of India is located in ____________

1. Pune (Maharashtr1. 2. Rajkot (Gujarat)
3. Pimpri (Maharashtr1. 4.Perambur (Tamilnadu)
Answer: Pune (Maharashtra)

524. Salal is the hydro power project in ____________

1. Himachal Pradesh 2. Punjab 3. Haryana 4. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
525. Name the annual fair of Rajasthan that is famous for its camel trading event _____________
1. Maru Mela 2. PushkarMela 3. SurajKundMela 4.SonepurMela
Answer: PushkarMela

526. Which of the given rivers does not flow into River Ganga?
1. Brahmaputra 2. Gomti 3. Gandak 4. Tapti
Answer: Tapti

527. In descending order, which of the following group of countries is correct about the length of
India‘s land borders with its neighbors?
1. Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal
2. China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal
3. China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar
4. Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan
Answer : Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan

528. Where is India’s most prized tea grown?

1. Jorhat 2. Darjeeling 3. Nilgiris 4. Munnar
Answer:- Darjeeling

529. In terms of area, which one of the following Indian States has the largest coverage of forests ?
1. Arunachal Pradesh 2. Chhattisgarh 3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Orissa
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

530. The largest population of Scheduled Tribes is in:

1. Sikkim 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Arunachal Pradesh 4. Himachal
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

531. Which one of the following hydroelectric projects does not belong to Tamil Nadu ?
1. Idukki 2. Aliyar 3. Periyar 4. Kundah
Answer:- Idukki

532. Under which plan did the Government introduce an agricultural strategy which gave rise to
Green Revolution?
1. Sixth Five-Year Plan (FYP) 2. Second FYP 3. Fourth FYP 4. Third FYP
Answer:- Third FYP

533. In India, ‘Yellow revolution’ is associated with

1. Production of paddy 2. production of oilseeds
3. Production of tea 4. production of flower
Answer:- production of oilseeds
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534. The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which one of the following?
1. Block mountains 2. Voleanic mountains 3. Fold mountains 4. None
of these
Answer:- Fold mountains

535. India’s Spaceport at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota is located in

1. Orissa 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Kerala 4. Karnataka
Answer: Andhra Pradesh

536. The State that produces largest quantity of rubber is

1. Assam 2. Kerala 3. Karnataka 4. Tamil Nadu
Answer: Kerala

537. India accounts for nearly __________ percent of world population.

1. 6 2. 11 3. 17 4.21
Answer: 17

538. Surajgarh Fort is located in which State?

1. UP 2. Gujarat 3. Rajasthan 4. Haryana
Answer: Rajasthan

539. Headquarters of South-Western Railways is located at which place?

1. Bangalore 2. Belgaum 3. Hubli 4. Mumbai
Answer: Hubli

540. Which Indian city is known as the ‘Manchester of the South’?

1. Madurai 2. Coimbatore 3. Kancheepuram 4. Tanjore
Answer: Coimbatore

541. Rihand Dam Project provides irrigation to

1. Gujarat and Maharashtra 2. Orissa and West Bengal
3. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar 4. Kerala and Karnataka
Answer: Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

542. Which is the longest irrigation canal in India?

1. Sirhind Canal 2. Yamuna Canal 3. Indira Gandhi Canal 4.East
Kosi Canal
Answer: Indira Gandhi Canal

543. 'Loktak' is a
1. Valley 2. Lake 3. River 4. Mountain Range
Answer: Lake
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544. What is the principal language of Nagaland ?
1. Assamese 2. Nagamese 3. English 4. Khasi
Answer: English

545. Durand Line marks the boundary between __________________

1. India and China 2. Pakistan and Afghanistan 3. India and Myanmar
4. West Pakistan and East Punjab
Answer : Pakistan and Afghanistan

546. Which of the following is not a kharifcrop ?

1. Rice 2. Groundnut 3. wheat 4. Barley
Answer : wheat

547. Which of the following crops cannot be called a Plantation Crop ?

1. Wheat 2. Oil Palm 3. Rubber 4. Coffee 5. Coconut
Answer: Wheat

548. Where is Nathpa Jhakri Power Project located ?

1. Uttarakhand 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Himachal Pradesh 4.Andhra Pradesh
Answer:- Himachal Pradesh

549. Operation Flood is related to____________

1. Flood control 2. Arrangement of drinking water 3. Milk production
None of these
Answer:- Milk production

550. Which one of the following rivers flow: towards the north ?
1. Krishna 2. Chambal 3. Narmada 4.Tapti
Answer : Narmada

551. Haldia in West Bengal is famous for its

1. Steel-goods 2. Radio industry 3. Oil refinery 4. Atomic power
Answer: Oil refinery

552. Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of carbon ?

1. Lignite 2. Bituminous 3. Anthracite 4. Peat
Answer: Anthracite

553. Which of the following is true about environmental degradation?

1. It is a Natural disaster 2. It is a manmade disaster 3. It is a slow on set
4. It is a rapid onset disaster
Answer : It is a Natural disaster
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554. Which of the following rivers does not join the river Ganges?
1. Gomti 2. Kosi 3. Yamuna 4.Tapti
Answer: Tapti

555. The largest part of the cropped area in India is under:

1. Rice 2. Wheat 3. Bajra 4.Maize
Answer:- Rice

556. Which one of the following States/Union Territories of India recorded the lowest density of
population in 1991 Census?
1. Sikkim 2. Nagaland 3. Mizoram 4. Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh

557. Where is Salar Jung Museum situated?

1. Hyderabad 2. Jaipur 3. Lucknow 4. Mumbai
Answer:- Hyderabad

558. Which from the following rivers does NOT originate in Indian territory?
1. Godavari 2. Jhelum 3. Ravi 4.Ghagra
Answer:- Ghagra

559. Which river of India is called Vridha Ganga?

1. Krishna 2. Godavari 3. Kaveri 4.Narmada
Answer:- Godavari

560. Diu is an island off

1. Daman 2. Goa 3. Gujarat 4.Maharashtra
Answer:- Gujarat

561. Mudumalai Wild-life Sanctuary is located in the State of

1. Kerala 2. Karnataka 3. Tamil Nadu 4.Andhra Pradesh
Answer:- Tamil Nadu

562. In India, rain forests are found in_______

1. Central India 2. Eastern Ghat 3. N.E. Himalayas and Western Ghats
4.N.W. Himalayas and Eastern Ghats
Answer:- N.E. Himalayas and Western Ghats

563. Green Revolution in India has so far been most successful in case of
1. Sugarcane 2. coarse grains 3. wheat 4. None of these
Answer:- wheat

564. Which one of the following mountain ranges lies in India?

1. Arakan Yoma 2. Sulainian 3. Salt Range 4. Pir Panjal
Answer:- Pir Panjal
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565. The highest mountain peak in India is ____________
1. Kanchenjunga 2. Nanda Devi 3. Mt. K2 4. Mount Everest
Answer:- Mt. K2

566. Silent Valley of Kerala

1. Is the only evergreen forest in India 2. contains costly timber trees
3. Is a good picnic spot 4. contains rare species of plants and animals
Answer:- Contains rare species of plants and animals

567. The Magnitude of Earthquake is measured on the __________

1. Barometer 2. Anemometer 3. Kelvin meter 4. Richter scale
Answer:- Richter scale

568. Kaziranga National Park is famous for ___________

1. Rhinoceros 2. Tiger 3. Lion 4. Crocodile
Answer:- Rhinoceros

569. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the age of formation-from the youngest
to the oldest-of the given mountain ranges?
1. Himalayas, Western Ghats, Vindhayas, Deccan Traps
2. Deccan Traps, Western Ghats, Vindhyas, Himalayas
3. Himalayas, Vindhyas, Western Ghats, Deccan Traps
4. Vindhyas, Himalayas, Deccan Traps, Western Ghats
Answer:- Himalayas, Vindhyas, Western Ghats, Deccan Traps

570. In India, the irrigation of agricultural land is carried out maximum by

1. Canals 2. Wells 3. Tubewells 4. Tanks
Answer:- Canals

571. Which one of the following is the junction point of the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats?
1. Javadi Hills2. Anaimalai Hills 3. Shevaroy Hills 4. Nilgiri Hills
Answer:- Nilgiri Hills

572. Indian and Sri Lanka are separated by __________

1. Palk Strait 2. Tusman Strait 3. Berring Strait 4. Malaccan Strait
Answer:- Palk Strait

573. Which of the following latitudes passes through India?

1. Equator 2. Arctic Circle 3. Tropic of Cancer 4. Tropic of
Answer:- Tropic of Cancer

574. The Indian Standard Time is ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time.
1. 5 hrs 30 Min 2. 6 hrs 30 Min 3. 7 hrs 30 Min 4. 8 hrs 30
Answer:- 5 hrs 30 Min
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575. Which one of the following countries has the longest international boundary with India?
1. Bangladesh 2. Afghanistan 3. China 4. Pakistan
Answer:- Bangladesh

576. India is connected to European countries through the canal.

1. Panama 2. Grand 3. Suez 4. Buckingham
Answer:- Suez

577. India is the seventh largest country in the world and it covers a total area of approximately:
1. 2700000 sq. km 2. 3000000 sq. km 3. 3600000 sq. km 4. 3200000
sq. km
Answer:- 3200000 sq. km

578. Big Bang theory explains?

1. Origin of Universe. 2. Origin of Sun. 3. Laws of physics. 4. None of
Answer:- Origin of Universe

579. Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the formation of the following
states in India?
1. Sikkim
2. Mizoram
3. Goa
4. Arunachal Pradesh
1. 3,1, 2,4 2. 2, 1, 4,3 3. 1,2, 3,4 4. 1, 4, 2,3
Answer:- 2, 1, 4,3

580. Rockies Mountain is in which continent?

1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America
Answer:- North America

581. Among following which gas availability is more in atmosphere?

1. Oxygen 2. Argon 3. Carbon dioxide 4. Nitrogen
Answer:- Nitrogen

582. The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:

1. Madhya Pradesh 2. West Bengal 3. Rajasthan 4. Kerala
Answer:- Kerala

583. The oldest oil refinery in India is at?

1. Haldia 2. Koyali 3. Digboi 4. Noonmati
Answer:- Digboi
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
584. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the States of:
1. Gujarat
2. Jharkhand
3. Assam
4. Mizoram
1. 1,2 and 4 2. 1 Only 3. 1,3 and 4 4. 1, 2,3 and 4
Answer:- 1,2 and 4

585. Which national highway joins Agra to Mumbai?

1. NH1 2. NH 2 3. NH 3 4. NH 4
Answer:- NH 3

586. Which of the following is the capital of the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?
1. Dadra 2. Silvassa 3. Kavaratti 4. Nagar Haveli
Answer:- Silvassa

587. “Gol Gumbaz” is in ?

