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gation # Sd 2025-2023 OF eF eec(s\% Desiqn > wacejerm Avon wid 2 7" son Showa & x PropliaWow wid 2 WH, Diew ideal cross. section 8) oo RW) | (RL) road level agriculture level (WL) BRW be water level 2 = berm (BRL) ‘ ly ~Z bed( BL) Bw EB ‘| - Expropriation width gatiseitt grax. Wheies Bw bed wid Fa\SE Ri bedlevel Aa\Usno BRwe bem 1 Gedl » ,BRi- bem, Adheolt » Rwe Roady eb 1 .R1: Roady eb a Whe wades level Sbellusse 48. Mee Would = phe 4- water depth Skellect 22 sre slope he¥\do Ideal cross section for canals ‘Kv eve ssh fa i Geos ‘elt Expropriation wideh = asigys= ~*~ Right Expropriaion widRh SoG gae ee) Right Expr om prOpHaEON Wi i Ideal cross section for drains ” Gua Bead fem 1 as all 1 fim. a FRoad i wig ee | wl goes 7 am 1 Avee board tee I Berm L=WL “Tele Expropriadan width -aTaaiigaas > RIghe Expropriation wd 1 Rlght Expropriation width pamacigns FoprTatal rr sWhatis te guipose of Bes board e call gball 29 GO YF Rl oD Ly Bern SipSlal $304 Gold a9 ‘Clack Mei MM oad ale & os” CaSm sim) sar d lel lug OS wd + Whot is Te Suncton of Re (Cem > Shem W add g Blo Ma ola Geos AL pgs) Sta nll sagt Zroall- GRD ool aails Sad gull Ss Crow Sob oh (CSN VBT We 4559 cayadl F gal Lis y cantdl atoll - “EN Dll Woe eadasats eeNeo FY Od i dimensions Kaa Gam BD ©: G, Water duty + Asered TSF CaS EB dey) hed) : * ew wisec > 94% 60¢60 wen Area sewed J? 2 7 \o00: Poa ‘ Ate aaNet Tinie ee elo eONO LE SET tay ales pil Co 420 sboctev syactey ay ® to ger dimension Ra 5 q.- ar ia 4 n e773 60 -» eas Cano! \ined en 40 -saatined Canal Bo -» drain As bas eg ae: ea 24 et Carl) asand CD ast “f (4-3 894 -mam Canal Fsside s\oee hc \V saclay (23 454 3 bfanch canal 3253» distvibutor Canal (7.9) em)keamoin Eamal 5S. ata-12) ew] ke > bianchcanal Ss longitudinal slo oe Comkm #e ey ase Q spect 9 ag : = get Yew a bs 24 —bacd Qapoct OYA upctrw bond ree) oct BRK pall e065 es ES § tania, Ae ‘ stova\ cost = Cost of excovatiow +Cos! ZL : £ Se \ooonAex sundcos ¥ \ooo # Gin > i cana Le iu ebect 1 boct r¥ex +2 Sex hocks 24en Ye? a2t alee ein wed eas Co-Santye Seen : 5 abianch cana! a Rua, cosh A i. \ aman canal Jooo p ARa\may Und cost L toodurdih ys 4+ ES v Xx wood betas @ dvaw ideol sector 4 exprogwatfom ardih "Abd gy” dal # Ge etal ob rhe st ke (vbew 7 bed) 72 xre (9roed- bem) + Za (ovood- 9 GLY 7 Za pect /2_, % _,demed®, Kz, vood wait 3, 1m ase € Galo} MUTI TESTU Se sea coll Shlsl py ee 2 AB Still GE ee eee 1S Picknes 2 , 1+ Cos}. loooy Sppe pW OE * AF anid cosh ESS Assignment (2023) + El. Solem Canol ig constvucted te Survey an avea of 4565 fed witha marinum water duty So me/tidoy- The Chamel is maim Canal , Considering fhe \onartudmal bed slope iS WemlKm. Re soil is sit sdetermme Be dimensions of Canal.Considey Re unit Cost oF excavation 13 61-Elm?