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Jathika Pasal Pawura - Sri jayawardanapura Zonal Education

First Term Test - 24 9
eis6a eoogl ogd, 6 doo6Orogd qonxro: rooroco - drErs tccccel ogrJ, @ daotloa{$ qAroo6J toe,roco - dc6rD t3cael ogd, $ eioa&aaog

MATHEMATICS Time - 2 hrs

SiEro. e,rael egd, $ draotlOo:gd gOrreur rselatro - dcSa oro4f ogrl, @ dcsa:bQurgd qo)3rsar roosoct - drErs occo6! €d, 6 d(tot aarg

Part I
Ansr,,ror all the questioils in the paper itself.

1) rffrite dcwn the next two terrns of the number paffern

2 15, E, tl ,74

2\ Srmplify ? 1^ 4 (15 + 3)

3) What is the additive inverse of (-3)

4) The perimeter of the triangle is 60 crn. Find the value cf r

5) sinrpli ry
;+ i + ;

- - - -
,, \,

- -

6) Calculate the value of a

7) Which type of solids

SatisS,' Euler's relatiansllip'/

S) If 6z + 8z = Nz . rvhat is the suitat:ie value fcrr x

9) Sirrrpliry3(;r*Z) ?
L {x 3)


Are e0 g and e0 C adjacent angles? Give resons f,or

y0ur ilnswer

I 1) Find the value face of (-3) - (-4) - (-2) without using the number line"

l2) The area of a face of a cube is 36 cmz. Calculate the volume of the cube.

- - - -
- -

14) Find H.C.F of BxT and 6y.

15) Fincl the value of 2x ' y when x = 4 and y =

i6) sirnplifl, qd3

l7)Cornplernent angle of 100 =

Supplement angle of 100 =

l8) Simpliff AS much as possible
9x *' By - 5 - 7x - 4y

- - - -
- -

Part tI
Answer the first question anC four other questions in a separate paper.

i) a) Write down the three main characteristics of, a platonic solicl" (M 03)

b) E;<plain why the solid given below is not a platonic solid. (M 0r)

c) Given lrelow is a net of a platonic Solid.

What is the nalne of the platonic solid? (tur 0r )

Write dolvn the number of faces, vertices an,J edges of it" (M 03)
What is the shap of it's face? (N{ 01)
A student made the solid using the above net. He is going to paste a tape along all the
edges of it. If the length of an edge is 10 cm how much of tape does he require?
(x4 03)
d) Sirow that the solid given belc,w satisfies the Euler's relationship. (M 04)

2) i. What are the digits that can be in the units place of a perfect square? (M 02)

ii. Write 324 as a product of

prime nurnbers. (M ot)
Hence find ,lm (M 02)

(M 02)

iv. Find /$6T iry observation. (M 04)

- - - -
- -


3) a) Simpli{v hour's minutes day's hours.

4 10 9t2
+5 50 2 13 dM 2 x 2)

b) Wrile do*n 12.30 midnight,in internationalstandard form. (/1'I 2)

c) A bus leaves colombo at 10.45 a.m. and reaches Anuracrhapura at 4.15 p.m.
i. Write 10.45 a.m. in intemational standard form (,v, 1)
ii. Write 4.15 p.m. in internationalstandard form
{fi{ r)
iii. Calculate the time taken for the journey. {.M z}
iv' The bus leaves from Anuradhapura at 10.45 p.m. what time will the bus reaclr Colombo.
Write the answer in l2 hour clor:k.

4) i. Separate the number given below into pericds and name thern.

8434005 0t,U-72

(Copy this to your arrswer sheet) (M 4)

I t. Write down the values represented by the digits shown by arrows.

(Copy this to your enswer sheet)

{n{ s)

- - - -
- -

5) a) What are the

i. Point.s on the circle

ii, Points inside the circle A'o
iii; , , ',Points outSide the circle o
,. OC
(M Z x s)

b) Dravr a bq.autifi+l circular design (use the pencil) (M s)

Tc rlcwnload Past PaPers vrsit

I r,t'wiv.v
a.l ira
6) a) Explain how we can estimation to calculate (rough i,alue) the number of rvords in an essily.

