Project Report - 240501 - 102024

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Annexure3b- Complete filing


Details of Invention for better understanding:

1. TITLE: Portable Wheezing Detection Device

2. INTERNAL INVENTOR(S)/ STUDENT(S): All fields in this column are mandatory to be


A. Full name Bhoomika Agarwal

Mobile Number 8532926506

Email (personal)

UID/Registration number 12203231

Address of Internal Inventors Lovely Professional University, Punjab-144411, India

Signature (Mandatory)

A. Full name

Mobile Number

Email (personal)

UID/Registration number

Address of Internal Inventors Lovely Professional University, Punjab-144411, India

Signature (Mandatory)


A. Full name

Mobile Number


Address of External

Signature (Mandatory)

For External Inventors, NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the affiliated
institute/university/Industry/lab etc. is mandatory for each individual inventor and their respective
topic. For NOC, format is attached below.


2. ABSTRACT: Introducing the Portable Wheezing Detection Device, your personal

asthma companion that helps you track your breathing. It is compact, lightweight, and designed
specifically for individuals with asthma. The device is incredibly intelligent and comes equipped
with special sensors that can detect even the slightest changes in your breathing patterns, such as
wheezing, which is common in asthma patients.

These sensors communicate with a sophisticated computer chip that quickly analyses your
breathing data. But that's not all! When you wear the Portable Wheezing Detection Device, it
connects with an app on your phone that serves as your breathing coach. The app displays simple
graphics of your breathing patterns and alerts you if there are any changes happening over time.

The best part is that if your breathing seems to be off, the app notifies you immediately so you
can take prompt action to prevent your asthma from getting worse. For instance, you can use
your inhaler or move to a cleaner air environment. Additionally, if you choose, the device can
also notify your family or friends if you require assistance.

With the Portable Wheezing Detection Device, you can take control of your breathing and live
life to the fullest without worrying about asthma.

3. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION: Introducing the Portable Wheezing Detection

Device! This small device is specially designed for people living with asthma. Think of it as your
personal breathing assistant, always ready to monitor your breaths whenever you need it.
So, how does it work? Well, the device contains special sensors that are super-sensitive and can
detect even the slightest wheezing sounds that are typically associated with asthma. These
sensors are connected to a smart computer chip called the ESP32, which gathers all the breathing
data from the sensors and analyzes it carefully.

When you put on the device, it connects to an app on your phone without any wires or
complicated setup required. The app acts as your breathing coach, displaying easy-to-understand
pictures of how you're breathing. It will alert you if there is anything unusual with your breaths.

The best part is that if there is anything unusual with your breathing, the app will immediately
send you a message. This enables you to take action quickly, such as using your inhaler or
finding cleaner air, before things get worse. Moreover, it can even notify your family members
so they can help if needed.

In summary, the Portable Wheezing Detection Device is like a guardian angel for your lungs. It
is a useful tool that helps you manage your asthma, stay on top of your health, and continue to
enjoy your life to the fullest, even when asthma symptoms occur.


Detection Device is a revolutionary solution that addresses the challenges faced by
asthma patients who struggle to monitor their breathing accurately. Unlike the bulky
and inconvenient monitoring devices of the past, this innovative device is small and
lightweight, making it easy to carry around. It offers real-time monitoring of breathing
patterns, making it a reliable companion for those who need to keep an eye on their
respiratory health.

With the use of advanced sensors, this device can detect even the slightest changes in
breathing patterns, including wheezing, which is common among asthma patients.
These sensors work seamlessly with sophisticated technology, such as the ESP32 chip,
to ensure accurate interpretation of collected data, providing users with valuable
insights into their respiratory health.

By wearing the Portable Wheezing Detection Device, asthma patients can take a
proactive approach in managing their condition. The device continuously monitors
their breathing and alerts them to any signs of deterioration, which allows them to take
prompt action such as using an inhaler or seeking medical help before symptoms
worsen. Additionally, the device's wireless connectivity allows it to integrate
seamlessly with a smartphone app, which serves as an all-in-one platform for tracking
and analyzing breathing patterns over time.

The app provides detailed reports and visual representations, making it easy to monitor
asthma symptoms. It can also notify family members or caregivers about any changes
in the user's condition, ensuring that they can offer support when necessary. Overall,
the Portable Wheezing Detection Device empowers asthma patients to take control of
their respiratory health, leading to an improved quality of life and well-being.


