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Stage 5

Paper 2 2023
Cambridge Primary Progression Test
Mark Scheme

© UCLES 2023
3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

General guidelines on marking

Many descriptive answers can be expressed in a variety of ways. Professional judgement can be
used in these cases, providing it matches the marking points and further information in the mark

Answers may have words spelt incorrectly. Credit is normally given for phonetically correct answers,
unless the word has a scientifically different meaning. For example, where the answer should be
antennae, credit will be given for antena but not for anthen (too close to anther).

Only the science is being assessed, so answers do not need to be grammatically correct. Significant
figures will be indicated in the question or in the mark scheme.

Unless specified all marking points are independent.

Annotations and abbreviations

/ or alternate responses for the same marking point

( ) brackets the words or units in brackets do not need to be stated, for example, (recycles or
releases or provides) minerals = minerals scores the mark

Underline exact word is required

Accept an acceptable response

Do not accept indicates an incorrect response that would contradict another otherwise correct

Ignore indicates an irrelevant answer that is not creditworthy. Full marks can still be
achieved even with answers that are ignored

Note provides extra information when necessary

ecf error carried forward; marks are awarded if an incorrect response has been carried
forward from earlier working, provided the subsequent working is correct

ora or reverse argument; for example, as mass increases, volume increases could be
written as mass decreases, volume decreases

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) any two from 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

thick fur

layer of fat

small surface area to volume ratio Accept small ears

greasy fur (to repel water)

black skin

hollow fur
Accept sharp claws (to grip the snow)

Accept large feet (to spread the weight so they

do not sink into the snow)

Ignore ideas about camouflage

1(b) any two from 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

forward facing eyes Note adaptations must be qualified for the mark,
e.g. claws is not sufficient
large claws or sharp claws

white fur (for camouflage)

sharp teeth

excellent sense of smell

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) (A) melting 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

(B) freezing or solidification or crystallisation

2(b) particles in regular arrangement in a solid but not in a liquid 1 Accept particles vibrate in a solid and move in a

Accept particles in a solid are closer together

than in a liquid / ora

Accept particles in a solid have less energy than

particles in a liquid / ora

Note there must be a comment about a solid and

a liquid within the answer

2(c) particles are touching each other 1 Ignore they both contain particles

2(d) box with particles not touching each other and well spaced 1 Accept between two and ten particles
out, e.g. Ignore size of particles

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3(a) it vibrates 1 Accept vibration

3(b) hit (the material) harder (with the drum stick) 1 Note the answer must be comparative

3(c) use a larger drum shell 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

use a less tight material or loosen the material Note the answer must be comparative

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a) atmosphere 1

4(b) nitrogen 2 all three correct gases = 2 marks

oxygen one or two correct gases = 1 mark

carbon dioxide one or two incorrect gases, e.g. hydrogen,

chlorine, helium, etc. = maximum 1 mark

three incorrect gases = 0 marks

Accept other gases found in air, e.g. argon, neon,

xenon, carbon monoxide, CFCs, ozone, sulfur
dioxide, etc.

Ignore water vapour

4(c) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

substances that humans introduce into the environment Accept substances that humans put into
the air or water

these substances cause harm to the environment Accept a known effect of pollution, e.g. a
substance that causes acid rain or
depletes the ozone layer

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) number of flowers of each colour 2 all three correct = 2 marks

time two correct = 1 mark

type of plant one correct = 0 marks

Accept any indication of the correct answer, e.g.

ticking or underlining, but circling takes

5(b) might get stung (by bees) or (idea of) hay fever 1 Accept risk of insect bites

5(c) results will be more reliable 1 Accept (idea that) there will be more
data or (idea that) it is easier to see any patterns

Do not accept it will be more accurate

5(d) blue 1

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at 2 temperature = 1 mark

which a liquid becomes a gas.
liquid and gas = 1 mark

6(b) (speed of water particles) increases 1 Accept gets faster

Accept particles have more (kinetic) energy

6(c) particles move faster or particles increase speed 1 Accept particles have more (kinetic) energy

6(d) condensation 1

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) (magnet) repels another magnet 1 both answers correct for the mark

and Accept (magnet) attracts the magnetic material

or magnet and magnetic material is attracted to
(magnetic material) does not repel a magnet or is only the magnet = 1 mark
attracted to a magnet

7(b) attractive (force) 1 Accept attraction or attracts

7(c) decreases or gets smaller 1 Accept less attractive or less attraction

Accept less repulsive or less repulsion if

answer from (b) is repulsion

7(d) repulsive (force) 1 Accept repulsion or repels

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) gravity 1

8(b) friction 1

8(c) air resistance 2 all three correct in any order = 2 marks

friction one or two correct in either order = 1 mark

water resistance one or two incorrect = maximum 1 mark

three incorrect = 0 marks

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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9 letter part 2 all four lines correct = 2 marks

anther two or three lines correct = 1 mark

if two lines from one letter and one is

incorrect = 0 marks for that letter
W filament

X ovary

Y petal

Z stigma


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3133/02 Science Stage 5 Paper 2 Mark Scheme 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) (a natural) object that orbits a planet 1 Accept a moon

Ignore human-made satellite

10(b) most difficult to see (using a telescope) or it has the 1 Accept it is the smallest
smallest diameter

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