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Project Report On
“Engineous Products LLP, PUNE”
In partial fulfilment of the requirement of
Submitted By
Mr. Shubham Popat Suryawanshi
Under the Guidance of
Dr. R. J. Jadhav

Certificate: 2022-2023

Department of Computer Application

PRN No: 21211000236 Student Name: Shubahm Popat Suryawanshi


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project report entitled “WEB
SEM-IV) in the subject of “Web Application” under the Faculty of Management studies has been
carried out by Mr. Shubham Popat Suryawanshi in the department of computer application at
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management,
Karad under the guidance of Dr. R. J. Jadhav.

Place: Karad.
Date: / /2023

Dr. S. N. Jagdale
Director I/C

Certificate: 2022-2023

Department of Computer Application

PRN No: 21211000236 Student Name: Shubahm Popat Suryawanshi


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project report entitled “WEB
SEM-IV) in the subject of “Web Application” under the Faculty of Management studies has been
carried out by Mr. Shubham Popat Suryawanshi in the department of computer application at
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management,
Karad under the guidance of Dr. R. J. Jadhav.

Place: Karad.
Date: / /2023
Dr. R. J. Jadhav
Head Of Department

Certificate: 2022-2023

Department of Computer Application

PRN No: 21211000236 Student Name: Shubahm Popat Suryawanshi


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project report entitled “WEB
SEM-IV) in the subject of “Web Application” under the Faculty of Management studies has been
carried out by Mr. Shubham Popat Suryawanshi in the department of computer application at
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management,
Karad under the guidance of Dr. R. J. Jadhav.

Place: Karad.
Date: / /2023
Dr. R. J. Jadhav
Internal Project Guide

Certificate: 2022-2023

Department of Computer Application

PRN No: 21211000236 Student Name: Shubahm Popat Suryawanshi


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project report entitled “WEB
SEM-IV) in the subject of “Web Application” under the Faculty of Management studies has been
carried out by Mr. Shubham Popat Suryawanshi in the department of computer application at
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management,
Karad under the guidance of Dr. R. J. Jadhav.

Place: Karad.
Date: / /2023


The Director,
Bharti Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune
Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management, Karad

Respected Sir,

I undersigned hereby declare that the project report entitled “WEB NEWS
MARATHI” developed and submitted under the guidance of Mr. Abhishek Dudhagave of
“Engineous Products LLP., Pune” is my original work. The empirical finding in this case is
based by myself.

I understand that if my work is found to be copied then I am liable to be punished

in a way the University authorities may deem fit on.

Place: karad Thanking You,

Date: / / 2023 Mr. Shubham Popat Suryawanshi

I wish to express my thanks to “Engineous Products LLP., Pune” for

providing me with an opportunity to carry out this project.

I have great pleasure in expressing my gratitude to Mr. Rohit Patil of

“Engineous Products LLP., Pune” for providing me permission and necessary facilities to
complete my project training and the timely completion of a project report. His guidance during
each phase of project development helped me to increase my knowledge.

My special thanks to Mr. Santosh Shinde for his co-operation and helps to
update my knowledge through different queries and suggestions.

I would like to thank the respected Director of Y. M. I. M. Karad. Dr. S. N.

Jagdale, H.O.D of the Computer Department Dr. R. J. Jadhav & for their constant guidance and
support during the project development.

➢ Introduction.
✓ Company Profile
✓ Project Introduction

➢ Recognition of need.
✓ Existing System.
✓ Need & Scope.

➢ Proposed System
✓ Objective of Proposed System

➢ System Requirements.
✓ Software Languages.
✓ Hardware Requirements.
✓ Software Requirements.

➢ System Analysis.
✓ Feasibility Study.
✓ Data Flow Diagram (DFD).

➢ System Design.
✓ Database Design.
✓ ER Diagram.
✓ Class Diagram.

➢ Testing & Validations.

✓ Testing.

➢ Implementation.
✓ Screens.

➢ Conclusion

➢ Bibliography.

➢ Progress Report.
• Company Profile
• Project Introduction
Company Profile:
“Engineous Products LLP., Pune” specializes in custom, interactive web
site design and development. We can design clients web site to be consistent
with Client Company’s brand image and according to their needs, or help
client to create an entirely new corporate identity. By choosing “Engineous
Products LLP., Pune” to handle your creative needs, you will benefit from
constant quality and ease of coordinating project with a single vendor.