1. Our goal is to provide a non-invasive, portable, and user-friendly solution continuous

monitoring of respiratory health to asthmatic patients.

2. Our smartphone application will empower users to proactively manage their asthma by offering
real-time feedback, personalized insights, and actionable recommendations.

3. By enhancing the accessibility and convenience of respiratory monitoring, we aim to promote

better adherence to treatment regimens and improve overall health outcomes for asthmatic

C. STATE OF THE ART/ RESEARCH GAP/NOVELTY: Describe your invention fulfil

the research gap?

Sr. No. Patent I’d Abstract Research Gap Novelty

1. US8758262B2 An automated Introducing the The Portable
system uses a Portable Wheezing
mobile device's Wheezing Detection
microphone and Detection Device: Device is a
accelerometer to a small patch with novel device
monitor smart sensors that that can be
respiratory listen to your discreetly worn
diseases like breath, connected and equipped
asthma. It to an app on your with smart
analyzes sound phone, it detects sensors and an
and movement wheezing and ESP32 chip. It
data to detect provides detailed is capable of
symptoms, assess reports, making detecting
severity, and asthma wheezing in
predict future management real-time. The
events, providing easier and more device is
alerts when effective. integrated with
needed. a smartphone
app that
provides users
with detailed
reports. This
by offering
monitoring and

D. DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Imagine the Portable Wheezing Detection Device as a small,

inconspicuous patch that rests gently on your chest, almost imperceptible to the eye. Despite its unassuming
appearance, this patch holds incredible potential for transforming how you manage your asthma.

Within its compact confines lie an array of sensors, precisely calibrated to listen to every inhale and exhale
with remarkable precision. These sensors are highly sensitive to even the slightest changes in your breathing
patterns. Connected to the sensors is the powerful ESP32 computer chip that analyzes the data streaming
in from the sensors in real-time to detect signs of wheezing.

The device seamlessly integrates with its companion smartphone app, which serves as your personal
respiratory dashboard. The app provides detailed insights and analyses of your breathing patterns, including
the frequency of wheezing episodes, duration and intensity of each breath. You can access this information
anytime, anywhere, thanks to the device's wireless technology.

The app also sends timely alerts and notifications about changes in your breathing patterns. You can receive
a gentle ping on your phone, alerting you to a sudden change in your breathing patterns, empowering you
to take swift action such as reaching for your inhaler or seeking out fresh air to ward off an impending
asthma attack.

The Portable Wheezing Detection Device is more than just a technological marvel—it's a lifeline for
individuals living with asthma. With its unparalleled precision, convenience, and ability to empower users
to take control of their respiratory health, it represents a beacon of hope for a brighter, healthier future.

E. RESULTS AND ADVANTAGES: The portable whistling device is an innovative

invention that offers numerous benefits to people with asthma. This device provides advanced
monitoring capabilities that enable early detection of worsening symptoms, empowering users to
self-manage their condition, providing personalized treatment options, seamlessly integrating with
mobile devices and improving communication with healthcare providers.

One of the biggest advantages of this device is its ability to provide effective and convenient
monitoring of breathing patterns. By simply using it, people can easily monitor their respiratory
health throughout the day and gain valuable information about changes in their condition. The
device can detect subtle wheezing, allowing users to identify potential problems before they
become serious. This early detection system enables rapid action and helps prevent severe asthma

With a portable breathing device, people have unprecedented control over their asthma
management. With real-time respiratory health information, they can proactively manage their
condition and make informed treatment and lifestyle decisions. The device also provides
comprehensive information on breathing patterns, allowing users to collaborate closely with
healthcare providers, adapt treatment plans to their individual needs, and ensure that procedures
are timely and efficient, leading to better patient outcomes.

The device seamlessly integrates with a user-friendly mobile application, improving accessibility
and usability. The app displays clear visualizations of respiratory data, making it easy for users to
interpret their respiratory health. In addition, the app provides real-time updates and alerts, keeping
users aware of any deviations from their normal breathing patterns.

Through regular updates and alerts via the app, people can communicate actively with their
healthcare providers, facilitating timely consultation and adjustment of treatment plans, promoting
cooperation between patients and doctors in asthma treatment.