1. Maharashtra 2. Karnataka 3. Kashmir 4. Bihar
Answer:- Karnataka

588. Kanchipuram is in which of the following states?

1. Tamil Nadu 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Kerala 4. Karnataka
Answer:- Tamil Nadu

589. Which city is also known as “Windy City”?

1. Chicago 2. Cape Town 3. Oslo 4. Tokyo
Answer:- Chicago

590. Which one of the following States does not form border with Bangladesh?
1. Meghalaya 2. Tripura 3. Mizoram 4. Manipur
Answer:- Manipur

591. “Oder Neisse Line” is boundary between?

1. India and Pakistan 2. Germany and Poland 3. France and Germany
4. USA and Canada
Answer:- Germany and Poland

592. West Bengal shares boundaries with how many foreign countries?
1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Five
Answer:- Three

593. Ngultrum is a currency of which of the following counties?

1. Bhutan 2. Myanmar 3. Cambodia 4. Laos
Answer:- Bhutan

594. Which among the following is a Cash Crop?

1. Coffee 2. Potato 3. Tomato 4. Banana
Answer:- Coffee
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595. Indian sovereignty in sea extends upto_____________nautical miles.
1. 8 2. 10 3. 14 4. 12
Answer:- 12

596. Kanha National Park is in?

1. Punjab 2. Mumbai 3. Uttarakhand 4. Madhya Pradesh
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

597. Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is located in :

1. Bhutan 2. China 3. Nepal 4. India
Answer:- Nepal

598. Which is correct order of Ocean sizes in decreasing?

1. Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean
2. Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean
3. Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean
4. Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Answer:- Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean

599. Which one of the following mountain. peaks of Himalayas is NOT in India?
1. Nanda Devi 2. Annapurna 3. Mt. Kamet 4. Kanchenjunga
Answer:- Annapurna

600. The Extreme southern most point of India is .

1. Indira Point 2. Cape Comerin 3. Trivandrum 4. Kodaikanal
Answer:- Indira Point

601. Which one of the following cities will never get the vertical rays of the sun?
1. Srinagar 2. Mumbai 3. Chennai 4. Thiruvananthapuram
Answer:- Srinagar

602. Madhya Pradesh shares its border with how many States?
1. 3 2. 5 3. 4 4. 6
Answer:- 5

603. In India, how many States share the coastline?

1. 7 2. 9 3. 8 4. 10
Answer:- 9

604. Port Blair — the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in which one of the
following islands?
1. South Andaman 2. Little Andaman 3. Middle Andaman 4. North
Answer:- South Andaman
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605. What is the correct order of occurrence of the following places as one moves from east to
1. Murshidabad
2. Gorakhpur
3. Bhopal
4. Bhavnagar
1. 2-4-3-1 2. 1-2-3-4 3. 1-3-4-2 4. 4-3-2-1
Answer:- 1-2-3-4

606. The large States of India in the order of area are

1. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
2. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
3. Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
4. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
Answer:- Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra

607. The Indian monsoon period is from

1. October to November
2. December to February
3. June to September
4. March to May
Answer: June to September

608. Telangana has recently become the 29th State of Indi1. Which of the following statement
regarding the state is NOT true?
1. It shares boundaries with Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
2. It is the 12th largest state of the country in terms of population
3. It is the first state to be carved out on a linguistic basis
4. It is the 12th largest state of the country in terms of Area
Answer : It is the first state to be carved out on a linguistic basis

609. Consider the following crops

1. Cotton 2. Groundnut 3. Maize 4. Mustard

610. Which of the above are Kharif crops?

1. A and B 2. A, B and C 3. C and D 4. A, B, C and D

611. Kundankulam project is located in which state?

1. Karnataka 2. Kerala 3. Telangana 4. Tamil Nadu
Answer : Tamil Nadu

612. The Mahatma Gandhi Setu also called Gandhi Setu or Ganga Setu is a bridge over the river
Ganges Connecting_____________
1. Kolkata and Howrah 2. Bandraand Worli in Mumbai
3. Patna and Hajipur 4. Rameshwaram Island with mainland of India
Answer : Patna and Hajipur
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
613. Arrange the following religious groups in increasing order of their population in India:
I. Muslims
II. Buddhists
III. Sikhs
IV. Jains
V. Christians
1. IV, II, I, III, V 2. IV, II, III, V, 1 3. IL, IV, IIL, V, 1 4. II, III,
IV, 1,V
Answer:- IV, II, III, V, 1

614. Among the Union Territories which has the highest literacy rate?
1. Lakshadweep 2. Chandigarh 3. Delhi 4. Daman and Diu
Answer:- Lakshadweep

615. The percentage of literates in India is :

1. almost equal among males and females 2. higher among males than females
3. lower among males than females 4. lower in urban areas than in rural areas
Answer:- higher among males than females

616. River Damodar is called ‘Sorrow of Bengal’ because it :

1. causes maximum soil erosion 2. gets flooded often causing havoc
3. forms number of dangerous waterfalls 4. is not a perennial river
Answer:- gets flooded often causing havoc

617. By what name is the Ganga known in Bangladesh?

1. Bhagirathi 2. Padma 3. Rupnarayan 4. Nubra
Answer:- Padma

618. By which name does the Brahmaputra enter into India?

1. Manas 2. Dilhang 3. Dhansiri 4. Tsangpo
Answer:- Dilhang

619. The longest river of peninsular India is ___________

1. Narmada 2. Mahanadi 3. Godavari 4. Cauveri
Answer:- Godavari

620. The highest waterfall in India is ____________

1. Courtallam 2. Jog 3. Sivasundaram 4. Hogenakal
Answer:- Jog

621. In which state is Jog Falls located?

1. Maharashtra 2. Karnataka 3. Tamil Nadu 4. Andhra Pradesh
Answer:- Karnataka

622. The river Cauvery originates from which of the following states?
1. Maharashtra 2. Tamil Nadu 3. Karnataka 4. Madhya
Answer:- Karnataka
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
623. The main river flowing in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is _____________
1. Nubra 2. Indus 3. Chenab 4. Jhelum
Answer:- Jhelum

624. The largest coal reserves of India are found in___________

1. Chattisgarh 2. Jharkhand 3. Madhya Pradesh 4.Orissa
Answer: Jharkhand

625. What is the capital of Chattisgarh?

1. Ranchi 2. Bilaspur 3. Raipur 4.Nagpur
Answer : Raipur

626. National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) is located at_________

1. Hyderabad 2. Banglore 3. Thiruvananthapuram 4. Gandanki, near
Answer : Hyderabad

627. Which of the following States of India has the largest length of surface roads ?
1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Maharashtra 4. Tamil Nadu
Answer : Maharashtra

628. One tribe, which is nearly extinct, is found in____________

1. Andaman 2. Lakshadweep 3. Chattisgarh 4.
Arunachal Pradesh
Answer : Andaman

629. In India, ‘YarlungZangboRiver' is known as?

1. Ganga 2. Indus 3. Brahamaputra 4. Mahanadi
Answer : Brahamaputra

630. What is chiefly found at Jharia in Jharkhand?

1. Thorium 2. Silk 3. Gold 4.Coal
Answer : Coal

631. The name of new Andhra Pradesh capital is likely to be____________

1. Amaravathi 2. Badrachala 3. Krishna Nagar 4. Varshavathi
Answer : Amaravathi

632. Capital of Manipur is __________

1. Guwahati 2. Shillong 3. Imphal 4.Itanagar
Answer : Imphal

633. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

1. Assam – Itanagar 2. Arunachal Pradesh – Guwahati
3. Manipur – Imphal 4. Nagaland – Shillong
Answer : Manipur – Imphal
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634. Which Indian state is known as ‘Land of Five Rivers’ ?
1. U.P. 2. Punjab 3. Rajasthan 4. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer:- Punjab

635. Which are the west-flowing rivers of southern Indian which flow into Arabian Sea?
1. Narmada and Tapti 2. Damodar and Mahanadi
3. Chambal and Betwa 4. Krishna and Cauveri
Answer:- Narmada and Tapti

636. Which of the following states has the largest number of salt lakes in India?
1. West Bengal 2. Rajasthan 3. Haryana 4. Maharashtra
Answer:- Rajasthan

637. Which of the following types of soils have a marked capacity to retain water?
1. Desert soil 2. Laterite soil 3. Regur soil 4. Red soil
Answer:- Regur soil

638. Deforestation results in : ______________

1. Flora destruction
2. Fauna destruction
3. Ecological disbalance
1. 2 and 3 2. 1,2 and 3 3. 1and 2 4.1 and 3
Answer:- 1,2 and 3

639. What proportion of geographical land area is under actual forest cover in India?
1. 21% 2. 32% 3. 48% 4. 18%
Answer:- 21%

640. The climate of India is:

1. tropical climate 2. subtropical monsoon
3. savanna type of climate 4. sub-tropical climate
Answer:- subtropical monsoon

641. Fertility of soil can be improved by __________

1. adding dead earthworms 2. adding living earthworms
3. removing dead earthworms 4. removing living earthworms and adding dead
Answer:- adding living earthworms

642. Crop rotation refers to____________

1. method of farming without irrigation in an area of limited rainfall
2. wise growing different crops in succession
3. growing same crop in alternate years
4. farming done on the same land by different people turn
Answer:- wise growing different crops in succession
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
643. The planet with the maximum number of natural satellites (moons), so far discovered
1. Jupiter 2. Neptune 3. Saturn 4. Uranus
Answer:- Saturn

644. Which of the following mountain ranges from the longest mountain chain in the world?
1. The Rockies of North America 2. The Andes of South America
3. The Transatlantic Range 4. The Great Dividing Range of Australia
Answer:- The Andes of South America

645. Which country is the largest landlocked country in the world?

1. Russia 2. Kazakhstan 3. Germany 4. China
Answer:- Kazakhstan

646. Which state amongst the following has the highest percentage of the Scheduled Caste
population of State’s population?
1. Jharkhand 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Bihar 4. Uttar Pradesh
Answer:- Jharkhand

