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Alamat : Jl. Cilauteureun Desa Mancagahar Kecamatan Pameungpeuk

Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) I

Tahun Pelajaran 2015 – 2016

No : ..................................................
Nama : ..................................................
SD : ..................................................
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : VI (Enam)/ 1 (Satu)
Hari/ Tanggal : ..................................
Waktu : ……………………..

1. tulis Terlebih dahulu nomor, nama dan nama SD pada kolom yang tersedia
2. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunnjuk pengisian soal,lalu periksa dan bacalah soal soal sebelum kamu
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap pada
lembar soal.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
5. Berilan tanda =untuk jawaban yang di ubah, contoh:pilihan semula
Antara a b c d dibetulkan a b c d
6. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
Selamat bekerja

A. Read the the dialogue carefully and answer these question below!!

Text for number 1 of 5

My name is nuri,I live on jl ,Jakarta .My house is near the post office.Today my mother
asks me to accompany, her to the supermarket . The supermarket is on Jl siliwangi.There
are many public place along this street.
The park is in the corner , near the library. There is a bank across from the police
station.there is also a cinema, It is beside a bakery. At last , the supermarket it self.It is
between the drugstore and the bus station.

Answer the question !!!

1. Where does Nuri live ? She live in Jakarta.

2. Where does her mother want to go ? She wants to go to the supermarket.
3. Where is the bank ? There is a bank across from the police station.
4. Where is the supermarket ? The supermarket is located in Jl Siliwangi.
5. Where is the cinema ? The Cinema is beside the bakery.

B. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,s,c,or d.

It is holiday.yogi, sandi, ad joko go to swiming to pameungpeuk beach .the beach is near
yogi’s house, so they went there on bicycle. They arrive in the beach at eight o’clock in
the morning . then they change their clothes to swimsuit. Yogi is swimming on the
beach .sandi is laying on the sand, and joko playing on the sand.they go home at

6. How do yogi and his friend go to the beach on…

a. bicycle b. Foot c. truck d. swimming

7. They are swimming , playing, and laying on the sand .sandi is…on the sand
a. swimming
b. laying
c. playing
d. swimming, playing, and laying

8. They go home at….

a. Eight o’clock c. afternoon
b. holiday d. morning

9. Mr.Montu is delivery a letter or packet. He work at a post office.He is a……..

a. army
b. security
c. postman
d. police man

10. It is raining now. Do you have…..

a. umbrella c. an umbrella
b. a umrella d. an umbrellas

11. Indonesia has two seasons, they are dry and.season c. wet
b.cold d. rainy

12. The sign says……

a.T- junction c. five juntion
b. Crossroad d. six juntion

13. In holiday we always go to ……. Galunggung

a. mount c. beach
b. lake d. river

14. This is a…………….It can swim fast.

a.shark c. tuna
b. whale d. baracuda
15. My mother is a .plants many flower .
a. Farmer
b. Waitress
c. haedmistress
d. gardener

16 .Moldy’s house is …. Of the post office

a. between c. beside
b. behind d. across

17. My friend and I sometimes go to dayeuh manggung to….every Sunday.

a. swimming c. running
b.hiking d.camping

18. The student of mukti elementary school went to darajat hills for…they build a tent
a. swimming c. camping
b. picnic d. hiking

19. My friend and go to ..papandayan for camping .

a. pool c. beach
b. lake d. mountain

20. It mean the road is…

a. turn a round c. winding
b. turn left d. slippery

21. Mr. Roma goes to bandung by………….

a. Taxi c. bus
b. motorcycle d. Truk

22. Which direction luki go every morning ?

a. North-west c. North-east
b. South- west d. South east
23. Where is the location of luki’s home from football field ?
a. North-west c. Northh -east
b. South-west d. South –east
24. What direction does luki go home ?
a. North –west c. North east
b. South –west d. South east
Bill is cultivate the farm using a…….
a. dyke
b. hoe
c. fertilizer
d. hut
26. My Grandma is sick.She cure at…………..she is apatient
a. doctor c. ambulance d. nurse

27 What is season is today ?

It is …season.
a. rainy c. dry
b.windy d. cloudy

28. I am on the …………….I am playing on a sand

a. sea
b. sand
c. reef
d. beach

29. Mount….is famous tourism object in west java province.It is situated in bogor.
a. Salak b. Ciremey c. Galunggung d. cikuray

30.Mr.Audy want to save his money.So,he come to a…….

a. Post office b. school c. bank d. police station


31. Mr.Tono is a jeep driver he always carring a passengers.

32. Mr . Arman is a dentist.He works in the

Read the conversation below,to answer no.33 !
Writer : “Helo ,good afternoon,may Ihelp you?””
Customer : “Good afternoon.yes,I want to order some food.”
Writer : ‘What do you want to order,sir ?”
Customer : “I want a plate of fried rice and fried chicken.”
Customer : “sure.”

33. The conversation above take place in the


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