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Name : Muhammad Wajid

Roll# 2017-Bm-024

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology


Date: 20th Nov., 2020

Roll Number: 2017-BM-024
Section: A
Name: Muhammad Wajid
Course Name: BM-100: Basic Biology
Degree Program: BS(BME)
Total number of pages being

Q.No.1 (CLO_1): (Cognitive Level C2, i.e., Understand) (PLO_1: Engineering Knowledge) (10 Marks)
MMarks (10 Marks)

Plants are autotrophs. Most other organisms are heterotrophs. Outline the
in which heterotrophic organisms are dependent on plants.

Plants are autotrophs, which means they produce their own food. They use the process of
photosynthesis to transform water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide into oxygen, and simple sugars
that the plant uses as fuel.
Autotrophs, appeared in Figure underneath, store substance energy in sugar food atoms they
construct themselves. Food is compound energy put away in natural atoms. Food gives both
the energy to accomplish work and the carbon to assemble bodies. Since most autotrophs
change daylight to make food, we call the cycle they use photosynthesis. Just three gatherings
of creatures - plants, green growth, and a few microbes - are equipped for this nurturing energy
change. Autotrophs make nourishment for their own utilization, however they make enough to
help other life too. Practically all different living beings rely totally upon these three gatherings
for the food they produce. The makers, as autotrophs are additionally known, start natural
pecking orders which feed all life. Natural pecking orders will be talked about in the "Evolved
ways of life and Food Chain " idea.

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Name : Muhammad Wajid

Roll# 2017-Bm-024

heterotrophic organisms are dependent on plants.

Heterotrophs can't make their own food, so they should eat or assimilate it. Hence, heterotrophs
are otherwise called customers. Shoppers incorporate all creatures and parasites and numerous
protists and microscopic organisms. They may burn-through autotrophs or different
heterotrophs or natural atoms from different creatures. Heterotrophs show extraordinary variety
and may show up undeniably more interesting than makers. However, heterotrophs are
restricted by our absolute reliance on those autotrophs that initially made our food. In the event
that plants, green growth, and autotrophic microorganisms evaporated from earth, creatures,
parasites, and different heterotrophs would before long vanish too. All life requires a steady
contribution of energy. No one but autotrophs can change that extreme, sun based source into
the substance energy in food that powers life, as appeared in Figure underneath.

Photosynthetic autotrophs:
which make food using the energy in sunlight, include
(a) plants
(b) algae
(c) certain bacteria

Organisms are Heterotrophs dependent on each other

As opposed to autotrophs, heterotrophs get by through breath, utilizing oxygen and a fuel
source (starches, fats or protein) to deliver ATP, which powers cells. They rely upon different
creatures for food and oxygen. Heterotrophs in this way rely upon photosynthesis as a
wellspring of oxygen.

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Name : Muhammad Wajid

Roll# 2017-Bm-024

Q.No.2 (CLO_2): (Cognitive Level C2, i.e., Understand) (PLO_1: Engineering Knowledge) (10 Marks)
MMarks (10 Marks)

Why people who have deficiency of iron in their diet are often lacking in energy & feel tired?
Explain in your own words with suitable example.


Unusual tiredness
Feeling very tired is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency. This
symptom is common in people who don't have enough iron ( 3 , 4 ). This fatigue
happens because your body lacks the iron it needs to make a protein called
hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen around the body.

Without enough iron, your body can't produce enough of a substance in red blood
cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, iron deficiency
anemia may leave you tired and short of breath.

● A lack of iron in your diet. Your body regularly gets iron from the foods
you eat. If you consume too little iron, over time your body can become
iron deficient. Examples of iron-rich foods include meat, eggs, leafy green
vegetables and iron-fortified foods. For proper growth and development,
infants and children need iron from their diets, too.
● An inability to absorb iron. Iron from food is absorbed into your
bloodstream in your small intestine. An intestinal disorder, such as celiac
disease, which affects your intestine's ability to absorb nutrients from
digested food, can lead to iron deficiency anemia. If part of your small
intestine has been bypassed or removed surgically, that may affect your
ability to absorb iron and other nutrients.

1. Fatigue and Weakness

Copper deficiency may be one of the many causes of fatigue and weakness.
Copper is essential for absorbing iron.
When copper levels are low, the body may absorb less iron. This can cause iron
deficiency anemia, a condition in which the body is unable to carry enough
oxygen to its tissues. A lack of oxygen can make you weaker and feel tired more
Several animal studies have shown that copper deficiency may cause anemia
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Name : Muhammad Wajid

Roll# 2017-Bm-024

2. Frequent Sickness
Copper deficiency may weaken the immune system, which can cause people to
get sick more often. This can be reversed by increasing copper intake.

