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Issued by: DMR Approved by: Marine Director SQE/Form-BCL 17


Rev/Issue: 03/ 01
Navigation Safety Audit Checklist and Report Page 1 of 26


Date(s) conducted: February, 21st 2024
Place, from: South Java, Cilacap To: Tuban
Auditor’s name: Capt. Ihwan Asrul
Master’s name: Capt. Ihwan Asrul
Is this audit conducted within time frame as per Ch. 10 of Bridge manual? Yes No
Is this a routine audit or an unscheduled one? Routine Unscheduled

Ship’s operational status (tick as appropriate)

At Sea
Other (state):

Details from last internal navigational audit

Date(s) conducted: November, 20th 2023

Auditor’s name: Capt. ADI SETYONO
Master’s name: Capt. ADI SETYONO
Are the findings from previous audit satisfactory closed? Yes No
If “No”, state the pending ones:

Instructions to auditor

Please ensure by observation and discussion with Master and bridge officers that they comply with navigational
procedures as they are described in Bridge, ECDIS manual as well as in the latest edition of Bridge Procedure Guide
and Bridge Team Management publications.

The audit is referred to both paper and paperless navigation modes; therefore all the contained topics shall be
evaluated accordingly. Auditing process shall cover all bridge watches and the performance of all bridge officers shall
be evaluated. Procedures, records, actions by Master and bridge team and status of equipment must be evaluated.
Results of last Master’s Navigational Audit must be assessed and compared. Proper auditing acts as a safeguard for
safety of navigation. Real and clear reporting is the key to build a “safety culture”. Auditor’s, Master’s knowledge
and experience must be shared, continuous motivation for compliance and improved, required.

Objective of this audit is not to blame but to ascertain that policies and procedures are understood and that records
show that they are being complied with.

Upon completion of audit, Master and bridge team must be briefed for results and findings while
corrective/preventive actions must be taken whenever required. The report must be sent along with a copy of crew
list, by email within seven (7) days from the date of completion while the original must be kept on board.

A. Navigational equipment
1. Echo sounder and recorder
Is the echo sounder fully operational? Yes No
Is this verified across all of its working bands/scales? Yes No

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Rev/Issue: 03/ 01
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Are its readings accurate compared to the chart? Yes No

Are the above results properly logged in deck log book? Yes No
Is the echo sounder adjusted to give depths under ship’s keel instead of sea level? Yes No
Are the echo sounder and its repeaters displaying the same value? Yes No
Is the echo sounder alarm correctly set in relation to ship’s draft and UKC policy? Yes No
Is printer (where applicable) in good working condition with clear and readable printouts? Yes No
Is it marked with reference date, time and range on each occasion it is switched on? Yes No
Is it operated fully in compliance with Bridge manual? Yes No
Is adequate quantity of spare papers and stylus (where applicable) available? Yes No
If there is no printer and the device is built up with internal memory, is it properly recording
Yes No
Is sounding lead available and in good condition? Yes No
Are bridge officers aware of echo sounder’s minimum measurable depth? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

2. Gyro compass and repeaters

Enter the date of last annual service for each compass: Gyro No 1: 04.AUGUST.2023 No 2:NA
State the difference of their heading in one decimal of degree:
Are gyro repeaters in order and properly illuminated? Yes No
Are gyro compass clearly readable by helmsman at main steering position? Yes No
Do the headings of repeaters agree with the heading of master gyro? Yes No
Is a gyro repeater available in emergency steering area? Yes No
Does the heading of this repeater agree with the heading of master gyro? Yes No
Are relevant records properly maintained? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

3. Radars
Are ship’s radars in satisfactory working condition? Yes No
TX hours of each radar: X-band (1): 000220.4 H X-band(2): S-Band: 002991.3 H
Last P.M. results of X-band (1): 15.17 X-band(2): S-Band: 15.05
each radar:
Last magnetron X-band (1): 17-JAN-2024 X-band(2): S-Band: 08 APR 2023
renewal date:
Are plotting sheets available on bridge? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

4. Sextants
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are all relevant parts such as mirrors, sunglasses, micrometers etc available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

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Rev/Issue: 03/ 01
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5. Whistle, bell, gong

Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are all items required by COLREG, available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

6. Shapes and flags

Are they in good condition? Yes No
Are available all the required shapes and flags? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

7. Rudder angle indicators

Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are they properly illuminated? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

8. Speed and distance device

Is the device in good working condition? Yes No
Has the device indication of speed over the ground in forward and athwart ship direction? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

9. Daylight signaling lamp

Is the device in good working condition? Yes No
Can the device being operated with emergency source of power? Yes No
Are there at least three (3) spare bulbs available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

10. Navigation lights

Are primary and secondary systems in good working condition? Yes No
Are both sound and lamp indication alarms properly working? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No
Are spare bulbs available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic? Yes No

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If “Yes” state details:


11. Binoculars
Are at least three (3) pairs of binoculars available and in good condition? Yes No
Is any pair of night vision of binoculars available? Yes No
Are on bridge only those pairs which are in good working condition? Yes No
State the total number of pairs of binoculars including night vision ones:
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

12. Course recorder

Is the recorder in good working condition? Yes No
Is the recorder properly synchronized with gyro (heading) and chronometer (time)? Yes No
Is it running at all times when the ship is at sea or at anchor? (switched off only when
Yes No
the ship is alongside)
Is adequate quantity of spare papers available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
Req. no. SD48-OPE-ORST-0000056/24 Service Course Recorder

