Widya Afriliani Damanik - Unit 8 Listening Dan Reading

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Andi : Hi Nora, sorry I’m late. How long you been waiting?
Nora : I waited for sometimes. Where you’ve been?
Andi : I have a lot of activities, last night and fell assleep. I was tired. So, I am late.
Nora : Oh. Okay, if that’s the case. Right, you want to hear information from me. Is that
Andi : O yeah. It’s related to my paper. I’m writing about people I know and how we met and
What kind of relationship we have. Since you one of my close friends, Iwant to ask
More about you. Is that okay?
Nora : Yeah, sure. I thought I will help you.
Andi : Well, just to make sure, I am asking about you. Okay, let me start with your hobby.
What is your hobby? I know you play badminton a lot, but are there any other hobbies
Besides playing badminton?
Nora : Of course, badminton is one of my hobby. Other things I like to do when I’m free are
Singing and palying guitar.
Andi : Oh, see I didn’t know you’re playing guitar. I bet you play well.
Nora : Hmm, actually, it took sometimes before I can play well. I have to practice well often.
Andi : Oh, really? How can you smoothly play the guitar?
Nora : I think playing the guitar is very fun. Since then I can play guitar fleuntly.
Andi : What about your chlidhood. Are you together with your parents in this city since
You’re a chlid?
Nora : No. My parents and I are migrants in this city. When I was about 5 years old, we
Moved to this city.
Andi : So, it’s been 15 years, right?
Nora : Yup, time flies so fast.
(Exercise 4)
Andi : Hi Nora, sorry I’m late. How long you been waiting?
Nora : I waited for sometimes. Where you’ve been?
Andi : I have a lot of activities, last night and fell assleep. I was tired. So, I am late.
Nora : Oh. Okay, if that’s the case. Right, you want to hear information from me. Is that
Andi : O yeah. It’s related to my paper. I’m writing about people I know and how we met and
What kind of relationship we have. Since you one of my close friends, Iwant to ask
More about you. Is that okay?
Nora : Yeah, sure. I thought I will help you.
Andi : Well, just to make sure, I am asking about you. Okay, let me start with your hobby.
What is your hobby? I know you play badminton a lot, but are there any other hobbies
Besides playing badminton?
Nora : Of course, badminton is one of my hobby. Other things I like to do when I’m free are
Singing and palying guitar.
Andi : Oh, see I didn’t know you’re playing guitar. I bet you play well.
Nora : Hmm, actually, it took sometimes before I can play well. I have to practice well often.
Andi : Oh, really? How can you smoothly play the guitar?
Nora : I think playing the guitar is very fun. Since then I can play guitar fleuntly.
Andi : What about your chlidhood. Are you together with your parents in this city since
You’re a chlid?
Nora : No. My parents and I are migrants in this city. When I was about 5 years old, we
Moved to this city.
Andi : So, it’s been 15 years, right?
Nora : Yup, time flies so fast.
1. Indonesia’s economy is in a bad state (True)
2. The OJK projection on loan’s growth is accurate (True)
3. So many potentials in Indonesia’s financial sectorts which not realize yet (True)
4. M2 data on 2017 shows that Indonesia has higher M2 percentage than Malaysia and
Vietnam. (False)
5. It is bank responsbility to realize the financial sector’s potential in growing
Indonesia’s economy. (True)

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