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JBA 252




21 DISEMBER 2023

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my SULAM project team members

in the DGM541 course for their dedication and collaborative efforts in successfully engaging
with the business community through the transfer of knowledge of digital marketing
techniques. The spirit of collaboration, commitment and diverse skills have brought depth
and richness to our collective endeavours. This unique project, in line with the University
community initiative by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education, has been an enriching
experience. This appreciation goes to all the individuals, organizations and stakeholders who
played an important role in making the SULAM project a valuable learning experience.

First of all, I am very grateful to my lecturers, especially Dr. Azila Binti Jaini for
providing valuable guidance, imparting knowledge, and fostering an environment that
allowed us to explore and use digital marketing techniques effectively. Your support has
played an important role in our learning journey.

In addition, I would also like to thank my parents for their unwavering support and
encouragement, which has been a pillar of my strength throughout this academic endeavour.
Your belief in my abilities has been a constant source of motivation.

Next, don't forget the other friends who provided encouragement, shared views, and
offered a sense of camaraderie during the challenging phase of this project. This friendship
has been a source of inspiration.

In addition, I would like to express my appreciation to Port Zara Gemas for being the
selected company for our EMBROIDERY project. We appreciate the support and
cooperation provided by the company throughout this project, which significantly contributed
to the success of our efforts.

Lastly, to the University-community Initiative (Ministry of Higher Education

Malaysia). Sincere thanks to the University community initiative by the Malaysian Ministry
of Higher Education for providing a platform that allows us to connect with the business
community and apply our digital marketing knowledge in a real-world context. Finally, this
recognition is proof of the collaborative efforts of all parties who play a role, directly or
indirectly, in making the SULAM project a meaningful and beneficial experience.

The SULAM program in the DGM541 course, "Fundamentals of Digital Marketing,"

is a collaborative and hands-on initiative designed to immerse students in the practical
application of digital marketing techniques within a real-world business context. SULAM
stands for "Sumbangan Luar Akademik ke Masyarakat," translating to "Contribution to
Society Through External Academic Engagement." This unique project aligns with the
University-community initiative by Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia, emphasizing
the integration of academic learning with community engagement.

Key features of the SULAM program in DGM541 include, firstly is engagement with
the business community. Students actively engage with local businesses to transfer their
knowledge of digital marketing techniques. This interaction provides students with the
opportunity to apply theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to practical, real-world

Secondly, application of digital marketing techniques. The program focuses on the

practical application of fundamental digital marketing strategies and tools. Students are
encouraged to develop and implement digital marketing campaigns, analyse performance
metrics, and propose strategic recommendations for the participating businesses.

Thirdly, alignment with University-Community Initiative. The SULAM program is in

line with the broader initiative set forth by Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia,
fostering collaboration between universities and the community. This alignment underscores
the program's commitment to making meaningful contributions beyond the academic setting.

Last but not least, choice of company. Students have the opportunity to select a local
company for their SULAM project. This allows for a diverse range of businesses to benefit
from the digital marketing expertise of the students while providing students with exposure to
different industries and business challenges.

Lastly, the learning outcomes. Through the SULAM program, students develop a
holistic understanding of digital marketing principles, enhance their problem-solving skills,
and gain practical experience in executing digital marketing strategies. The program aims to
prepare students for the dynamic and evolving landscape of digital marketing in the
professional world.

Assalamualaikum, my name is Syifa Binti Mohammad Azhari. Throughout this

SULAM program, I played the role of Copywriter. I undertook the responsibility of crafting
compelling and effective content for the promotional video of Restoran Port Zara. This
experience allowed me to blend creativity with strategic communication, ensuring that the
digital marketing message resonated with the target audience.

As a copywriter, my role involved conceptualizing and articulating the narrative that

would not only showcase the unique offerings of Restoran Port Zara but also connect with the
audience on a personal level. I worked collaboratively with the team to understand the
business's core values, objectives, and key selling points, translating them into a script that
would engage and captivate viewers.