{M Z)
b) Rou,d off to the nearesr multiple of i0

iv. IAZ
ii. gg
v. 50
iii. g5

c) The rtumber of mangoes in a bag is rounded of to the nearest multiple of 10. The answer was

i. What can be the least number ofmangoes? (M L)

ii. What can be the most number of mangoes?
.(M l)
iii. One mango was added to the bag. The total number of mangoes was rounded off a-q

earlier. The answer was 60. How many mangoes was there at the beginning. (M Z)

7) a) Draw (i) An acute angle (ii) A right angel

(iii) An obtuse angle (iv) A reflex angle {MLx4)

b) Name (i) An instrument to find direction {M L)

(ii) An instrument to find the horizantal TM L)
(iii) An instrument to find the vericle (M L)

c) How many horizontal edges are there when a cuboicls is placed on a horizontal table.

{tvt Z)

(d) How many vertical edges re there when cube is placed on a horizontal table (M Z)

- - - -

Department of Education – Western Province

First Term Evaluation
Grade 8 Mathematics Time: 2 Hours
Name: …………………………………………… Class: ……… Index No: …………..
Part I
 Answer all the questions on this paper itself.
 Each question carries 02 marks.

1. Write the 7th multiple of 5.

2. Simplify. ( -6) – (+ 3)

3. Write the additive inverse of following numbers.

i) ( -2 ) …………………… ii) …………………………………………..

4. Complete the following table.

Angle a Angle b
a and b are complimentary angles 600 ……………
a and b are supplementary angles ………….. 1200

5. From the following, underline the ones which are not platonic solids.
Cube, Cuboid, regular tetrahedron, square based pyramid, regular octahedron
6. Write down two digits that should not be in the ones place of a perfect square number.

7. Find the value of x.

𝑥 1500

( +2 ) × ( +6 )
8. Simplify .
(−3 )

9. Remove the brackets and simplify. 3(𝑥 − 𝑦 + 5 ) + 2𝑥

Department of Education- western province Mathematics 8


10. Write the 2nd term of the number pattern with the general term . To which number pattern
does this general term belongs?

11. Fill in the blanks.

+3 x x 0 = -3 x 0 =

12. If the perimeter of the figure is P, write a algebraic expression for P.

𝑥 𝑥

13. Write down the suitable units that can be used to measure the following masses.

Medicine pill …………………… A loaded truck ……………………

14. Express as a power of a product. 𝑎3 × (2𝑏)3 × 𝑐 3

15. Find the value. √42 × 52

16. If the following statements are true put √ and if they are wrong put x in the given boxes.
i) 4𝑝𝑞 − 12𝑝𝑞𝑟 = 4𝑝𝑞( 1 − 3𝑟 )
ii) −3(2𝑥 + 3 ) = 6𝑥 − 9

17. The area of a square shaped flower bed is 256m2. Find the length of a side of it.

18. Express the answer in metric ton and kilograms. 7 t 200 kg - 1 t 700 kg

19. Find the value. (−1)3 × 32

20. When x = 2 and y = 3, find the value of x + 3y.

Department of Education- western province Mathematics 8


Part II
 Answer the first question and another 4 questions only.
 First question carries 16 marks and the other questions carry 11 marks each.

1. Recollect the activity that you have done regarding solids and answer the following questions.
i. What is the name of the solid which has the pentagon shaped face that you have made?
ii. Write down the Euler’s relation regarding the number of edges, vertices and faces of a
iii. Show that the Euler’s relation is true for a regular octahedron.
iv. Draw the shape of a face of a regular octahedron and write the name of the shape.
v. Name another two platonic solids which has the same shape of faces that you have drawn
in (iv).
vi. Write down the name of a solid which does not satisfy the Euler’s relation.

2. In the number pattern 1, 3, 5, 7,…….

i. Write the next term.
ii. Complete the table to obtain the general term of the number pattern.
term multiple of two - 1 Number
1 1×2 −1 1
2 2×2 −1 3
3 3×2 −1 ..........
4 4 × … .. −1 ............
n .................. .............

iii. Which term of it is 45?

iv. When we add the first term, first two terms, first three terms…….and so on, we can get
first terms of another number pattern. Write dawn that number pattern.
v. Write the general term of that number pattern.

3. (a) Figure shows a triangle made using rubber on a nailed board.

i. Find the perimeter of it.
ii. A square can be made on 4 nails using the same rubber band, with 10cm
the same perimeter as in the triangle. Find the side length of it.

