Quarterly Exam For Empowerment Technologies

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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the items carefully and shade the letter of your answer on the answer
sheet provided. Write your name on the answer sheet legibly. Shade only one letter for every item. Use a
pencil when shading.


Choose from the choices below:
A. True B. False
1. ICT only refers to devices like computers and laptops.
2. All online games are considered part of ICT, even simple browser-based ones.
3. Using a basic calculator app on your phone involves no elements of ICT.
4. Artificial intelligence (AI) advancements have no connection to ICT.
5. ICT plays no significant role in modern education systems.
6. Understanding responsible tech use is not an essential part of ICT literacy.
7. The internet is the only network considered within the definition of ICT.
8. Cloud storage, like Google Drive, does not fall under the definition of ICT.
9. Sending a text message requires multiple components related to ICT.
10. The primary purpose of ICT is entertainment and leisure activities.

Test II. Web Evolution.

Choose from the following:
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. None of the choices

11. You rely on search engines to navigate the web, as there are limited hyperlinks connecting
12. You collaborate with others on a document in real-time, even if you're in different locations.
13. You receive personalized recommendations for products and content based on your online activity.
14. You participate in an online community where members share knowledge and interests.
15. You use a website that relies on artificial intelligence to understand your needs and deliver a
customized experience.
16. Users primarily consume pre-written, static content.
17. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow real-time interaction and content creation.
18. Data ownership and control are decentralized, potentially using blockchain technology.
19. Websites are interactive and adapt to user preferences through personalized recommendations.
20. Accessing information online requires specialized knowledge and technical skills.
Test III. Platform or Application
For items 21-30, distinguish whether the following statements or icons are platform, application, web or
A. Platform B. Application C. Web D. hardware

21. A software program designed to perform a specific task for the user, like editing photos or writing
22. A foundation that provides infrastructure, tools, and services for developers to build and run other
software programs.
23. A website where users can buy and download different software programs.
24. A mobile app that allows users to connect with friends, share updates, and play games.






Test IV. Platform Types

31. These platforms allow users to connect with friends, family, and strangers, share content, and build
A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Content platforms D. online marketplace

32. These platforms allow users to play games online, either individually or with others.
A. Educational Platforms C. gaming platforms
B. Content platforms D. online marketplace

33. These platforms allow users to communicate with each other in real-time, such as chat, video
conferencing, and email.
A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Financial Platforms D. communication platforms

34. These platforms provide online learning opportunities, such as courses, tutorials, and webinars.
A. Educational Platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Financial Platforms D. online marketplace

35. These platforms connect buyers and sellers for a variety of goods and services.
A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Content platforms D. online marketplace

36. These platforms allow users to manage their finances, such as online banking, investing, and bill
A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Financial platforms D. gaming platforms

37. These platforms allow users to create, share, and consume content such as videos, music, and
A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Content platforms D. online marketplace

38. These platforms allow users to buy and sell products online.
A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Content platforms D. online marketplace

A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms
B. Content platforms D. online marketplace

A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms

B. Content platforms D. online marketplace


A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms

B. Content platforms D. online marketplace


A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms

B. Content platforms D. online marketplace


A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms

B. Financial platforms D. gaming platforms


A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms

B. Content platforms D. online marketplace


A. Social media platforms C. e-commerce platforms

B. Financial platforms D. gaming platforms

Test V. Online Safety, Security, ethics and etiquettes

For items 46-50, Choose from the following:
A. True B. False
46. You should use the same password for all your online accounts.
47. It's okay to share someone's embarrassing photo online even if they don't like it.
48. Spreading rumors online is acceptable if you believe they are true.
49. Respecting intellectual property means giving credit when using others' work.
50. Sharing memes without checking their accuracy is harmless entertainment.
51. You receive an email claiming to be from your bank, asking for your account information. What
should you do?
A. Reply with your information immediately.
B. Open the link within the email and log in.
C. Contact your bank directly through their official website or phone number.
D. All of the above.
52. What is a strong password?

A. Your pet's name and birthday.

B. A combination of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols.

C. A dictionary word you can easily remember.

D. All of the above.

53. What does multi-factor authentication (MFA) do?
A. Requires multiple passwords for different online accounts.
B. Adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password.
C. Automatically updates your software to the latest version.
D. All of the above.
54. Why is it important to update your software regularly?
A. To remove unnecessary files and free up space.
B. To fix bugs and patch security vulnerabilities.
C. To access new features and functionalities.
D. All of the above.
55. You find a funny meme online that makes fun of someone you know. Should you share it?
A. Yes, it's just a joke and everyone will laugh.
B. No, it could be hurtful and invade their privacy.
C. Maybe, but only with close friends who know the person.
D. All of the above.
56. You see someone spreading misinformation online. What's the best approach?
A. Engage in an argument and try to prove them wrong.
B. Report the misinformation and share accurate information from reliable sources.
C. Ignore it, it's not your problem to fix.
D. All of the above.
57. You come across someone's personal information online that they haven't shared publicly. What
should you do?
A. Share it with your friends, it's interesting content.
B. Report it to the platform or contact the person directly to inform them.
C. Ignore it, it's none of your business.
D. All of the above.
58. You're typing in a chatroom with people you don't know. What should you avoid doing?
A. Using slang and abbreviations everyone will understand.
B. Typing in ALL CAPS, as it seems more exciting.
C. Being respectful and avoiding offensive language.
D. All of the above.
59. You disagree with someone's opinion in an online forum. How should you express your
A. Attack their character and use personal insults.
B. Respectfully state your viewpoint with supporting evidence.
C. Simply downvote their post and move on.
D. All of the above.
60. You borrow someone else's work and claim it as your own online. What is this called?
A. Sharing is caring.
B. Collaboration.
C. Plagiarism, which is unethical and illegal.
D. All of the above.

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