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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur



Name of the Practice Teacher ___________________________________________________

Term ______________________ School Year ________________ Date _________________

Instruction: Please evaluate the performance of your practice teachers in their pre-service training
by putting check mark on the appropriate columns using the following scale below:

5 – Outstanding – The performance almost always exceeds the descriptive tasks.

4 – Very Good – The performance meets and often exceeds the descriptive tasks.
3 – Average – The performance meets their descriptive tasks.
2 – Poor – The performance needs some developments to meet the descriptive tasks.
1 – Very Poor – The performance fails to meet the descriptive tasks.

Description 5 4 3 2 1
I. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (40 %)
1. Demonstrate content knowledge in the presentation of the lesson and
reasoning to learners’ questions or comments. (i.e. content errors,
content, content coherence, extensive content and etc.)
2. Demonstrate positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning
process. (video presentation, internet-based lesson, movie-maker
presentation and etc.)
3. Demonstrate wide range of teaching strategies that promote literacy and
numeracy needs. (i.e. skills needed for reading and writing;
comprehension and application of mathematical concepts and etc.)
4. Use teaching strategies for developing critical thinking as well as other
higher order thinking skills. (well-directed question, inviting comments,
synthesize discussion, role-type discussion)
5. Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
learning (dynamic discussion in the use of MTB-MLE, contextualized
discussion and facilitating learning on language, heritage and culture)
6. Demonstrate an understanding of verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies that support learners’ understanding,
participation, engagement, and achievement (facial dynamics, active
students’ engagement, redirecting questions to support learners’
understanding, active appreciation and recognition of sign languages and
II. Learning Environment (30%)
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the policies, guidelines and procedures that
provide safe and secure learning environments. (integrate lessons and
examples on the implementation anti-bullying, students’ rights, sexual
harassment, following rules and regulations of the school campus)
2. Demonstrate understanding of learning environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to encourage learning. (no favoritism, dynamic
classroom participation, recognizing the equally students’ talents and
performance, showing compassion and care)
Republic of the Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

3. Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure that engages

learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery
and hands on activities within the available physical learning
environment. (learners’ work productively within allotted time and
physical space using available resources, fully engaged in all activities by
utilizing optimal space, proactive learning structure and etc.)
4. Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments that
nurture and inspire learner participation. (encourage learners to actively
participate, inspire and cooperate class activities)
5. Demonstrate knowledge of learning environments that motivate learners
to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning.
(use of independently and experiential learning)
6. Demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent disciple in the
management of learner behavior. (responding, misbehavior, respond
individual needs, monitor students’ behavior and etc.)
III. Diversity of Learners (20%)
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching to
suit the learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
(makes use of developmental, utilization of differentiated teaching
strategies and etc.)
2. Implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners’ linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds. (contextualized
topics, Ilokano culture and heritage, religious values and etc.)
3. Use strategies responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and
talents. (use of teaching strategies for special needs, gifted learners’ lead
for group session, assigning talented learners on particular tasks and etc.)
4. Demonstrate understanding of the special educational needs of learners
in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation; chronic illness;
displacement due to armed conflict and child labor practices. (support on
gender sensitive-LGBT, use of diverse learning for other groups)
5. Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are inclusive of
learners from indigenous groups (culturally responsive lesson, support of
IP and other groups)
IV. Curriculum Planning (5%)
1. Prepare developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to
meet curriculum requirements (follow the course content, use spiral
curriculum, varied teaching context)
2. Show skills in the selection, development, and use of appropriate teaching
and learning resource
V. Assessment and Reporting (5%)
1. Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of learner progress
and achievement using learner attainment. (utilization of monitoring and
evaluation activities)
2. Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive
feedback to improve learner. (conduct feedback support, slow learners
are given constructive support to improve academic performance)
Republic of the Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

Description Raw Score Norm Points
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (40%)
Learners Environment (30%)
Diversity of Learners (20%)
Curriculum and Planning (5%)
Assessment and Reporting (5%)

