A Study of Prime Minister Rojgaryojna em

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Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research

ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47


Arundhatee Mishra **Indhumathi Chandrasekeran
Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture (Master's in Urban and Regional
Planning), Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Tagore Marg,
Lucknow-226007, (Uttar Pradesh)
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, PSG College of
Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

The PMRY scheme's goal is to help low-income families get over the poverty line by guaranteeing a steady and
significant rise in income for them. This research aimed to examine the PMRY's implementation challenges and
future growth potential. To avoid being unemployed, some people in India are turning to self-employment. Self-
employment may be a viable option for those seeking work in the informal economy in many developing
countries. In light of this, it is important to differentiate between self-employment that is a matter of choice and
that which is a matter of need. A government program, particularly one that encourages self-employment and
increases job opportunities, is crucial. A severe paucity of risk-takers plagues rural India. Thanks to the
government's liberalization program, a lot of formerly inaccessible regions are now available for business. Such
a predicament makes it all the more urgent to foster entrepreneurialism. Efforts by governments, banks, and
financial organizations, among others, are essential if this goal is to be realized.
Keywords: PMRY scheme, Unemployment, cottage sectors, Policy makers, National Income and SSI sector
Unemployment is a major problem in India, and it is especially problematic for the country's young educated
population, many of whom are unable to find gainful job and hence grow discouraged and unmotivated.
Employment opportunities in the small-scale sector, which includes the rural and suburban cottage industries,
have been identified as the most effective response to the rising unemployment rate. In order to combat
unemployment, working for oneself is the best option. Lahiri, Ashok(2002). Following extensive research,
policymakers and economists have concluded that a small-scale unit may be established with a reasonable
investment, with the ability to employ four or five people both directly and indirectly. The joy of working for
oneself, together with the pleasure of adding to the national income and providing jobs for a select minority of
the jobless, may have a beneficial multiplier effect. Additionally, the SSI industry can serve the demands of the
local people and exploit the local market at a micro level because of the inherent advantage it has in making use
of local resources and technology for productive purposes. Ramchandran Rao (1987). On August 15, 1993,
India's then-prime minister, the Hon. NarendraModi, unveiled a new program called the Prime Ministers'
RozgarYojana (PMRY). The program was introduced on the country's 2nd October 1993, the Mahatma Gandhi
birth anniversary. The primary aim of the PMRY initiative was to help educated, jobless youth set up their own
businesses in the production, business and service, and commercial sectors via the provision of accessible,
subsidized financial aid. Ammannaya(1989). The initial goal of the program was to help one million educated
but jobless young adults find work by creating 7 lakh micro companies via the induction of service and
commercial activities over a 2.5 year period. The plan was a huge success and captured the attention of the
young people. In light of the positive reception and the growing need, the government has chosen to make the
program permanent and has established rules and regulations to ensure that it is carried out effectively and
serves its intended purpose. Lahiri, Ashok(2002).According to economist Joseph Schumpeter, a country's pace
Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

