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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

1. Name of the Scholar: Sujeet Kumar

Title of the Thesis: Reduction of state space problem in formal verification for System on Chip Design using Machine Learning

2. Registration Details:
Univ. Regn. No Ph.D. Regn. No Date of Ph.D. Dates of All Month & Year of Remarks
& year Regn. Progress Seminars Completion of Ph.D.
( Tentative)
ECE/Ph.D- MZU/Ph.D./1982 25.03.2021
CW/20/19 of 06.11.2020

3. Achievements:
Objectives Proposed Objectives Achieved
i. To study and analyze existing model for solving state space To study and analyze existing model for solving state space
issues using ML
issues using ML
ii. Design a ML model for solving state space problem of the Part of first objective following things achieved
SOC design.
1. Initial 2.5k Data Set of several SOC have been captured.
iii. Test, analyze and improve the models the against different 2. Model is trained using Random Forest Classifier
SOC using formal tool.

iv. Revalidate the improved models with SOC design using

formal tool.

1. Publications:
i) Journals Paper Published/ Accepted/Communicated:-
Sl. No. Paper Title Authors Name of Journal ISSN Impact Month/
( SCI/ESCI/ Scopus/WoS) factor Year of publication

ii) Conference Paper Published/ Accepted/Communicated:

Sl. Paper Title Authors Conference Name ISBN Publisher Dates of conference

I, ___________Sujeet Kumar___________, hereby declare that the above-mentioned facts are true and correct. The works carried out in the research
work is of my own and also I had given due credit to the work executed by others.
I am submitting herewith the detailed progress report describing the research work done after my last progress seminar held on _________________.

Date: _______________________________
(Full signature of the scholar)

Comments of Supervisor(s) with proposed date of Progress Seminar:

(Signature of Supervisor)

Comments of Head with date of Progress Seminar:

(Head of the Department)

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