8 cm
(b) Figure shows a small stage prepared for an awarding ceremony. It is
needed to paste a small ribbon around the stage. Find the
minimum length of the ribbon needed for that. 1

2 3

Department of Education- western province Mathematics 8


4. (a) Answer the following questions according to the F

information given in the figure. A D
i. Name a pair of vertically opposite angles.
ii. Find the magnitude of DB ̂F. 500
iii. Name a pair of complimentary angles. B
iv. Are AB ̂F and AB ̂ D adjecent angles? give reasons 400
for your answer.
(b) Find the value of x. E
2𝑥 4𝑥

5. (a) Length of a rectangular land is x and the breadth of it is 3m. A fence was fixed around the
land, by increasing the length by 2m.
i. Draw the sketch of the portion of land covered by the fence and mark the length and the
ii. Write an algebraic expression using brackets, for the area of land covered by the fence
and simplify it.

(b) Simplify. 3𝑥 + 4𝑦 + 𝑥 − 3𝑦 − 5

(c) i. Simplify 3𝑎(2𝑏 − 1 )

ii. If 𝑎 = −1 and 𝑏 = 2 find the value of 3𝑎(2𝑏 − 1 ).

6. i. Find the highest common factor. 4𝑎𝑥 , 6𝑎𝑏𝑥

ii. By taking the highest common factor as a one factor, write as a product of two
factors. 24𝑎𝑥 + 16𝑎2 𝑏 + 8𝑎
iii. Write as a product of two factors. −5𝑥 − 20𝑦
iiv. Fill in the blanks. −6𝑎 + 8𝑎𝑏 = −2𝑎( )

7. (a) Fill in the blanks.

i. 3.5 t = ……………
ii. 1 600kg =………………..t

(b) Mass of a container loaded with rice is 10.25t. Mass of the empty container is 2t 500kg.
Packets of rice with the mass 10kg is needed to be made from the rice loaded in the truck.
How many such packets can be made?

( c) Simplify. 17 t 200 kg ÷ 8

Department of Education- western province Mathematics 8

Part I
Answer all questions.

1. Write the next two term of the following number pattern.

1 , 4 , 9 , 16 , …… , …….

2. Simplify.

3. Find the H.C.F of the following.

48, 60

4. Filling the blank.

72 ÷ ……. = (-8)

5. Find the value.

0 - (-5)

6. Find the perimeter.

10 cm

8 cm

7. Find the value.

(-2)3 + (+3)2

8. Filling the blank.

3t 9kg = ……. Kg
9. Filling the blank if following angles are on a straight line.
750, 800,……

5p – 8q + 3r -2q + p

11.PQ is straight line. Find the magnitude of x.

P 400

12.Arrange the following in ascending order.

1.5 t, 1.05t, 150kg,

13.Give an example of a perfect square which has 9 in its unit place.

14.Express 36p2 as a power of a product.

15.Find the 14th triangular number using the general term.



17.Find x.

100 3x
x 300


2 × 9 × 25

19.A rectangle is made by unfolding a wire frame which has the shape of equilateral triangle. The
length of a side is 18cm of that triangle. If the breadth is 7cm, find the length of the rectangle.

20.If a mass of 13t can be loaded in to a lorry, how many sacks of rice can be loaded with mass of
25kg. 2 x 20 = 40 Marks
Part II
Answer first question and only another four questions.

1. According to the lesson angle that you have learnt in the class room answer the following
I. Fill in the blanks.
Name of the angle figure magnitude

a) ………………. less than 900

b) Right angle ……………………. …………………..

c) ……………… …………………..
05 Marks
II. Is and a pair of adjacent angles. Give reason


02 Marks

III. The straight line segments PQ and RS intersect at O


40 0


a) Find the magnitude of a.

b) Find the magnitude of b.
c) The supplement of is ……………………..
d) Name a pair of vertically opposite angles
e) Filling the blank. + ………. = 1800
09 Marks
2. A number pattern is made by attaching beads as shown below.

I. Draw the next pattern.

II. Write the terms of the number pattern.
III. Find the general term.
IV. How many beads are needed to make 10th stage of this pattern?
V. Which stage of this pattern can be made by attaching 31 beads 11 Marks

I. Simplify.

(+8) + (-3) =

II. Find the value using the number line.

(-2) - (-5) = …

III. Filling the blanks.

a) (+10) - (+2)
= (+10) +

b) (-8) - (-2)
= (-8) +

c) X (+4) (-36)
(-3) X

4. Observe the following price list and write the answers.

Rice Sugar Dhal

1 kg 500g 1kg
Rs. x Rs. y ?

