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Unit 306: Promote Equality and Inclusion

1. Explain what is meant by:

 Diversity (1.1a)

Diversity describes the differences and characteristics of individual that makes every single person
different . This can be beliefs, sexual orientation, appearance , age, gender etc .

 Equality (1.1b)

Equality is about treating everyone the same no matter what is their religion ,diet requirement . For
example if the patient that is staying with us is vegetarian we will respect his decision and we will make
sure that that the food that is served for him is vegetarian and we will treat him the same as others no
matter if he is vegetarian or not .We will provide him the same care .

 Inclusion (1.1c)
This is about ensuring that all individuals are included in a group or activity and are also given the
opportunity to participate if this is what they would like . It is about valuing an individual and
treating them fairy .

 Discrimination (1.1d)
Discrimination is about not treating someone fairy because of their country of region ,
beliefs ,skin colour etc . It is about recognising the difference between one thing and another .

2. Explain how legislation, policy and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination
apply to your own work role (2.1) (C2.4)

To fully understand our job responsibilities and care that we have to provide for our patients with
equality,diversity and inclusion. We need to be familiar with the related legislations, policies and codes
of practice.

Equality act 20210 is there against discrimination against anybody with different religion, sexual
orientation or disability .

Mental Capacity Act 2005 is there for patients who are unable to make decisions for themselves.

Human Rights Act 1998 sets out a number of freedoms that everybody is entitled to .

3. Describe the effects of discrimination in your workplace in relation to its impact on: (1.2)

 Members of Staff- It can make the member of staff feel guilty, angry , sad and upset.Also it may
cause mental health conditions such as anxiety , depression and stress . They might feel excluded in
meetings, group discussions.
Unit 306: Promote Equality and Inclusion

 Patients- It can make the patient feel upset and sad .They might feel social isolation which can
cause lost of self-esteem or self harm. This can also have effect on the physical ,mental and
emotional wellbeing. This can affect the patients social life and can give bad experience so they
might never want to come back .

4. Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality, supports diversity and improves patient care (1.3)

Inclusive practise promotes equality, supports diversity and improves patient care. By working in this
way we are making sure that everyone has opportunity to participate . This promotes equality because
everybody is treated the same. Inclusive practise also supports diversity by making sure that every
patients characteristics are respected. This will make sure that no one will feel excluded or isolated
because they are different in some way.

5. Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change (3.3)

It is very important to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change . It is always to have
discussion with the individual about it maybe this will be the opportunity to learn something new and
change their views and behaviour . In the majority of people it is about not having good knowledge
about the subject and they heard something from someone and this is why they are like .Maybe they
had bad experience with individual from another country but then it does not mean everyone from the
same country is the same .

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