13. GPS / DGPS and printer

State how many GPS/DGPS devices are on board? 2 pcs
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Is printer in good working condition with clear and readable printouts? Yes No
Is adequate quantity of spare papers available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

 Primary MASTER ECDIS 1 and Secondary BACKUP ECDIS 2 as well as BACKUP ECDIS 3 etc as, applicable shall contain
exactly the same settings and configuration. Check all ECDIS devices for compliance.
 Route planners are excluded since are not considered as ECDIS devices.
State how many ECDIS devices are on board: 2 PCS 2
State maker/model of ECDIS device(s): e-Globe
State how many work stations/route planners are on board (chart room/master’s office):
State device’s software version: Kernel
Ver 5.22
Are the ECDIS devices connected to VDR?
Yes No
Note that if they are, when the ECDIS it is switched off, alarm is coming on VDR
Are AVCS charts installed on ECDIS devices? Yes No
Is only this chart database loaded on ECDIS devices?
Yes No
If “No” state which other:
Is any gap on ENCs fully covered by paper charts? Yes No
Are ECDIS charts up to date? Yes No

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Rev/Issue: 03/ 01
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State last 46/2023

week applied:
Are the corrections for ENCs properly downloaded via “Chartbrowser” software?
Yes No
If “No”, have you liaised accordingly with Chartbrowser and digital products support teams?
Are all weekly update CD/DVDs properly loaded on ECDIS and properly stored Yes No
State latest CD/DVD week number installed: 03/2024
Are manually corrections properly plotted on ECDIS?
Yes No
State when the last manual correction applied: 14.02.2024
Are ECDIS device(s) in good working condition? Yes No
Is there any alarm/error related to ECDIS software/hardware, displayed?
Yes No
If “Yes” state what:
Is there any alarm/error related to ECDIS charts, displayed?
Yes No
If “Yes” state what:
Are the ECDIS devices connected to emergency source of power?
Yes No
Indicate which source, UPS or Ship’s batteries? UPS and Emergency Generator
Are all sensors properly sending their data to ECDIS? Present sensor setting menu. Yes No
Indicate which sensors are connected:
Speed, Depth, Heading, Position etc
Is ECDIS audible alarm/buzzer fully functional and not set to mute? Yes No
Is relevant familiarization check list completed for all navigating officers? Yes No
Is the Form-E of Cargo Ship Safety Equipment certificate properly endorsed with ECDIS?
Yes No
(“Provided” is placed for both ECDIS and back up arrangements for ECDIS, column).
What is, as per Form-E of Cargo Ship Safety Equipment certificate, the primary means of
navigation? Yes No
State any relevant note, where applicable:
Is “ECDIS folder” in place and properly updated? Yes No
Is IHO test properly conducted with satisfactory results? Yes No
State date of last test: 15.02.2024
Is the dedicated USB stick in good working condition and properly checked using master’s
Yes No
computer antivirus software?
Are training sessions regarding handing and updating of AVCS charts being conducted? Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers undergone type specific training for the on board device? Yes No
Are drills regarding ECDIS failure frequently conducted? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to demonstrate their familiarity with the ECDIS? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to create and edit a route/voyage fully in compliance with Ch. Yes No
6 and 7 of ECDIS manual?
Are Master and bridge officers able to monitor a route/voyage? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with Limiting Danger Line (LDL)? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to safe check a route? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with the ECDIS sensor, change over procedure as well as Yes No
relevant corrections, such as offset?
Are Master and bridge officers able to show the switching over procedure after position loss? Yes No
Are all bridge officers familiar with the “key” safety parameters, such as safety contour, safety
Yes No
depth, deep and shallow contours, anti-grounding cone and SCAMIN of the ECDIS?
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with the crossing contour procedures? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with the display configuration/modes as per Appendix 1
Yes No
of ECDIS manual, the display modes and data quality pattern/CATZOC/quality object setting?
Are Master and bridge officers able to identify any over scaling indication on chart? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to identify/handle the danger vector area? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to create a LOP and manually plot positions? Yes No

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Are master and bridge officers able to present the last time LOP fix applied? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to create a GPS fix? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to deselect GPS sensor and manually go into DR mode? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to present, what other types of position fixes are applied? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to transfer data between the ECDIS devices? Yes No
Are all bridge officers aware how to transfer “user charts or chart works”? Are they aware of
Yes No
limitations of transferring between the devices, especially regarding “manual updates”?
Are Master and bridge officers able to switch over to backup device? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to order cells? Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers undergone type specific training for the on board device? Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers aware of changes in watch pattern, voyage planning and Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers aware that for changes during route monitoring, rest of bridge
Yes No
team members shall be accordingly informed during change over the watch process?
Are Master and all bridge officers aware of the correct set up during start up, eg layering
Yes No
Are all relevant overlays properly loaded? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers aware of the differences between ARC and ENC charts and how to
Yes No
recognize a raster chart?
Are Master and bridge officers aware of cells’ validity and re-ordering procedures? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to install a permit for a cell? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to install ENC updates? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers, able to present last correction applied and expiration date for
Yes No
each ENC?
Are Master and bridge officers able to create manual corrections? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to plot T&Ps, NAVTEX messages and navigational warnings? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with the Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to maintain an anchor watch on ECDIS? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to present how do they achieve the best scale/compilation
Yes No
scale when using ENCs?
Are Master and bridge officers able to present how do they query/interrogate a charted object? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to present the cell number of the ENC, which is currently in
Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to change symbology between Traditional (paper) and
Yes No
Simplified (S-52)?
Are Master and bridge officers able to present “ENC chart 1” (ENC symbols table)? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with display settings with regard to Brightness and
Yes No
Are chart motion, chart orientation, screen layout, colour palette and additional ENC settings
Yes No
properly configured?
Are the correct display settings available for execution of navigation in accordance with ECDIS
Yes No
check off cards for pilotage and confided waters, and coastal navigation and open sea/ocean?
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with “own ship data/ship’s characteristics” menu and its
Yes No
proper configuration? Are ship’s data properly configured?
Are Master and bridge officers able to set up safety values according to the size and maneuvering
Yes No
parameters of the ship?
Are Master and bridge officers able to create notes such as call Master, activate echo sounder,
Yes No
etc on ECDIS?
Are Master and bridge officers able to set up ECDIS time, select vector time, display time markers
Yes No
on ship’s route and predict the ship’s position for some time interval?