of economic development is tied to the rate of innovation, which in turn is tied to the prevalence of
entrepreneurial talent. If innovators and business owners don't put new technologies to good use, growth in
technology won't boost the economy. Ramchandran Rao (1987). When establishing a business, it is the
entrepreneur who is responsible for allocating and coordinating resources including money, people, and tools.
Few people, until recently, thought that education could produce entrepreneurs or that learning to be an
entrepreneur was a question of instruction. After a series of successful demonstrations by experts David
McClelland. It was shown that entrepreneurs may also be formed by teaching, training, and counselling
interventions. Rapid development since then has turned entrepreneurship into something of a movement.
Dangwal and ShubhaGairola (1999)
The Government of India launched the Self- Employment scheme for Educated Unemployed Youth (SEEUY) in
1983 with the primary goal of Encouraging the educated unemployed youth to undertake self-employment
ventures in Industry, Services, and Business sectors through the provision of packaged assistance. The
Government of India created the Prime Minister's RojgarYojna (PMRY) program on October 2, 1993, to help
educated, jobless youngsters find work as a result of the country's new economic policies introduced in 1991.
The goal makes an implicit assumption about the recipients' current level of material well-being. Only if the
poorest members of society also get the advantages of progress can the initiative be considered a success.
Ramchandran Rao (1987). The government has acknowledged the significance of micro- and grass-roots
planning for rural development. The PMRY Scheme's original goal was to help 10 million people by setting up
7 million micro enterprises to boost job prospects for educated, but unemployed youth.Due to the scheme's early
success, the Indian government has made it a permanent program, complete with detailed rules and regulations
for how it should operate. Beneficiaries will be offered a composite loan to start up their own micro businesses
with no need for collateral under the program. Businesses may borrow Rs. one lac, while service and
manufacturing businesses can borrow Rs. 2 lac. Ammannaya(1989). Commercial banks operating in the nation
must provide funding for the program. In order to qualify for funding under the Scheme, applicants must be
between the ages of 18 and 45 and be currently jobless with a college degree. To qualify for financial aid under
the Scheme, one must to have completed the eighth grade. Lahiri, Ashok(2002).The recipients' yearly
household income must be less than Rs 40,000. Those at the bottom of society, especially women, have been
given special consideration in the system. The plan does not place any limitations on the types of businesses that
may be created. Under the program, any commercially feasible endeavours are eligible for funding. The
maximum credit amount for group activities is Rs 10 Lakh and is available for both individual and group
The All India Report of the Fifth Economic Census (2011) shows that just 10.39% of the population is
employed (private and public). Conventional economic activities in the state, such as agriculture and related
activities, cannot, on their own, generate sufficient additional employment because they are highly dependent on
rainfall and have recently experienced deficit rainfall, prompting youth to relocate from rural to urban areas in
search of work. Ammannaya(1989). To stem the tide of young people migrating to cities in search of work, it is
important that we support initiatives that encourage entrepreneurship and other forms of self-employment. The
success of government development programs should be measured against the goals they were originally
designed to achieve and the results seen in the communities where they are being implemented. Despite the
clear need to examine the efficacy of government-sponsored job generating programs and schemes, no
academics have yet done so. So, it's important to analyze how well PMEGP has worked in the region under
investigation at boosting local entrepreneurs' capacities to create new jobs.
Extension of credit to weaker section has became a social responsibility of banks after Nationalization many
schemes have been formulated and implemented in the country for improving the standard of living of the
people especially for the weaker section. PMRY scheme was evolved to generate employment opportunities in
Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