647. Indian sovereignity in sea extends upto_____________nautical miles.

1. 8 2. 10 3. 14 4. 12
Answer:- 12

648. The biggest lake in India is __________

1. Chilka Lake 2. Dal Lake 3. Wular Lake 4. Sambhar Lake
Answer:- Chilka Lake

649. Which of the following states has the largest number of salt lakes in India?
1. West Bengal 2. Rajasthan 3. Haryana 4. Maharashtra
Answer:- Rajasthan

650. Which of the following is the major silk producing state in India?
1. Karnataka 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Maharashtra 4. Bihar
Answer:- Karnataka

651. Which one among the following is not a plantation crop?

1. Coffee 2. Sugarcane 3. Rubber 4. Wheat
Answer:- Wheat

652. The Great Victoria Desert is located in ___________

1. Canada 2. West Africa 3. Australia 4. North America
Answer:- Australia
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
653. The landmass of which of the following continents is the least?
1. Africa 2. Asia 3. Australia 4. Europe
Answer:- Australia

654. The largest gulf in the world is ________

1. Gulf of Mexico 2. Persian Gulf 3. Gulf of Carpentaria 4. Gulf of
Answer:- Gulf of Mexico

655. The largest producer of paper in the world is ___________

1. China 2. Japan 3. Sweden 4. U.S.
Answer : China

656. The transport route connecting the Kashmir from Leh crosses the high mountain ranges at the
1. Pir Panjal pass 2. Karakoram pass 3. Zoji La pass 4. Banihal pass
Answer:- Karakoram pass

657. “Green house effect” with respect to global warming refers to __________
1. cooling and moist condition 2. warming effect
3. increased rainfall and greenery 4.desertification
Answer:- warming effect

658. Which one of the following mountains is not the part of Eastern Ghats?
1. Sheravoy hills 2. Javadi hills 3. Elamalai hills 4. Nallamala hills
Answer:- Elamalai hills

659. Which of the following is not a major greenhouse gas?

1. Carbon dioxide 2. Methane 3. Calcium carbonate 4.Water vapour
Answer:- Calcium carbonate

660. Which one of the following is most prone to earthquakes?

1. Coastal plains 2. Old shields 3. Young folded mountains 4. Plateaus
Answer:- Young folded mountains

661. Most of the weather phenomena take place in the _______

1. Ionosphere 2. Stratosphere 3. Troposphere 4.Mesosphere
Answer:- Troposphere

662. The mountain range which stretches from Gujarat in west to Delhi in the north is the
1. Vindhyas 2. Aravallis 3. Satpuras 4. Kaimur range
Answer:- Aravallis

663. Which one among the following major Indian cities is most eastward located?
1. Hyderabad 2. Bhopal 3. Lucknow 4. Bengaluru
Answer:- Lucknow
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
664. The highest peak in South India is______
1. Doda Betta 2. Analmudi 3. Makurti 4. None of these
Answer:- Analmudi

665. Jharkhand does not share boundary with____________

1. West Bengal 2. Orissa 3. Chhattisgarh 4.Madhya Pradesh
Answer:- Madhya Pradesh

666. Zozila Pass connects____________

1. Leh and Srinagar 2. Nepal and Tibet 3. Leh and Kargil 4. Kashmir and
Answer:- Leh and Srinagar

667. The States which have common borders with China are_____________
1. Jammu and Kashmir
2. Sikkim
3. Arunachal Pradesh
4. Himachal Pradesh
1. 1, 3 and 4 2. 1, 2 and 3 3. 1 and 3 4.1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer:- 1, 2, 3 and 4

668. Which of the following passes and locations is/are wrongly matched?
1. Zojila and Burzil — Jammu & Kashmir
2. Bara Lapcha La and Shipki La — Uttar Pradesh
3. Thaga La, Niti Pass and Lipu Lekh — Himachal Pradesh
4. Nathu La and Jelep La — Sikkim
1. 1and 2 2. 1,2 and 3 3. 3 and 4 4. 2 and 3
Answer:- 2 and 3

669. Arrange the following hill ranges in order from north to south_______________
1. Nallamala Hills
2. Nilgiri
3. Anaimalai
4. Cardamon Hills
1. I, IV, II, II 2. I, I, IV, III 3. II, I, III, IV 4. I, II, II, IV
Answer:- I, II, III, IV

670. Arrange the following Himalayan peaks in order as they occur from west to east__________
1. Kanchenjunga
2. Mt. Everest
3. Nanda Devi
4. Dhaulagiri
1. I, I, IT, IV 2. I, II, IV, I 3. III, IV, II, I 4. III, II, 1, IV
Answer:- III, IV, II, I
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671. Among the following States, which one has the largest forest area?
1. Gujarat 2. Karnataka 3. Orissa 4.Tamil Nadu
Answer:- Gujarat

672. Consider the following mountain ranges__________

1. Ladakh Range 2. Karakoram 3. Greater Himalayas 4. Zanskar Range

What is the correct sequence of these from south to north?

1. 3,1, 4,2 2. 3, 4, 1, 2 3. 4,2, 3,1 4. 4,3,2,1
Answer:- 3, 4, 1, 2

673. In which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?

1. Granite 2. igneous 3. Metamorphic 4. Sedimentary
Answer:- Sedimentary

674. The second highest peak in the world is____________

1. Kanchenjunga 2. Nandadevi 3. K-2 (Godwin Austin) 4. Lhotse
Answer:- K-2 (Godwin Austin)

675. Which one of the following is the largest lake in the world?
1. Lake Superior 2. Caspian Sea 3. Lake Baikal 4. Lake Victoria
Answer:- Caspian Sea

676. The highest peak of the Himalayas in India is in__________

1. Uttarkhand 2. Kashmir 3. Sikkim 4. Himachal Pradesh
Answer:- Sikkim

677. How much of the Earth’s land surface is desert?

1. 1/10th 2. 1/5th 3. 1/3rd 4. 1/6th
Answer:- 1/3

678. Where exactly is Aksai Chin?

1. The north-east corner of Jammu and Kashmir 2. Near Leh
3. Along the Zaskar mountains 4. South of the Siachen Glacier
Answer:- The north-east corner of Jammu and Kashmir
680. The light from the Sun reaches the Earth in about______________
1. 8 seconds 2. 8 minutes 3. 10 seconds 4. 10 minutes
Answer:- 8 minutes

681. Which State has the largest coastline in India?

1. Gujarat 2. Maharashtra 3. Karnataka 4. Andhra Pradesh
Answer:- Gujarat

682. The highest peak of South India is _____________

1. Doddabetta 2. Anai Mudi 3. Mahendragiri 4. Mt. Abu
Answer:- Anai Mudi
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683. The Karakoram Highway connects which of the following pairs of countries?
1. India-Nepal 2. India-China 3. China-Pakistan 4. India-
Answer:- China-Pakistan

684. The Range in India is the oldest mountain range of the world____________
1. Satpura 2. Aravalli 3. Himalaiya 4. Siawaliks
Answer:- Aravalli
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
Indian Economic and Finance
685. Who estimated the National Income for the first time in India?
1. Mahalanobis 2. Dadabhai Naoroji 3. VKRV Rao 4. Sardar Patel
Answer:- Dadabhai Naoroji

686. Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of all

1. Goods produced in an economy in a year
2. Goods and services produced in an economy in a year
3. Final goods produced in an economy in a year
4. Final goods and services produced in an economy in a year
Answer:- Final goods and services produced in an economy in a year

687. When price of a substitute of commodity 'x' falls, the demand for 'x' :
1. falls 2. remains unchanged 3. Increases at increasing rate 4. Rises
Answer: remains unchanged

688. Which of the following banks was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919?
1. Allahabad Bank 2. Bank of Baroda 3. State Bank of India 4. Union Bank of
Answer:- Union Bank of India

689. Mixed Economy means

1. Promoting both agriculture and Industries in the economy
2. Co -existence of public and private sectors
3. Co - existence of rich and poor
40. Co - existence of small and large Industries
Answer:- Co -existence of public and private sectors

690. Expand the term EMI as used in banking/finance sector?

1. Easy Monthly Installment 2. Equal Monthly Investment
3. Equated Monthly Installment 4. Equated Mortgage Investment
Answer:- Equated Monthly Installment

691. Bank rate is decided by which of the following?

1. Reserve Bank of India 2. Government of India
3. State Bank of India 4. State Bank of India
Answer:- Reserve Bank of India

692. The Niti Aayog of India was set up by?

1. The Parliament
2. Joint decisions of the Union Government and the States
3. Executive order of the Union Government
4. An Ordinance of the President
Answer:- Executive order of the Union Government
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693. What does M in M-Banking Facility being offered by banks to their customers, stand for?
1. Money 2. Marginal 3. Message 4. Mobile
Answer:- Mobile

694. At which of the following cities is the Head Office of Reserve Bank of India located?
1. Mumbai 2. New Delhi 3. Kolkata 4. Bangalore
Answer:- Mumbai

695. Which state in India has become the first state to have 100% coverage of all households with
bank accounts?
1. Gujarat 2. M.P. 3. Tamil Nadu 4. Kerala
Answer:- Kerala

696. Which of the following is not a Maharatna Company?

1.Power Grid Corporation 2. NTPC 3. BHEL 4. GAIL
Answer:- NTPC

697. The abbreviations for debit and credit (Dr. and Cr.) comes from which language and means
what ?
1. Greek, debitor and creditor
2. Greek, debere and credere
3. Latin, debere and credere
4. Latin, debitum and creditum
Answer:- Latin, debitum and creditum

698. In which year was the Imperial Bank of India rechristened as State Bank of India?
1.1955 2.1950 3. 1962 4.1957
Answer:- 1955

699. The share of State Govt in the capital of Regional Rural Bank is —
1.50% 2. 35% 3. 25% 4. 15%
Answer:- 15%

700. Which Commission have approved a wage hike along with a hike in Market Development
1. Micro and Macro Industries Commissionq
2. Cotton and Wool Industries Commission
3. Small and Cottage Industries Commission
4. Khadi and Village Industries Commission
Answer:- Khadi and Village Industries Commission

701. Consumers are likely to get a variety of similar goods under

1. Oligopoly 2. Perfect competition 3. Monopolistic 4. Imperfect
Answer:- Monopolistic
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
702. Which of the following public sector banks has the largest number of branches in foreign
1. State Bank of India 2. Bank of Baroda
3. Punjab National Bank 4. Corporation Bank
Answer:- State Bank of India

703. The 12th Five Year Plan

1. Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
2. Eradication of poverty in India
3. India's Education
4. Development of Rural India
Answer:- Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

