Talk About Your Future Career

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Talk about your future career

Bài viết số 1
I have a dream about my job in the future, it's a doctor. I want to be a doctor because I
want help the people who suffer from fatal diseases. There is a man did inspires to me to
become a doctor. I met him when I went to the zoo with my friend. I remembered that I
did run to fast and then fall down. The man ran to me and helped me not hurt again. At
that time, I really admired him and wanted to become a doctor. I understand that to
achieve my dream, I have to study hard and learn at least 11 years or even almost my all
life. However, I won’t give up my dream, I will try my best to become a good doctor.

I háp ờ đrim ờ-bao mai chóp in đờ phiu-chờ, ít ờ đoóc-tờ. Ai goan tu gi ờ đoóc-tờ bì-cớt
ai goan hép đờ pi-pồ hu sớp-phờ phờ-rom phây-tồ đi-zi. Đe ít ờ men đít in-sờ-pai tu mi tu
bi-câm ờ đoóc-tờ. Ai mét him goen i goen tu the zu guýt mai phờ-ren. Ai ri-mem-bờ đát ai
đít rưn to phát đen pha-đao. Đờ mem ran tu mi en hép mi nót hớt ờ gên. Át đát tham, ai
ria-lì ờ-mai him end goan tệt tu bi-câm ờ đóc-tờ. Ai ưn-đờ-stan đát tu ờ-chíp mai đờ-rim,
ai háp tu sờ-tơ-đi and lơn át-lít i-le-vần dia o i-vần a-mấu mai o lai. Hao-e-vờ, ai guôn
gíp úp mai đờ-rim, ai giu trai mai bét tu bi-câm ờ gút đoóc-tơ
Bài viết số 2
Societу todaу haѕ a lot of bad guуѕ ᴡho break the laᴡ. Thiѕ iѕ ѕomething that haѕ a
negatiᴠe impact on people and ѕocietу. Therefore, I would like to become a policeman to
catch criminalѕ. I knoᴡ that being a cop iѕ ᴠerу demanding. The career not only requires
a good health but aslo intelligence. Hoᴡeᴠer, I uѕe it aѕ a motiᴠation to ѕtriᴠe to ѕtudу
eᴠerу daу. I ᴡill ᴡork hard to achieᴠe mу goalѕ in the future. I ᴡill definitelу become a
good policeman to help the countrу.

sô-sai-e-ti tu-day hát ờ lót ợp bát gai hu bờ-rếch đờ lo. Đít ít sâm-thing đát hát ờ nê-gây-
típ im-pác on pi-pồ and sô-sai-e-ti. Đe-pho, ai gút lai tu bi-câm ờ pô-lít-men tu cát cờ-ri-
mi-nồ. Ai nâu đát bi-inh ờ cóp ít veri đi-men-đinh. Đờ cờ-ria-ờ nót on-li re-quai ờ gút
heo bớt o-sầu in-te-li-dần. Hao-e-vờ, ai diu ít át ờ mô-ti-va-sần tu sờ-trai tu sờ-tơ-đi e-
ve-ry dây. Ai giu guốc hát tu ờ-chíp mai gâu in đờ phiu-chờ. Ai giu de-phi-ne-tờ-li bi-
câm ờ gút pô-lít-men tu hép đờ con-trì
Bài viết số 3
I’ve always dreamed of becoming a teacher. Many my friends ask me that why I choose
teaching. The reason is that I love children so much. I want to take care of them, teach
them how to read, how to write, how to listen and show them the beautiful things of this
life. Teaching is also similar to growing a tree up, you must have patient, carefulness and
passion. Another important reason making me choose this job is my parents. They hope
that I can achieve their dream. To make my dream come true, I am trying to complete the
program in my university with the best result. In the future, I will become a good teacher.
Bài viết số 4
I would like to become a football player who plays in many championships and
tournaments. I wil play with my teammates to win over the opponent in football matches.
Moreover, I am supposed to win the trophy for the team and for my country. That’s
exactly how I earn my living. To do a good job as a football player, I must have the
perfect physical health to play anywhere, under whatever weather conditions. More than
that, this job specifically requires a strong teamwork spirit as no one wins this game
alone. Knowing how to collaborate with others leads to an absolute victory. I hope my
dream will come true.

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