We provide the professional web-based services, ranging from custom

web designto fully functional dynamic rich website. Providing the ability to
integrate clear, functional, and creative interface with technical, business
solution, to “Engineous Products LLP., Pune” was launched to strategically help
build your brand, improve your global web presence, and develop more
meaningful relationships with yourcustomers.

Company offers services in following technologies.

C, CPP, Java, Python, HTML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL,

AJAX,Joomla, Site Development, Hosting (paid, free), Angular JS, Oracle,

Location of Company: Pune

Phone: 9099039845
Project Introduction:

Project Title: Web News Marathi

This project is aimed to developing a website for WEB NEWS MARATHI.It is

system that allows users to Updated News here.
The project consists of Details of News and Updates for new for these
areas The objective of the website is to provide the Updated News To user, This
Project is providing Education related News, Sport related News and State level
News. This website helps to view the updated newsabout the sport and education.
This is a news portal. Having two modules External application and
Admin Application. Admin is responsible for create/managing news and its
categories. News related data exposed to outside word using External site is
responsive web application which renders the latest news for end users.
Recognition of need
• Exiting System
• Need & Scope
Existing System:

The existing system is a manual system. The proposed system tries to

simplify the difficulties encountered in manually handling information about
Education, Sport and Web News Marathi is to manage details of news, news
category, Latest news, sports news, agriculture news, national news, global news,
culture news.

WEB NEWS MARATHI is basically used to build an application

programwhich help people to give Updated News. User can search this website and
get the all details about the News.

Limitations of existing system:

✓ Existing system is very time consuming

✓ There is no chance for more manual errors
Need and Scope of Computer System:
In recent days, everywhere we use computer system for various purposes
like View the Details of the Collage online, Search best Collages and View News.

There are following problems occurred in existing System.

✓ It is also time-consuming process.

✓ There is a chance for more manual errors.


1. Maintain data security & data accuracy.

2. Easy to understand by the operator.

3. Manual work reduces.

4. Proper data maintaining.

5. We authorized access to admin.

6. Unique User ID & password to authorized person.

• Objectives of Proposed System
Proposed System:

Objectives of Proposed System:

The objective of the WEB NEWS MARATHI provides better

information for the User of this system for them maintain the News,

• To provide user friendly environment.

• To help speed up the process to view pages.

• To provide Securities as per the authentication.

• Easy to add a new news.

• To reduce the amount of time.

• Operation on data can be done quickly as per requirements.

• This software helps User to find different News and new updates easily.
System Requirement:
A. : System Requirement
This is the first important phase for the project development. In that we note
down what are expectations and information about the projectand on this basis of the
requirements we have made a list of requirements.

Following are the requirements-

1. Reduce the User time they need to be physically present at place.
2. The application should provide the Updated News Facilities &Information.
3. The application should be user friendly.


To develop this website following software configuration is used.

▪ Front End: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap

▪ Back End: JAVA.
▪ Database: MySQL
▪ Operating System: Windows 10

C. Hardware Requirements:

ROM: 256 GB – SSD

D. Software Requirements:

• Front End: Visual Studio Code

▪ Database: My SQL
▪ Operating System: Windows 10


HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used for
creating web pages and applications.

HTML uses a set of tags to structure the content and define the layout and formatting of a web
document. Here's a basic example of an HTML document structure:

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration specifies that the document is an HTML5 document.

The <html> element is the root element and contains all other elements on the page.

The <head> element is used to define meta-information about the page, such as the title that
appears in the browser's title bar.

The <title> element sets the title of the web page. The <body> element contains the visible
content of the web page.

The <h1> element represents a heading, and in this case, it displays the text "Welcome to My
Web Page".

The <p> element represents a paragraph, and it contains the text "This is a paragraph of text."

The <ul> element represents an unordered list, and it contains three list items <li>, which display
as bullet points.

