1 Biology - 2020 March QP

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2020 March (+1) Time: 1 hr

PART A: BOTANY Scores: 30

Answer any 3 questions from 1 to 5. Each carries I score. 9. Peculiarities of certain cell organelles are given below:
(3 X 1 = 3) a. Involved in protein synthesis.
b. Made up of many flat, disc shaped sacs or cisternae.
1. Choose the correct answer. The organelle known as
c. Bear ribosomes on their surface.
power house of the cell is:
d. Rich in hydrolytic enzymes.
a. Ribosome
e. Membrane is absent.
b. Vacuole
c. Mitochondrion Copy the table given below and write the above
d. Chloroplast peculiarities in appropriate column.
2. Choose the correct answer. Casparian strips are present Lysosome Golgi apparatus Ribosome
a. Dicot root
b. Dicot stem
10. Analyse the table given below and fill in the blanks a, b,
c. Dicot leaf
c, d.
d. Monocot stem
3. Observe the figure given below. Name the organism. Cyclic photo- Non-cyclic
phosphorylation photophosphorylation
Movement of
Cyclic ....... (a) ........
Number of
....... (b) ........ ....... (c) ........
Splitting of
....... (d) ........ Absent
11. The first step in respiration is glycolysis.
4. Observe the relationship between the first two terms and a. Define glycolysis.
fill in the blank. b. Write the site of glycolysis.
Metaphase: Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores. 12. Observe the given figure showing C4 pathway.
......................: Chromatids move to opposite poles.
5. Fill in the blank.
The number of carbon atoms in acetyl co-enzyme A,
which take part in Kreb's cycle is .......................
Answer any 9 questions from 6 to 16. Each carries 2 scores.
(9 X 2 = 18)
6. Observe the figure given below:

a. Name the process. a. Identify the cells A and B.

b. Define the above identified process. b. Name the C4 acid formed through this pathway.
7. Analyse the table given below and fill in the blanks. c. Name the enzyme involved in the formation of C4
(A) (B) acid.
Zygotene ....... (a) ........ 13. Aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration are two
....... (b) ........ Crossing over types of respiration.
Dissolution of a. What is anaerobic respiration?
....... (c) ........
synaptonemal complex b. Write the change that occurs to pyruvic acid in
Diakinesis ....... (d) ........ yeast cells.
8. Define hydroponics. Write one advantage of it. 14. Notice the three stages of Kelvin cycle given below:

Reduction, Regeneration, Carboxylation b. Name the growth inhibitor which is known as '
a. Arrange the above stages in correct order. stress hormone'.
b. Kelvin cycle is also known as C3 cycle (Pathway). c. Write any two roles of the above identified
Give reason. stress hormone.
15. Match the items of column A with B. 19. Observe the figures A and B given below:
(A) (B)
a) Double fertilisation i. Bryophyte
b) Heterospory ii. Algae
c) Protonema iii. Gymnosperm
d) Naked seeds iv. Pteridophyte
v. Angiosperm
16. Cell theory was formulated by two scientists.
a. Name the scientists.
b. Write the two main points in cell theory.
Answer any 3 questions from 17 to 20. Each carries 3 a. Name the type of venation in A and B.
scores. (3 X 3 = 9) b. Define venation.
20. Observe the figure given below:
17. Observe the figures A and B.

a. Identify the aestivation A and B.

b. Write one peculiarity of A.
c. Name the three kinds of petals in B.
18. The plant growth regulators are divided into growth Write any three features on mesophyll cells from the
promoters and growth inhibitors. figure.
a. Name the three hormones, which are known as
plant growth promoters.


2020 March (+1) Time: 1 hr
PART B: ZOOLOGY Scores: 30

Answer any 3 questions from 1 to 5. Each carries 1 score. 10. The products of digestion like glucose and amino acids
(3 X 1 = 3) are absorbed to the blood by active transport, whereas
electrolytes like chloride ions are generally absorbed by
1. Select the enzyme that facilitate the following reaction:
simple diffusion."
How will you differentiate active transport from simple
a. Succinic dehydrogenase
11. Distinguish between the following terms:
b. RuBiSCO
c. Carbonic anhydrase
b. Tidal volume, Residual volume
d. Lipase
12. Enzymes present in Saliva, gastric juice and intestinal
2. Which among the following is a primary metabolite?
juice are given in the box.
Alkaloids, Antibiotics, Amino acids, Flavonoids
3. Name the portion of the myofibril between two Pepsin, Lysozyme, Trypsinogen, Rennin,
successive Z-lines. Lipases, Salivary amylase
a. H-zone
a. Identify the enzyme present in gastric juice and
b. Sarcomere
intestinal juice one each.
c. I-band
b. Write their digestive function:
d. M-line
13. Complete the flow chart showing the regulation of
4. Identify the word pair applicable to phylum Ctenophora.
kidney functioning by Juxta Glomerular Apparatus and
a. Nephridia, Parapodia
Adrenal Cortex.
b. Comb plates, Bioluminescence
c. Polyp, Metagenesis
d. Radula, Visceral hump
5. Unit of classification is
a. Taxon
b. Species
c. Genus
d. Cell
Answer any 9 questions from 6 to 16. Each carries 2 scores.
(9 X 2 = 18)
6. Cells of human body perform different types of
movement. Write any two types of movement and the
parts that exhibit the movement.
7. Find out the suitable term from the box for the disorders
i. Accumulation of Urea in blood.
ii. Insoluble mass of crystallised salts in the kidney. 14. 'Adrenal medulla is the centrally located tissue in the
iii. Surgical method for the correction of Renal adrenal gland, whereas adrenal cortex is located outside.
failures. How do adrenal cortex and medulla differ in their
iv. Inflammation of glomeruli of kidney. function?
Dialysis, Kidney transplantation, Glomerulonephritis, 15. 'Cockroach is said to be Uricotelic.'
Uremia, Renal Calculi a. What do you understand about the nature of
8. Characteristics of certain animals are given. Arrange excretion of Cockroach from this statement?
them under the 'Class' to which these animals belong. b. Name two excretory organs of Cockroach.
i. Skin is moist without scales. 16. Rewrite the given sentences if there is any mistake in the
ii. Body is covered by dry and cornified skin. underlined part.
iii. Shed the scales as skin cast. • Cartilage cells are called osteocytes.
iv. Can live in aquatic as well as terrestrial habitats. • Bones are rich in Calcium salts.
9. When substrate concentration increases, the velocity of • Intercalated discs are seen in skeletal muscle.
enzymatic reaction increases at first. After attaining a • Skeletal muscles are striated.
maximum velocity, it cannot be exceeded by further
addition of substrates. Why?
Answer any 3 questions from 17 to 20. Each carries 3
scores. (3 X 3 = 9)
17. Observe the diagram.

a. What does it denote?

b. What do P, QRS, T represent? a. Identify the organisms A, B & C.
c. What is its clinical significance? b. Name the phylum to which each of them belong.
18. Compete the given table appropriately. 20. Observe the diagram:

Gland Hormones Function

Development of
i. (A) ............ Androgens male accessory
sex organs
ii. Thymus (B) ............... (C) ..................
Maintains normal
iii. (D) ............ Glucagon blood glucose
levels a. Name the parts A & B.
iv. Pineal (E) ............... (F) ................... b. Write the characteristics features of 'C'.
c. Arrange the given parts of eye in the sequence that light
19. Observe the figures. travels from the external environment into the eye.
(Vitreous chamber, lens, cornea, retina, Aqueous chamber)



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