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Are Master and bridge officers familiar with ECDIS alarm list and history? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with following alarms and action required from their side?
-absence of the next chart in the ECDIS database Yes No
-crossing contour Yes No
-exceeding cross-track limits Yes No
-deviation from planned route Yes No
-approaching a waypoint Yes No
-approaching a critical point Yes No
-discrepancy between calculated and actual time of arrival to waypoint Yes No
-information on under-scaling or over scaling Yes No
-approaching an isolated navigational danger or danger area Yes No
-crossing a specified area Yes No
-selecting a different geodetic datum Yes No
-approaching other ships (if applicable) Yes No
-watch termination (if applicable) Yes No
-switching timer Yes No
-system failure and system test failure (if applicable) Yes No
-malfunctioning of the positioning system used in ECDIS Yes No
-failure of dead recording Yes No
-inability to fix ship’s position using the navigational system Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to measure coordinates, course bearings and distances on
Yes No
chart, ETA, use EBL/VRM functions?
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with ECDIS-AIS interface, interpretation of AIS data,
Yes No
indicating target’s speed vectors, indicating target’s track and archiving target’s tracks?
Are Master and all bridge officers able to create notes such as call Master, activate echo sounder,
Yes No
etc on ECDIS?
Are Master and bridge officers able to present/handle ECDIS logs/playback and export data if
Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers able to export/import routes, passage plans and data from/to
Yes No
other devices?
Are ECDIS maintenance records properly maintained? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with methods testing for malfunctioning of ECDIS,
Yes No
including functional self-testing (where applicable)?
Are Master and bridge officers aware of precautions to be taken after malfunction occurs, need
Yes No
for Critical Equipment Risk Assessment and available back-up arrangements?
Are ECDIS system time properly configured? Yes No
What is the last major event logged in ECDIS?
State details, where applicable:
Are exactly the same settings, configuration and handling maintained at all ECDIS devices (Master
Yes No
and Backup units)?
Is the same route and passage plan loaded and monitored at all ECDIS devices? Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers aware that for changes on critical functions/settings of ECDIS
Yes No
devices such as but no limited to contours, sensors, etc, Master shall be informed accordingly?
Are any sign of overreliance Master and of bridge officers to ECDIS, observed? Yes No
Are all bridge officers familiar with cross-checking of ECDIS data to avoid overreliance? Are
traditional procedures used, such as visual and radar techniques, to safeguard against the Yes No
overreliance on ECDIS? In addition, is regular system maintenance checks carried out?
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
Is “user chart or chart work” being used for all information required to be plotted on chart, except Yes No

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of T&Ps for which “manual update” function shall be used?

Are all bridge officers familiar with difference in use of “user chart” and “manual update”
Yes No
Are “user charts” available with all the required information as per ECDIS manual? Yes No

B. Communication, other bridge equipment

Is the system in good working condition? Yes No
Are daily tests (where applicable) as per maker’s instructions properly carried out? Yes No
Is the BNWAS log properly kept? Yes No
Is the activation/deactivation code or key at the possession of master? Yes No
Is the device used ONLY on manual mode? Yes No
Are the reset buttons in a place not disturbing lookout watch? Yes No
If there are other buttons in areas distributing lookout watch such as at chart-room, GMDSS
Yes No
console, etc, are out of use and properly covered?
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

2. NAVTEX receiver and printer

Is the system in good working condition? Yes No
Are tests of device properly carried out? Yes No
Is printer in good working condition with clear and readable printouts? Yes No
Is adequate quantity of spare papers available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
Remarks : Printer not available on board

3. RPM indicators
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are they properly illuminated? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

4. Rate of turn indicators

Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are they properly illuminated? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

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5. Anemometer(s)
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are they properly illuminated? Yes No
Is anemometer repeater located at CCR? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

6. AIS
Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is it connected to Radars and/or ECDIS? Yes No
Is it switched to low power while ship is alongside or during cargo related operations? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

7. Weather fax and printer

Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is printer in good working condition with clear and readable printouts? Yes No
Is adequate quantity of spare papers available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

8. Telegraph log and printer

Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is printer in good working condition with clear and readable printouts? Yes No
Is adequate quantity of spare papers available? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

9. Chronometer
Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is it corrected in compliance with NP 282 Vol. 2? Yes No
Is Chronometer log properly kept? Yes No
State the date of batteries renewal:
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