> Cord priced and the uni) cost of Yrwng loo LEM Cold Price) . Assuming y no Sina Cost >Consideving Avee boards a7 Sm: determine: \Re total cost of Constructing one Kilometes of the channel in million LE 2 diaw cross. section and put all dwensiong and estimate te total Exeropvatton width (USN Zola 93s) (EWE) As. 456 fed, wWO-Sow) Hd smom Canal 98+ 12em/icm= 12 p18 Sis excavation = 6LElw> slung = fool Ela? , 820.75 +Q, WOrhs , SOA4585 . n64 at/sec 24p60KG0 24460460 aes n p28 gh v Qs assumes —L- = 40 @ined Canct) 7%? CED S14 bs (4medqy state be dy tna Sconal rAr by 4eh- 4grsetid 2850" se: ba2y fw? - 45425 4018". 7-65 23 sg) CF6 ays Bb4g2 4 VAD: dk 2642404 C12 m1)? 82 WS2 m sfotal costs CoSt of ex Covatftow 4 Cosh of Mnrtng . looo*Aex pawd cost HY Nooo # pln x Ul} co$4 %e & 7 \oo docks 2y TR azE ’y oS 424.9% EPSa2 el od? Wey 4B 4ex’ 2 4S pS ABe OF = \3.66 BAB 24 deal cyoss -Sectto») ase 72 22st Dassen Fool Sh ee 5S..m fic a)Ess #2 1.406 s40ise . ymiliiow LE LE | means Bers Yoo 4 fF =\, thy os 28% Lz Ie amom canal 2GS\ Shia Ex Se ' b) Design a lined main canal cross section to convey a discharge of 4 m: "sec. The soil is = sand soil, draw a typical cross-section and show all details and expropriation width &) GiSlall g Gian), teed © Vm 260 »mam canal gy b= (43834 stoke b= 6yu Gres) com eet GS! CL Dewliie s Som) mes p55 Q 2 4ri/sec ssand SF: 9122 > av el 0Q: a an dn e vy 2 2 oA. Oya Fer SYHga2 Hs By ps bay Vaets 6y42y fiaa® = ody S13 “3,1 (egy He CQpeN? — a He LolBm Qo a yy/3 abs6u- 6 glob = EN (oS meas) = wacl = 6.64 aw@s he bop = Rack. back goct + ZB gocd? = 65 york a2yect 65+ 2@4oct Vya2* Pact= bacts 2yact J +2" ects 24008 yy cg p SS? oy sock -098m a 4e Got — 4 Tee (6.5 Uyocd Paet\ > i ge | haeee Fe Sect 10.98 voodent® zy? me ve, book ee on oe soe? Pr pat Se : 3.86 Z » zis6_ =e eAtS! 9 OF 2 55:12 2 Sb UNE TY © Cxproguation WI. @ PTS ee 3. Bl-Salam canal is constructed in north Sinai to convey 43210 m'/hr of irrigation water to new agricultural area. The channel is lined with concrete for which n = 0.0182. Considering the longitudinal bed slope is 12 enviem, the side slopes are 2:1 and the ratio of bed width to water depth is 4, determine the dimensions o! ‘canal. Consider the unit cost of excavation is 6 L.E./m? (old price) and the unit cost of linning is 100 L.E/m‘ (old price). Assuming no filling cost, considering fice board = 0.75 m, determine the total cost of construct; ‘one kilometer of the channel in million L.E. If today price is 2.0 times old price, what is the today cost? Qe 452eid why 2UGO#S9), © ond /sec, n=9.0182 S=12em/ km =19#1S , ¥262N), DE4u , Costexcavation: 6 Cold), fing = looald) 2820-75, today price = 2xa\d price sdimensionse pee 2G. ab n 9a Sy Qe Ae vyeeds Auras 2 ad = oy eps bey haze 4y 425 yao? = 8.4 Fy aya y ty SST? nag PSY = 4.05m 9.0182” (gaa) > oz s bs 4gs4p4-05= 16.2 — ws act =16 Bev 2 a. aAsbact gact +F¥ack =leeyact + 24ach @ = bach 24act Tae? = 1685 2yack \1+2* . , 2 1 Casyoct sPu0chS C2 igW2 ggact= 403m # WQ = 120: ; a3 = «1654 240ct 53 cos) total Costs Costo§ exCavation + Cost oS Waning ° : Cord erice\, » ) ; & ‘ + Cost g looos Aex Bunit Cost looo# elim FUN Co ah fina. . 