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Introduction to ISIS

ISP/IXP Workshops

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 1


 Thanks to Stefano Previdi

 Any questions

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Basic ISIS

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ISIS – Intermediate System to
Intermediate System

 Link state protocol for IP and CLNS, RFC1195, ISO

 Each router sends Hello PDU IIHs and build
adjacencies with neighbours
 Each router creates an LSP and flood it to neighbours
 Each router receives all LSPs from neighbours

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Introduction to ISIS

 Each router maintains database (L1, L2, or both)

 Each router runs the Dijkstra (SPF) algorithm on the
database to calculate topology
 Each router runs Partial Route Calculation (PRC) to
calculate IP routing information
 Each router has the full visibility of the network (or the

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ISIS Levels

 ISIS has a 2 layer hierarchy

Level-2 (the backbone)
Level-1 (the areas)

 A router can be
Level-1 (L1) router
Level-2 (L2) router
Level-1-2 (L1L2) router

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ISIS Levels

 Level-1 router
Has neighbours only on the same area
Has a level-1 LSDB with all routing information for the area
 Level-2 router
May have neighbours in the same or other areas
Has a Level-2 LSDB with all routing information about inter-area
 Level-1-2 router
May have neighbours on any area.
Has two separate LSDBs: level-1 LSDB & level-2 LSDB

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 ISIS does not have a backbone area

 The backbone is the contiguous collection of Level-2
capable routers

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L1, L2, and L1L2 Routers


Area-2 L2-only
L1L2 L1-only


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ISIS Areas

 ISIS area borders are on links, not routers

 Each router is identified with Network Entity Title (NET)
 NET: An NSAP where n-selector is 0

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NSAP and Addressing

 NSAP: Network Service Access Point

Total length between 8 and 20 bytes
Area Address: variable length field (up to 13 bytes)
System ID: defines an ES or IS in an area.
NSEL: N-selector. identifies a network service user (transport entity or the
IS network entity itself)
 NET: the address of the network entity itself

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An Addressing Example

39.0f01.0002.4444.4444.4444.00 Area 3


Area 2

39.0f01.0004.7777.7777.7777.0 Area 4

Area 1


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 Hello PDU IIHs are exchanged between routers to

form adjacencies

ISIS adjacency through IIH

• Area addresses are exchanged in IIH PDUs

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Link State PDU (LSP)

 Each router creates an LSP and flood it to neighbours

 A level-1 router will create level-1 LSP(s)
 A level-2 router will create level-2 LSP(s)
 A level-1-2 router will create
level-1 LSP(s) and
level-2 LSP(s)

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LSP Header

 LSPs have  The LSP header contains

Fixed header LSP-id
TLV coded contents Sequence number
Remaining Lifetime
Type of LSP (level-1, level-2)
Attached bit
Overload bit

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LSP Contents

 The LSP contents are coded as TLV (Type, Length,

Area addresses
IS neighbors
Authentication Info

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LSDB content

 Each router maintains a separate LSDB for level-1 and

level-2 LSPs
 LSP headers and contents
 SRM bits: set per interface when router has to flood
this LSP
 SSN bits: set per interface when router has to send a
PSNP for this LSP

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Flooding of LSPs

 New LSPs are flooded to all neighbors

 It is necessary that all routers get all LSPs
 Each LSP has a sequence number
 2 kinds of flooding
Flooding on a p2p link
Flooding on LAN

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Flooding on a p2p link

 Once the adjacency is established both routers send

CSNP packet
 Missing LSPs are sent by both routers if not present in
the received CSNP
 Missing LSPs may be requested through PSNP

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Flooding on a P2P Link

Receives LSP
id=x seqnr=22

Received it.
It’s new.
My own copy
Put it in the LSDB
has seqnr=21.
Now let’s flood it
So it is new,
Set SRM bit
LSP -> Install it in LSDB.
Send over p2p
id=x seqnr=22 Acknowledge it.
Maybe flood further.
Received ack
Clear SRM bit
id=x seqnr=22

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Flooding on a LAN

 There’s a Designated Router (DIS)