I. If price of 1kg of dhal is more than Rs. 7 the price of 1kg of rice, find the cost of 1kg of
II. Find the cost of 3 kg of rice and 500g of sugar.
III. Find the cost of 2kg of dhal.
IV. Find the total cost to prepare a parcel containing above quantities.
V. Find the total cost to prepare such ten parcels.
11 Marks
VI. What is the balance if you pay Rs. 5000 to buy ten parcels?
I. Name two platonic solids.

II. Filling the blank.

The number of The number of
Solid Shape of the face
edges vertices

Square shaped face = 1

a) Square pyramid ……… …………
Triangular faces = 4

Triangular faces = 2
b) ………………… Square shaped face = 3 ……… …………

III. Draw the shape of a face of regular dodecahedron.

IV. A certain solid has 9 vertices and 16 edges. It satisfies Euler’s relationship. Find the
number of faces it has.

11 Marks

I. Find the H.C.F of the following numbers.

8xy, 40x, 32xb

II. Write down following algebraic expression as a product of factors,

a) Where one factor is a positive number.
b) Where one factor is a negative number. 11 Marks
−15a + 20b – 30

III. Simplify.

4x (7-5xy+y2)

IV. Filling the blank.

(-28) = ……. X ……..

11 Marks
ish¨u ysñlï weúßks/ All Rights Reserved

Royal College – Colombo 07

rdclSh úoHd,h - fld<U 07
Grade 08 – First Term Test – March 2020 ld,h ( meh 02 hs
m<uq jdr mÍCIKh - 2020 ud¾;= - 08 fY%aKsh Time : 02 hours

Name : - …………………………….. Class :- …………. Number :- …………………

Part I

 Answer all the questions on this paper itself.

 Each question carries 2 marks.

(1) Write the next two terms of the number pattern.

25, 23, 21, ………….., …………….

(2) 12 cm
Find perimeter of the figure.

8cm 15cm

(3) Find the value of 𝑥𝑥 ∙ .

80° 𝑥𝑥 + 20°

(4) Give two examples for platonic solids.

(5) Write first two terms of 3𝑛𝑛 − 1.

(6) Arrange in ascending order.

876 kg, 8.67 kg, 5.67 kg, 7000g

(7) Construct an algebraic expression for the total amount required to buy 2kg of flour of which
1kg is Rs. 𝑥𝑥, 500g of sugar of which 1kg is Rs. 𝑦𝑦 and 250g of tea leaves of which 1kg is Rs.

(8) Remove the brackets 5(2𝑥𝑥 − 3)

(9) Find the value � .

(10) Write the number of triangles of the figure.

(11) The sum of two consecutive squire numbers is 61. Write the two square, squire numbers.

(12) Find the value when 15° is added to complement of 60° .

(13) Find the value of (−7) × 0 × (−12)

(14) Find the value of 2𝑥𝑥 + 6 when 𝑥𝑥 = (−2).

(15) Add two expressions 𝑥𝑥 + 2 and 2𝑥𝑥 + 1

(16) Find the 30th triangular number.

(17) _______

72 ____ Fill in the blanks.

9 54 6

(18) 𝑥𝑥 2 − 𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 as a product of two factors.

(19) Find the value of 2.56 × 100.

(20) Write two possible digits in the units place of a perfect square.

Part II
 Answer the first question and another four questions only.
 First question carries 16 marks and other questions carry 11 marks each.

(1) i) Grade 8 student made three regular solids which have only triangular faces for an
assessment. Complete the table given below using those three solids.
Solid Number of faces Number of vertices Number of edges
a) ………………….. 4 ……….. ………..
b) ………………….. ……….. 6 12
c) ………………….. 20 ……….. 30
(07 marks)
ii) He made a another solid of which all the faces are regular pentagons. Name the solid.
(01 mark)
iii) Below figure shows a composite solid made by combining a cube and a square based
(a) Find the number of faces edges and vertices of
this composite solid. (03 marks)

In the above combined solid, the upper portion of the square based pyramid was cut off
along the dotted line to make a vesak lantern.
(b) Draw a rough diagram of the newly created composite solid.
(c) Find the number of faces, edges and vertices of that solid.