704. In India when population of an urban settlement crosses 100,000 it is called___

1. Town 2. City 3. Metropolis 4. Meghalopolis
Answer:- Town

705. Liberalization means

A. Removal of industrial licensing.
B. Dereservation of item from the SSI List.
C. Withdrawal of MRTP restrictions
Which ones were contemplated by the Government of India in the 1990’s?
1. A, B and C 2.A and B 3. A and C 4. B and C
Answer:- A, B and C

706. Which of the following authority sanctions foreign exchange for the import of goods?
1. Any Nationalised Bank 2. Exchange Bank
3. Reserve Bank of India 4. Ministry of Finance
Answer:- Reserve Bank of India

707. MODVAT is related to

1. Excise duty 2. Value Added Tax (VAT) 3. Wealth Tax 4. Income Tax
Answer:- Excise duty

708. Which type of economy does India have?

1. Socialist 2. Gandhian 3. Mixed 4. Free
Answer:- Mixed

709. When was Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) started?

1. 1952 2. 1978 3. 1964 4. 2001
Answer:- 1978

710. Which off the following sectors is included in the primary sector of the economy?
1. Education 2. Forestry 3. Textile industry 4. Tourism
Answer:- Forestry
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
711. Which of the following sectors is included in the secondary sector of the economy?
1. Hotels & restaurants 2. Water and Gas supply 3. Railways 4. Real
Answer:- Water and Gas supply

712. Which of the following is not a factor of production?

1. Capital 2. Labour 3. Sale 4. Entrepreneurship
Answer:- Sale

713. A micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed
1. Rs. 25 lakh 2. Rs. 5 crore 3. Rs. 50 lakh 4. Rs. 10 crore
Answer:- Rs. 25 lakh

714. The first ever “Agricultural Marketing and Farmer Friendly Reforms Index” was launched by
1. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
2. NITI Aayog
3. National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO)
4. Central Statistics Organisation (CSO)
Answer:- NITI Aayog

715. The Union Government has constituted a committee to form a strategy to expedite the
process of transforming India into a cashless economy. The name of the committee is
1. Tarapore committee 2. Shah Committee
3. Amitabh Kant Committee 4. Bimal Julka Committee
Answer:- Amitabh Kant Committee

716. Who has become the new brand ambassador to promote Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
1. Aamir Khan 2. Amitabh Bachchan 3. Sachin Tendulkar
4. P T Usha
Answer:- Amitabh Bachchan

717. Which among the following is NOT a ‘Core Sector’ of Indian Economy?
1. Pharmaceutical 2. Steel 3. Coal 4. Cement
Answer:- Pharmaceutical

718. Private Sector Mutual Funds in India were permitted in

1. 1964 2. 1993 3. 1994 4. 2001
Answer:- 1993

719. Which of these taxes has been removed?

1. Estate duty 2. Value added tax 3. Central Sales Tax 4. Property tax
Answer:- Estate duty

720. Income that is reduced from total income for purposes of taxation is a/an:
1. Exemption 2. Rebate 3. Deduction 4. None of these
Answer:- Deduction
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
721. Which of the following does not describe the nature of inflation ?
1. Too much money chasing few goods and services in an economy
2. Expansionary impact on the level of economic activities in an economy
3. Increasing level of interest rates
4. Increasing exchange rate of domestic currency with respect to a foreign currency
Answer:- Increasing exchange rate of domestic currency with respect to a foreign currency

722. India's share in world trade is currently around:

1. 10 per cent 2. 5 per cent 3. 1.67 percent 4. 0.7 per cent
Answer:-1.67 percent

723. Which of the following oil refineries is the second biggest oil refinery of India in the Public
1. Digboi (IOC) 2. Mumbai (HPCL) 3. Haldia (IOC) 4. Mathura
Answer:- Haldia (IOC)

724. It will be true to classify India as_______

1. A food-deficit economy 2. A labour-surplus economy
3. A trade surplus economy 4. A capital surplus economy
Answer:- A labour-surplus economy

725. CENVAT is related to________

1. Sales Tax 2. Wealth Tax 3. Income Tax 4. Excise Duty
Answer:- Excise Duty

726. Fiscal-deficit is_______

1. Total expenditure—Total receipts
2. Revenue expenditure—Revenue receipts
3. Capital expenditure—Capital receipts— Borrowings
4. Sum of budget deficit and Government’s market borrowings and Liabilities
Answer:- Sum of budget deficit and Government’s market borrowings and Liabilities

727. Non-tax revenue of Union Government largely comprises:

1. Interest receipts
2. Loan repayments
3. Income tax
4. Dividends and Profits
1. 1 and 2 2. 1, 2 and 3 3. 1, 3 and 4 4. 2, 3 and 4
Answer:- 1, 3 and 4

728. Consider the following expenditure :

1. Expenditure on electricity generation
2. Expenditure on construction of roads
3. Expenditure on S&T
4. Expenditure on Environment.
Which of the above comes under the head 'Plan expenditure' ?
1. 1, 2 and 3 2. 1, 3 and 4 3. 2, 3 and 4 4. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer:- 1, 2, 3 and 4
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729. The emphasis in the First Five Year Plan was on the development of
1. Industry 2. Agriculture 3. Education 4. Trade
Answer:- Agriculture

730. Blue revolution refers to

1. Forest Development 2. Fishing 3. Poultry Farming 4. Horticulture
Answer:- Fishing

731. The person responsible for economic model for Indian Planning :
1. Jawaharlal Nehru 2.P.C. Mahalanobis 3. Tarlok Singh 4.V.T.
Answer:- Jawaharlal Nehru

732. The Mallimath Committee Report deals with:

1. judicial delays in India 2. criminal justice administration
3. stock market reforms 4. review of Constitutional system
Answer:- criminal justice administration

733. Which one of the following is/are the salient features of SEZ scheme ?
I. No license required for import.
II. Manufacturing/service activities allowed.
III. No routine examination by Customs authorities of Export/Import cargo.
Which of the above are correct?
1. I and II 2. II and III 3.I and III 4.I, II and III
Answer:- I, II and III

734. The basic principle of Gandhian economy was

1. State Control 2. Trusteeship 3. Competition 4. Rural Co-
Answer:- Trusteeship

735. The Government of India has approved the constitution of the 7th Pay Commission to
implement its recommendations to revise the salary and pension of its staff from
1. January 2014 2. January 2015 3. January 2016 4. January
Answer:- January 2016

736. Lorenz curve indicates which of the following?

1. Income distribution
2. Taxable Income Elasticity
3. Relationship between the price of a certain commodity and its demand.
4. Rate of employment
Answer:- Income distribution

737. A deliberate sale of a part of the capital stock of a company to raise resources and change the
equity and/or management structure of a company is known as :
1. Liberalization 2. Privatisation 3. Disinvestment 4. Dumping
Answer:- Disinvestment
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738. Which of the following is known as the process of integrating the domestic economy with the
World economy?
1. Globalization 2. Privatization 3. Liberalization 4. All of the above
Answer:- Globalization

739. The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEM1. was enacted in the year:
1. 1991 2. 1995 3. 1999 4. 2001
Answer:- 1999

740. The economic liberalization was introduced in

1. 1991 2. 1990 3. 1985 4. 1988
Answer:- 1991

741. The Indian rupee is a legal tender in two other countries. One is Nepal. The other is
1. Pakistan 2. Sri Lanka 3. Bhutan 4. Afghanistan
Answer:- Bhutan

742. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCE1. has (January 2017) approved reducing
the government's stake in the five PSU general insurance corporation from 100 per cent to
1. 49 per cent 2. 75 per cent 3. 84 per cent 4. 65 per cent
Answer:- 75 per cent

743. According to religious demography, what percent of muslim population is recorded in 2011
census ?
1. 14.23% 2. 15.23 3. 26.23 4. 25.23
Answer:- 14.23%

744. Which of the following is considered Non Tax Revenue of the Government of India as
projected in the Union Budget?
1. Income Tax 2. Custom Duty 3. Service Tax 4. Dividends and Profits
Answer:- Dividends and Profits

745. Income gap is the gap between the incomes of the

1. bottom poor and the top rich section of a population
2. labourers and capitalists
3. rich and poor nations
4. All of the above
Answer:- All of the above

746. Redistribution policies aimed at reducing economic inequalities include

1. Rural development schemes 2. Land reforms
3. Progressive tax policies 4. All the above
Answer:- All the above

747. The main source of fund for the National Highway Authority of India is
1. Cess 2. Foreign assistance
3. Market borrowings 4. Budgetary support of Union Government
Answer:- Budgetary support of Union Government
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748. The growth rate of the Per Capita Income at the current price is higher than the Per Capita
Income at constant prices, because the former takes into account the rate of
1. Increase in price level
2. Population growth
3. Growth in money supply
4. Increase in wage rate
Answer:- Increase in price level.

749. The 12th Finance Commission was chaired by

1. K.C. Pant 2. Raja Chelliah 3. Manmohan Singh 4. Dr. C.
Answer:- Dr. C. Rangrajan

750. The face of the Indian Rupee was designed by

1. D.Udaya Kumar 2. Sahil Shetty 3. Rana Dasgupta 4. Salil Bhatt
Answer:- D.Udaya Kumar

751. The best solution for overcoming the evil effects of small and uneconomic holdings is
1. Cooperative farming
2. Using capital intensive technology
3. Rapid industrialization
4. Opt for cash crops instead of food crops
Answer:- Cooperative farming

752. Increase in policy rate leads to

1. Fall in investments
2. Increase in borrowings
3. Fall in price of goods and services
4. Decrease in savings
Answer:- Fall in investments

753. CPI stands for:

1. Congress Party of India 2. Cost Price Index
3. Consumer Price Index 4. None of these
Answer:- Consumer Price Index

754. TDS stands for:

1. Tax deductable at source 2. Tax derived at source
3. Tax deducted at source 4. Tax difference at source
Answer:- Tax deducted at source

755. Corporate tax is a:

1. Sales tax 2. Excise duty 3. Income tax 4. Expenditure tax
Answer:- Income tax
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756. The Laffer curve shows the relationship between?
1. Per capita income and environmental pollution
2. Rate of unemployment and rate of inflation
3. Tax rate and tax revenue
4. Economic growth and income inequality
Answer:- Tax rate and tax revenue

757. Consider the following statements:

1. Recapitalization involves providing the bank with new capital by government
2. Recapitalization by GOI is mostly to ensure banks meet Basel norms
3. Purchase of shares of a bank is part of Recapitalization of banks
1. 1, 2 2. 1, 3 3. 2, 3 4. All the above
Answer:- All the above