In summary, the portable whistling device allows people with asthma to monitor their condition
more effectively, notice worsening symptoms early, and actively participate in their own care. This
groundbreaking device will revolutionize the treatment of asthma and ultimately improve the
quality of life for people with this chronic respiratory disorder.

F. EXPANSION: The treatment of asthma can be greatly improved through major advances
and improvements in the portable wheezing device. The following extensions and improvements
can enhance its effectiveness:

1. Advanced sensor technology: By expanding the device's sensor capabilities to include additional
parameters such as lung function, blood oxygenation, and ambient air quality, it can provide a
more comprehensive view of asthma triggers and exacerbations.

2. Artificial Intelligence Integration: Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) can turn the device
into a predictive tool. AI algorithms can analyze device data along with health data and
environmental factors to predict asthma exacerbations and recommend personalized prevention
measures and treatment plans.

3. Collaboration with healthcare providers: Partnerships with hospitals, research institutes, and
health programs can create networked asthma management. This collaboration can enable
seamless integration with electronic health records, telemedicine platforms, and advanced data
analysis tools, improving personalized treatment recommendations and remote access to treatment.
4. Community-based support: Online environments and mobile applications can create
community-based support networks that improve asthma management more broadly. People with
asthma can connect and share experiences, resources, and knowledge. Group tracking capabilities
can facilitate collective data analysis and community action to solve common problems.

5. Continuous Improvement: Embracing a culture of continuous improvement and innovation is

critical to maximizing device impact. Iterative updates can incorporate the latest scientific
knowledge and meet the emerging needs of asthma sufferers worldwide.

By implementing these enhancements and improvements, the portable wheezing device has the
potential to revolutionize the management of asthma worldwide. Innovative technology,
collaboration with healthcare stakeholders, and a focus on user needs can significantly improve
the lives of millions of asthma sufferers worldwide.

G. EXISTING DATA: Any clinical or comparative data necessary enough to support your
invention. (Comparative)

4. USE AND DISCLOSURE (IMPORTANT): Please answer the following questions:

A. Have you described or shown your invention/ design to anyone or in YES ( ) NO ( )

any conference?

B. Have you made any attempts to commercialize your invention (for YES ( ) NO ( )
example, have you approached any companies about purchasing or
manufacturing your invention)?
C. Has your invention been described in any printed publication, or any YES ( ) NO ( )
other form of media, such as the Internet?
D. Do you have any collaboration with any other institute or organization YES ( ) NO ( )
on the same? Provide name and other details.
E. Name of Regulatory body or any other approvals if required. YES ( ) NO ( )

5. Provide links and dates for such actions if the information has been made public (Google,
research papers, YouTube videos, etc.) before sharing with us.

Not available

6. Provide the terms and conditions of the MOU also if the work is done in collaboration within
or outside university (Any Industry, other Universities, or any other entity).


7. Potential Chances of Commercialization.

The Portable Wheezing Detection Device is a highly innovative technology that shows great
potential for commercialization. It has a user-friendly design and can provide real-time
monitoring and detailed insights, making it a valuable solution for individuals with asthma and
healthcare providers. Its discreet and easy-to-use nature makes it appealing to a wide range of
users, which increases its commercial viability in the healthcare market. The demand for
improved asthma management tools further strengthens its market potential.

8. List of companies which can be contacted for commercialization along with the website link.

1. Philips Healthcare -

2. Medtronic -

3. ResMed -

4. Omron Healthcare -

5. Masimo -

9. Any basic patent which has been used and we need to pay royalty to them.


10. FILING OPTIONS: Please indicate the level of your work which can be considered for
provisional/ complete/ PCT filings (Mandatory to mention)

Provisional Design
11. KEYWORDS: Wheezing detection, Asthma monitoring. Respiratory health, Portable
device, Real-time analysis, Wheezing pattern analysis, Breathing pattern analysis
(Letter Head of the external organization)


This is to certify that I (Name of the external person) have no financial assistance in filing any
patent form from Lovely Professional University.

We have no objection if Lovely Professional University files any patent with the name of our
employee (name of the external person) as co-inventor with (Names of LPU faculty/Staff and all
co-inventors) having title as per the patent idea request file (LPU Idea Request I’D….).

Further, our institution will not raise any objections later concerning the filing and
commercialization of the said patent.

(Authorised Signatory)

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