2 Lieo ger | oct = 03 rc 6 een ee L is | ee back yey +2 er noct + 24ex Vise! +24 , eae ina? 424 NOB RAAB 21478 = GB #498 Vee? = D4. 6m = 33-4 gex=4act +F = 4034 04S Joo + AT3F# 600! E # 4B S534 2 \o00# \24-6 25+ eee + to at telm (mom Comal) 2 toral cost 2 Qpold orice 22 e442 94 million log Croday puicel © 2 In Souler Eaypt, Tosh channel is constructed to survey an area of 500000 fed with a maximum water duty of 50 mfedlday. One ofits subbranches is surving an area of 4065 fed with the mentioned water duty, To deliver water forthe survey area, two aliematives are considered, Inthe first, water is delivered through ax ‘pen channel, while in the second, water is delivered through a pipeline. * Determine the total cost of constructing one kilometer alternatives: 1- open channel, 2- steel pipes © Iftoday price is 2.0 times old price, what is the today cost? * List the advantages and disadvantages of each and which would you recommend, Why? For open channel, consider the side slopes are 2:1 while the Longitudinal bed slope is 10.0 cm/km. The channel is Lined with concrete for which 1/n= 55. Bly = 25. Coy of channel in million L.E. for the following two sider a free board = 0.5 m, berm width = 5.0m, road height = 1.0 m and road width 10 m. The unit cost of excavation is 3.75 L.E,/m* (old price), the unit cost of filling is 8 1.E2/mm* and the unit cost of linning is 200 1.5 /in? (ok ld price). Assume ground levels| aul to berm levels through this reach of eanal. IF today price is 2.0 times old price, what is the today cost? ra pipelin ‘consider the velocity of flow is 1.0 mls, the diameter of stecl pipe is 1.0 m, thickness 1.5 em, the unit cost of steel pipe S000 L-B/tone (old rice) including excavation and filling and unit Weight of stee! is 7.85 t/m?, Tftoday price is 2.0 times old price, what isthe today cost? sheet 4) +4065 Fed 3 £9 si pees Sptadl athe (ENA Agsoo000 jw = Bont) 8d, Asulb-bvang Sime? scost=2 {Serve 28en channel 22 C2\ 5 Seloem/tme lo elF 5 Yn 25S a #25 482254 8.0.5m delim wid. 5mm rtoad heigh4= lm svoad widtB= lom sexcavation =(3,ASLE) Sings FL E/m3, bneng = 2001 E fut stodey pvice = 2a0ld orice sq. #3 gr nw 9m 1 @, Mops, S9*4065 age see 24 p6oR6e 24460260 vA se bya Bes 254 ayy 2y? 24.5 y% ps bs 24 Wee s 2.54424 hyo? - 6.974 S/3 1 64,585 We w 285¢ 22 adloy eh Sy 09m Qi = 235-554 Carat 8 ae 254525 pod. 2725m <5 (omg) abact= Sm SHEER eee eee eee aaa As book yoot + ZY4ec¥ = Syoch 4 24act™ pr boots 2yocd Vises 34 24act fiat gst 4 (34och + 24ec# Va WO 235.554 —n # Com 188) See toece (BH 24oct SY ost WBle hoe x pena) costs COSA OS excavation +CostoF lnnma + cost of Ailton og oF —_ poe oo looomfex » cost looo x Oliw x Cosh looos ANY e Cost ~ fas a e200 eaeeseas] Re bact pyex + Fyex boots 2yex Vaz ob Yoodord'® 4 4-4 Bat slorla2p? ~ = 6 2? 