758. Which sector has the maximum contribution to India's GDP ?

1. Services 2. Agriculture 3. Industry 4. Rest of the World Sector
Answer:- Services

759. For international payments the Indian currency is linked to

1. British sterling 2. American dollar 3. International oil price 4. Gold
Answer:- American dollar

760. What does FDI stand for?

1. Foreign Domestic Investment
2. Foreign Direct Investment
3. Flexible Direct Investment
4. Fixed Domestic Investment
Answer:- Foreign Direct Investment

761. ‘WPI’ is used as an acronym for

1. World Price Index
2. World Price Indicators
3. Wholesale Price Index
4. Wholesale price Indicators
Answer:- Wholesale Price Index

762. The practice of selling goods in a foreign country at a price below their domestic selling price
is called
1. discrimination 2. Dumping 3. double pricing 4. predatory
Answer:- Dumping
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763. Which of the following are included in the category of direct tax in India ?
1. Corporation tax 2. Tax on income 3. Wealth tax 4. Customs duty
Excise duty

764. Select the correct answer using the code given below :
1. 1, 2 and 3 2. 1, 2, 4 and 5 3. 2 and 3 only 4. 1, 3, 4 and 5
Answer:- 1, 2 and 3

765. Balance of trade is known to be favourable when

1. Value of exported goods exceeds the value of imported goods
2. Value of exported goods matches the value of imported goods
3. Value of imported goods exceeds the value of exported goods
4. None of the above
Answer:- Value of exported goods exceeds the value of imported goods

766. RBI keeps on changing ratio rates frequently. Why is this done?
1. To keep inflation under control
2. To ensure that Indian Rupee does not lose its market value
3. To ensure that banks do not earn huge profits in the cost of public money
Select the correct Answer:-
1. Only 2 2. Only 1 3. Only 3 4. 1, 2 and 3
Answer:- Only 1.

767. In Indian economy, the principal means of transportation is

1. airways 2. Railways 3. waterways 4. roadways
Answer:- Railways

768. The statutory liquidity ratio of commercial banks is fixed by the

1. Finance Ministry 2.SEBI 3. Finance Commission 4. RBI
Answer:- RBI

769. NABARD is a /an

1. Cooperative Bank
2. Agricultural Refinance Bank
3. Commercial Bank
4. Industrial Finance Institution
Answer:- Agricultural Refinance Bank

770. ‘Yen’ is the currency of:

1. Bulgaria 2. Brazil 3.Chile 4.Japan
Answer:- Japan

771. Which of the following is the currency of Myanmar?

1.Dinar 2. Kyat 3.Pesso 4.Euro
Answer:- Kyat

772. What is the currency of Brazil?

1. Euro 2. Dinar 3. Brazil Real 4.Dollar
Answer:- Brazil Real
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773. Dirham is the currency of
1. Japan 2. Russia 3.Kuwait 4.UAE
Answer:- UAE

774. The value of the Indian Rupee in the international exchange is decided by
1. Market forces
2. Reserve Bank of India
3. World Bank
4. International Monetary Fund
Answer:- Market forces

775. During which Five year plan was Green Revolution initiated in India?
1. 3rd 2. 4th 3.5th 4.6th
Answer:- 3rd

776. The Green Revolution in India has been identified with

1. Dr. Man Mohan Singh
2. Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia
3. Mr. Rajendra Singh ‘waterman’
4. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
Answer:- Dr. M.S. Swaminathan

777. What does S & P 500 relate to?

1. Supercomputer
2. A new technique in bridge building
3. A new technique in e-business
4. An index of stocks of large companies
Answer:- An index of stocks of large companies

778. The world economic crisis of which period is termed as the Great Depression?
1. 1929-30 2. 1930-40 3.1935-45 4.1950-60
Answer:- 1929-30

779. The price of any currency in the international market is determined by

1. The World Bank
2. The demand for goods and services provided by that country
3. The amount of gold that country has in reserve
4. The economic stability of that country
Answer:- The demand for goods and services provided by that country

780. The levying of which tax is outside the jurisdiction of a municipal corporation?
1. Property tax 2. Income tax 3. Profession tax 4. Education tax
Answer:- Income tax

781. Which of the following is not a method of estimating national income?

1. Output method 2. Export-Import method 3. Income method
Expenditure method
Answer:- Export-Import method
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
782. The terms "bull" and "bear" are used in the
1. Bihar Government's Animal HusbandryDepartment
2. Income Tax Department
3. CBI
4. Stock Market
Answer:- Stock Market

783. The largest industry in terms of employment potential in India is

1. The mining sector
2. The Railways
3. The textiles sector
4. Small-scale and cottage industries
Answer:- Small-scale and cottage industries

784. What is the full form of the abbreviation IPO?

1. Indian Public Offer 2. Industrial Purchase Order
3. Initial Public Offer 4. Indian purchase Offer
Answer:- Initial Public Offer

785. Negative inflation is also called:

1. Disinflation 2. Deflation 3. Both A and B 4. None of the above
Answer:- Deflation

786. The biggest share of each rupee spent by the central government goes towards
1. Defense expenditure 2. Interest payments 3. Subsidies 4. Salaries
Answer:- Interest payments

787. Dumping, in the context of international trade, refers to

1. Exporting goods at prices below the cost of production
2. Exporting goods of interior quality
3. Exporting goods only to re-import them at cheaper rates
4. Exporting goods without paying appropriate taxes in the receiving country
Answer:- Exporting goods at prices below the cost of production

788. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission or Solar India has been launched to create an
installed cap end of
1. 13th Plan
2. 14th Plan
3. 15th Plan
4. 16th Plan
Answer:- 13th Plan

789. A tax that takes away a higher proportion of one’s income as the income rises is termed as
1. Progressive tax 2. Proportional tax 3. Regressive tax 4. Indirect
Answer:- Progressive tax
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790. The “White Goods” industry refers to
1. Consumer durables
2. Building hardware
3. Milk and allied products
4. Computer consumables
Answer:- Consumer durables

791. The terms "Micro Economics" and "Macro Economics" were coined by
1. Alfred Marshall 2. Ragner Fiscer
3. RagnerNurkse 4.J.M. Keynes
Answer:- Ragner Fiscer

792. Which is the correct Stock Index - Country Match? Stock Index Country
a. HANG SENG i. United States
b. NASDAQ ii. South Korea
c. FTSE iii. Hong Kong
d. KOSPI iv. United Kingdom
1. a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv 2.a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii
3. a-iv, b-i, c-iii, d-ii 4.a-iv, b-ii, c-i, d-iii
Answer:- a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii

793. ‘Globalisation of Indian Economy’ means –

1. giving up programmes of import substitution
2. having minimum possible restrictions on economic relation with other countries
3. stepping up
4. establishing Indian Business units abroad
Answer:- having minimum possible restrictions on economic relation with other countries

794. Indian government is planning to introduce GAAR. What is the purpose of GAAR?
1. Increase rural income
2. Regulatory authority for managing agriculture resources
3. Regulate foreign investment in agriculture
4. Curtail tax avoidance
Answer:- Curtail tax avoidance

795. Which of the following is not a central government tax ?

1. Income tax 2. Customs 3. Land revenue 4. Corporation tax
Answer:- Land revenue

796. The maximum share of the Gross Domestic Product now comes from
1. Agriculture 2. Manufacturing 3. Services 4. Livestock
Answer:- Services

797. Inflation implies

1. rise in general price index
2. rise in money supply
3. rise in budget deficit
4. rise in prices of cons
Answer:- rise in general price index
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
798. In a state wise sales tax scenario, which tax is applicable on the interstate sales?
1. Central Sales Tax 2. Service Tax 3. Octroi of the sending state
4. Central Excise
Answer:- Central Sales Tax

799. CPI and WPI as acronyms, refer to:

1. Political Parties
2. Purchasing capacity indices
3. Price Indices
4. Poverty Indices
Answer:- Price Indices

800. Read the following statements carefully:

I. Excise duty is a tax on manufacture or production of goods and services
II. Not all kinds of excise duty is collected by the Central Government in India
III. Excise duty is an indirect tax
Which of the statements given above are correct?
1. Statements I and II 2. Statements II and III
3. Statement I and III 4. All of the above
Answer:- All of the above

801. Which of the following is the apex institution which handles refinance for agriculture and
rural development in India?
Answer:- NABARD

802. In which year was the Reserve Bank of India established ?

1. 1935 2.1047 3- 1949 4.1952
Answer:- 1935

803. National Income of India is compiled by

1. Finance Commission
2. Indian Statistical Institute
3. National Development Council
4. Central Statistical Organisation
Answer:- Central Statistical Organisation

804. India’s maximum export earnings come from

1. Tea 2. Engineering goods 3. Jewellery and gems
4. Handicrafts
Answer:- Engineering goods

805. A rise in inflation generally favours the

1. Debtors 2. Creditors 3. Banks 4. Stock brokers
Answer:- Debtors

806. National Institute of Rural Development is located at

1. Pune 2. Hyderabad 3. Mumbai 4. Chennai
Answer:- Hyderabad
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807. The German Stock Market Index is called
1. NIFTY 2. Standard and Poor 3. Dow Jones 4. MID-DAX
Answer:- MID-DAX

808. Black money is

1. counterfeit currency
2. illegally earned money
3. income on which payment of tax is evaded
4. money earned through underhand deals
Answer:- income on which payment of tax is evaded

809. Debenture holders of a company are its

1. debtors 2. Shareholders 3. Creditors 4. Workers
Answer:- Creditors

810. Which is the best measure of economic growth of a country?

1. GNP 2. GDP 3. Net revenue 4. None of these
Answer:- GDP

811. The fiscal policy is concerned with

1. Imports and exports 2. Debt and public finance
3. Credit creation 4. Issuance of currency
Answer:- Debt and public finance

812. The central co-operative banks are in direct touch with?

1. Farmers
2. State Co-Operative Banks
3. Land Development Banks
4. Central Government
Answer:- State Co-Operative Banks

813. Regional Rural Banks are sponsored by

1. Nationalised Commercial Bank
2. Reserve Bank of India
3. State Bank of India
4. Government of India
Answer:- Nationalised Commercial Bank

814. Excise Duty is a tax levied on:

1. Commodities that are exported
2. Commodities that are imported
3. Both the exported and imported commodities
4. Commodities that are produced and consumed within the country
815. Answer:- Commodities that are produced and consumed within the country
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816. The Indian income tax is
I. Direct II. Progressive III. Indirect IV. Proportional
1. I and II 2. I and IV 3. II and III 4. III and IV
Answer:- I and II

