Comparing Information (Additional Exercise)

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1. Look at the chart below and complete the description.

The bar chart shows the number of houses built per decade in two villages, Farkletown and
Newtown, in the last century.

Overall, the number of houses that were erected in Farkletown exceeded the quantity
constructed in Newtown. The trend for the former was decidedly upwards, with Farkletown
experiencing 1…………………………… from 40 new houses in the first 10 years of the
century, to just under 2…………………………… during the Thirties. Over the next 40
years, new house construction in Farkletown 3…………………………… at just under 120.
This is in sharp contrast to 4…………………………… of the century when the number of
houses that went up in Farkletown leapt, first to 280 and then to 5……………………………

House building in Newtown, by comparison, was much more erratic. In the first two decades
of the century, more houses were erected in Newtown than in Farkletown. During the 1920s,
however, construction 6…………………………… to only 20. Over the next three decades,
house numbers 7……………………………, only to drop practically to zero in the
8……………………………. There was then 9…………………………… in 70s with over
200 houses being built. While the 80s saw house building in Newtown plummeting to only
10, in the 90s the number of new houses 10…………………………… to 270, a rise of more
than 2,600% on the previous decade.

The number of houses built per decade in the towns of Farkletown and Newtown over the last century

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