420-5 oe PY = \2w s3ah56 4 2p18e Bn 2$ 364 Vins? 4240 wet = 2 FOSS ee" = lo. Skies — Doct=3m 420-Sm Covanct) = 1096 49.85 p 3,75 + 1000 Fl-9B% Loo slocopl? ze Bo2 23272 LE = RI2miltolE astotal cos} Chedow) = 2 #Old QYICe = 2p 2.3224.64 million LE Gio ade ex proportion wid 2 AAV ELIS yg = Ze cml Shishi > 2 2426-4, 524m Nelmisec > delim, telScm 2, 0.01Sm .cosdzSoag 202 78S tit vy CoS}: Joon ¢ GA Wadst x Coste old wat wad 4). oFaswt/sec 1 QerresAppe sve TI N= no +h °. Qi. 23S 2 2.9905 Geer 7 78S : 2 acos}: locos TBS PT ply 0015-45000 #3 = 55460 SLE = SS million E = Cost Godoy) = 24d prices 2¢5-S- Marillion LE LLL ALLTEL EN EE, 1. For the irrigation and drainage network required in Fig. 2, design cross-sections for a branch canal & a branch} drain atd a main canal considering (b/y = 3 for branch canal), (b/y = 2 for branch drain) and (b/y = 5 for main) canal). Consider the following: * irrigation water duty = 70 m/feddan/day © Drainage water duty = 20 m/feddan/day ‘© The soil is permeable (sand) z =15 ‘+ Manning coefficient for unlined canal sections, Un ‘+ Manning coefficient for lined canal sections, Vn * Manning coefficient for drain sections, In =35 Ag: 2000 Seddon s8=lo¥\o> Madd we Sov canals vQ. NOaAS | For 2lo00 17 Sisec 2460460 24 #60460 unlined = -a40 . byy-6 s{b-54) 3 glia Noimcaw. 2Q, yn e273 2As bus ey 25y ay 415e = 6.Sut res by uy faz 264424 fins? - 8.64 © We doy (65a. Contes ” Gages * atu PA Plom alo. Sus FeF16 = lo’ w beet alimpo get soct=? och: buy ze = Nort +!-Suact* ack = v pacts b+ 24 Mae -1a2yoet flavs® = N43 6yoct S38 7 y le (luoct 4h.Syact) He oh = 2.16 Feta reer erac te wee => dect ab (W 43. 6 yact \med a t- = 6S 5 by =8 ab 3y) byanch canal: Sy +Q@.-- At Qn n es Rs caer Tavs Sya2y Mais i © Sy wsey”® ae 6S# + (low oN! (6 64/3 SY: 2)Sm = = S4=34% 2152633 wy bact- 65m 4% “Rocks by 4 Zw = 65 gachy!Syact™ Rocke Bayh? s G54 Qullas? = 654564 Sy (6.SyochaSuockV* 4 Gay SVs qact= Dim C6.S +3 byoca! Ror dvoms ) Yn= 35 > by=2 ahe2d Q worhs _ 20 #2 \o00 24 p6o460 24 p6o¥66 DNF. 654 4.86 +8 sec »Q,! aes gt n ers 1@, dy4 242 24444154. 3.5u prb42y Tae: 24 , 24 fTuis® 5.65 a3 Oy 562 3Sy FS a clog SV mys Lege (5.6588 wo be 242241885 BTbm SS foSPU BY aboot: dm ae oA Bech yock + Zyecd? 2 Ayoct +'S 4ocd* ine? = 44 @4oct (14s? @- bact + 24aet i py (uBeck 4 1 S4oe on (4 + 24ock Mins") Ss Yh mO = 4.66, SS¥# % (lox ld = yood 1 84m ae

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