10. Barometer
Is it in good working condition? Yes No

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Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

11. Voyage Data Recorder (VDR)

State the expiration date of batteries Back up : APRIL 2024 Beacon: JUNE 2026
Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is the capsule in good condition without sights of cracks, corrosion, etc? Yes No
Is any error or alarm displayed? Yes No
Specify storage mean of VDR, hard disk or SF card of USB stick:
Is any spare storage mean available? Yes No
State connected sensors as per latest Annual Performance Test (APT) check list: 22 AUG 2023
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

12. Sound reception system

Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Are the emergency telephones between bridge, master’s office, engine control room and
Yes No
emergency steering gear room in operational condition?
Are cables and accessories of emergency telephones in good condition? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

13. Public address system

Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

14. VHF radios

Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No
Is the DSC function in satisfactory condition? Yes No
Is it working satisfactory under DC power? Yes No
Are antennas in good condition without sights of cracks, corrosion, etc? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
If “Yes” state details: Yes No
Remarks :

15. MF/HF radio

Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No

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Is the DSC function in satisfactory condition? Yes No

Is it working satisfactory under DC power? Yes No
Is the antenna in good condition without sights of cracks, corrosion, etc? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

16. Inmarsat C and GMDSS console

Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No
Are they working satisfactory under DC power? Yes No
Are LRIT and SSAS systems connected on them, in satisfactory working condition? Yes No
Are antennas in good condition without sights of cracks, corrosion, etc? Yes No
Are the emergency GMDSS batteries in good working order and properly charging? Yes No
Is a poster of shore based contract of maintenance of GMDSS equipment as well as the
Yes No
Ship’s radio license, on bridge?
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

17. GMDSS (survival) VHF units

State the expiration dates of batteries AUG-2025
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No
Are their batteries properly charging? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

18. SARTs
State the expiration dates of batteries OCT-2028
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

State the expiration date battery Sep-2026
State the expiration date of HRU Oct-2025
Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Are routine tests properly carried out? Yes No
Is it installed at an easily accessible position? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

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20. Walkie talkies (optimum quantity is 08 units while minimum is 06 units along with 06 spare batteries)
State how many units are available on board 11 units
State how many batteries including the spare ones are available on board 15 pcs
Are they in good working condition? Yes No
Are their batteries properly charging? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

21. Conning display

Is it in good working condition? Yes No
Is any error or alarm displayed? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

22. Bridge console

Are all available buttons, switches, displays, dimmers, etc in good working condition? Yes No
Is any error or alarm displayed? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

23. Onboard software

Is the system fully operational? Yes No
Is any error or alarm displayed? Yes No
Is the index of Onboard Software related to all available on board charts and publications
Yes No
properly maintained and updated?
Is the index of Onboard Software related to all digital charts and publications properly
Yes No
maintained and updated?
Is Onboard Software properly receiving Notice to Mariners weeks? Yes No
Is Onboard Software properly receiving corrections for ADP and e-NP software? Yes No
Is Onboard Software properly receiving corrections for ENC (AVCS) charts? Yes No
Is any observed deficiency properly reported to ChartWorld and digital products support
Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

24. Admiralty Digital Publications (ADP) and e-NP software

Are two software licenses installed? Is the main one on Bridge computer and the back up one
Yes No
on Master’s computer?
Are all licensed ADLL, ADRS, ATT, e-NPs areas and volumes fully operational on both
Yes No

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Are both computers properly updated on a weekly basis? Yes No

Is the same update week applied on both computers? Yes No
State last week applied: WK.09/24
Are the update certificates for both computers, on filed bridge? Yes No
Are all ADP, e-NP CD/DVDs properly received, uploaded on both computers and stored? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

C. Magnetic compass
1. Magnetic compass
Is the compass in good working order? Yes No
Is a reflector in place and properly illuminated? Yes No
Is the compass clearly readable by helmsman at the main steering position? Yes No
Is a spare magnetic compass available and in good order? Yes No
Is azimuth cycle or shadow pin available? Yes No
Is off course alarm in good working order and properly tested? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

2. Deviation curve
State the date and place/coordinates when deviation curve issued Place : Tg. Balai Karimun Date : 08/10/2022
State differences in degrees between observed deviation and deviation curve (for the 1o
hemisphere where the deviation curve has been issued)
Up to two (2) degrees, discrepancy should be considered as “acceptable”
Up to five (5) degrees, discrepancy should be considered as “questionable”
More than five (5) degrees, discrepancy should be considered as “unacceptable”
Is the deviation curve posted on bridge? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

D. Bridge team performance and compliance with procedures

1. Operation of navigational equipment
Are bridge officers fully familiar with proper use, handling and limitations of all bridge
Yes No
Are they properly maintaining their good working condition in compliance with maker’s
Yes No
instructions and PMS?
Are they properly keeping all devices’ manuals on bridge? Are they familiar with them? Yes No
For any major change on equipment’s configuration, such as switching over of sensors, changes
Yes No
on ECDIS contours, etc is Master and bridge team properly informed?
Does Master properly monitoring/evaluating officers’ performance? Yes No

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Does Master leading by example and shares his knowledge/professionalism and experience
Yes No
regarding proper operation of navigational equipment, according to maker’s instructions?
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

2. Bridge clocks
Are all clocks of bridge equipment, such as course recorder, telegraph log, ECDIS, radars,
Yes No
GMDSS equipment, echo sounder, etc, synchronized?
Are bridge and engine room clocks synchronized? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

