اسئلة نهاية السنه ثاني متوسط دور ثاني محمد الراوي

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Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education School’s Name: __________________________

Final Examination in English 2023 -2024 Time: 1:30 hrs. / 2 hrs.

Class : 2nd intermediate Teacher in charge :_______________________
Date: …..….th Sep 2024 2nd attempt
Subject :- English language .
Note: Answer all the questions below.
Q1) Reading comprehension. (20 Marks)
A) Unseen passage: ( 10 Marks )
A) Read the following passage carefully. (10 M.)
Pedro is 12 years old and he is an Italian. Pedro is a good student and he usually gets good marks in his exams,
but he now doesn't go to school. He lives in a big city. Pedro studies at home. Every morning Pedro sits in front of his
laptop for three hours and watches and listens to his lessons. In the afternoon, Pedro often reads History or English
books. All the children are at home at the moment. He hopes to go back to school and play with his friends.
Who always took Mary to school in the morning ?
1. Is Pedro get good marks in his exams?
2. Where does Pedro study?
3. What does Pedro read in the afternoon?
4. Pedro lives in a big city. (True/ False)
5. He goes to school every day. (True/ False)
6. Pedro sits in front of his ____________ for three hours. ( phone, laptop, TV)
B) Textbook passages: (10 Marks)
Answer of the following questions using the information from your textbook (5 only) (10M.)
1. How long has Mr. James worked in the cafe?
2. What should we not eat too much of ?
3. Why can unfit people run or walk easily?
4. The Olympic Games held every (four/ five/ six ) years. (Choose)
5. Marconi invented the telephone. (True/ False)
6. Smart phones can access the internet. (True/ False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (10Marks)
A) Follow the instructions between brackets. (5 only) (5M.)
1. You watch TV all the time. ( Give advice use : shouldn't)
2. I like people. They are happy. (Join using: who)
3. Might / There / life / on Mars / be . (Put in the correct order)
4. I (be) lazy, but now I train every day. (Used to)
5. Samir (do) judo for two years. (Present perfect)
6. People eat a lot of fish in Iraq. A lot of fish
B) Choose the suitable choice. (only 5) (5 M.)
1. The cat ran up the tree. ( It / He ) got stuck there.
2. We stayed in India ( since / for ) two weeks.
3. I have ( too many / too much ) books in my bags, and I can't carry them .
4. I really want to ( do / go ) boxing on Saturday .
5. I am not very good at ( keep / keeping ) my room tidy.
6. I have ( too many / too much ) books in my bags, and I can't carry them.
7. I was tired, so I walked home slowly. ( tired ) is : ( adjective / verb)

‫ محمد الراوي‬.‫أ‬
Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (15 Marks)
A) Complete of the following sentences with suitable words from the box: (5 only) (5M)
Nets - friendly - Beef - drums - pilot - joke
1. Our teacher told us a ______ this morning, and we all laughed loudly.
2. _________ meat from a cow .
3. In Africa, people used________ to send messages.
4. I don't work in an office. I work at the airport__________
5. I always try to smile and say hello. I am ________
6. __________are used to catch fish.
B) Choose the correct choice: (5 M)
1. This person takes care of your teeth ( dentist / engineer)
2. The blue whale is hunted for its ( oil / fur).
3. Athletes win a ( medal / cup ) if they come first, second or third.
4. Ball, eleven players and goal is ( football / basketball ).
5. Cooked under strong heat ( baked / grilled ) .
6. ( Mirror / mug ) is a glass you can see in .
C) Rewrite the sentence below using correct capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M.)
is rafid good at writing stories asked
Q4) Story Time and Spelling: (15 Marks)
A) Answer or complete the following questions about the stories: (5 only) (10 M)
1. In "A tour of London", why do people laugh at Johnny?
2. Why are the boys camping at Stonehenge?
3. What happens to Marcus's phone?
4. Stonehenge made Johnny feels (sad / afraid / happy).
5. Aziz plays football for his school team. (True/ False)
6. Jad wants to be a bus driver. (True /False)
B) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. ( 5 only) (5 M.)
1. cycle; cycling; cook;_________
2. a word meaning famous, _________
3. happy X sad; win X___________
4. a word meaning “a large boat” is ________.
5. noun, (n); adverb, ________
6. pol_ ution, pollution; C _ _ t, _________
Q4) Writing (10 Marks)
Choose either A or B: (10 M.)
A ) Write about the most embarrassing moment in your life.
B ) Write about your own career plan.

Best of the Best

Teac er’ ig at re Hea ma ter’ igna re

‫ محمد الراوي‬.‫أ‬

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