817. The period of the First Five Year Plan was from
1. 1950 – 51 to 1954 – 55
2. 1951 – 52 to 1955 – 56
3. 1952 – 53 to 1956 – 57
4. None of these
Answer:- 1951 – 52 to 1955 – 56

818. Nikkei is the sensitive index of which stock exchange?

1. Tokyo 2. Singapore 3. New York 4. Frankfurt
Answer:- Tokyo

819. Which among the following is a direct tax?

1. Excise Duty 2. Sales Tax 3. Income Tax 4. Customs Duty
Answer:- Income Tax

820. An individual’s actual standard of living can be assessed by

1. Gross National Income
2. Net National Income
3. Per Capita Income
4. Disposable Personal Income
Answer:- Per Capita Income

821. Which of the following is a term NOT connected with stock exchanges in India?
1. SEBI 2. Badla 3.Hawala 4.Nifty
Answer:- Hawala

822. The value of the Indian rupee is officially expressed in terms of

1. Gold 2. Pound sterling 3. US Dollar 4.A basket of currencies
Answer:- A basket of currencies

823. A rolling plan means a

1. Five-year plan 2. Year-to-year plan 3. Long-term plan 4. No definite plan
Answer:- Year-to-year plan

824. The ‘break-even’ point is where

1. marginal revenue equals marginal cost
2. average revenue equals average cost
3. total revenue equals total cost
4. none of the above
Answer:- total revenue equals total cost
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825. Which is the biggest tax paying sector in India?
1. Agricultural sector 2. Industrial sector 3. Transport sector 4. Banking
Answer:- Industrial sector

826. Before the NITI Aayog came into being, the apex body for approval, monitoring and
appraisal of five – year plans in India was
1. The Planning Commission
2. National Development Council
3. The Union Cabinet
4. The Parliament
Answer:- National Development Council

827. The Minimum Support Prices for agricultural commodities are recommended by the
1. Ministry of Agriculture
2. Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices
3. Indian Council of Agricultural Research
4. Agricultural Prices Commission
Answer:- Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices

828. The highest milk producing state in India is

1. Gujarat 2. Punjab 3. Uttar Pradesh 4.Tamil Nadu
Answer:- Uttar Pradesh

829. Which of these is the most important agricultural item in terms of revenues in India’s total
farm output?
1. Rice 2. Wheat 3. Sugarcane 4.Milk
Answer:- Milk

830. With which of the following is SARFAESI Act 2002 related?

1. Recovery of bad loans
2. Regulation of Foreign Exchange
3. Fixation of interest rates
4. Acquisition of small banks
Answer:- Recovery of bad loans

831. The Brettonwoods Conference is related to the formation of

1. UNO 2. WTO
3. World Bank and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
4. WHO
Answer:- World Bank and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

832. In India, which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy?
1. Niti Aayog
2. Ministry of Finance
3. Finance Commission
4. The Reserve Bank of India
Answer:- Option B
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833. In case of perfectly elastic goods, the impact of a rise in price will be _____ in demand.
1. Stability 2. Decrease 3.Increase 4.Fluctuation
Answer:- Decrease

834. Which among the following operate as lenders in the Call Money Market?
1. A and B 2. A, C and D 3. A, B and D 4. A, B, C and D
Answer:- A, C and D

835. The budget deficit means

1. the excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue receipts
2. difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure
3. difference between all receipts and all the expenditure
4. fiscal deficit less interest payments
Answer:- difference between all receipts and all the expenditure

836. The National Renewal Fund was created with a view to providing
1. assistance to chronically sick industrial units
2. Reconstruction and modernisation of industries
3. social benefits to the elderly
4. financial assistance to poor farmers
Answer:- Reconstruction and modernisation of industries

837. ‘Ad Valorem’ means according to

1. Value 2. Excise Rules 3. Old Rules 4. New Rules
Answer:- Value

838. ‘Pure Banking, Nothing Else’ is a slogan raised by—

1. ICICI Bank 2. HDFC Bank 3. SBI Bank 4. Bank of Baroda
Answer:- SBI Bank

839. ‘White Paper’ is a

1. paper of good quality
2. paper having white colour
3. issued by the Government on important issues of national concern
4. paper used for bearer bonds
Answer:- issued by the Government on important issues

840. Which of the following is an example of an economic cartel?

1. WTO 2. SAFTA 3. OPEC 4.EU
Answer:- OPEC

841. The mutual fund in India are regulated by the

1. Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
2. Reserve Bank of India
3. Banking Ombudsman
4. Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Answer:- Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
842. Which of the following areas of output is witnessing a new revolution?
1. Oilseeds 2. Fisheries 3. Fruits 4. Cereals
Answer:- Oilseeds

843. Which of the following is the basic characteristic of Oligopoly?

1. a few sellers, one buyer
2. a few sellers, many buyers
3. a few sellers, a few buyers
4. many sellers, a few buyers
Answer:- a few sellers, many buyers

844. “Bank Rate” is the

1. Rate of interest charged by banks on loans
2. Interest rate given by banks on FDs
3. Rate at which the bills of exchange are rediscounted by the RBI
4. None of the above
Answer:- Rate at which the bills of exchange are rediscounted by the RBI

845. Which of the following is a part of fiscal policy?

1. Money supply 2. Taxation 3. Public debt 4. Both B and C
Answer:- Both B and C

846. The Federal Bank is a major Indian commercial bank headquartered in

1. Thiruvananthapuram 2. Thrissur 3. Kozhikode 4. Aluva
Answer:- Aluva.

847. Forward Trading a is term used in the context of

1. Stock exchanges 2. Reserve Bank of India 3. Banks 4. World Bank
Answer:- Stock exchanges

848. Which of following was a predecessor to the creation of World Trade Organization?
1. League of Nations
2. Jakarta Conference
3. Masstricht Treaty
4. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Answer:- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

849. The World Bank is really known as

1. International Development Bank
2. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
3. International Monetary Fund
4. None of these
Answer:- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
850. ATMs that are owned and managed by non-banking entities are known as —
1. Red Label ATMs
2. White Label ATMs
3. Green Label ATMs
4. Blue Label ATMs
Answer:- White Label ATMs.

851. A buyer’s market exists when

1. A buyer faces a glut of products to choose from
2. A buyer faces scarcity of products to choose from
3. A no. of producers co-exists and sells the product at a mutually agreed price
4. None of these
Answer:- A buyer faces a glut of products to choose from

852. A Scheduled bank is defined by the RBI as a Bank

1. With a paid – up capital and reserve of a minimum of 10 lacs
2. With a paid – up capital and reserve of a minimum of 5 lacs
3. With a paid – up capital and reserve of a minimum of 50 lacs
4. With a paid – up capital and reserve of a minimum of 1 crore
Answer:- With a paid – up capital and reserve of a minimum of 5 lacs

853. Which of the following is not the function of the Reserve Bank of India ?
1. Acting as banker to the Government
2. Keeping of Foreign Exchange Reserve
3. Issuing of one rupee notes and coins
4. Regulating credit in the country
Answer:- Issuing of one rupee notes and coins.
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Computer and Tech

854. 'Astrosat' is India's first

1. Reconnaissance Satellite 2. Remote sensing satellite
3. Space observatory 4. Communication Satellite
Answer: Space observatory

855. Which of the following statements is true with respect to ASCII?

1. A programming language 2. ASCII chart is not for decimals
3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange 4. A character encoding scheme
Answer: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

856. Which one of the following does not belong to the group?
1. Monitor 2. Keyboard 3. Webcam 4. Mouse
Answer: Monitor
Note: All are input device but monitor is output device

857. Which among the following cycle consists of an Input, processing, output and storage as its
1. Processing 2. Output 3. Input 4. Storage 5. Data
Answer: Processing

858. Select all the text in MS Word document by

1. Ctrl +S 2. Ctrl +1 3. Shift + A 4. Ctrl +A
Answer: Ctrl +A

859. Which of the following is not an input device?

1. Mouse 2. Monitor 3. Keyboard 4. Microphone
Answer: Monitor
Note: Monitor is an output device.

860. The three main parts of the processor are .

1. ALU, Control Unit and Registers 2. ALU, Control Unit and RAM
3. Cache, Control Unit and Register 4. Control Unit, Registers and RAM
5. RAM, ROM and CD-ROM
Answer: ALU, Control Unit and Registers
Note. ALU, Control Unit and Registers are three main parts of the processor.

861. What does backup in a computer do?

1. copying and archiving of computer data 2. copying and pasting of computer data
3. cut and paste of computer data 4. cutting and archiving of computer data
Answer: copying and archiving of computer data
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
862. Which among the following is not a computer operating system?
1. Windows 2. Unix 3. Office 4. Linux
Answer: Office

863. All the logic and mathematical calculations done by the computer happen in/on the-
1. system board 2. central control unit 3. central processing unit
4. motherboard 5. memory
Answer: central processing unit
Note: All the logic and mathematical calculations done by the CPU.

864. Keyboards, scanners, and microphones are examples of .

1. software programs 2. input devices 3. output devices
4. utilities Answer: input devices
Answer:- They all are input devices.

865. Which is the longest computer network in the world?

1. Internet 2. Intranet 3. LAN 4.
Answer: Internet

866. 'docx' is an extension for which one of the following?

1. Adobe Reader 2. Microsoft Word 3. Microsoft Excel 4. Paint
Answer: Microsoft Word

867. A nibble is equal to bits.

1. 16 2. 32 3. 4 4. 8
Answer: 4
Note A nibble = 4 bits.