Throughout the process, I encountered challenges that prompted me to expand my

skill set. Crafting a message that effectively communicated the essence of the restaurant
while adhering to time constraints posed a unique challenge. However, these challenges
fueled my determination to refine my ability to distill complex information into concise,
impactful copy.

From the growth and learning, this experience allowed me to grow not only as a
copywriter but also as a collaborative team member. I honed my ability to incorporate
feedback and make necessary revisions to ensure the final script met the project's objectives.
Additionally, the collaboration with Restoran Port Zara exposed me to the intricacies of the
restaurant industry, broadening my understanding of the challenges and opportunities within
the business community.

Undoubtedly, there were moments of frustration, particularly when balancing creative

expression with the constraints of marketing objectives. However, these moments became
opportunities for self-reflection and improvement. I learned the importance of flexibility in
adapting my writing style to align with the project's overarching goals.

This experience has been transformative, allowing me to contribute meaningfully to

the SULAM project while acquiring valuable insights into the dynamics of collaboration with
local businesses. It has been a journey of continuous learning, growth, and the development
of a deeper appreciation for the art and science of effective copywriting in the context of
digital marketing.

There are many lessons I have learned from this EMBROIDERY project. First of all,
comprehensive understanding of business dynamics. Through the SULAM project, I gained a
comprehensive understanding of the dynamics within the restaurant industry. Engaging with
Restoran Port Zara allowed me to appreciate their operations, from customer service
challenges to the intricacies of menu management. To enhance my understanding, I actively
participated in discussions with the restaurant's management and staff. I took the initiative to
observe daily operations, speak with frontline employees, and analyses customer feedback.
This hands-on approach broadened my knowledge and informed my copywriting decisions
by aligning them more closely with the restaurant's unique identity.

Secondly, effective communication and collaboration. The project emphasized the

importance of effective communication and collaboration in a team setting. Crafting a
compelling narrative for the promotional video required seamless coordination among team
members with diverse skills and perspectives. Recognizing the significance of collaboration,
I actively participated in team meetings, ensuring that my insights and ideas were shared
transparently. I embraced constructive feedback and made a conscious effort to offer
feedback to others constructively. This collaborative approach not only improved the overall
quality of our work but also fostered a positive team dynamic.

Besides that, adapting to marketing objectives. Balancing creativity with the strategic
goals of the marketing campaign presented a significant learning opportunity. Adapting my
writing style to align with the marketing objectives of Restoran Port Zara was crucial for the
success of the project. In response to this challenge, I engaged in iterative revisions of the
copy, refining it to maintain a creative flair while ensuring alignment with the marketing
objectives. I sought input from both team members and the restaurant management,
demonstrating a commitment to flexibility and a willingness to adapt for the project's success.

Last but not least, the project highlighted the necessity of continuous improvement
and flexibility in response to evolving requirements and feedback. To foster continuous
improvement, I established a personal feedback loop. I proactively sought feedback on my
work, analysed the effectiveness of the copy, and identified areas for refinement. This
commitment to self-improvement translated into revised strategies and content that better
addressed the evolving needs of the project.

Lastly, Port Zara Restaurant also needs to emphasize the importance of building
strong customer relationships. Understanding the client's vision and aligning it with the
project's goals is proven to play a key role in achieving success. Therefore, I started regular
communication with the client, seeking their perspective on the direction of the project. This
proactive approach facilitates stronger collaboration, allowing me to effectively incorporate
their vision into content. It also contributes to positive customer relationships, laying the
foundation for potential future collaborations.

In conclusion, the SULAM project at Restoran Port Zara has been a transformative
experience, prompting a proactive approach to learning, adapting, and collaborating
effectively. These lessons have not only improved my skills as a copywriter but have also
equipped me with valuable insights applicable to future endeavours in the dynamic field of
digital marketing.

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