 DIS election is based on priority
 Breaking-tie is the highest MAC address
 DIS has two tasks
Conducting the flooding over the LAN
Creating and updating a special LSP describing the LAN
topology (Pseudonode LSP)
 Pseudonode represents LAN (created by the DIS)

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Flooding on a LAN

Physical view Logical view

the DIS

the DIS

a Pseudonode


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Flooding on a LAN

 DIS conducts the flooding over the LAN

 DIS multicasts CSNP every 10 seconds
 All routers in the LAN check the CSNP against their
own LSDB (and may ask specific re-transmissions with

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Flooding on a LAN
Received new
An ordinary the DIS LSP
router a LAN id=x seqnr=22
Install in LSDB
← LSP Set SRM bit
Dropped LSP !
Flood the LSP
(bad bad) :-
Clear SRM bit !
Gosh, I’ve got ← CSNP Periodic CSNP
up-to-date y and z id=y seqnr=... every 10 sec's
But my x is old !
Request latest x id=x seqnr=22
id=z ... Oh, he has an old
PSNP → LSP, better
Got it. Install and
resend him latest
run SPF, but don’t id=x
send PSNP seqnr=21 ← LSP
id=x seqnr=22
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Complete Sequence Number PDU

 Describes all LSPs in your LSDB (in range)

 If LSDB is large, multiple CSNPs are sent
 Used at 2 occasions
Periodic multicast by DIS (every 10 seconds) to synchronise
LSDB over LAN subnets
On p2p links when link comes up

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Partial Sequence Number PDUs

 PSNPs Exchanged on p2p links (ACKs)

 Two functions
Acknowledge receipt of an LSP
Request transmission of latest LSP

 PSNPs describe LSPs by its header

LSP identifier
Sequence number
Remaining lifetime
LSP checksum

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Area-2 Area-1 Area-3

Rtr-A Rtr-B

 L1, L2, L1-L2

By default cisco routers will be L1L2 routers
Routers can be manually configured to behave as
Level-1 only, Level-2 only, Level-1-2
Configuration can be done per interface or at the
router level

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L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Router-B Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Interface Loopback0
ip address
! Rtr-A Rtr-D
Interface Pos2/0/0 L1routers
ip address Router-A
ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-2 Interface Loopback0
! ip address
FastEthernet4/0/0 !
ip address interface FastEthernet0/0
ip router isis ip address
isis circuit-type level-1 ip router isis
! !
router isis router isis
passive-interface Loopback0 is-type level-1
net 49.0001.1921.6800.1001.00 passive-interface Loopback0
net 49.0001.1921.6800.1005.00 28
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L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002


Interface Loopback0
ip address
Rtr-A Rtr-D
! L1routers
Interface Pos1/0/0
ip address Router-D
ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-2 Interface Loopback0
! ip address
interface Fddi3/0 !
ip address interface Fddi6/0
ip router isis ip address
isis circuit-type level-1 ip router isis
! !
router isis router isis
passive-interface Loopback0 is-type level-1
net 49.0002.1921.6800.2002.00 passive-interface Loopback0
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. net 49.0002.1921.6800.2004.00 29

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-B> sh clns
Global CLNS Information: Rtr-A Rtr-D
2 Interfaces Enabled for CLNS L1routers
NET: 49.0001.1921.6800.1001.00
Configuration Timer: 60, Default Holding Timer: 300, Packet
Lifetime 64
ERPDU's requested on locally generated packets
Intermediate system operation enabled (forwarding allowed)
IS-IS level-1-2 Router:
Routing for Area: 49.0001

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Show clns neighbors

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

Rtr-B> show clns neighbors

System Id SNPA Interface State Holdtime Type Protocol
1921.6800.2002 *PPP* PO2/0/0 Up 29 L2 IS-IS
1921.6800.1005 00e0.1492.2c00 Fa4/0/0 Up 9 L1 IS-IS

