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○ Labor Arbiter found Torillos entitled to permanent total disability

Torillos v. Eastgate benefits under the CBA

G.R. NO. 213731 | August 1, 2018 | GESMUNDO, J ● NLRC: agreed with the Labor Arbiter that Torillos indeed suffered an
Keywords: accident, holding that "the suddenness of the injury as well as the nature
of his work convinces us that his medical condition was caused by his
FACTS having slipped and fallen while carrying heavy provisions on board the
● For a period of 15 years, Eastgate Maritime Corporation (Eastgate), for vessel."
and on behalf of its foreign principal, F.J. Lines, Inc., Panama, ○ The NLRC further ruled that while lumbar spondylosis may be
continuously hired Torillos under various contracts. His last contract of degenerative, such illness can be aggravated by the nature of the
employment dated November 3, 2010 on board the vessel MV Corona work of the seafarer, as what happened in the case of Torillos.
Lions as Chief Cook was duly approved by the POEA and was covered ● CA: Torillos can recover the maximum disability benefits under the
by a CBA. POEA-SEC, finding that Torillos' disability was work-related because his
● Sometime in November 2011, while in the performance of his duties, job as chief cook has exposed him to heavy manual labor that caused
Torillos experienced pain in his right leg radiating to his lower back strain and injury to his lumbar vertebrae.
extremities. He reported the matter to the Master of the vessel who, in ○ CA concluded that Torillos is considered permanently and totally
turn, brought him to a hospital in Japan. There, he was diagnosed to be disabled since his disability incapacitated him to perform his
suffering from urinary stone in his right urinary tract and was prescribed customary work as a cook.
pain reliever drugs. ● Eastgate maintained that Torillos' lumbar spondylosis was pre-existing
○ Due to persistent back and leg pains, he was again taken to a that did not entitle him to permanent disability compensation.
hospital inEngland where the doctor recommended his repatriation ● Torillos based his claim for total and permanent disability benefits under
for further management and treatment. the CBA. He maintained that his disability was caused by an accident
● Upon arrival in Manila, Torillos was referred to the company-designated that happened on board the vessel while performing his duties as chief
physicians. cook.
● Torillos continued with his physical therapy as well as occupational ○ He further opines that assuming his condition was not the result of
therapy with the company-designated physicians. However, despite an accident, he is still entitled to permanent total disability
continued therapy sessions, he filed a complaint with the NLRC against compensation under the permanent medical unfitness clause of the
Eastgate for payment of permanent total disability benefits, medical CBA.
expenses, sickness allowance, damages and attorney's fees.
○ Torillos consulted an independent orthopedic surgeon, who
declared him unfit for sea duty. ISSUES – HELD – RATIO
● LA: Torillos claimed for permanent total disability benefits in the sum of ISSUE: WON Torillos is entitled to total and permanent disability benefits
US$118,800.00 under the CBA since, according to him, his illness was a under POEA-SEC.
result of an accident that occurred while he was performing his duties as HELD: NO
chief cook. He narrated that sometime in 2011, he fell down on the floor
after losing balance while carrying a sack of rice weighing 25 kilos. This RATIO
caused his work-related injury that has rendered him incapable of The Parties’ CBA is inapplicable
returning to his sea duties. ● Torillos' Petition is without merit. We are not convinced as there was no
evidence to show that Torillos met an accident on board the vessel that
caused his injury. There was no accident report or any medical report ○ Dr. Cruz even gave an interim disability assessment of Grade 8
issued indicating that Torillos figured in an accident while on board. — moderate rigidity of two thirds (2/3) loss of motion or lifting
○ Moreover, the Medical Report issued by the physician who power of the trunk under the POEA schedule of disabilities. If at
attended Torillos in England did not mention that his injury was all, this interim assessment bolstered the fact that Torillos
caused by an accident on board but instead noted that the primary suffered a work-related illness.
cause of the injury was: "Pain occurred at his right leg up to his ○ While Torillos' lumbar spondylosis may be degenerative, there
pelvis during standing for a long period of time." Hence, Torillos' was sufficient basis to rule that his condition was aggravated by
claim that he met an accident on board was based on pure the nature of his work. The CA then fully concurred with this
allegations. and ultimately ruled that there was a reasonable connection
● Torillos' reliance on the Court's ruling in NFD Int'l Manning Agents, between Torillos' illness and the nature of his job, which
Inc./Barber Ship Mgmt. Ltd. v. Illescas is misplaced. In the Illescas case, aggravated any pre-existing condition Torillos might have.
the Court held that Illescas' disability, while not caused by an accident, ○ We sustain the uniform findings of the Labor Arbiter, the
was still compensable under the CBA as the CBA contained a permanent NLRC, and the CA that Torillos' illness is work-related and
medical unfitness clause which stated that a seafarer who becomes compensable.
disabled as a result of any injury shall be entitled to compensation. Torillos' complaint for total and permanent disability benefits was premature.