HTML provides many more elements and attributes that can be used to create different types of
content and control the appearance and behavior of web pages. It is often used together with CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web experiences.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a web
page written in HTML. CSS allows developers to separate the content of a web page from its
design, making it easier to manage and modify. With CSS, developers can control the layout,
typography, colors, and other visual elements of a web page.CSS properties control various
aspects of an element's appearance, such as color, font, size, margins, padding, borders,
background, and more. Some common CSS properties include followings

color: Specifies the text color.

font-family: Defines the font family or typeface.
font-size: Sets the size of the font
margin: Specifies the space around an element.
padding: Defines the space between an element's content and its border.
border: Sets the border properties.
background: Controls the background color or image of an element.
CSS can be included in an HTML document using inline styles, internal stylesheets, or external
stylesheets. Inline styles are applied directly to individual HTML elements using the style
attribute. Internal stylesheets are placed within the <style> tags in the <head> section of an
HTML document.
External stylesheets are created as separate CSS files and linked to the HTML document using
the <link> tag.
Java is a widely used programming language in software development known for its platform
independence, object-oriented nature, and robustness. It was developed by James Gosling and
his team at Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle) and was first released in 1995. Here's
an overview of Java and its role in software development:
1. **Platform Independence: ** Java programs are compiled into bytecode, which can run on
any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This "write once, run anywhere" capability
allows Java applications to be developed on one platform and deployed on multiple platforms
without recompilation.

2. **Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): ** Java is designed around the principles of OOP,

making it easy to organize and structure code. It supports concepts like encapsulation,
inheritance, and polymorphism, enabling developers to create modular and reusable code.

3. **Robustness and Safety: ** Java has a strong emphasis on reliability and error handling. It
provides features like automatic memory management through garbage collection, exception
handling mechanisms, and strict type checking to prevent common programming errors and
ensure more stable and secure applications.

4. **Extensive Standard Library: ** Java comes with a vast standard library that provides a wide
range of pre-built classes and methods, making it easier for developers to perform common
tasks. The standard library includes modules for networking, I/O operations, database
connectivity, graphical user interfaces (GUI), and much more.

5. **Large Ecosystem and Community Support: ** Java has a thriving ecosystem with a rich set
of frameworks, tools, and libraries that enhance productivity and simplify development tasks.
Popular frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and Apache Struts provide solutions for building
enterprise-level applications, web services, and more. The Java community is active and
supportive, of fearing resources, forums, and open-source projects.

6. **Scalability and Performance: ** Java applications can handle large-scale systems and high-
demand scenarios. The JVM optimizes the execution of bytecode, providing efficient memory
management, just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and other performance optimizations. Java also
supports multi-threading, allowing concurrent execution and efficient utilization of system

7. **Security: ** Java has built-in security features to protect against common vulnerabilities.
The JVM enforces strict access controls, and the Java Security Manager enables fine-grained
control over application permissions. Java's applet model, although less prevalent now,
originally introduced sandboxing to run untrusted code securely within a restricted

8. **Versatility: ** Java can be used for a wide range of applications, including desktop
software, web applications, mobile app development (using Android), server-side programming,
scientific and numerical computing, and more. Its versatility and broad adoption make it a
popular choice for various software projects.

Java's popularity and longevity have resulted in a vast pool of skilled developers, extensive
documentation, and a mature ecosystem, making it a reliable choice for building robust and
scalable software systems.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used
for storing, managing, and retrieving structured data. It was originally developed by Michael
Widenius and David Axmark in 1995 and is now owned and maintained by Oracle Corporation.
Here are some key details about MySQL:

1. **Relational Database Management System: ** MySQL follows the relational database

model, which organizes data into tables with rows and columns. It supports SQL (Structured
Query Language), a standard language for interacting with relational databases, allowing users
to perform operations such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data.

2. **Open-Source and Community-Driven: ** MySQL is an open-source software distributed

under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This means that the source code is freely available,
and users can modify and distribute it. MySQL has a large and active community of developers
who contribute to its development, provide support, and create additional features and

3. **Scalability and Performance: ** MySQL is known for its scalability and performance. It can
handle high-volume and high-traffic applications efficiently. It supports various optimization
techniques, including indexing, caching, and query optimization. MySQL also offers features like
replication, which allows data to be distributed across multiple servers for increased scalability
and fault tolerance.

4. **Cross-Platform Compatibility: ** MySQL is designed to be platform-independent, which

means it can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and UNIX.
This makes it highly flexible and adaptable to different environments.