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Show clns interface

Rtr-B> sh clns int POS2/0/0

POS2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Checksums enabled, MTU 4470, Encapsulation PPP
ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec. L1L2 routers
RDPDUs enabled, min. interval 100 msec., Addr Mask enabled
Congestion Experienced bit set at 4 packets
CLNS fast switching disabled
Rtr-B Rtr-C
CLNS SSE switching disabled
DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface
Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002
Next ESH/ISH in 47 seconds
Routing Protocol: IS-IS
Circuit Type: level-1-2
Rtr-A Rtr-D
Interface number 0x0, local circuit ID 0x100 L1routers
Level-1 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 1921.6800.2002.00
Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 0
Level-2 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 1921.6800.1001.00
Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 1
Next IS-IS Hello in 2 seconds

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Show clns interface

Rtr-B> sh clns int FastEthernet4/0/0

FastEthernet4/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Checksums enabled, MTU 1497, Encapsulation SAP
ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec. L1L2 routers
RDPDUs enabled, min. interval 100 msec., Addr Mask enabled
Congestion Experienced bit set at 4 packets
CLNS fast switching enabled
Rtr-B Rtr-C
CLNS SSE switching disabled
DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface
Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002
Next ESH/ISH in 1 seconds
Routing Protocol: IS-IS
Circuit Type: level-1
Rtr-A Rtr-D
Interface number 0x1, local circuit ID 0x1
Level-1 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 1921.6800.1005.01
Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 1
Next IS-IS LAN Level-1 Hello in 3 seconds

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Show clns protocol

Rtr-B> show clns protocol

IS-IS Router: <Null Tag>
System Id: 1921.6800.1001.00 IS-Type: level-1-2
Manual area address(es):
Routing for area address(es): L1L2 routers
Interfaces supported by IS-IS:
FastEthernet4/0/0 - IP
POS2/0/0 - IP Rtr-C
Distance: 110 Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

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Show clns traffic
Rtr-B> show clns traffic
CLNS & ESIS Output: 14, Input: 436
CLNS Local: 0, Forward: 0
CLNS Discards:
Hdr Syntax: 0, Checksum: 0, Lifetime: 0, Output cngstn: 0
No Route: 0, Dst Unreachable 0, Encaps. Failed: 0
NLP Unknown: 0, Not an IS: 0
CLNS Options: Packets 0, total 0, bad 0, GQOS 0, cngstn exprncd 0
CLNS Segments: Segmented: 0, Failed: 0
CLNS Broadcasts: sent: 0, rcvd: 0
Echos: Rcvd 0 requests, 0 replies
Sent 0 requests, 0 replies
ESIS(sent/rcvd): ESHs: 0/0, ISHs: 14/15, RDs: 0/0, QCF: 0/0 L1L2 routers
ISO-IGRP: Querys (sent/rcvd): 0/0 Updates (sent/rcvd): 0/0
ISO-IGRP: Router Hellos: (sent/rcvd): 0/0
ISO-IGRP Syntax Errors: 0
IS-IS: Level-1 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 84/244 Rtr-B Rtr-C
IS-IS: Level-2 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0
IS-IS: PTP Hellos (sent/rcvd): 84/82 Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

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Show clns traffic

IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs sourced (new/refresh):

IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs sourced (new/refresh):
5/0 L1L2 routers
IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 5/5
IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 1/6
IS-IS: LSP Retransmissions: 0
IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/82 Rtr-B Rtr-C
IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1
IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/0 Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002
IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 3/1
IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections: 2
IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections: 1
IS-IS: Level-1 SPF Calculations: 3 Rtr-A Rtr-D
IS-IS: Level-2 SPF Calculations: 3 L1routers
IS-IS: Level-1 Partial Route Calculations: 0
IS-IS: Level-2 Partial Route Calculations: 0
IS-IS: LSP checksum errors received: 0
IS-IS: Update process queue depth: 0/200
IS-IS: Update process packets dropped: 0

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Show isis database
L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D
Rtr-B> show isis database L1routers
IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x00000019 0x2783 1153 1/0/0 (11)
1921.6800.1005.00-00 0x0000000C 0x2179 905 0/0/0 (5)
1921.6800.1005.01-00 0x00000009 0x40EC 831 0/0/0 (4)

IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database

LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x00000010 0xFC45 1153 0/0/0 (9)
1921.6800.1001.01-00* 0x00000001 0x4CB7 1137 0/0/0 (10)
1921.6800.2002.00-00 0x00000018 0x86A6 1141 0/0/0 (3)
1921.6800.2002.02-00 0x00000004 0x8558 881 0/0/0 (2)

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Show isis database

Rtr-B> sh isis database 1921.6800.1001.00-00 detail

IS-IS Level-1 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00

LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x00000006 0x4D70 991 1/0/0 (1)
Area Address: 49.0001
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IP L1L2 routers
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 0 IP
Metric: 10 IS 1921.6800.1005.01
Metric: 0 ES 1921.6800.1001 Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

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Show isis database

IS-IS Level-2 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00

LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x00000004 0x1539 980 0/0/0 (2)
Area Address: 49.0001
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IS 1921.6800.1001.01
Metric: 10 IS 1921.6800.2002.00
Metric: 10 IP L1L2 routers
Metric: 0 IP
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP
Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

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Show isis spf-log

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D
Rtr-B> show isis spf-log
Level 1 SPF log
When Duration Nodes Count Last trigger LSP Triggers
00:06:30 0 1 6 1921.6800.1001.00-00 NEWAREA RTCLEARED NEWADJ NEWLSP
00:06:20 0 3 3 1921.6800.1005.01-00 NEWADJ TLVCONTENT
00:06:05 0 3 2 1921.6800.1001.00-00 ATTACHFLAG LSPHEADER

Level 2 SPF log

When Duration Nodes Count Last trigger LSP Triggers
00:06:31 0 1 2 1921.6800.1001.00-00 RTCLEARED NEWLSP
00:06:21 0 1 3 1921.6800.1001.00-00 NEWADJ TLVCODE TLVCONTENT
00:06:11 0 2 1 1921.6800.2002.00-00 LSPHEADER

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Network Design Issues

 As in all IP network designs, the key issue is the

addressing lay-out
 ISIS support large number of routers in a single area
 When using areas, use summary-addresses
 400 routers in the backbone has been done

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Network Design Issues

 Possible link cost

Default on all interface is 10
Manually configured according to routing strategy
 Summary address cost
Equal to the best more specific cost
Plus cost to reach neighbor of best specific
 Backbone has to be contiguous
Ensure continuity by redundancy
 Area partitioning
Design so that backbone can not be partitioned

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Scaling Issues

 Areas vs. single area

Use areas where
sub-optimal routing is not an issue
areas with one single exit point
Start with L2-only everywhere is a good choice
Future implementation of level-1 areas will be easier
Backbone continuity is ensured from start

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Advanced ISIS

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ISIS Levels

 Level-1 router
Use the closest Level-2 router to exit the area

 Level-1-2 router
If the router has adjacencies to other areas, it will inform the
level-1 routers (intra-area) it is a potential exit point for the area

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Non-Pseudonode LSP

 Non-Pseudonode LSP represents router

 Each router will create and flood a new
Non-Pseudonode LSP
When a new neighbor comes up or goes away
When new IP prefixes are inserted or removed
When the metric of a link is changed
When refresh interval timer expires

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Pseudonode LSP

 Pseudonode LSP represents LAN

 The DIS will create and flood a new Pseudonode LSP
When a new neighbour comes up or goes away
When refresh interval timer expires

 Reduces adjacencies and flooding over LAN subnets

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LSP Identifier

 LSP identifier consists of 3 parts

Source ID
System-ID of router (non-PN) or DIS (Pseudonode)
Pseudonode ID
Zero for router LSP, non-zero for Pseudonode LSP
LSP number
Fragmentation number
 Example: 00c0.0040.1234.02-00

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PN-ID 48
LSP Header

 LSP sequence number

Used to determine the newest LSP version

 LSP remaining lifetime

Used to purge old LSPs

 LSP checksum
 LSP type
level-1 or level2

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LSP Header

 LSP Attached bit

Set in the level-1 LSP by a L1-L2 router if it has connectivity to
another area
Indicate to the area routers (level-1) that it is a potential exit
point of the area
Level-1 routers select the closest (best metric) level-2 router
with the ATT-bit set

