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18wihatasecial udeas did the follouwring

hele uphert

a ammefhan Rey
8hhorked the ranningf ha hracdiiu
a t '

b ayanand nsarasuwale
sepheded wideur Unemarunge
eepalingam hardtu
whherted wideu vwmarniage

d yofinae phole
anhpeted eg2ality aMm costes

e PanditRanbal
Rappethd weman's


7ummtaz yal
ahhorted mon's educotion

hjshavanchandra sidyosagan
Kutheted_widewr amaiuage


16.Z4 toe reasens uhy adivais Lae becom

uncuHe.aslnghy mauginaliz ed.

fmsThe hue ease2s Lhy adiivass 0 beceminng
unneasingly naginalized ane
Tha hshlo ueften_wtomgly Aeleve at
Ladirasis ate ex sti.
ptimitiveand backune
That oftn adivasis ara blamed hey Hei
Lack of advancemant as hay r e belitned
to be vustanE
téchange ow newr iidas
Lhot ecenbmic umAact_did the yfouk_weld
soN haue en uindia?
ftns Zho Aint weild _wanled de ahuge
tie ih the daßence ehendiinv af the
gaveNnment p india Thegmennmant
uh i n incneased toxes Lsn_undiirdcal
heemes AhdUrshes hneflt ncAasd
miltnru exondto and he demand 4e
nn Ahlis Led ta sa/ssan Uuise
hubticwhich teatad orrat valiRiCLKTIRA
pe thoCommen pple m he othenhand-
boriness fytaahed halul pnefih
nemIhA wa The uUnN Lcreated a demand
pe indusknal ugeeds uch as juá bags
cleth hd nailk ondcauseeda declne
u the impoah fren oiher ceurbuès
unto hdia. B_A s l t , Snda
hdustus exahandid dusuing thew a n .

xMahantReliginos frclienartesof ui

xi encil: ntn aphointed electod lrodly o

aduéeuy io
Aerhle Lwith an Lagmiustuative,
uupresetatue hnchen.
xiihertrait: A fichve af a yhouen is
LwhichLthe ace ancd its

Xivihertuiaivvre ha ont otf makirmg yhortnaus.

act dndlepondenHy
AVJSveneig Tha Capacity t
withoot Gutsidenterfonence

Vii mighatien: whan a rwsen leaes a

viiiexhile: The enm exhile i doured fpren dhe
t e cseaLe
Latin_twOd exene which m e a n s

iXNclsan phoueni The geatyb reducens o

hewen areUSA and ewnehe

X P a h s h a l a ' P a t h s h a l a sw e r e

n thellages induaThese we set uh

by usealthy lecals o by g w r

Lom nitye

shewr x l a a n
13 what is nurlaan pewen?and
oltaihad frron enlrgy
Ans aMylean hever
A d un he niclei of
uUadio aahie

therim fig11)
Jike vLanium nod

a n d s h e wu e r l d iodustnias uiegion(12

ef vuen and
Cwei'e and h u r location
5 1-3)
astoel indushny in Jamshedhe2 (Big
Po duced
Nvdleay erway
The nucdea ene1gy horwen tatr ons uh ndu are lscataed in ayhakkam
tamil nadd anahu maharaba, Ranafiatap aga n o Aota i ajasthan
areia inttay pradesh and taiga n kaymatka .

y Abey Unden/5 yeansef age and wemen

carht be called o e polke station enl
Jey qestibrin

i atent A means the exciosie vuighe
L e a y udLa nuenhm.

i teck ef ursorces t is the b n t A

UesoULces alailalle e Use

ii &sstainable Slevelefrenti caraprtly _uiliing

esecos asthat besides mecding he
giramanhof h e jrasert, Lalse bakes cae
o Gurtvegehonaems

leatheringi lhebuieakin9 uuand decay

o eahosed vIBcAs by femhenatvvreshang
prest Aciom hlontz, animolsLandhuma7

Natianal hank: U natuLal arsa

te hnetict heecolrgicalunkgnity
me MAIL ecpsyskems A a h e pJesen.
and haputee qenenations.

Smmightibn han a heenentinsua na


AmpaEnglih edcation uaccomding o

gAndhi, Aruacted agense of 2nahatma
unorisity in Aa mihds of indinn
Emnde them gee eth cuilisatiem
phnio4 And dostroyed hoin hridh
thoin ouwn Lsltte Thus
chonmed by he
uest and dy evenything
West, Tho indinns eaming fren the
educaded unden the
Celeninl ytamwovtd endop
Ladmunns ef clritth noto in mdinreing tha
wllingl ergelting Ahain enslaocmant1thw
enskaing hamplves hothun
hot are_the undamentol uuight in
artile 22 ef h o cemstitsatisn
Laus uaHantee to e vey
And crininol
Fhs | 7h2 aroBled penson
ho comshitnte aride22.o
andCriminal l a u
LgOKAhte E eeyanraskkd hanen
2ollenhg-fendamattal Right
Th Rinht te be inpp-cmid/at
ha ine
lLof aunut Af He oflaÁce fe which fhe
hursens beinq Afed.
il h Alght_w hse nted_beheye A

magishnate wihin 24 hovs of arrus

T h e hight_ns fá be il_ Areakd en toutrrad
diing a E O1 Un_cytsdy.
1 onlossems madein helice cisdycanhe
be sed ps ela nceagainst he accosed

a e n c a n mwikets
High duhes- Eapounting testiles to england becama
nmeasingly difftult due to he very hugh
duhes mposed on i'ndian kexhiles i'nfhoxed into
ohtua oR GOuugh narket -Bythe