the country through the establishment of micro enterprises. Banks operating in the country are asked to finance
the PMRY scheme. The bank credit should flow into the socio-economic status of the people. Ramchandran
Rao (1987). The assistance will be of no use unless the borrower utilizes the amount for productive purpose and
generates adequate income to repay the loan and a surplus to support his family. Since, the scheme is in
operation for more than two decades and ongoing a thorough evaluation of its performance is essential to
identify the problems and difficulties and steps to improve the performance. It is also essential to examine the
role of banks in the implementation of the scheme. It is of paramount important to analyze the impact of the
PMRY scheme on the self employment programmes. Hence the relevance of the study lies to know more about
Employment development programmes and self-employment
The Nationwide survey on employment and unemployment, conducted by the National Sample Survey
Organization (NSSO) in its 64th round, reveals that, All India Level unemployment rate was nearly 8 % .The
experts monitoring the employment and unemployment scenario say that this figures accounts for job seekers
registered with employment exchanges only and the actual figures would be higher.. Those with a college
degree or higher are far less likely to be unemployed than those with just a high school diploma or less, and the
gender gap between the two groups is much more pronounced in rural regions. Therefore, it is important to
generate work possibilities via self-employment projects in order to address the problem of unemployment.
Some research has shown a positive correlation between high unemployment and a rise in the number of people
working for themselves, although this correlation has two sides: a "recession-push" during tough economic
times and a "success pull" during times of relative prosperity. Unemployment lessens the likelihood of having a
paying job and increases the motivation to look for one. Since this is the case, more and more individuals are
venturing out on their own. A combination of high unemployment and weak demand for self-employed people's
work is likely to drive them into conventional employment.
France, has given a model of Auto entrepreneurship for providing opportunity to the unemployed as well as
government employee to promote self-employment in their country, which geared up the France economy, also
Japans economic progress is attributed to self-employed‘ entrepreneurship, and its entire economy is based on
self-employment .Small industries and business units are spread all over the country. In any country self-
employment is not only the main route for creation of wealth and economic development but is also the
dignified way of earning ones living and human development. Ramchandran Rao (1987). By encouraging self-
employment a developing country like India can speed up the process of economic development and make a
place among well to do countries. India is agriculture dominated developing country and shortage of self-
employed rural entrepreneurs is a very big impediment in its economic development. Self-employment is an
effective source for fast and speedy development of a nation. This is an important measure for developing
countries to make them free from poverty, unemployment and hunger. It can contribute significantly in
achieving the socio economic objectives of a country. Self-employment is a dignified way of fulfilling ones
ambition. Through this personality of people could be developed, which forms basis of human resource
Majority of the National income is generated by the self-employed engaged in agriculture, subsidiary
occupations to agriculture, small and tiny industries, retail and small businesses and the service sectors. So fact
should not be ignored that India is a country of Self-employed and not of Employees. The number of
employable youth‘s increases at rapid rate of every year and employment generated is very minimal, inclusive
of the service sector. Hence people will have to come forward to harness avenues of self-Employment i.e. to
come up to engage themselves in productive activities by starting their own enterprises for employment and
livelihood. Review of the various self-employment schemes launched by the Government so far evince that the
policy focus has largely been on poverty alleviation rather than on creation of income and wealth on sustainable
basis through investment and productive employment generating activities. Though state and central
Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

government working towards promoting self-employment programmes, the concept of large scale
entrepreneurship as a possible solution to poverty alleviation and diffusion of social stress created out of
economic disparity in the country.Banks as well as financial institution have a business interest in self-
employment development, hence they should link with government schemes in effective manner, and this can
result in sustainable win-win scenario for both i.e. unemployed youths as well as the banks. The poor and
resilient entrepreneurs can become value conscious customers for banks. For forming strategies for self-
employment development , it is absolutely essential to understand the basic characteristics of people ,their
perception and attitude towards looking system at large , so that proper methods brings large change for
uplifting self-employment in our country. One of the major criteria to improve the results of self-employment
development programmes is intensive, systematic and effective post training follow-up as a handholding
exercise .For the Training system, developing post training contents and supplementary service is a part of its
primary task.In order to understand scheme implementation, the objectives are always clearly devised to reach
ultimate destination, but there is a gap of effective implementation of it. Now time has come to think out of box
while implementing self-employment programmes, New and modern concepts should be developed in societies
to increase self-employment beyond traditional approach.
1. Providing Job Opportunities: Self-employment directly or indirectly increases the employment
opportunities. For a hugely populated country like India Self-employment is the only practical means
by which the grave problem of unemployment could be dealt with. In a country like ours, problem of
unemployment cannot be solved through government and privet sector jobs alone. In the near future,
Indian youth may have to depend more on Self-employment for their livelihood, whether in rural or
urban areas.
2. Basis of Economic Development: Self-employment helps to create new vocations and business
activities. These Self-employment units bring forth more job opportunities for public resulting in their
increases income. This improves their standard of living and social status. On the other hand, increased
saving encourages capital formation. Entrepreneurs income, saving and profit again help in establishing
new enterprises. Growth in production and national income is instrumental in the country‘s economic
development. Factually, Self-employment is the main basis for economic development.
3. Optimum Utilization of Human and Physical Resources: Our country is rich human resources with
more than a thousand million populations. Human resources with its capabilities cannot be stored. If it
is not utilized, it is wasted. The key to this treasure is Self-employment which opens the door for
prosperity. Only through Self-employment India‘s huge human resource base can be used in the
interest of country and mankind. Despite the scientific and technological progress, any natural resource
can best be utilized by human beings only. If manpower planning and entrepreneurship is not
encouraged, available natural resources cannot b converted into products. Through Self-employment,
country‘s natural resources can be put to best use for achieving desired results and the country will
grow richer.
4. Development of Entrepreneurship and Managerial Skills: Self-employment encourages spirit of
adventure in a nation‘s younger generation. It develops entrepreneurship and also the ability to plan,
prepare project report, make decisions and manage an enterprise. It enables younger generation in the
society to showcase their creativity. It can also put a check on feelings of frustration, despair and
negativity. Self-employment motivates people to work independently for their living, explore their
creativity and to become achievers. Qualities and strengths like leadership, self-confidence, patience,
tolerance and risk bearing abilities take a boost in Self-employment people thus enhancing their
personal attributes. Self-development and self-help are unparalleled paths of personality development.
Self-employment reinforces the principle of self-help which is the best help. Through this, young
people can learn about dignity of labour which is the need of the hour.

Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

5. Development of Infrastructure Facilities: Government of India and State governments develop

infrastructural facilities like electricity, water, transport, roads, bank, warehouse etc., for successful
implementation of Self-employment schemes. Besides this the government on the basic of local
resources and by exploring the possibilities for setting up of the enterprise prepares project report.
Aspiring entrepreneurs are provided with cheap power and finance on easy terms at low rate of interest
which makes a ground for rural industrialization and rural development.
6. Economic Decentralization: Self-employment, entrepreneurs get motivated to establish their own
industry or business in different parts of the country which helps the process of decentralization and
even economic development. There is equitable distribution of wealth and a socialistic pattern of
society can be established.
7. Achieving Plan Targets and Implementation of State Policies: In our five year plans, government
has always been trying to achieve the plan goals by increasing the opportunities of entrepreneurship
and employment. The basis of achievements of socio-economic objectives of the plan is Self-
employment. Through Self-employment, government can effectively implement its various policies
and programmes meant for rural development.
8. Check on Social and Economic: Evils Social and economic problems emanating from big industries
may effectively be countered by encouraging Self-employment. Some of these problems are
centralization and localization of industries, formation of industrial slums, strikes, lock outs, gheraos,
and gambling, drinking, moral degradation etc. Self-employment also checks poverty, illiteracy and
social unrest, thereby helping to build a Self-employment, educated and cultured society.
9. Nurturing Craftsmanship: Under Self-employment schemes, unemployed craftsmen and workers
may be helped financially, breathing a new life in handcraftsmanship and skill and securing country‘s
cultural richness, glory and tradition. Hence, Self-employment is the way to economic progress, social
transformation and personality development with which developing countries may tread the path of
progress and earn a respectful position in the society.
1. Lack of Enterprise. Only few communities like Marwari‘s, Guajarati, Parsis and Punjabi‘s
traditionally take the risk and take up Self-employment. While most communities prefer agriculture
and government service. Reluctance to involve oneself in business, inclination towards wage
employment, lack of creative thinking are few reasons which have restricted the growth of Self-
employment in the country.
2. Lack of Infrastructure Establishment of Self-employment units requires infrastructural facilities viz.,
transport, water, electricity, market, storage and communication etc. in absence of these infrastructural
facilities Self-employment enterprises may not flourish. On account of lack of such facilities,
entrepreneurs are shying away from establishing industries in towns and villages. Industries which are
already established are facing problems of high cost, power shortage, transport and communication
problems etc.
3. Cut-Throat Competition Self-employed ventures normally begin at a small level, but they have to
compete with big industries. After opening up of the economy and liberalization, there is cut-throat
competition. Big industries are modernized; use latest methods and techniques in production and
marketing. Hence, good quality products are manufactured at lower cost and these industries are able to
derive benefits of economies of scale. Demand for such products increases in the market. Self-
employment units have to face this competition in order to survive.
4. Lack of coordination Among Implementing Agencies Many institutions have been established to
facilitate growth in Self-employment ventures but there is lack of coordination among them, such
institutions overlap in developing schemes and services and hence much of government funds and
efforts are wasted.
Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