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LSP Header

 LSP Overload bit

Set by the router when it has an overload problem on its LSDB
The O-bit Indicates that the router has an incomplete LSP
database, and hence cannot be trusted to compute any correct
LSP with O-bit is used in the LSDB but topology behind it is not
Therefore other routers do not compute routes which would
require the PDU to pass through the overloaded router

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Flooding in depth

 LSPs hold a Remaining Lifetime

Set to 20 minutes by the originating router
After 20 min. each router must remove the LSP
Prevents old LSPs to stay in the LSDB forever

 Periodic refresh of LSPs

router resends LSP at least every 15 mins

 Can be set up to 18.7 Hours

Cut back on “background LSP noise”

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Flooding in depth

 Network wide LSP purges

When a router detects a corrupted or an expired LSP, it sets RL
to 0, and floods the LSP header
All routers will now remove the LSP simultaneous
New DIS purges old Pseudonode LSP

 LSPs hold a checksum

To detect LSDB corruption in router’s memory

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Flooding in depth

 Sequence number overflow is unlikely to happen

4 Bytes seqnr is enough for 120 years

 Restarting of a router
Use sequence number = 1
Neighbour will flood old LSP with old sequence number
Router can now set sequence number higher then before
reboot, so everyone will use the latest LSP

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LSP refresh

 LSP are refreshed when refresh timer expires

Refresh-timer trigger new LSP generation and flooding
LSP lifetime (LSP header) gives remaining time
LSP lifetime is used by routers and decremented
When lifetime is 0, LSP purged from LSDB
Decrement allows different lifetimes per router

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Configurable Timers

 Timers are configurable

csnp-interval Set CSNP interval in seconds
hello-interval Set Hello interval in seconds
hello-multiplier Set multiplier for Hello holding time
lsp-interval Set LSP transmission interval
retransmit-interval Set per-LSP retransmission interval
retransmit-throttle-interval Set interface LSP retransmission interval
lsp-gen-interval Minimum interval between regenerating
same LSP
lsp-refresh-interval Set LSP refresh interval
max-lsp-lifetime Set maximum LSP lifetime
prc-interval Minimum interval between partial route
spf-interval Minimum interval between SPF calculations

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New Features

 Metrics are 3 bytes (2^24) wide with 12.0S

 Specific routes leaking from L2 to L1 with 12.0S
 Mesh-groups
Mesh-groups allow LSP flooding on selected sub-interface (thus
Avoid flooding over all interfaces
Use is recommended on NBMA clouds

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 Router-B will receive 4 instances of Router-A LSP

 Mesh-groups will allow to flood only on selected links
 Mesh-groups are configured on interfaces

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Timer Issues

 Timers can be adapted to large topologies

LSP, Hello, CSNP, retransmission intervals
Refresh interval
Trade-off between reduced flooding and purge of corrupted LSPs
SPF and PRC interval
LSP maximum lifetime
Maximum value is recommended
Will significantly reduce LSP re-flooding
Old copies of LSPs may be present in LSDB (but will not be used).

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Timer Issues

 In some topological cases really fast convergence is

With HSRP the routers have to converge rapidly in order to
switch from/to active and passive states
Hello-interval and lsp-gen-interval can be reduced
routing traffic will increase (possible route flapping)

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IP Summarisation

 A L1L2 router will insert L1 IP prefixes into its L2 LSP

 Summarisation reduces L2 LSDB size
 Configurable on Level-1 and Level-2 routers
 More specific should be present

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IP Summarisation

 Summary addresses for level-1

summary address is created for redistributed prefixes

 Summary addresses for level-2

summary address is created for
redistributed prefixes
L1 routes

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IP specific

 Default routing
Both level-1 and level-2 ISs can generate a default route
A level-1 IS will always prefer a level-1 default route BEFORE
using the ATT (closest level-2 capable IS)
Creates an IP External prefix in L1 or L2 non-PN LSP

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Default route

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

Rtr-A> show ip route

Gateway of last resort is to network
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 2 subnets
i L1 [115/10] via, FastEthernet0/0
C is directly connected, Loopback0
i L1 [115/20] via, FastEthernet0/0
i*L1 [115/10] via, FastEthernet0/0