Final Grade :_______________________

Descriptive Rating :__________________

Norm Points :

Outstanding (O) …………………………. 95 - 100

Very Satisfactory (VS)……………………. 88 – 94.99
Satisfactory (S)……………………………. 83 – 87.99
Fair (F) …………………………………… 75 – 82.99
Poor (P)…………………………………….74 and below

Signature Over Printed Name
Principal/Supervisor/ Cooperating Teacher/Cooperating Teacher/ Evaluator
Republic of the Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur


Content Knowledge and Learning Diversity of Curriculum and Assessment and

Pedagogy (40%) Environment Learners (20%) Planning (5%) Reporting (5%)
30 100 40 30 100 30
29 96.67 38.6 29 96.67 29.0
7 0
28 93.33 37.3 28 93.33 27.9
3 9
27 90.00 36.0 27 90.00 27.0
0 0
26 86.67 34.6 26 86.67 26.0
7 0
25 83.33 33.3 25 83.33 24.9 25 100 20
3 9
24 80.00 32.0 24 80.00 24.0 24 96.0 19.20
0 0 0
23 76.67 30.6 23 76.67 23.0 23 92.0 18.40
7 0 0
22 73..33 29.3 22 73..33 21.9 22 88.0 17.60
3 9 0
21 70.00 28.0 21 70.00 21.0 21 84.0 16.80
0 0 0
20 66.67 26.6 20 66.67 20.0 20 80.0 16.00
7 0 0
19 63.33 25.3 19 63.33 18.9 19 76.0 15.20
3 9 0
18 60.00 24.0 18 60.00 18.0 18 72.0 14.40
0 0 0
17 56.67 22.6 17 56.67 17.0 17 68.0 13.60
7 0 0
16 53.33 21.3 16 53.33 15.9 16 64.0 12.80
3 9 0
15 50.00 20 15 50.00 15.0 15 60.0 12.00
0 0
14 46.67 18.6 14 46.67 14.0 14 56.0 11.20
7 0 0
13 43.33 17.3 13 43.33 12.9 13 52.0 10.4
3 9 0
12 40.00 16.0 12 40.00 12.0 12 48.0 9.60
0 0 0
11 36.67 14.6 11 36.67 11.0 11 44.0 8.80
7 0 0
10 33.33 13.3 10 33.33 9.99 10 40.0 8.00 10 100 5 10 100 5
3 0
9 30.00 12.0 9 30.00 9.00 9 36.0 7.20 9 45.0 4.55 9 45.00 4.55
0 0 0
8 26.67 10.6 8 26.67 8.00 8 32.0 6.40 8 40.0 4.09 8 40.00 4.09
7 0 0
7 23.33 9.33 7 23.33 6.99 7 28.0 5.60 7 35.0 4.63 7 35.00 4.63
0 0
6 20.00 8.00 6 20.00 6.00 6 24.0 4.80 6 30.0 3.18 6 30.00 3.18
0 0
Republic of the Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

5 16.67 6.67 5 16.67 5.00 5 20.0 4.00 5 25.0 7.23 5 25.00 7.23
0 0
4 13.33 5.33 4 13.33 3.99 4 17.0 3.52 4 20.0 2.27 4 20.00 2.27
0 0
3 10.00 4.00 3 10.00 3.00 3 12.0 2.40 3 15.0 1.82 3 15.00 1.82
0 0
2 6.67 2.67 2 6.67 2.00 2 8.00 1.60 2 10.0 1.36 2 10.00 1.36
1 3.33 1.33 1 3.33 1.00 1 4.00 1 1 5.00 1 1 5.00 1
Legends: RS- Raw Score ; PE- Percentage Equivalent: NP- Norm Points
Overall Norms Points :
Outstanding (O) ………………… 95 - 100
Very Satisfactory (VS)…………… 88 - 94
Satisfactory (S)……………………… 83 - 87
Fair (F) ………………………………… 75 - 82
Poor (P)…………………………………74 and below

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