3. UMS
Are all bridge officers familiar with the procedures to be followed when the ship is in UMS
Yes No
Is the Part A of relevant form properly completed? Yes No
Are deck log book entries properly maintained? Yes No
Does Master and Chief Engineer properly monitoring/evaluating officers’ performance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
Remarks: N/A

4. Communications
Is the English language the official one on board? If yes, is this clearly stated at the first page of
Yes No
log books?
Are all communications carried out in English language? Yes No
Are all bridge officers familiar with the International Code of Signals? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

5. Man over board (MOB)

Are all bridge officers familiar with the MOB procedures as per Shipboard Contingency Plan?
Yes No
Are they familiar with relevant maneuvering methods?
Are relevant turns posted on bridge? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

6. Bell book and GPS position log

Are all bridge officers familiar with the use of “Bell Book” in case of telegraph log
Yes No

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Is an empty, spare “Bell Book” available on bridge? Yes No

Are the officers aware that in case of GPS printer malfunctioning they have to log manually its
Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

7. Master’s order book

Is master’s order book properly maintained? Yes No
Is the master’s order book covering any absence of Master? Yes No
Are entries related to navigation, safety, environment, security, and cargo issues in place
Yes No
whenever required?
Is a signed confirmation “Read and understood” in place for each officer, before take over a
Yes No
Does Master clearly motivating bridge officers to call him on bridge whenever required? Yes No
Are bridge officers feeling comfortable to do it? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and bridge officers for this item?
If “Yes” state details:

8. Master’s standing orders

Are master’s standing orders in place and properly signed? Yes No
Are them in compliance with Bridge Manual? Yes No
Are bridge officers familiar with them? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

9. Safety patrols
Are safety patrols properly maintained without the absence of lookout from bridge? Yes No
Are relevant records in place and duly verified by Master? Yes No
State the patrol areas 1. ALL ACCOMODATION State the patrol areas
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ and crew’s performance for this
item? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

10. Compass error observations

Is the compass error, for both gyro and magnetic compasses, ascertained every watch from all
Yes No
bridge officers?
Is a compass error book properly maintained? Yes No
Is the deck log book appropriately updated? Yes No
Whenever failed to ascertain this error, is relevant entry made in deck log book? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

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11. Bridge officer calculations book

Are all bridge officers properly maintained a calculation book? Yes No
Are celestial observations, such as lines of positions, compass error, etc, properly carried out
Yes No
by all bridge officers?
Are tidal calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are current calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are wind calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are UKC calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are air-draft calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are wheel over calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are radars plotting sheets/calculations properly carried out by all bridge officers? Yes No
Is the reason for all those calculations clear and understood by all officers? Yes No
Does Master motivating officers to manually calculate and not over rely on electronic
Yes No
Does Master assisting/clarifying any query of bridge officers on calculation process and
Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

12. Navigational watch

Are bridge officers properly familiarized with bridge equipment before take over duties? Yes No
Are familiarization forms properly completed? Yes No
Are bridge officers fully familiar with COLREG and its requirements? Yes No
Are they fully familiar with Bridge Procedures Guide and Company’s Bridge manual? Yes No
Are they fully familiar with Contingency procedures and checklists? Yes No
Are they aware of all available means in order to avoid collision? Are they familiar with their
Yes No
Are they aware of “Calling the Master” instructions, orders? Yes No
Are they aware which bridge devices are connected to Emergency Generator? Is relevant list
Yes No
available on bridge?
Are they familiar with the change over the watch procedures? Is relevant bridge check list
Yes No
properly completed?
Are they familiar with the handing / taking over procedures with the Master? Are relevant
Yes No
entries regarding conning command in place at deck log book?
Are they familiar with ship’s maneuvering characteristics? Yes No
Are they familiar with engine telegraph, if the telegraph control is on bridge or in engine room
Yes No
and the actions/limitations required in order to increase/reduce ship’s speed?
Are they aware of RADARS’ blind sectors? Is relevant poster in place? Yes No
Are they aware of other issues related to safety, security, environmental and cargo during their
Yes No
Have you observed overreliance of bridge officers to navigational equipment and or aids to
Yes No
When the ship is at anchor is a proper anchoring watch maintained? Yes No

When C/O is not a watch keeper, is he conducting watches as per Bridge manual ? Yes No

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Does Master encourage new officer to participate a watch along with OOW in order to be
Yes No
trained accordingly?
Does Master motivating Chief Officer in ship’s handling in order to be trained for his next
Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

13. Bridge watch and lookout

Is a look out maintained at all times, in compliance with COLREG? Yes No
Are the bridge officers familiar with the bridge watch levels? Are they familiar with the
Yes No
circumstances requiring a change of watch level?
Whenever a change of bridge watch level occurs, is the deck log book properly updated? Yes No
Are the watch levels as well as watches schedule, posted on bridge? Yes No
Does Master maintaining an effective watch keeping schedule based on the experience of each
Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

14. Log keeping and completion of Bridge Check lists

Is an official log book as well as company’s Bridge check lists available on bridge? Yes No
Is deck log book correctly maintained and is an adequate record being kept of all navigational
Yes No
activities, both at sea and in port?
Are bridge officers properly completing Bridge check lists, whenever required?
Yes No
Check in detail proper completion and keeping of check lists
Check in detail if deck log book entries are fully in compliance with Bridge manual Yes No
Check in detail if GMDSS log book entries are fully in compliance with Bridge manual Yes No
Are GMDSS tests and their entries in compliance with STCW sect B VIII/2 part 4-3? Yes No
Check in detail if port log book entries are fully in compliance with Bridge manual Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating the officers performance and the log book entries? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