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 64

Summary route
L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D
router isis L1routers
summary-address level-1-2
summary-address level-1-2
redistribute static ip metric 44 level-1-2
passive-interface Loopback0
net 49.0001.1921.6800.1001.00
ip route Null0
ip route Null0
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 65
Summary route

Rtr-B> sh isis da 1921.6800.1001.00-00 det

IS-IS Level-1 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00

LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x00000062 0x770C 1028 1/0/0 (1)
L1L2 routers
Area Address: 49.0001
IP Address: Rtr-B Rtr-C
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002
Metric: 0 IP
Metric: 10 IS 1921.6800.1005.01
Metric: 0 ES 1921.6800.1001 Rtr-A Rtr-D
Metric: 44 IP-External
Metric: 44 IP-External
Metric: 44 IP-External
Metric: 44 IP-External

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 66

Summary route

IS-IS Level-2 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00

LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x0000005F 0xB264 1027 0/0/0 (2)
Area Address: 49.0001
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IS 1921.6800.1001.01 L1L2 routers
Metric: 10 IS 1921.6800.2002.00
Metric: 44 IP-External
Rtr-B Rtr-C
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 44 IP-External
Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002
Metric: 44 IP-External
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 44 IP-External Rtr-A Rtr-D
Metric: 0 IP

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 67

Attached bit

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

Rtr-A> show isis database

IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database

LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00 0x00000006 0x4D70 666 1/0/0 (4)
1921.6800.1001.01-00 0x00000001 0x1136 0 (648) 0/0/0 (3)
1921.6800.1005.00-00* 0x00000002 0x356F 647 0/0/0 (1)
1921.6800.1005.01-00* 0x00000001 0x50E4 647 0/0/0 (2)
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 68
Debug isis adj-packets

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

Rtr-B# debug isis adj-packets

ISIS-Adj: Rec L1 IIH from 00e0.1492.2c00 (FastEthernet4/0/0), cir type 1,

cir id 1921.6800.1005.01
ISIS-Adj: Sending L1 IIH on FastEthernet4/0/0
ISIS-Adj: Rec L1 IIH from 00e0.1492.2c00 (FastEthernet4/0/0), cir type 1,
cir id 1921.6800.1005.01
ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on POS2/0/0
ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from *PPP* on POS2/0/0, cir type 3, cir id 00
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 69
Debug isis spf-events
L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-B# debug isis spf-events

ISIS-SPF: Compute L1 SPT Rtr-A Rtr-D
ISIS-SPF: Move 1921.6800.1001.00-00 to PATHS, metric 0 L1routers
ISIS-SPF: thru 2147483647/2147483647/2147483647, delay 0/0/0, mtu 2147483647/2147483647/2147483647, hops 0/0/0, ticks 0/0/0
ISIS-SPF: Add 1921.6800.1005.01-00 to TENT, metric 10
ISIS-SPF: Next hop local
ISIS-SPF: Move 1921.6800.1005.01-00 to PATHS, metric 10
ISIS-SPF: thru 2147483647/2147483647/2147483647, delay 0/0/0, mtu 2147483647/2147483647/2147483647, hops 0/0/0, ticks 0/0/0
ISIS-SPF: considering adj to 1921.6800.1005 (FastEthernet4/0/0) metric 10
ISIS-SPF: (accepted)
ISIS-SPF: Add 1921.6800.1005.00-00 to TENT, metric 10
ISIS-SPF: Next hop 1921.6800.1005 (FastEthernet4/0/0)
ISIS-SPF: Move 1921.6800.1005.00-00 to PATHS, metric 10
ISIS-SPF: Add to IP route table, metric 20
ISIS-SPF: Next hop 1921.6800.1005/ (FastEthernet4/0/0) (rejected)
ISIS-SPF: Add to IP route table, metric 10
ISIS-SPF: Next hop 1921.6800.1005/ (FastEthernet4/0/0) (accepted)
ISIS-SPF: Add to IP route table, metric 60
ISIS-SPF: Next hop 1921.6800.1005/ (FastEthernet4/0/0) (rejected)
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 70
Debug isis snp-packets