beginmg oß ninekunth csntvary English made

tton Jexthiles ovsthd undian exhi les bm hein
Anaditional mankes haneby horouoing howands.
of-jndean weaves out of employement
The english and evmopaan Ompanie
stehhad buying dian tesiles and hai
agens e lpng gave outE advances to weaveru

tosecUu SUhl'es
Laptiee e f ndian matres : By h e l83 Ds
british sleth flnedted. indian matkets.
y the 1880s.twr-ind neÝ all cotlan
cleth weh l y indians wes made o f
cloth preelucod uh builain hisreatly
appedod both h e wealrs and the
m rdian exhlea deciihecd in the
Nihettenh cantinny n d thousands
ndianweens and ahhhenslest Aei
loLhy did mahatna gandhi hink_dhat
English Dcurcation had &,slave ndins 7

whil seme ane arnely hopuwtaled.

hane UnL VauPIsU1aensbehind Ume
yesgnahhical factousi lovetalla topograhh
Lavailallity of minaral Land reh wat
eLecspauseULale elimat Dnd ue i
fartilihy a r uemo of he Uaasens a4acking
hefudabien distunibutien e.g11Sndr gongpha
hlalns Ojamend mines sog south africa
etc uanedanselypepulatid
ecialLand culturalfactou 1Aneas o
lettor eosiha eolucatien and haalth
facilihs aro me Yhofurkated. Places of
UuligieU andCuetal nsaghipicance alie
atEnac_Aasfleeg Vananai Tenusalkm ete.
tonemit Lactos Places
havng MOR INde
huiu tauspotatien and cemmunicahion
acilitäs hnovide betten emplaymant
ohhonvnitis heph le uara Lattractrd t e
here hlaces lsecause sf tHhe abve uasens

e.g Mumbai Oshka etc.

How did the development of coten tndustny

kxhle pnodwcers in india
u n buhin affect

fAns9 Eiggectsof he davelapmant of Lette

un_buutain om h exhlepadu
ompeiten--ndaan an txilashad te Conpeti
w h 6 nitish exiles/n

h e wld pofulation ras gMEUN vUy viahilly

asThe weld yhepulation_ has geun _LAy vapidiy


becase7 i eucleath a t has ugane udbun as


Land the imhrevement of meodlical
v r a n i e binth nati
lnALse emlike i ed e a t h
has rmainedauiti high.

hat ds meant by he tern indsty?

Ú e an ecenemmic
tns2 he taum mdLsby elers
lLactiit that i s Lceneenned with 7e
neduschem stgods Le.g inen uand steel
Lindusty), erttachbm of mirenals Le.9.iLcoak
mining indstny) ey hrortiien eh vsenurces
Le.g tonim industry)

what de ye imdenstand by hutli facilihes.

AnsLhe untythero ane hoy essential Aacilitie
that 2mard to Lle hnevided ifon eeyene
thone Lane things likeelectucityputlic
ranshonb 8hools andcolleges hat ane
olse 2acessauy These ane ÁNoUn As uetae

h t ane dhe caSes e he ime ven disri-

burien o hofolation uin he ueild?
insTho dituibuhep Af ihohulation in the unila
L 0nen- Am ana3 Lane e r y keLLA

.huy did uiliam enss eal the neac te

shudy indian tistany Philoszhy and laur?
frs illiam Tenes elt he need te 8ha
Sndinnhiteyhhilshhy and lauras
this uill net folh he litish Learn
n mdian uttrebut i t catdd alse
holh úndian t e Unediscoien thain um
honitngLahd Lnderstond he lest glenies
hoiz pt. This o d estaltih he
BLrtih nudions ot mdian cult
a n d Lgain t t a l ucemtnl.

hat is the uete jud2

fmsTho jdge islkean Umpire i n a
azmeardcmolsoh_tho hrialinparhal
and Ün ah hanc t .Theudge heans QlL
the wibnesses ahd any heI eidenc
hraseted Ly tha hoseuii22 and he
delonce 7h wdga cdecioles uhithenhe
accAAed ha N iLgilty uhncet
Hha ins _Ae Lvidence hnesentoA and
in accerdanc with the lauw Rthe_ascuseed
is ce cbd, than the jadgo hnemewmces the
zertpncL Ho may send thehowez te jail

uhat vthe Louhnescunibes.


3 what is he yhlantationo agrucottwre ?

frs lantatin agicvltre s a the f
cemmancihl auning uhee a
ngle oeh
taCohL0e w9ancan2 uCaar Dubber,
banana cottem is
u9bwn Larye uAMunt of
Walre And cahital ub vwgulrad un thi
uthe of pasming The produred cis eitho
necesed on hz Lonmn i t s l 0 u n
nearly foctories Majen hlanbatisns anme
pevnd n he brefilcal gLbns ho upld
likz vwblen n_malagria, ceAfee in btal Ame
tea i n mdia apd i lanka etc

WhyWty did ugandhi ji chosse de burwak Hho

salt Law?
ms yandhi choosal te eak he salt Jau
a buitih ALveAmAnt_hod a emApoly m
h mar shadtra and sale Lef ialt. t
Lalse impesed a taa um tha sale of salt
Cnandhi jbelieved Hhat it was As Csentin
hont e t frod te Lad ka manth te the
coatal ftun of dand, whare ha bvroka thu
salt lauw by gathedng natunal a l k heondl
en tho yeahoeAnd belLings R a UIOtn
hnodoce 1salt.This march lated the
gpneral desin of rasdem t o a eciic
iranca hared by everyeodyand th
did net dividle e nich and he hoot

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