15. Entries on navigational equipment

Are all the important navigational times, such as alteration of course, EOSP, anchoring time, etc
Yes No
properly marked on course recorder chart?
Is the course recorder signed or initialed at the end of each watch by the OOW? Yes No
Is the echo sounder properly marked and signed, fully in compliance with Bridge manual? Yes No
Is Radar log properly maintained for each device? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers familiar with the marking requirements? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

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16. Defect/deficiencies folder

Is the relevant file on bridge and properly updated? Yes No
Does the file contain all the required data, fully in compliance with Bridge manual? Yes No
Is all the defective navigational/communicational equipment properly included in VMA under
Yes No
defects/ deficiencies section?
Whenever required, is the relevant Critical Risk Assessment properly conducted and in place? Yes No
Is in place any open Critical Risk Assessment related to navigational equipment breakdown?
Yes No
If “Yes” state number of CERA:
Are records of bridge equipment maintained properly on board? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

17. Testing of bridge equipment

Is the bridge equipment being tested every noon, fully in compliance with Bridge manual? Yes No
Is deck log book properly updated? Yes No
Are all steering modes (Manual/Auto/NFU) properly tested, fully in compliance with SOLAS and
Yes No
Bridge manual?
Is deck log book properly updated? Yes No
Is the steering unit properly operating under emergency power? Yes No
Is the bridge equipment properly tested prior arrival and departure a port? Yes No
Is the steering unit properly tested, fully in compliance with Bridge manual? Yes No
Are relevant deck log book entries as well as check lists properly maintained? Yes No
Does Master leading by example and shares his knowledge/professionalism and experience
Yes No
regarding proper testing of navigational equipment, according to maker’s instructions?
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

18. Navigational policies and procedures

Is Company’s navigational policy posted on bridge? Yes No
Are all bridge officers fully aware of this policy? Yes No
Is a hard copy of Bridge and ECDIS manuals available at Master’s library as well as an e-copy on
Yes No
bridge’s computer?
Are all bridge officers fully familiar with Bridge and ECDIS manuals? Yes No
Are maneuvering characteristics in compliance with IMO resolution A.601 and properly posted
Yes No
on bridge?
Is the ship’s draft properly displayed on bridge’s whiteboard? Yes No
Is Company’s UKC policy as well as relevant SQUAT table readily available? Yes No
Are all bridge officers fully familiar with this policy as well as relevant calculations? Yes No
Is the position fixing template properly posted? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers aware and in compliance with the above procedures? Yes No
Is deficiency related to Bridge and ECDIS manuals/procedures reported by Master and/or
Yes No
bridge officers?

19. Pilotage

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Are all bridge officers fully aware of Bridge Procedure Manual Chapter.2? Yes No
Are all bridge officers aware of pilot’s role and responsibilities? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers aware of risks revealing from overreliance to pilot? Yes No
Are Master and bridge officers aware of miscommunication risks and actions required from
Yes No
their side when common, “English” language, not used?
Does relevant risk assessment includes the above risks along with safeguards? Yes No
Is ship’s position adequately monitored? Yes No
Are navigational and communication equipment available to be used by Pilot if he request the
Yes No
same? Is bridge team aware that same should be done after master’s agreement?
Are the settings of above allocated by pilot equipment, remain unchanged during pilotage in
Yes No
order to avoid confusion?
Is any complaint letter received from pilot regarding Master’s and bridge team’s performance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

20. Auto / Manual hand steering

Are operating instructions with a block diagram showing the changeover procedure for remote
control systems and steering gear power, permanently posted on navigation bridge and in the Yes No
steering gear compartment?
Are all bridge officers fully familiar with those procedures? Yes No
Are helmsmen duly familiar with those procedures? Yes No
Are all crew members fully familiar with emergency steering procedures? Yes No
Is the compass repeater in steering gear compartment as well as communication means
Yes No
properly tested and in good working order?
Is manual steering maintained fully in compliance with Bridge manual? Yes No
Is log book properly updated for any change of steering mode? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

21. Chart datum

Are all bridge officers fully familiar with different chart datums? Yes No
Are all bridge officers fully familiar with differences that may occur? Yes No
Are all bridge officers fully familiar with correction / calculation procedures? Yes No
Are all bridge officers fully familiar with GPS settings and how to change the datum? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

22. Navigational meetings

Are navigational meetings conducted as required by Bridge manual? Yes No
Are all discussion topics properly discussed as per Bridge manual? Yes No
Is a navigational meeting conducted prior commencing every passage in order bridge team to
Yes No
be properly familiarized? Is it properly recorded?
Is a navigational meeting conducted upon completion of every passage in order voyage’s
Yes No
aspects/findings to be properly identified and discussed? Is it properly recorded ?