868. What is Linux?

1. Input Device 2. Operating system 3. Storage Device 4. Output Device
5. Processor
Answer: Operating system.

869. Which of the following is not a computer programming language?

1. Windows 2. PASCAL 3. BASIC 4. COBOL 5. JAVA
Answer: Windows is a type of operating system

870. Which of these is not a means of personal communication on the internet?

1. Chat 2. Instant messaging 3. Instant’s browser 4. Electronic mail
Answer:- Instant’s browser

871. Which of the following allows users to upload files to an online site so they can be viewed
and edited from another location?
1. General-purpose applications 2. Microsoft Outlook 3. Web-hosted technology
4. Office Live
Answer:- Web-hosted technology
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
872. What is the name of the Tablet computer produced by Data Wind which is promoted by the
Government of India as part of an e-learning program?
1. Sakshat 2. Rainbow 3. Akash 4. Param
Answer: Akash

873. Which function key is used to refresh the current window?

1. Fi 2. F5 3. F3 4. F6
Answer:- F5

874. Which of the following is the first graphical web browser?

1. MSN 2. Mozilla 3. Chrome 4. Mosaic 5. Internet explorer
Answer:- - Mosaic

875. "Silicon Valley of India" refers to

1. Bengaluru 2. Pune 3. Gurgaon 4. Hyderabad
Answer: Bengaluru

876. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

1. Telephone Graham Bell 2. Small Pox Vaccination Eduard Jenner
3. Diesel Engine Carnot 4. Ball Point John J. Loud
Answer: Diesel Engine Carnot

877. Prithvi Defence Vehicle is

1. The name of an amphibious Naval vessel
2. The name of a single seated aircraft developed by HAL
3. The name of India’s Nuclear Intercepter Missile
4. The name of a newly developed tank
Answer: The name of India’s Nuclear Intercepter Missile

878. BCC in the internet refer to

1. Blind Carbon Copy 2. Black Carbon Copy 3. Blank Carbon Copy
4. Blue Carbon Copy
Answer: Blind Carbon Copy

879. ____________allows wireless mobile device to access the internet and its services such as
the weband email.
1. TCP 2. Ethernet 3. WAP 4. Token ring
Answer:- WAP

880. Solar Impulse–2 is:

1. Impact of climate change for overall increase of 2º C a year
2. Hybrid airplane
3. Solar powered ship
4. Solar powered airplane that completed the first around the world
Answer: Solar powered airplane that completed the first around the world
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
881. With the development of Terahertz (THz) transmitter, it is expected to be faster than 5G
mobile networks by:
1. Ten times 2. Four times 3. Two times 4. Five times
Answer: Ten times

882. Who invented the clinical thermometer?

1. Alexander Fleming 2. Thomas Clifford Abbott 3. Edward Jenner 4. Louis Pasteur
Answer: Thomas Clifford Abbott

883. ___________is the US software pioneer who became the first person to travel twice to
space as a tourist
1. Charles Babbage 2. Neil Armstrong 3. Charles Simonyi 4. Bill Gates
Answer: Chang’e- I

884. What is the name of first spacecraft to touch the surface of a comet?
1. India’s ASTROSAT 2. India’s NAVIC 3. NASA’s Deep Impact 4. None of these
Answer: NASA’s Deep Impact

885. Which is the India’s first Mapping Satellite?


886. Which space agency is planning to grow potatoes on Mars ?

1. Russian Federal Space Agency 2. NADA 3. NASA 4. ISRO
Answer: NASA

887. The world's first 'water-wave laser' has created by scientists in

1. USA 2. UK 3. Israel 4. China
Answer: Israel

888. By genetic Engineering technique, the first transgenic animals are produced among
1. Transgenic Bacteria 2. Transgenic Mice 3. Transgenic Cow 4. Transgenic Goat
Answer: Transgenic Cow

889. The first US space shuttle to explode while returning home killing all the astronauts on
February 1, 2003.
1. Colombus 2. Apollo 12 3. Columbia 4. None of these
Answer: Columbia

890. Identify the wrongly matched:

1. Thomson J : Electron 2. Thomas Alva Edison : Phonograph
3. Alexander Graham Bell : Telephone 4. Rutherford: Neutron
Answer: Rutherford: Neutron
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
891. Who among the following developed the first known printing press in the 1430s?
1. Johann Gutenburg 2. James Watt 3. New Commen 4. Marconi
Answer: Johann Gutenburg

892. 999. What is the name of the first Probe Mission to planet Pluto?
1. Huygens 2. Xichang 3. New Horizons 4. Change I
Answer: New Horizons

893. Long March 3B rocket is associated withwhich country?

1. North Korea 2. China 3. Russia 4. USA
Answer: China

894. Which among the following is known for developing FM radio ?

1. Edwin Howard Armstrong 2. Albert Abraham Michelson
3. Charles Thomson Rees Wilson 4. Hideki Yukawa
Answer: Edwin Howard Armstrong

895. Who is the founder of popular social networking site, twitter?

1. Jack Dorsey 2. Bill Gates 3. M. Zuckerberg 4. Charles Babbage
Answer: Jack Dorsey

896. Who is the man of missile technology in India?

1. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 2. Homibhabha 3. Chindabaram 4. U.R.Rao
Answer: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

897. India's said lite launched in 1975 was named

1. Aryabhata 2. Bhaskara 3. Rohini 4. Jugnu
Answer: Aryabhata

898. Who among the following devised the technique IVF (in vitro fertilization)?
1. Sir Frank Whittle 2. Robert Edwards 3. Japan 4. Dr. Martin Cooper
Answer: Robert Edwards

899. The web uses the _____to request and serve web pages and programs.
1. Hyper Text Marketing Language 2. Hyper Text Markup Language
3. Hotmail Text Markup Language 4. Home Text Markup Language
Answer: Hyper Text Markup Language

900. Under which project has Indian successfully test fired an anti-satellite (A-SAT) missile by
shooting down a live satellite?
1. Mission Vayun 2. Mission Shakti 3. Missison Gagan 4. Mission Dharti

901. Which shortcut key is used to open a new file in MS-Word?

1. ctrl +N 2. ctrl + M 3. ctrl + Y 4. ctrl + XK 5. ctrl + Z
Answer: ctrl +N
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
902. Internet is controlled by
1. The U.S.A. 2. The U.K. 3. Switzerland 4. None of the above
Answer: The U.S.A.

903. Which of the following terms is not connected with the Internet?
1. HTTP 2. Vortal 3. HTML 4. TTML
Answer: TTML

904. printer is used for fax machines.

1. Line 2. Dot matrix 3. Laser 4. Ink jet 5. Thermal
Answer: Thermal

905. A program must be loaded into which of the following to be read by the CPU?
1. PEN Drive 2. Hard Disk 3. CD drive 4. Memory or RAM 5. The BIOS
Answer- Memory or RAM

906. The principle of ‘Black Hole’ was enunciated by

1. C.V.Raman 2.H.J.Bhabha
3. S.Chandrashekhar 4. Max Planck
Answer: S.Chandrashekhar

907. Apple has 5 offices at different locations. Office Local Area Networks of its different offices
on a large scale can be connected using a corporate?
1. Controller Area Network 2. Wide Area Network 3. Direct Alert Network
4. Local Area Network 5. Total Area Network
Answer- Wide Area Network

908. What is the permanent memory in computers known as?

1. RAM 2. ROM 3. CPU 4. CD ROM
Answer: ROM

909. The software that allows the users to surf the internet is called a/an
1. Search engine 2. Internet Service Provider (ISP)
3. Multimedia application 4. Browser
Answer: Browser

910. Which part of computer handles communications between the CPU and the disk drives?
1. Operating system 2. RAM 3. ROM 4. CPU itself 5. Control panel
Answer- option 1

911. If a printer or a scanner is attached to a computer, then which of the following must be
installed before it can be used.
1. pager 2. driver 3. buffer 4. All of the above 5. None of these
Answer- driver
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
912. In E-mail, What does BCC stand for?
1. Black carbon copy 2. Blind carbon copy 3. Black copper copy
4. Best carbon copy 5. None of these
Answer- Blind carbon copy

913. Which one of the following is the newest substance being used in the production of
computer chips?
1. Carbon 2. Gallium Arsenide 3. Gallium Silicate 4. Silicon
Answer: Silicon

914. If you want to open multiple web pages in one browser window, which of the following
enables you to do that?
1. Tab row 2. Tab bar 3. Pop up helper
4. book mark bar 5. None of these
Answer- Tab row

915. Which of the following is the shortcut key to open dialog box?
1. Ctrl+ F12 2. Ctrl+ F6 (3 Shift+ F3 4. Alt+ Fi2 5. Ctrl+ F5
Answer- Ctrl+ F12

916. Which of the following is not a version of MS office?

1. office 2003 2. office 2007
3. office XP 4. office 2008 5. office 2006
Answer- office 2006

917. Which one of the following is not a DOS command?

1. Attrib 2. COPY 3. CLS 4. BREAK 5. All are the commands
Answer- All are the commands

918. Which of the following refers to dangerous programs that can be 'caught by opening e-mail
attachments and downloading software from the internet?
1. utility 2. Virus 3. honeypot 4. spam
Answer: virus

919. The software named ‘Sea monkey’ is used in computer to

1. delete the virus infected files 2. Recover lost data
3. browse the internet 4. Use as a media player
Answer: browse the internet

920. Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?

1. Scanner 2. Mouse 3. Arithmetic & Logic unit
4. Key board 5. Printer
Answer- Arithmetic & Logic unit
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
921. Suppose you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same look, which of the
following you would use for it?
1. A presentation design template 2. Add a slide option 3. Outline view
4. The slide layout option 5. None of these
Answer: A presentation design template

922. Who among the following is the first Chinese woman to enter in space?
1. Liu Wang 2. Liu Yang 3. Jing Haipeng 4. None of these
Answer: Liu Yang

923. The two basic parts of URLs are

1. TCP and IP 2. TCP/IP and ISP
3. TCP and ftp 4. The protocol and the domain name
Answer: The protocol and the domain name

924. For a browser to connect to other resources, the location or address of the resources must
be specified. These addresses are called
1. MSN 2. E-mail forms 3. Packets 4. URLs
Answer: URLs

925. What is the difference between memory and storage?

1. Memory is Slow, storage is fast
2. Memory is Temporary, Storage is permanent
3. Memory is permanent, Storage is Temporary.
4. Memory is fast, storage is slow
5. None of these
Answer- Memory is Temporary, Storage is permanent

926. Which of the following groups consist of only output devices?

1. Mouse, Printer, Monitor 2. Keyboard, Printer, Monitor 3. Printer, Monitor, scanner
4. Plotter, Printer, Monitor 5. Keyboard, mouse, Monitor
Answer- Plotter, Printer, Monitor

927. Which of the following is not an input device of a computer?

1. Mouse 2. Scanner 3. Keyboard 4. Printer 5. Mic
Answer- Printer

928. Which of the following is the odd one out in respect of the four major data processing
functions of a computer?
1. Storing the data 2. Processing the data 3. Analyzing the data
4. Gathering the data 5. Displaying the data
Answer- Analyzing the data
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
929. The storage locations in the internal storage of a CPU are called:
1. Reference points 2. Addresses 3. Contents 4. Locations
Answer: Addresses

930. Specialized programs designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate
with the rest of the computer system are called
1. Compilers 2. Action drivers 3. Interpreters 4. Device Drivers
Answer: Device Drivers

931. Which of the following would most likely NOT be a symptom of a virus?
1. Disk and disk drives are not accessible 2. The CD-ROM stops functioning.
3. Computer crashes spontaneously 4. Extra pop ups and extra programs.
5. Unusual error messages
Answer- The CD-ROM stops functioning

932. To which of the following categories do operating systems and debuggers belong?
1. System software 2. Application software 3. Utilities
4. Programming Language 5. All of these
Answer: System software.

