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I. Opening speech from MC.

Hello good morning all, how are you? My name is Velica and I’m Felicia can you give a high five for
friends sit next to you like this “high five” I’m so happy because we will celebrate the Christmas in
our beloved school. But first can we hear the spirit from Gloria student? So can we hear the clap from
kindergarten class, how about the clap from primary one? Primary two? Primary three? Primary four?
Primary five? Primary six? Junior one? Junior two? Junior three? Thanks for your responses

Good morning for the honorable our headmaster, all parents, all staff and students of Gloria Indonesia.
Welcome to Christmas celebration of Gloria Indonesia school Thursday, 21st December 2023. With
the theme : “Christmas is about love”, and sub thema; “because you have purified yourselves by
obedience to the truth, so that you can practice sincere brothely love, you will truly love one another
with all your heart. I peter 1 verse 2.” The moment we have been waiting for has come, the moment of
Christmas. This will be the fantastic and awesome Christmas celebration because we will see the best
performance From Gloria’s student. Now we will learn Christmas song together, stand up please.
Thank you everyone for your participation, you may sit down. But, before we start,

II. Opening Speech.

Now we will hear the opening speech.

Dear honorable ___, time and place we invite

III. Candle lightning.

Next, we will light the candle. We invite ___. While we light the candle, let’s sing together “silent
night” that will be lead by Sefania Siregar. Everyone stand up please. Thank you everyone. You may
come back to your seat.

IV. Worship.

Now, we will enter the worship event so, we hope all of you can sit down quietly and turn off your

Kindergarten : “God created the heavens, the earth and everything in them. He has power over
everything in this world. All of God’s creation must be grateful for what He has created. God is good,
His love is very great for all His creation especially for us. And now, let us listen to the history of the
creation of the world carried out by God.”

Lower Primary: “ Indeed, all suffering and misery will pass, if The Lord God is always with us.
However, through the Lord God’s own initiative, the promise of salvation was made known. God, the
father in heaven, wil give up His only begotten to the world and to anyone who believes in him. The
promise of salvation that God gave is now perfected. The earth, which was still dominated by
darkness, immediately saw light. Who is the king of salvation promised by God? Let’s watch the
liturgy of Jesus’s birth.

“We will do the intercessory prayer that will be lead by Miss Alicia”

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