5. **Data Security: ** MySQL provides robust security features to protect data. It offers
authentication and access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access
and modify the data. MySQL supports various encryption methods for securing data at rest and
during transmission.
6. **Integration and Compatibility: ** MySQL integrates well with other software and
technologies. It supports various programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, and
more, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Additionally, MySQL has connectors
and drivers for different programming languages and frameworks, enabling seamless integration
with applications.

7. **High Availability and Replication: ** MySQL offers features for high availability and data
redundancy. It supports replication, which allows data to be copied and synchronized across
multiple database servers. This helps improve performance, distribute the workload, and ensure
data availability in case of server failures.

8. **Management Tools and GUIs: ** MySQL provides several management tools and graphical
user interfaces (GUIs) to simplify database administration. MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin,
and Heidi SQL are popular GUI tools that offer visual interfaces for database design, querying,
and administration.

9. **Extensibility: ** MySQL can be extended with plugins and extensions to add additional
functionality and features. There are numerous community-developed plugins available for
various purposes, such as full-text search, spatial data processing, and more.

10. **Commercial Support: ** While MySQL is open-source, Oracle also offers commercial
versions and enterprise-level support for businesses that require additional features, services,
and technical assistance.

MySQL's combination of reliability, performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness has made it

one of the most popular databases in the industry. It is widely used in web applications, content
management systems, e-commerce platforms, data-driven applications, and many other types
of software projects.
• Feasibility Study.
• Data Flow Diagram.

Feasibility Study:
Feasibility study gives the analyst a clear idea about the feasibility of the system, which is to be
developed. It is both necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest
possible time and minimum expenditure.

Feasibility study helps to identify the scope, problems and exploited opportunities of the current
system. It also helps to identify the objectives, resources, benefits and the cost of the system to
be developed.
Two important factors that are to be considered during the feasibility study are operational
feasibility, technical feasibility.

Operational Feasibility:
Operational Feasibility determines how much effort is needed in educating, selling, and having
staff on proposed system. Hence less user training is required to introduce them to the proposed
system. Due to required difficulties and complexities in the manual system the officials have felt
the need of a new computer-based system. Hence the proposed system is operationally feasible.

Technical Feasibility:
Technical feasibility analysis in an assessment of the technical variability of the proposed system.
This is normally associated with the technical feasibility, include the resources available in the
organization where the package is developed. Since various modules are already developed using
the same platforms and hardware, it has enough resources to develop this software package at
Maxgen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune, So, the technical feasibility of the system gets cleared.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

➢ Zero level DFD

Fig. Zero Level DFD

➢ 1st Level DFD

Fig. 1st Level DFD

➢ 2nd Level DFD

Fig. Context Level DFD

System Design
• ER Diagram
• Class Diagram
ER Diagram:

Fig. Entity Relationship Diagram

Class Diagram:

Fig. Class Diagram


1. Unit testing: Test each individual component of the website to ensure that it functions
correctly. This can include testing the search functionality, pet information pages, and the user
registration process.

2. Integration testing: Test how the different components of the website interact with each
other. For example, test how the search functionality interacts with the database and how the pet
information pages display pet data.

3. Performance testing: Test how the website performs under different conditions, such as high
traffic or slow internet speeds. This can include testing page load times, server response times,
and how the website handles large amounts of data.

4. User testing: Test the website with actual users to see how they interact with the website and
identify any issues or areas for improvement in the user experience
• Screens
Input and Output Screens with data
• Home Page: This is Page show the front page about the website.
• Education Page: This is Page is showing the Education related News.
• Special Day Page: This is the show news about the Special days.
• Agriculture Page: This is the show news about the agriculture.
• State Level News: This is page show the State News.
• World level news: This is page to show the world level news.
• Success Story news: This is page to show the success story news.
Contact Us Page-This is page to allows to give feedback.


The project entitled WEB NEWS MARATHI was completed successfully.

The system has been developed with much care and free of errors and at the
same time it is efficient and less time consuming. The purpose ofthis project
was to develop a web application for news.

➢ System helps to view all the news about the Various fields and
anywhere usethis application with the help of mobile.

➢ Data is going to be preserved carefully for longer period hence

proper backupis required otherwise there is chance of losing
entries or data.

HTML and CSS Quick start Guide

▪ By David DuRocher

Head First Java Programming: Head First Java

▪ By Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates

1. Google- https: //
2. W3School- https: // (HTML & CSS)
3. Google Fonts:

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