(2) i) a) Express 36 as a product of prime factors.

b) Find the highest common factor of 18, 24 and 30.
c) Find the highest common factor of 6𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥, 12𝑥𝑥 2 𝑦𝑦, 18𝑥𝑥 2 𝑦𝑦 2 .
ii) Express the following algebraic expressions as a product of two factors.
a) 6ab + 9ac – 15
b) 15pq + 45qr + 60q

(3) i) Write an algebraic expression for the perimeter of the given rectangle.
𝑥𝑥 − 2

3𝑦𝑦 + 1
(03 marks)

ii) A parcel was made with five apples of Rs. 𝑥𝑥 each and four oranges of Rs 𝑦𝑦 each.
(a) Write an algebraic expression for the cost of a parcel. (03 marks)
(b) If five such parcels were prepared, write an algebraic expression with brackets for the
total cost of these five parcels. (03 marks)
(c) Write an algebraic expression for the balance received if Rs. 1000 was given to the
shop keeper to buy these items. (02 marks)

(4) i)

3𝑥𝑥 °
𝑥𝑥 ° 2𝑥𝑥 ° Y

𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 is a straight line.

(a) Find the value of 𝑥𝑥 , Give reasons. (03 marks)
(b) Find the complement of 𝑥𝑥 ° . (02 marks)

ii) B C

2𝑎𝑎° °
𝑎𝑎° 6𝑎𝑎
A °
11𝑎𝑎 4𝑎𝑎°

(a) Find the value of 𝑎𝑎° . Give reasons. (03 marks)
(b) Name a pair of supplementary angles. (02 marks)

iii) A pair of angles has a common arm and a common vertex. What is the remaining
requirement satisfied to be a pair of adjacent angles? (01 mark)

(5) i) (a) Find the value of √144. (01 mark)

(b) Simplify �(2 × 5)2 × 72 . (02 marks)
(c) Find the value of √576 using prime factors.
ii) The area of a square shaped land is 900𝑚𝑚2 .


(a) Find the length of one side. (02 marks)

(b) Find perimeter of the land. (02 marks)
(c) It is intended to put five rounds of barbed wire around this land. Find out the cost of
this if 1m of wire is Rs. 10. (02 marks)

(6) i) (a) Write first four terms of the number pattern of odd numbers starting from 1 written in
ascending order. (02 marks)
(b) Write the general term of the above number pattern. (02 marks)
(c) Which term of the above odd number pattern is 115? (02 marks)

ii) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25,…… is a number pattern.

(a) What type of numbers are there in the above number pattern? (01 mark)
(b) Write the general term of this number pattern. (02 marks)
(c) Show that the sum of 3rd and 4th term of this number pattern is equal to the 5th term.
(02 marks)
(7) i) Solve the following using the number line.
(a) (+4) + (−3)
(b) (+5) − (−2) (04 marks)

ii) Find the value.

(a) (+3) + (+2)
(b) (−2) + (+3) − (+5)
(c) (−3) − (−7) (03 marks)

iii) Fill in the blanks.

(a) (−72) ÷ (+8) =
(b) = =
(−6) −6

(c) (−3)×(−4)
= (+1) (04 marks)


ßÉukaâ úoHd,h Richmond College

m<uq jdr mÍlaIKh - 2020
First Term Test - 2020
Mathematics Time - 2 hours
Part 1 min.
Name / Index No ………………………………………………………………. Grade 8

 Answer all the Questions

01. Simplify
2.05 + 1.3 + 0.082

02. Write down the supplement of 1350

03. Fill in the blanks by using the number line given below

04. write the general term of the number pattern

1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , ……..

05. If AB is a straight line,

o find the value of X o

First Term Test - 2020 Page 01


06. What is the name used to identify the solid

object shown in the figure

07. Simplify

2X (3X + 3 ) + 5X

08. Find the perimeter of the given figure

Price of
1 kg
Rice a
sugar b
Dhal c

Using the table given below, construct an algebraic expression for the price of 5 kg
of rice, 2 kg of dhal and 1 kg of sugar.

