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Tanz demo Test taker

Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

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Apr 27, 09:09 PM Completed 81 2.4 mins


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S ingle select

 Regularly analyze hashtag performance and

influencer content within your industry.

When monitoring social media trends, what is the

most effective way to identify emerging trends that 
Focus solely on the most popular and generic
could impact your brand's content strategy? hashtags to maximize reach.

Limit trend analysis to direct competitors to avoid
content saturation.

Ignore micro-trends as they do not have a lasting
impact on content strategy.

S ingle select

 Personalize interactions and promptly address

queries or complaints.

Which of the following best represents a strategic

approach to community management in fostering 
Automate all responses to ensure quick replies,
customer loyalty? regardless of personalization.

Limit community engagement to business hours to
manage staff workload.

Focus on promotional content to drive sales over
community interaction.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 To enhance efficiency by scheduling posts and

analyzing consumer behavior.

What is the primary goal of utilizing marketing

automation in social media campaigns? 
To completely replace human interaction with
automated messaging systems.

To save costs by eliminating the need for a
dedicated social media team.

To automate all content creation, disregarding the
need for authentic content.

S ingle select

 The number of shares for viral content.

When evaluating the effectiveness of a social media 

The sentiment of comments on promoted posts.
marketing campaign, which metric is least important?

The frequency of ad-blocker mentions in user

The click-through rate (CTR) on campaign-specific
tracking links.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 Being defensive instead of listening and

acknowledging the customer's concerns.

In the context of customer engagement, what is a

common mistake to avoid when responding to 
Thanking the customer for their feedback and
negative feedback on social media? promising to improve.

Escalating the issue to a private channel for a more
detailed discussion.

Offering a discount or freebie to compensate for the
customer's poor experience.

S ingle select

 It allows marketers to compare different campaign

variables to determine the most effective elements.

What role does A/B testing play in optimizing social

media marketing campaigns? 
It is used to test the strength of the brand's
cybersecurity measures.

It serves to test the functionality of new social
media platforms only.

It is solely for testing the visual appeal of ad
creatives, not the messaging.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 Upselling additional products to customers

An e-commerce business wants to reduce cart 

Providing information about shipping policies
abandonment and improve conversion rates. They
decide to implement a chatbot funnel to assist
customers during the checkout process. What is the 
Assisting customers with the checkout process to
reduce cart abandonment
primary goal of the chatbot funnel in this situation?

Sending marketing emails to previous customers

S ingle select

 Native analytics provide platform-specific data,

while third-party tools offer cross-platform insights and
additional features.
In social media marketing, how does the use of native
analytics platforms (like Facebook Insights or Twitter
Analytics) compare to third-party tools? 
Native analytics are sufficient for all types of
analysis, making third-party tools redundant.

Third-party tools are only necessary for small
businesses without access to native analytics.

Native analytics are primarily for real-time data,
whereas third-party tools focus on historical data.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 Collaborate across departments to maintain a

consistent brand voice and policy.

Which approach is most effective for aligning

customer service and marketing messages on social 
Completely separate the responsibilities to avoid
media? message overlap.

Prioritize marketing messages over customer
service interactions.

Use automated responses for customer service to
focus on marketing content.

S ingle select

 To plan and organize content in advance, ensuring

a consistent posting schedule and strategic campaign
When it comes to social media marketing, why is it
important to have a content calendar?

To use it as the sole guide for all content, without
allowing room for real-time adjustments.

To delegate content creation responsibilities to
external agencies only.

To focus exclusively on time-specific promotions,
disregarding evergreen content.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 Buying followers to quickly increase the community


Which of these tactics is least effective in growing a

social media community organically? 
Engaging with followers and participating in
relevant conversations.

Creating shareable and valuable content for the
target audience.

Collaborating with influencers and industry leaders
to expand reach.

S ingle select

Stay informed through industry blogs and adjust
strategies based on insights.

How should a social media marketing specialist

handle the rapid changes in social media algorithms?  Ignore algorithm changes and maintain a static
content strategy.

Focus solely on paid advertising to guarantee
content visibility.

Change the content strategy daily to try to game
the algorithm.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 Responding to comments and messages in a

timely and authentic manner.

Which of the following would be considered a best

practice for engaging with your audience on social 
Using automated responses for all comments to
media? save time.

Prioritizing responses to positive comments and
ignoring negative ones.

Limiting engagement to business hours, regardless
of when users are active.

S ingle select

 Over-reliance on one platform can be detrimental if

the platform's popularity declines or algorithm changes.

What is one of the most significant risks of not

diversifying your social media presence across 
Having a presence on multiple platforms is
multiple platforms? generally discouraged due to increased complexity.

Diversification leads to diluted branding due to
varying platform demographics.

It's too time-consuming to tailor content to different
platforms, leading to inefficiency.

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA

S ingle select

 Sharing generic travel destination images without


A travel agency aims to increase bookings by

leveraging Facebook Messenger and Instagram 
Offering personalized travel recommendations and
Messaging. What innovative marketing strategy might itinerary planning via Messenger and Instagram
the specialist propose to enhance consumer
engagement and lead generation? 
Posting occasional travel quotes without

Sending out automated messages with static
brochure links

S ingle select

 Ability to send static, non-interactive messages


What key functionality of ManyChat facilitates the

creation of engaging and interactive messenger 
Integration with traditional email marketing
flows? platforms <br>

Capability to create interactive chatbot sequences

Limitations in customization options

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Tanz demo Test taker
Apr 27 2024
CPT-6135 ManyChat Messenger Marketing & Automation VA


You need to integrate a ManyChat flow with an email

autoresponder and SMS marketing platform for a client in
the fitness industry. How would you ensure seamless
integration between these platforms to optimize the
marketing automation ecosystem?

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Completed in 24 seconds out of 5 minutes


A client wants to implement an interactive Messenger flow

to collect leads for their upcoming webinar series on
personal finance. How would you use ManyChat to create
a compelling flow that captures leads effectively while
providing value to users?

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Completed in 51 seconds out of 5 minutes

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