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Is at least once per month a navigational meeting conducted in order to discuss all navigational
Yes No
Does Master motivating crew members to report queries, deficiencies or suggestions for
Yes No
improvement during navigational meetings?
Is any deficiency reported from Master and/or bridge officers for this topic?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

23. NAVTEX, Navigational warnings and T & P notices

Are relevant devices properly tuned to receive warning and messages for the trading/sailing
Yes No
Are all bridge officers fully familiar and in compliance with Bridge manual Ch. 6.3.5 and 6.3.6? Yes No
Are three individual files containing navigational warning received via INM-C, NAVTEX and
Yes No
Notice to Mariners properly maintained?
Are the above folders divided by area? Are navigational warnings kept area wise? Yes No
Are all warnings affecting ship’s passage kept outside of file, properly plotted on both paper
Yes No
and electronic charts, read and signed by all bridge officers and Master?
Is there any delay between the times of receipt compared with the time of plotting?
Yes No
***Note*** : ECDIS log is the tool to compare above times
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
NAVTEX Receiver installed without printer

24. Chart / Publications portfolio (hard copies)

Is a proper chart / publications portfolio properly maintained? Yes No
Is charts / publications inventory properly updated? Yes No
Are all cancelled charts / publications removed from bridge? Yes No
Are publications coming into force in future kept separate from the publications being in force? Yes No
Are all third party publications as on board? Yes No
Are latest editions of NP234, NP 5011, NP131, NP100, NP247, Almanac on board? Yes No
Are charts and publications in good condition? Yes No
Are any charts/folios kept on “sleeping mode”? Are they in compliance with Bridge manual ? Yes No
Is the “emergency folio” in place, active and properly updated? Yes No
Is “Passage manager’s” index accordingly updated? Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

25. Notice to Mariners and NP 133 A, NP 133 C publications

Is all Notice to Mariners as well as Cumulative lists available at “Passage manager”? Yes No
Are all the on board bridge officers able to find out them in Passage manager? Yes No
Is NP 133 A properly maintained for all active paper charts? Yes No
Is NP 133 C properly maintained for all ENCs? Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

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Remarks: NP 133A not updated due to Vessel have ECDIS as primary

26. Weather reports

Are all weather reports signed by all bridge officers? Yes No
Are the on board bridge officers aware of SPOS software, its use and limitations? Yes No
Are the on board bridge officers able to read/understand a weather chart? Yes No
Are all board bridge officers properly recording weather conditions and completing relevant
Yes No
F.NAV check list?
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

27. Bridge cleanliness and housekeeping

Is bridge clean and tidy? Yes No
Is proper housekeeping continuously maintained on bridge? Yes No
Does the bridge reflect a clean, organized and safe workplace? Yes No
Is bridge area properly protected against fire and/or security risks? Yes No
Are bridge’s main and external doors properly secured while ship is at port? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

28. Passage planning

Is passage plan for running voyage fully in compliance with Bridge manual Ch. 1? Yes No
Is passage plan for intended voyage prepared fully in compliance with Bridge manual Ch.1? Yes No
Has risk assessment(s) properly conducted, fully in compliance with bridge manual Ch. 1? Yes No
Is Under Keel Clearance and air draft properly calculated for each leg of passage plan? Yes No
Are identical passage plans prepared on both paper charts and ECDIS? Yes No
Are all the required charts, cells and publications on board? Yes No
Are the previous courses properly erased from all paper charts? Yes No
Are the following items properly marked on chart (paper/ENC)?
-Parallel indexing (not from floating objects) Yes No
-Chart changes (for paper charts only) Yes No
-Methods and frequency of position fixed Yes No
-Radar marks Yes No
-No-go areas Yes No
-Landfall targets and lights Yes No
-Cleaning lines and bearings Yes No
-Transit, heading marks and leading lines Yes No
-Significant tides or currents Yes No
-Safe speed and necessary speed alterations Yes No
-Change in machinery status Yes No
-Wheel over position Yes No
-Minimum under keel clearance Yes No
-Position where the echo sounder should be activated Yes No
-Crossing of high density traffic areas Yes No
-Safe distance off Yes No

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-Contingency plan Yes No

-Abort positions Yes No
-Change over from auto to manual steering and vice versus Yes No
-Bridge and engine watch levels Yes No
-Crossing of sensitive security and environmental areas Yes No
-VT(I)S and reporting points Yes No
-Tidal window Yes No
Is any of the above information obscuring printed details of chart? Yes No
Is any of the above information marked with highlighted pen? Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Does Master leading by example and shares his knowledge/professionalism and experience
regarding proper passage planning, in compliance with Bridge/ECDIS manual and Bridge Team Yes No
Management publication?
Does Master communicating to bridge officers the importance of thorough passage planning Yes No
and its fundamentals advantages to safety of navigation?
Does Master motivating bridge officers to properly monitoring passage and report immediately
Yes No
any deficiency observed?
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
• Refer to Bridge Team Management publication for above items. No-go areas should be darkened but remain
readable. They change with the change of draft and tide and therefore they vary with the time of passage and the
condition of the ship. At any case they must not permanently marked.
• Whenever there is no specific function on ECDIS, the “note” one can be used in order to plot required info.