10. Find the HCF (Highest common Factor) of 12 and 18

First Term Test - 2020 Page 02


11. Simplify

( +5 ) – ( -2 )

12. Express the following expression as a product of powers


13. Factorize (Express the following expression as product of two factors)

4 + 2X

14. If Rs. 5600 was divided between Kamal and Wimal in the ratio 3 : 4 , Find the
amount received by Kamal.

15. Express the shaded region as a fraction of whole figure.

16. Name a pair of complementary angles of the given triangle.

First Term Test - Test - 2020 Page 03


17. The mass of a box of present is 2kg and 350g. Express the mass of 3 such of
boxes, in kilogrammes.

18. In a solid there are 9 faces and a vertices. Find the number of edges of it.

19. Find the area of the shaded part of the figure.

20. Write down an example of square number which is obtained by getting sum
of the another square numbers.

First Term Test - 2020 Page 04


Part II
 Answer five questions only.

Maths Day

The above picture show a pandal (Thorana) which was created by grade 8
students in a certain school for their “Maths Day” celebration.
i. Find the perimeters of the two triangular Parts. (02 Marks)
ii. Find the name of the shape of a plane figure, Which is obtaining by joining
two plane figures in the given figure (02 Marks)
iii. Find the minimum length of a ribbon to fixe around the rectangular part
which is written “Maths Day” (02 Marks)
iv. Find the area of the red colour clothes needed to cover pandal (Thorana)
except rectangular part (Mentional in part iii) (02 Marks)
v. If the cost of 1 m2 of red clothes is Rs. 220 , Find the total cost needed to
buy red clothes. (02 Marks)

02. Information about a solid object is as follows

Vertices Face Edges

20 12 30

i. Write down the name of the solid (01 Marks)

ii. Show that this solid is saticefied with Euler’s Relationship. (02 Marks)
iii. What is the shape of the face of the above solid (02 Marks)
iv. Write down two special features of a platonic solid (02 Marks)
v. Name 5 Platonic solids (03 Marks)

What is the solid that can be constructed by using the

net given below. (02 Marks)

First Term Test - 2020 Page 05


i. Express 12 as a product of prime factors. (02 Marks)
ii. Factorize (separate into facors)
a) ab + 2a b) x + xy c) -12 x + 3y
(02 Marks) (02 Marks) (02 Marks)

iii. Express 72 as a product of powers , With the prime factors as the bases.
iv. If p = 2 and q = 3 , find the value of the expression given below.
(02 Marks)

i. Fill in the blanks.

a) Vertically opposite angle of AOC is ………………………….. (01Marks)
b) AOC and AOE are a pair of …………………… angles (02 Marks)
ii. Find the value of X0 (02 Marks)
iii. Name a pair of supplementary angles of the given figure (02Marks)
iv. Find the value of COB. (03 Marks)
v. Sadun said” that EOC and AOC are the pair of a adjacent angles” Do you
agree with that statement? Give reasons for your answer. (03 Marks)

i. Mass of the box of chocolate is a gramme and the mass of the box is e
gramme construct an algebraic expression for the mass of the chocotale in
15 boxes.
ii. Simplify
a) 2 ( 3b- 1 ) b) 2p ( 4p – 2q)
(02 Marks) (02 Marks)

iii. Simplify

3 ( 2b – c ) – 2 (2b + 2c) (02 Marks)

iv. If x = 3 and Y = (-1) , Find the value of the expression 2x - 3y + 3

First Term Test - 2020 Page 06


i. Write down the next two terms of the number pattern given below.
1 , 3 , 6 , 10 , …….. , ……….
ii. Write the name of the number pattern given above.
iii. Draw then pattern related to the 5th term of the number pattern by using
dots. (02 Marks)
iv. Write down the first five terms of the number pattern of general term n2
(02 Marks)
v. Which term is 121 in the number pattern mentionat in [iv]

vi. Write down the number which is common for above both number patterns
(02 Marks)

First Term Test - 2020 Page 07

Royal College - Colombo 07
rdclSh úoHd,h - fld<U 07
Grade 8 – First Term Test – April 2019
m<uq jdr mÍCIKh - 2019 wfm%a,a - 8 fY%aKsh

Mathematics – I
.Ks;h – I
Name :- ..................................................... Grade : -................ Index number:-....................

❖ Answer all the questions on the Paper itself each question carries 02 marks.