○ This is not the case here. As aptly observed by the CA, there was ● As aforementioned, Torillos' entitlement to disability benefits is governed
no similar provision in the IBF JSU/AMOSUP-IMMAJ, which is not by the parties' CBA but by the POEA-SEC and relevant labor laws.
the CBA effective at the time of Torillos' employment with ● Article 192 (c) (1) of the Labor Code provides that:
○ The grant of disability benefits under the IBF Art. 192. Permanent total disability. — x x x (c) The following disabilities shall be
JSU/AMOSUP-IMMAJ CBA is confined only to "accident whilst deemed total and permanent: (1) Temporary total disability lasting continuously
in the employment of the Company regardless of fault, including for more than one hundred twenty days, except as otherwise provided for in the
accidents occurring while travelling to or from the ship, and whose Rules
ability to work as a seafarer is reduced as a result thereof, but
excluding permanent disability due to willful acts" As discussed, ● Thus, the company-designated physician must arrive at a definite
Torillos failed to prove by substantial evidence that his disability assessment of the seafarer's fitness to work or degree of disability within
was caused by an accident, hence, there is no basis in awarding him the period of 120 days, which was further extended to 240 days. 39 In
disability benefits under the CBA. Vergara v. Hammonia Maritime Services, Inc., 40 the Court pronounced
● As we find the CBA inapplicable, Torillos' entitlement to disability that a temporary total disability becomes permanent when so declared by
benefits is therefore governed by the POEA-SEC and relevant labor laws the company-designated physician within the period allowed, or upon
which are deemed written in the contract of employment with Eastgate. expiration of the maximum 240-day medical treatment period in case of
absence of a declaration of fitness or permanent disability.
Torillos suffers from a work-related and compensable illness. ● Upon his repatriation, Torillos was given medical attention by the
● Eastgate, anchors its claim against the compensability of the illness of company-designated physicians. He was subjected to rigorous medical
Torillos on the finding of Dr. Cruz in his Medical Report that Torillos' examinations, was prescribed medications and was put on therapy to
condition is degenerative and pre-existing. address his condition. Dr. Cruz issued a medical opinion stating, among
○ This argument is untenable. Such medical report did not make others, that Torillos' lumbar spondylosis will require further treatment.
any categorical declaration and definite conclusion that Torillos' As such, he gave an interim assessment of Grade 8. Thereafter, Torillos
medical condition is not work-related.
continuously received medical treatment from the company-designated
○ However, 141 days since repatriation, Torillos filed a
complaint for total and permanent disability benefits.
Evidently, it was premature for him at this time to invoke
his claim for total and permanent disability inasmuch as the
240-day period had not yet lapsed. At the time he filed his
complaint, he was still under temporary total disability.
○ Instead of continuing his treatment which is still within the
240-day period allowed for the company-designated physician
to evaluate his condition, he filed a case for total and permanent
disability benefits despite the absence of a definite finding from
the company- designated physician. He was armed only with the
interim assessment of the company-designated physician which
did not give him the cause of action for his claim. It was only
after the filing of such complaint or on July 9, 2012 that he
sought the opinion of his own physician.


CF Sharp v. Santos RATIO
G.R. NO.213731 | August 1, 2018 | GESMUNDO, J ● The law that defines permanent and total disability of laborers would be
Keywords: Article 192 (c) (1) of the Labor Code, which provides that:
ART. 192. Permanent Total Disability. — x x x
FACTS (c) The following disabilities shall be deemed total and permanent:
● Jowell P. Santos (respondent) was hired as an environmental operator by (1) Temporary total disability lasting continuously for more than one hundred
C.F. Sharp Crew Management, Inc., (CF Sharp) for and in behalf of its twenty days, except as otherwise provided in the Rules;
principal, Norwegian Cruise Line on board the vessel "M/S Norwegian
Gem" for a period of nine (9) months. ● On the other hand, the rule referred to — Rule X, Section 2 of the
● During his employment, he experienced dizziness, over fatigue, frequent Amended Rules on Employees' Compensation, which implemented Book
urination and blurring of the eyesight. He was brought to the ship's clinic IV of the Labor Code (IRR)
for initial medical examination and was found to have elevated blood
sugar and blood pressure.
○ He was immediately referred to Cape Canaveral Hospital in Miami, Sec. 2. Period of entitlement. — (a) The income benefit shall be paid beginning
Florida, USA, where he was found to have a history of diabetes on the first day of such disability. If caused by an injury or sickness it shall not
and has been smoking a pack of cigarettes daily for ten (10) years. be paid longer than 120 consecutive days except where such injury or sickness
● Respondent was repatriated to the Philippines. The next day, he was still requires medical attendance beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 days
immediately referred to CF Sharp's company-designated physicians at from onset of disability in which case benefit for temporary total disability
the Sachly International Health Partners Clinic (SIHPC). shall be paid. However, the System may declare the total and permanent status
● After 118 days from repatriation, the company-designated physicians at anytime after 120 days of continuous temporary total disability as may be
issued a certification stating that respondent's condition was not warranted by the degree of actual loss or impairment of physical or mental
work-related and that his final disability grading assessment for functions as determined by the System.
hypertension and diabetes was Grade 12.