3. Weak and Brittle Bones

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.
It becomes more common with age and has been linked to copper.
For example, an analysis of eight studies including over 2,100 people found that
those with osteoporosis had lower levels of copper than healthy adults.
Copper is involved in processes that create cross-links inside your bones. These
cross-links ensure bones are healthy and strong.
What’s more, copper encourages the body to make more osteoblasts, which are
cells that help reshape and strengthen bone tissue.

4. Problems With Memory and Learning

Copper deficiency could make it harder to learn and remember.
That’s because copper plays an important role in brain function and development.
Interestingly, a study found that people with Alzheimer’s had up to 70% less
copper in their brain, compared to people without the disease

5. Difficulties Walking
Copper is used by enzymes that help maintain a healthy nervous system, ensuring
signals are sent efficiently to and from the brain. A deficiency can compromise
or delay these signals, causing a loss of coordination or unsteadiness while

6. Sensitivity to Cold
Copper helps ensure healthy thyroid hormone levels. These hormones help
regulate your metabolism and body heat. As a result, copper deficiency could
make you feel cold.

7. Premature Gray Hair

Like skin color, hair color is affected by melanin, which requires copper. This
means copper deficiency may promote premature gray hair.

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Name : Muhammad Wajid

Roll# 2017-Bm-024

Q.No.3 (CLO_3): (Cognitive Level C2, i.e., Understand) (PLO_1: Engineering Knowledge) (10 Marks)
MMarks (10 Marks)

Nicotine is a drug in Tobbacco smoke. How does nicotine affect on cardiovascular system?
Extend the effect of covid-19 on these individuals?


Tobacco use may increase the risk of suffering from serious symptoms due to COVID-19
illness. Early research indicates that, compared to non-smokers, having a history of smoking
may substantially increase the chance of adverse health outcomes for COVID-19 patients,
including being admitted to intensive care, requiring mechanical ventilation and suffering
severe health consequence.

Smoking is already known to be a risk factor for many other respiratory infections, including
colds, influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis. The effects of smoking on the respiratory system
makes it more likely that smokers contract these diseases, which could be more severe.
Smoking is also associated with increased development of acute respiratory distress syndrome,
a key complication for severe cases of COVID-19, among people with severe respiratory

Any kind of tobacco smoking is harmful to bodily systems, including the cardiovascular and
respiratory systems. COVID-19 can also harm these systems. Evidence from China, where
COVID-19 originated, shows that people who have cardiovascular and respiratory conditions
caused by tobacco use, or otherwise, are at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19
symptoms. Research on 55 924 laboratory confirmed cases show that the crude fatality rate for
COVID-19 patients is much higher among those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
hypertension, chronic respiratory disease or cancer than those with no pre-existing chronic
medical conditions . This demonstrates that these pre-existing conditions may increase the
vulnerability of such individuals to COVID-19.

Tobacco use has a huge impact on respiratory health and is the most common cause of lung
cancer. It is also the most important risk-factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), which causes the swelling and rupturing of the air sacs in the lungs, reducing the
lung’s capacity to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, and the build-up of mucus,
resulting in painful coughing and breathing difficulties. . This may have implications for
smokers given that the virus that causes COVID-19 primarily affects the respiratory system
often causing mild to severe respiratory damage. which could result in fatality. However, given
that COVID-19 is a newly identified disease, the link between tobacco use and the disease
needs further documentation and research.

In addition, there is an increased risk of more serious symptoms and death among COVID-19
patients who have underlying conditions, including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The virus

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Name : Muhammad Wajid

Roll# 2017-Bm-024

that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is from the same family as MERS-CoV and SARS-
CoV, both of which have been associated with cardiovascular damage (either acute or chronic).
There is also evidence that COVID-19 patients that have more severe symptoms often have
heart related complication. This relationship between COVID-19 and cardiovascular health is
important because tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke are major causes of CVDs
globally. The effect of COVID-19 on the cardiovascular system could thus make pre-existing
cardiovascular conditions worse. Additionally, a weaker cardiovascular system among
COVID-19 patients with a history of tobacco use could make such patients more vulnerable to
severe symptoms, thereby increasing the risk for those patients.

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