1. Write down next two terms in the number patterns 42, 36, 30, 24, …., ……

2. What is the general term of the number pattern of the multiple of 3 starting from 3 and
written in ascending order?

3. The sum of two consecutive square numbers is 13. Write down the two numbers.

4. (i) Complement of 63o

(ii) Supplement of 63o

5. Write the additive inverse of (+4.5).

6. Find the perimeter of the given figure.

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7. What is the magnitude of the sum of the angles around a point?

8. Write the shape of a face of a regular octahedron.

9. Express 5t 48 kg in kilograms.

10. 3x2 – 6x, separate into factors.

11. Find the value of 361 by observation.

12. Express (2 x 3)3 as a product of powers.

13. If a = 5 and b = -2, find the value of 2a2b.

14. Fill in the blank by inserting one of the inequality signs < or > appropriately,
33 ……… 52

15. The area of a flower bed is 36 m2. Find its perimeter.

16. Fill in the blanks.

The value of an odd power of a negative integer is …………………………

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The value of an even power of a negative integer is …………………………
17. State whether AOB is a straight line. Give reasons.

2 2
18. Find the value of 5 ×3 .

19. Write algebraic expression given below as a product of two factors.

-9x + 12xy2 – 24xz

20. AB, CD and EF are straight lines. Find the value of ao.

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Mathematics – II
.Ks;h – II

● Answer the first question and another 04 questions only. First question carries 16
marks and other questions carry 11 marks each.

1. Recall the activity and the theories that you have discussed on platonic solids and
Euler’s relation, during the lesson solids with the assistance of your teacher.

(a) (i) Name the solid which can be constructed using the net given above.
(2 marks)
(ii) What is the shape of its face? (1 mark)
(iii) In the above solid, write
a) The number of edges.
b) The number of vertices
c) The number of faces (3 marks)
(iv) Verify Euler’s relationship for this solid. (4 marks)

(b) (i) Name three platonic solids. (3 marks)

(ii) A Lantern has been constructed a cube and two square pyramids.
In this solid, write
a) No. of edges
b) No. of vertices
c) No. of faces (3 marks)

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2. (a) Find the answer by using the number line
(+2) – (-5) (4 marks)

(b) Fill in the cages.

= (+ 15) (2


(c) Simplify,

(i) (-5) + (+6) + (-1) (2 marks)

(ii) (-3) x (-3) x (-5) (2 marks)

(iii) (− ) + (+ 3 )
(1 mark)


(i) Draw next two figures according to the above dot pattern. (2 marks)

(ii) Write the number of dots in each figure of the above pattern in order.
(2 marks)

(iii) Find the general term of the number pattern. (2 marks)

(iv) Find the value of 20th pattern by using the general term. (3 marks)

(v) State whether a figure can be formed by using 81 dots in the above
pattern. Give reason. (2 marks)

4. (a) (i) Find the H.C.F. of 12x, 20xy, 16zx (3 marks)

(ii) Write 3a + 6ab + 12ac as a product of two factors.(2 marks)

(b) Simplify,

(i) 60t – 25t 125 kg (2 marks)

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(ii) 5t 120 kg x 12 (2 marks)
(iii) 16t 200 kg ÷ 9 (2 marks)

5. (a)

Find the value of X in the figure. Give reasons

(3 marks)

(b) AB and CD are two straight lines segments

intersected each other. Based on the given


(i) Name the supplementary adjacent angle of A𝐹E. (1 mark)

(ii) Name an angle which has an equal magnitude to A𝐹D (1 mark)

(iii) Find the value of E𝐹D (1 mark)

(iv) Name a pair of complementary adjacent angles. (2 marks)

(v) Write down three properties of a pair of adjacent angles. (3 marks)

6. A group of student was assigned to prepare five gift parcels for students in a class. Each
parcel is to contain all the items given below.

Items contained in a Parcel Quantity

80 pages books 03
Pens 02
Mathematical instrument boxes 01
Pencils 02

Price list
Item Unit price (Rs.)
80 pages books 3a

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Mathematical instrument boxes 6b
Pens b
Pencils a

(i) According to the given prices, construct an algebraic expression for the value of
a parcel and simplify. (3 marks)
(ii) Construct an algebraic expression with brackets to find the total value of five
parcels. (2 marks)
(iii) Remove the bracket of the above algebraic expression and simplify.
(2 marks)
(iv) Based on the above algebraic expression,
When a = 15 and b = 20
a) Find the value of a parcel. (2 marks)
b) Find the value of five parcels. (2 marks)

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