933. The physical component of a computer that processes data in order to create information is
called the
1. Special ware 2. Compiler 3. Software 4. Hardware
Answer: Hardware

934. Which of the following refers to too much electricity and may cause a voltage surge?
1. Shock 2. Anomaly 3. Splash 4. Spike
Answer: Spike

935. Which of the following techniques can be used to store a large number of files in a small
amount of storage space?
1. File adjustment 2. File copying 3. File compatibility 4. File compression
5. None of these
Answer: File compression

936. Which of the following components represent the parts of a Central Processing Unit(CPU)?
1. Input, output and processing
2. Control unit, primary storage and secondary storage
3. Control unit, arithmetic logic unit and primary storage
4. Control unit, output device and primary storage
5. None of these
Answer: Control unit, arithmetic logic unit and primary storage
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
937. Which among the following is software application commonly used to prepare a
presentation/slide show?
1. Adobe 2. Power Point 3. Outlook Express
4. Internet Explorer 5. Windows Explorer
Answer:- PowerPoint is used to make presentations/slide shows.

938. Which of the following statements is true in the context of Watermark?

1. A watermark can only be applied to a single page in a document
2. A watermark is not visible to viewers in a hard copy
3. A watermark is a ghost text
4. The colour of a watermark cannot be changed
5. None of these
Answer:-A watermark is a ghost text that is set behind the content of a page

939. ‘Cache’ is a term used in:

1. Cricket 2. Banking 3. Computers 4. None of these
Answer: Computers

940. The third generation computers were made with

1. Bio Chips 2. Transistors 3. Integrated Circuits 4. Vacuum Tubes
Answer: Integrated Circuits

941. What is phishing?

1. A Govt. Plan
2. A stem cell
3. Fraudulent way of acquiring PIN and bank passwords using email
4. None of these
Answer: Fraudulent way of acquiring PIN and bank passwords using email

942. Functions of keys F1, F2 and F3 are respectively.

1. activating menu bar, search and renaming selected icon
2. search, reboot and activating menu bar
3. activating help, renaming selected icon and search
4. reboot, activating help and refresh
5. activating help, reboot, renaming selected icon
Answer:- Functions of keys F1, F2 and F3 are activating help, renaming selected icon and search

943. Which among the following computer network usually spans a city or a large campus?
1. LAN 2. DAN 3. MAN 4. WAN 5. None of these
Answer:- MAN.
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
944. Which type of virus is generally scripted into common application programs like Excel and
Word to infect the other documents and spreads to the other parts when the application is
1. Macro Viruses 2. File infector virus 3. Resident Viruses
4. Boot virus 5. Worms
Answer:- Macro Viruses

945. Which among the following is a language directly understood by CPU?

1. Machine 2. C 3. C++ 4. Java 5. HTML
Answer:- Machine

946. What should be used if a company wants to include its company name and logo at the
bottom of every page of a brochure?
1. Header 2. Macro 3. Footer 4. Footnote 5. None of the above
Answer: Footer.

947. A computer virus is the one

1. that destroys the computer hardware 2. that destroys the software of the computer
3. that spreads fast through e-mail 4. None of these
Answer: that destroys the software of the computer

948. The term CPU stands for

1. Control Processing Unit 2. Central Processing Unit
3. Current Processing Unit 4.Computer Processing Unit
Answer: Central Processing Unit

949. The scientist known as the Father of Genetics is

1. Johnson 2. G.J.Mendel 3. F.B.Morrison 4. Thomas H. Morgan
Answer: G.J.Mendel

950. An electronic device, operating under the control of instruction that can accept and process
the data, produce output and store the results for future use is called .
1. Input 2. Computer 3. Software 4. Hardware 5. None of these
Answer:- Computer

951. The smallest unit of information, a computer can understand and process is known as .
1. Digit 2. Byte 3. Megabyte 4. Bit 5. Nibble
Answer:- Bit is the smallest unit of information.

952. A computer uses which number system to store data and perform calculations?
1. Binary 2. Decimal 3. Octal 4. Hexadecimal 5. None of these
Answer:-Computer uses binary number system.
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
953. Which of the following component is a part of RAM?
1. Magnetic cores 2. Micro-Processors 3. Photoelectric cells
4. Floppy disks 5. Mouse
Answer:- Magnetic cores

954. IP addresses are converted to .

1. A binary string 2. Alphanumeric string 3. A hierarchy of domain names
4. A decimal string 5. None of the above
Answer: IP addresses are converted to a hierarchy of domain names

955. Which of the following must be contained in a URL?

1. A protocol identifier
2. The letters, www
3. The unique registered domain name
4. WWW and the unique registered domain name
5. A protocol identifier, www and the unique registered domain name
Answer: A protocol identifier, www and the unique registered domain name are requisite for a URL.

956. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal operations in the
computer and controls how the computer works with all its parts?
1. Shareware 2. Public domain software 3. Application software
4. Operating system software 5. None of these
Answer: Operating system software

957. Which among the following is not a mobile Operating System?

1. Bada 2. Safari 3. Symbian 4. MeeGo 5. WebOS
Answer:- Safari is a web browser

958. Which among the following key can be used as a shortcut to rename a folder in Microsoft
Windows 8 and higher versions?
1. F2 2. F4 3. F6 4. Fo 5. F11
Answer:- F2

959. AT&T designed its first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data
to analog signals for transmission across its long distance network. What is the name of the
1. Telex 2. Memex 3. CompuServe 4. Bell 103 dataset 5. Dataphone
Answer:- Dataphone

960. The amount of memory (RAM or ROM) is measured in .

1. Bites 2. Bits 3. Mega Bytes 4. Mega Bits 5. Hertz
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
961. Integrated Chips or IC’s were started to be in use from which generation of Computers?
1. 1st Generation 2. 2nd Generation 3. 3rd Generation
4. 4th Generation 5. 5th Generation
Answer:- 3rd Generation

962. In Computer programming there is set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for
building software and applications. Which among the following is a term for sets of requirements
that govern how one application can talk to another?
1. UPS 2. API 3. CGI 4. J2EE 5. OLE
Answer: API

963. BSoDs can be caused by poorly written device drivers or malfunctioning hardware, such as
faulty memory, power supply issues, overheating of components, or hardware running beyond its
specification limits. Which color screen is displayed when encountered a BSOD Error?
1. Red 2. Grey 3. Black 4. Blue 5. Green
Answer: Blue

964. Who is known as the inventor of Hydrogen Bomb?

1. Enrico Fermi 2. George Gamow 3. Edward Teller 4. Hans Bethe
Answer: Edward Teller

965. Mail from unwanted senders can be blocked by

1. Not buying anything online so that junk mail senders will not having anything to benefit by
2. Sending them nasty replies when they send any mail
3. Using mail filters
4. Clicking the Unsubscribe link
5. E-mailing them and asking to be removed from the list
Answer: Using mail filters

966. Which among the following is the smallest unit in an image in a computer screen?
1. Unit 2. Pixel 3. Array 4. Resolution 5. Clip
Answer:- Pixel

967. Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. In MS Word Spelling Check is a
feature available in which tab?
1. File 2. Home 3. Insert 4. Review 5. References
Answer: Review

968. There is a network that can connect networks ranging from small location or area to a
bigger range including public packet network and large corporate networks. That network’s
enterprise allows users to share access to applications, services and other centrally located
resources. Its ability for a huge geographical access has transformed networking. Which among the
following is that network?
1. SAN 2. CAN 3. LAN 4. WAN 5. MAN
Answer:- WAN
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
969. Which among the following is not an Object Oriented Programming Language?
1. Python 2. PASCAL 3. Java 4. C++ 5. Ruby
Answer:- Pascal

970. Using a ________helps to place an image into a live vide conference

1. Printer 2. Digital camera 3. Video camera 4. Webcam
Answer: Webcam

971. Which of the following statements is false?

1. Passwords are case sensitive
2. Passwords are not echoed on the screen for security reasons
3. A good password should be no more than six characters long
4. Password is a secret code that authenticates a person to the computer
Answer: A good password should be no more than six characters long

972. Moving from one Web site to another is called

1. Jumping 2. Applying 3. Surfing 4. Moving 5. Shifting
Answer: Surfing

973. If you are allowing a person on the network based on the credentials to maintain the
security of your network, then this act refers to the process of.
1. Authentication 2. Automation 3. Firewall 4. Encryption 5. Decryption
Answer: - Authentication

974. The use of combination of 1’s and 0’s is feature of which of the following type of Computer
1. High Level Language 2. PASCAL 3. Machine Language
4. Machine Language uses a combination of 1’s and 0’s. 5. COBOL
Answer:- Machine Language uses a combination of 1’s and 0’s.

975. Which among the following is a recently debated principle that Internet service providers
and governments regulating the Internet should treat all data on the Internet the same, not
discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of
attached equipment, or mode of communication?
1. Comeast 2. Net Neutrality 3. Oblique-net 4. Net Fraternity
5. Fair Web
Answer:- Net Neutrality

976. _______are special visual and sound effects contained in a presentation graphics file.
1. Attractions 2. Simulations 3. Animatronics 4. Animations
Answer: Animations

977. Which among the following is another name for a group of 4 bits?
1. Nibble 2. Byte 3. Kilo Byte 4. Mega Byte 5. Peta Byte
Answer: Nibble= 4 bits
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787
978. Which among the given options is IBM’s Supercomputer?
1. Tihane-2 2. SunwayTaihu Light 3. Watson 4. Shasra-T 5. Brain
Answer: Watson

979. _________is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network

1. Network client 2. Desktop 3. Network switch 4. Network server
Answer: Network server

980. Who is known as the inventor of Steam Engine?

1. James Watt 2. Graham Bell 3. Michael Faraday 4. William Murdoch
Answer: James Watt
Borivali- 9076424208 Dadar-7304366681 Vasai-7045313787

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