● Unconvinced, respondent consulted Dr. Donato-Tan. She also opined that
respondent's condition was work-related due to the pressure in the cruise
ship, which elevated his blood pressure, and that the food therein was not ● These provisions should be read in relation to the POEA-SEC wherein
balanced, which elevated his blood sugar. She concluded that Sec. 20 (A) (3) states
respondent was permanently disabled to discharge his duties as a
● Hence, respondent filed a complaint for disability and sickness benefits
with damages. In addition to the above obligation of the employer to provide medical
attention, the seafarer shall also receive sickness allowance from his employer
ISSUES – HELD – RATIO in an amount equivalent to his basic wage computed from the time he signed
ISSUE: WHETHER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS off until he is declared fit to work or the degree of disability has been assessed
EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION (POEA) STANDARD EMPLOYMENT by the company- designated physician. The period within which the seafarer
CONTRACT (SEC) WERE COMPLIED WITH BY THE PARTIES. shall be entitled to his sickness allowance shall not exceed 120 days. Payment
● In this case, respondent was repatriated in the Philippines on January 12,
of the sickness allowance shall be made on a regular basis, but not less than
2012. The next day, or on January 13, he was immediately referred to CF
once a month.
Sharp's company-designated physicians. He was then subjected to
different tests and treatments, which were recorded in several medical
reports. It was confirmed that he had Diabetes Mellitus II and
● Marlow Navigation Philippines, Inc. v. Osias, the Court reaffirmed: hypertension.
○ Thereafter, after 118 days from repatriation, the
(1) that mere inability to work for a period of 120 days does not entitle a company-designated physicians issued a certification stating that
seafarer to permanent and total disability benefits; respondent's condition was not work-related and that his final
disability grading assessment for his hypertension and diabetes was
(2) that the determination of the fitness of a seafarer for sea duty is Grade 12.
within the province of the company-designated physician, subject to the
periods prescribed by law;
○ Verily, the company-designated physicians suitably gave their
medical assessment of respondent's disability before the lapse of
the 120-day period. After rigorous medical diagnosis and
(3) that the company-designated physician has an initial 120 days to
treatments, the company- designated physicians found that
determine the fitness or disability of the seafarer; and
respondent only had a partial disability and gave a Grade 12
disability rating.
(4) that the period of treatment may only be extended to 240 days if a
sufficient justification exists such as when further medical treatment is
required or when the seafarer is uncooperative. ISSUE: WHETHER RESPONDENT IS ENTITLED TO PERMANENT AND
● In this case, the company-designated physicians timely gave their
medical assessment within the 120-day period. He may be recognized to HELD: NO. Court finds that the hypertension and diabetes of respondent do not
have permanent disability because of the period he was out of work and warrant a grant of permanent and total disability benefits.
could not work, but the extent of his disability (whether total or partial) is ● In this case, the company-designated physicians found that respondent
determined, not by the number of days that he could not work, but by the had Diabetes Mellitus II and hypertension. However, they opined that
disability grading the doctor recognizes based on his resulting incapacity respondent's hypertension was not essential or primary, hence, it was not
to work and earn his wages. severe. Thus, the company-designated physicians concluded that
○ It is the doctor's findings that should prevail as he or she is respondent's hypertension was only a partial disability. As stated earlier,
equipped with the proper discernment, knowledge, experience the mere occurrence of hypertension does not suffice because the
and expertise on what constitutes total or partial disability. POEA-SEC requires that it be severe or grave in order to become a
○ Accordingly, the timely medical assessment of a permanent and total disability.
company-designated physician is given great significance by the ○ Nephrologist even noted that respondent's BP was 120/70 and his
Court to determine whether a seafarer is entitled to disability urinalysis and serum creatinine were normal. Thus, he was cleared
benefits. Indeed, the mere inability of a seafarer to work for a from the nephrology standpoint and was advised to continue his
period of 120 days is not the sole basis to determine a seafarer's maintenance medications.
disability. ● Respondent's physician of choice simply stated that respondent had
hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes because of the unhealthy food in
the cruise ship and the stress of work therein. However, the said
physician failed to validate her findings with concrete medical and
factual proofs and simply based her conclusions on a single medical
check- up.
● Manifestly, hypertension and diabetes do notipso facto warrant the award
of permanent and total disability benefits to a seafarer. Notably, Sec.
32-A of the POEA-SEC recognizes that a seafarer can still be employed
even if he has hypertension and/or diabetes provided that he shows
compliance with the prescribed maintenance medications and
doctor-recommended lifestyle changes.


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