Speaking Template 9.07.2022

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Speaking Handout

1. Read Aloud
This task contributes marks toward speaking and reading modules and it is a very
important task.
In the exam, you can expect 6-8 of them. You will be given a passage on your
screen that can be up to 65 words long. You will have 30-40 secs as preparation
Once the preparation time is over, you will hear a beep sound. After the beep
sound, you will have 30-40 secs to read the passage aloud.

2. Repeat Sentence
This task contributes marks toward speaking and listening modules and it is a very
important task.
In the exam, you can expect 10-12 of them. You will be given a recording of the
sentence and you are expected to repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You
will not get any beep sound.
The length of the sentences can vary from 8 to 16 words.

3. Describe Image
This task contributes marks toward speaking only and it is the most important
task for the speaking module.
In the exam, you can expect 2-3 of them. You will be given an image and you
would have 25 secs as preparation time to analyse the image.
Once the preparation time is over, you will hear a beep sound. After the beep
sound, you will have 40 secs to submit your answer. You can expect any image in
the exam.

info@visionlanguageexperts.com.au www.visionlanguageexperts.com.au 0404849100 1

Sydney Branch: Level 1, 46 Flushcombe Road. Blacktown, 0413 491 496

Melbourne Branch: Level 1, 223 High Street, Thomastown, 0404 849 100
From the image I can see _topic phrase__.
From the image I can see Keyword and Keyword.
From the image I can see Keyword and Keyword.
From the image I can see Keyword and Keyword.
From the image I can see Keyword and Keyword.
To conclude, topic.

Some examples of questions are given below.

4. Re-tell Lecture
This task contributes marks toward speaking and listening modules.
In the exam, you can expect 1-2 of them. You will be given a lecture recording and
sometimes an image as well. You are expected to take notes whilst listening to
info@visionlanguageexperts.com.au www.visionlanguageexperts.com.au 0404849100 2

Sydney Branch: Level 1, 46 Flushcombe Road. Blacktown, 0413 491 496

Melbourne Branch: Level 1, 223 High Street, Thomastown, 0404 849 100
the lecture audio. After the lecture audio is finished you would have 10 secs as
the preparation time to revise the notes.
Once the preparation time is over, you will hear a beep sound. After the beep
sound, you will have 40 secs to submit your answer. You would need a minimum
of 15 keywords to secure good marks in content.

Keyword was the main topic of the lecture.
He/she talks about Keyword and Keyword.
He/she talks about Keyword and Keyword.
He/she talks about Keyword and Keyword.
He/she talks about Keyword and Keyword.
To conclude, topic.

5. Answer Short Questions

This task contributes marks toward speaking and listening modules.
In the exam, you can expect 10-13 of them. You will be given a question and you
would have to answer in one word or a few words as soon as the recording starts.
You will not hear the beep sound. You will get 1 mark for the correct answer and
no mark for an incorrect answer.

info@visionlanguageexperts.com.au www.visionlanguageexperts.com.au 0404849100 3

Sydney Branch: Level 1, 46 Flushcombe Road. Blacktown, 0413 491 496

Melbourne Branch: Level 1, 223 High Street, Thomastown, 0404 849 100

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