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BPA/KAGAT (PSM-LAT) 100-1/9/47



Pangkat, Nama dan Nombor : Lt Kol Mohammad Azhari Bin Ali (3009136)
Kor/Rejimen : KAGAT
Formasi/Unit : Kolej Tentera Udara
Kategori : Intermediate (Lt Kol dan Mej)

Tajuk Buku : "AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New
World Order"
Nama Pengarang : Kai-Fu Lee
Bidang : Military Technology
Penerbit : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Bilangan Muka Surat : 272 muka surat

Sinopsis Buku:

In this book, Dr Lee Kai-Fu, Former President of Google China, Chairman and CEO of
Sinovation Ventures, shares his thoughts on the four waves of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
how AI will permeate every part of our lives in the coming decades. Dr Lee also talked about
how AI will differ from previous technological revolutions, where it will be faster and driven
by not one superpower, but two - the US and China. The Superpowers of AI will help you
understand what to expect from the impact of artificial intelligence on your future job
opportunities by diving into where China and the US, the two world leaders in AI, are
heading with this breakthrough technology. According to Kai-Fu Lee, "If data is the new oil,
then China is the new Saudi Arabia." Lee presented several arguments why he thinks the
artificial intelligence industry in China will excel in the artificial intelligence arms race. The
first is that training deep learning models requires more brute-force methods than innovation
and is well suited to the supposedly higher quantity but lower quality of software engineers
compared to the US. Also, China has less data protection regulations (e.g., the General Data
Protection Regulation in Europe) than other countries, so Chinese software collects more data
about users. Next, China's tech startup culture is more "aggressive" than other countries, with
fewer restrictions on intellectual property and fewer barriers to vertical integration. Finally,
the participation of the Chinese central government in funding and raising the status of the AI
industry. China has access to greater capital, data and human resources, and has leapfrogged
the west when it comes to internet usage, online payments and digital infrastructure. In
China, online and offline are intrinsically combined, giving rise to opportunities and services
that seem like utopian (or dystopian) science fiction scenarios to our western eyes. Overall,
"AI Superpowers" offers a thought-provoking examination of the AI revolution and its far-
reaching impacts on society, economics, and geopolitics. It serves as a call to action for
policymakers, businesses, and individuals to navigate the challenges and opportunities
presented by AI with foresight, responsibility, and collaboration.

Aplikasi Ilmu dalam Organisasi:

"AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order" offers some valuable
lessons and insights that organizations can use to navigate the evolving landscape of artificial
intelligence (AI) and technology-driven innovation. There is a lot of knowledge and lessons
from the book and how it can be applied in organizations such as understanding AI trends.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of AI trends, including advances in machine
learning, big data analytics and cloud computing. Organizations can leverage this knowledge
to stay informed about emerging technologies and anticipate how AI can impact their
industry. In addition, by comparing the AI ecosystem of China and Silicon Valley, the book
also highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each region. Therefore, an organization can
conduct a similar assessment to understand their competitive position in the AI landscape and
identify areas for strategic investment and collaboration. Finally, foster collaboration and
partnership. Given the global nature of AI innovation, collaboration and partnerships are
critical to success, an organization can build strategic alliances with other companies,
research institutions and government agencies to pool resources, share expertise and
accelerate innovation in AI.

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