L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Rtr-A Rtr-D

Rtr-B# debug isis snp-packets

ISIS-SNP: Rec L1 CSNP from 1921.6800.1005 (FastEthernet4/0/0)

ISIS-SNP: CSNP range 0000.0000.0000.00-00 to FFFF.FFFF.FFFF.FF-FF
ISIS-SNP: Same entry 1921.6800.1001.00-00, seq 93
ISIS-SNP: Same entry 1921.6800.1005.00-00, seq 78
ISIS-SNP: Same entry 1921.6800.1005.01-00, seq 76
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 71
Debug isis spf-update
L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C
Rtr-B(config)#int fa4/0/0
Rtr-B(config-if)#isis metric 13 Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002
ISIS-SPF-TRIG: L1, new metric
ISIS-Update: Building L1 LSP
ISIS-Update: TLV contents different, code 80 Rtr-A Rtr-D
ISIS-Update: TLV contents different, code 2 L1routers
ISIS-SPF-TRIG: L1, 1921.6800.1001.00-00 TLV contents changed, code 2
ISIS-Update: Full SPF required
ISIS-Update: Sending L1 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00, seq 96, ht 1199 on FastEthernet4/0/0
ISIS-SNP: Rec L1 CSNP from 1921.6800.1005 (FastEthernet4/0/0)
ISIS-Stats: Compute L1 SPT
ISIS-Stats: Complete L1 SPT, Compute time 0.000, 3 nodes, 2 links on SPT, 0 suspends
ISIS-Update: Building L2 LSP
ISIS-Update: TLV contents different, code 80
ISIS-Update: TLV contents different, code 80
ISIS-Update: Leaf routes changed
ISIS-Update: Sending L2 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00, seq 96, ht 1199 on POS2/0/0
ISIS-Update: Building L2 LSP
ISIS-Update: Rate limiting L2 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00, seq 97
ISIS-Update: TLV contents different, code 80
ISIS-Update: TLV contents different, code 80
ISIS-Update: Leaf routes changed
ISIS-Update: Sending L2 LSP 1921.6800.1001.00-00, seq 97, ht 1196 on POS2/0/0
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 72
2 routers with the same System-ID

 This is an illegal configuration

 “Possible duplicate System-IDs” warning
2 Routers with same System-ID will see each others LSP as
their own, but not correct. So they will generate a new LSP with
higher sequence number.
This is an infinite ping-pong game
When an IS has to regenerate its LSP frequently, it will
generate the above warning

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 73

Two ISs Have Same SystemID x

this IS has generated ← LSP now this IS boots

an LSP with with SystemID=x
and seqnr=22 LSP → during the flooding
id=x.00-00 they will notice the
we ignore the LSP seqnr=22 ← LSP mismatch.
with seqnr=1, as id=x.00-00
we think it is old seqnr=23 when we receive
LSP → seqnr=22, we try
we try to override to override it by
seqnr=23 creating a new LSP
seqnr=24 ← LSP
etc, etc, etc ..... with seqnr=23

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 74

LSP Corruption Storms

 Suppose a link that corrupt packets, but regenerates

the data-link layer CRC
Example is frame-relay to ATM switches

 ISIS gets LSP with incorrect checksum

 Receiving router will do network-wide purge

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 75

LSP Corruption Storms

 Originating router will regenerate LSP

 This can create purge/re-flood storms
 Configure “ignore-LSP-errors”
 New spec will allow the LSP discard without network-
wide purge

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 76

LSP Checksum Thrashing

this IS got
the LSP with
LSP → LSP → a checksum error.
So it purges it.
id=x.00-00 id=x.00-00
seqnr=22 seqnr=22
RL=1200 RL=1193 ← LSP
← LSP id=x.00-00
someone purged id=x.00-00 seqnr=22
our LSP. let’s seqnr=22 RL=0
regenerate it RL=0
And on and on and ...
id=x.00-00 id=x.00-00
seqnr=23 seqnr=23
RL=1200 RL=1194
ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 77
Introduction to ISIS

ISP/IXP Workshops

ISP Workshops © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 78

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