29. Position fixing?

Is the frequency of position fixing such that the ship cannot run into danger during the interval
Yes No
between fixes taking into account ship’s speed?
Is position fixing satisfactory throughout the voyage and the frequency of plotted fixes in
Yes No
accordance with passage plan?
Are fixed positions cross checked with independent source of information? Yes No
Are visual navigation aids used to support electronic position fixing methods (GPS)? Yes No
Is position fixing utilizing two methods performed whenever possible? Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Does Master leading by example and shares his knowledge/professionalism and experience
Yes No
regarding proper position fixing?
Does Master communicating to bridge officers the importance of cross check of ship’s positions
Yes No
and its fundamentals advantages to safety of navigation?
Does Master motivating bridge officers to properly monitoring ship’s positioning and report
Yes No
immediately any deficiency observed?
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

30. Charts’ handling and updating

Are all active charts up to date, fully in compliance with NTM and NP 294? Yes No
Is largest scale of paper charts used for passage planning? Yes No

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Are all the available ENC scales selected, when an order for cells took place? Yes No
Is cross check with Cumulative lists executed and maintained? Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Does Master randomly check charts for proper updating? Yes No
Check randomly at least ten paper charts and ten ENCs for proper handling and updating.
Paper charts checked:
ENC’s checked:SG5C4034,SG5C4041,SG5C4035,SG5C4043,MS4NS2EB,ID400042
Are the latest check results as reported, accurate? Yes No
Does Master leading by example and shares his knowledge/professionalism and experience
Yes No
regarding proper handling and updating of charts?
Does Master communicating to bridge officers the importance of proper handling and updating
Yes No
of charts and its fundamentals advantages to safety of navigation?
Does Master motivating bridge officers to properly handle and update charts and report
Yes No
immediately any deficiency observed?
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

31. Nautical publications handling and updating

Are all active publications up to date, fully in compliance with NTM and NP 294? Yes No
Is NP 131 “Chart catalogue” properly updated? Yes No
Is trading/passage area fully covered by ADP/e-NP and relevant licenses valid? Yes No
Are hard copies of sailing directions properly updated? Yes No
State last week applied: Wk 08/2024 State last week applied: Wk 09/2024
Is cross check with Cumulative lists executed and maintained? Yes No
Is Master aware of activation/licensing procedures of ADP and e-NP software, as per Bridge
Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Does Master randomly check publications for proper updating? Yes No
Are the latest check results as reported, accurate? Yes No
Does Master leading by example and shares his knowledge/professionalism and experience
Yes No
regarding proper handling and updating of publications?
Does Master communicating to bridge officers the importance of proper handling and updating
Yes No
of publications and its fundamentals advantages to safety of navigation?
Does Master motivating bridge officers to properly handle and update publications and report
Yes No
immediately any deficiency observed?
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
• For the volumes of sailing directions maintained by continuous revision amendments may be cut out and
pasted/corrected directly in to the book.
For the remaining volumes of sailing directions maintained by supplement it is recommended that amendments are
kept in file with the latest list of amendments in force on top. The list should then be consulted when using the
parent book to see if any amendment, affecting the area under consideration, is in force. It is not recommended the
stuck in the parent book, or the supplement of sailing directions maintained by supplement.

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E. Charts and publications

1. Availability of charts and publications
Are all the required for passage plan charts and publications on board? Yes No
Are all of them in good condition? Yes No
Is any overused or worn out chart/publication in board? Yes No
For any overused and/or worn out chart/publication, have you informed Marine depth in order
Yes No
to arrange replacement?
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

2. Edition of charts and publications

Are any chart and/or publication of old edition?
Yes No
If “Yes” state which:
For any old/missing edition, have you informed Marine depts in order to arrange supply? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

3. Inventory of charts
Are you receiving every six (6) months the inventory of charts from chart supplier? Yes No
Are the folios on board and any index kept according to the above file? Yes No
Does Master monitoring/evaluating officer’s performance and compliance? Yes No
Is any deficiency reported from Master regarding officers’ performance for this item?
Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

F. Officers training
1. Certification and training
Are in place valid certificates for all bridge officers and Master? Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers holding the required certificates? Yes No
Are Master and all bridge officers properly trained in compliance with PPCE manual? Yes No
Are the Junior watch keeping officers aware when to Call Master Yes No
Can the Junior watch keeping officers challenge the decision of the Master ,if in their opinion Yes No
the decision may not be correct.
Do the watch keeping officers know how to put across their view point tactfully to the Master Yes No
and the pilot, when on board.
Is the bridge team meeting being used to identify navigational hazards and Navigation Near Yes No
Are the navigation near miss reports being reported to office? Yes No

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Can the bridge officers bring to the notice of Master, areas of concern, hazards that may Yes No
hamper the navigation safety without hesitation?
Is the flow of information in the bridge team continuous and without ambiguity? Yes No
Does the Master ensure the instructions and his orders are well understood. Yes No

2. Additional training
Is any need for additional training revealed from this audit? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:

G. Standards
1. Policies and procedures
Are navigational policies and procedures enough to ensure safe navigation? Yes No
Is any suggestion for improvement revealed from this audit or received from bridge team? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
Is any best practice, related to navigation followed on board? Yes No
If “Yes” state details:
Checked and record equipment every handing over navigation watch and handing over watch using Ecdis software
to know any malfunction as soon as possible during voyage

List of observations related to bridge team performance

List of observations related to navigational / other bridge equipment
1. Course Recorder failure req. no. SD48-OPE-ORST-0000056/24 Service Course Recorder
List of Non Conformities

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Auditor’s / Master’s comments/evaluation regarding Master’s / bridge team performance, taking into account but
not limited to, familiarization with navigational/communicational equipment, familiarization with procedures and
requirements, maintenance of charts and publications, following Master’s instructions and watchkeeping.

Auditor’s / Master’s comments on audit findings and proposals for further improvement.

Auditor’s name / signature………Capt. Ihwan Asrul

Master’s name / signature / stamp…Capt. Ihwan Asrul

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