5. Lack of Professionals: On account of faulty education system youth lack professional, managerial and
technical knowledge which is an impediment in developing the spirit of enterprise, consequently not
many people come forward to establish Self-employment units. The low growth rate of Self-
employment in our country is also because the government and industrial organizations do not spend
much on research and development. In our country, no proper system is in place to train and motivate
people for entrepreneurship development and hence the environment has not become conducive for the
promotion of Self-employment.
 Most Self-employment units established under Self-employment schemes are very small in size, hence
they have to face the problems like shortage of raw material, non-availability of credit facilities, lack of
funds for modernization, computerization, marketing of produces etc. because of these, Self-
employment units are not established, even if established they do not flourish and ultimately turn into
sick units or units with diminishing returns.
 Adverse Social, Cultural and Industrial Environment: Caste systems, social evils, fatalism, religious
superstitions particularly in the countryside, do not allow development of adventurous spirit. The
moment new entrepreneurs start to earn enough, they make their lifestyle extravagant and start
spending their saving on big houses, costly jewelry items and luxury goods which hampers the growth
possibilities of their venture and ultimately leads to sickness of the unit or the unit becoming
unproductive. Also, the business environment in the countryside is not much positive.
EDPs enable prospective entrepreneurs in the setting up of their own units, which enables them to get self-
employment, which is one of the most important problems that developing and underdeveloped countries face.
1. The Creation of Employment Opportunities: Unemployment is one of the most important problems
facing developing and underdeveloped countries. Numerous employment chances are made available
for people all around the world as a direct result of entrepreneurs opening more and more businesses,
both on a small and a large scale. Entrepreneurs, by starting their own businesses, not only improve
their own chances of leading a successful and independent life for themselves, but also improve the job
prospects of others around them. In this regard, the government of India has launched a number of
programmes, including Nehru RojgarYojna, the National Rural Employment Programme (NREP), the
Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Prime Minister RojgarYojna (PMRY), the Rural
Employment Generation Programme (REGP), and others. The primary goals of each of these initiatives
are to wipe out poverty and create possibilities for those who are currently without work to earn a
living doing something they enjoy. Therefore, entrepreneurs have the potential to play an important
part in the solution to the problem of unemployment.
2. Accumulation of Capital: Establishing a business from scratch is impossible if insufficient finances
are available. The entrepreneur, in his role as an organiser of the elements of production, will use both
his own resources and those that he has borrowed in order to launch his firm. An entrepreneur is
someone who takes people's unused savings and puts them to use in a useful way. Through these
means, he contributes to the generation of capital, which is absolutely necessary for the industrial and
economic growth of a nation. The different development banks in India, including ICICI, IFCI, IDBI,
and SIDBI, have taken the initiative to promote entrepreneurship by lending their support to a variety
of organizations engaged in EDP and by offering new business owners financial aid.
3. Making Use of Local Resources: In the absence of any effort, it is likely that local resources will not
be used to their full potential. If these resources are used well, the region may see growth or
development at a cheaper cost, which may be one of the outcomes. Astute businesspeople embrace the
chance and use it to their advantage, serving the needs of the region and the industry as a whole.

Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

Effective economic development programmes (EDPs) can contribute to the efficient use of regional
resources by offering potential business owners direction, assistance, education, and training.
4. An increase in the income generated per unit of capital: Entrepreneurs are constantly on the hunt
for new possibilities. They investigate as well as make the most of the opportunity. Entrepreneurs are
the people who take the initiative to organize the many components of production by putting those
factors to profitable use via the establishment of businesses. When there are more businesses, there will
be a greater number of things produced, people employed, and money created in the form of
commodities and services. It will lead to a rise in both the country's overall production and its income
per person as a direct consequence. EDPs play a constructive role in the establishment of additional
units and, as a result, contribute to the creation of more jobs and revenue.
5. An Enhancement in the Quality of Life: Entrepreneurs, by embracing the most recent developments,
contribute to the creation of a diverse range of goods and services, which in turn leads to an
improvement in the quality of life. They begin producing more goods of a higher quality and at cheaper
costs as soon as they begin to make more effective use of the resources. This makes it possible for
those who provide the easy availability of items of a higher quality and at cheaper rates to customers,
which ultimately leads to an increase in the general level of people's standards of life. EDPs offer the
essential support that entrepreneurs require by teaching them about the most recent technological
advancements and trends in the industry.
6. Economic Independence: Entrepreneurs make it possible for a nation to manufacture a broad array of
goods and services that are of a higher quality and that can also be sold at rates that are competitive.
They come up with alternatives to the products that are being imported, which stops an excessive
reliance on other nations and, at the same time, helps the country save valuable foreign cash. The
ability of a country's businesses to earn foreign cash, which is so crucial for satisfying the
developmental demands of the economy, is enabled when those entrepreneurs sell the surplus of their
products on foreign markets. The economic independence of the economy may be promoted through
the development of exports as well as the replacement of imports.
7. Preventing Industrial: Slums industrially developed places are plagued by the problem of industrial
slums, which place an excessive load on municipal facilities and have a negative effect on the health of
the people who live in those areas. The breaking up of large-scale industrial operations is one potential
solution to this critical issue. EDPs can be helpful in limiting the expansion of industrial slums by
supplying entrepreneurs with a variety of incentives, subsidies, and infrastructure assistance in order to
encourage the establishment of their businesses in industrially backward regions. Additionally, this will
aid in the reduction of pollution as well as the overuse of municipal services. Dangwal and
ShubhaGairola (1999)
8. Methods for Lessening Social Tension: A key contributor to social discontent, particularly among
younger and more educated individuals, is the prevalence of joblessness. When they have completed
their school but are unable to find productive job, people are sure to feel irritated with their situation.
EDPs have the potential to aid in directing the talents of a certain segment of society in the appropriate
direction by offering appropriate guidance, training, and support in the establishment of their
businesses. Because of this, opportunities for self-employment are created, and social tension,
discontent, and other problems are alleviated.
9. Playing a Catalytic Role in Overall Development: An entrepreneur plays a catalytic role in overall
development by acting as a change agent that result in a chain reaction. The beginning of the
industrialization process coincides with the establishment of a new business firm. This unit will create
a demand for the many different kinds of inputs that it needs, and there will be a great number of other
units that will need the output that this unit produces. The result of this is an overall development of the
region as a result of an increase in demand and the establishment of an increasing number of units
there. In addition, the success of one entrepreneur can serve as a model for other people to model their
Book Title: Current Advances in Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-1-913482-16-9
Published By: Rubicon Publications PP: 40-47

own businesses after. Therefore, entrepreneurs are responsible for producing an atmosphere of
excitement and communicating a feeling of purpose. This will offer a boost to the general growth of
that region in the years to come.
India has the world's tenth biggest economy by nominal GDP and the world's third largest economy by
purchasing power parity. This ranking is due to the country's rapid economic development, which has been
spurred by substantial economic reforms from the post-independence socialist economy. India is nevertheless
plagued by severe economic and social problems, including high unemployment rates and widespread poverty.
India's population has ballooned over the last half century, but the country's job market has not kept pace.
Lahiri, Ashok(2002).However, one of the stated goals of Indian Economic Plans is to eliminate joblessness
entirely. More than four decades have passed since the government first implemented Employment Generation
projects, with the emphasis moving between different areas and different groups. The need to create new jobs is
addressed in a number of ways across these programmes. Muniraj (1998).It starts with guaranteed income in a
minimum wage job and progresses to asset creation and skill development that lasts for the long term. The
growth of any economy is in large part due to the efforts of its entrepreneurial citizens. Startups and their
founders are essential to the development of industry and the expansion of the economy.
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