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(Affiliated to BPUT, Odisha)

Question Bank
Subject: Advanced Java
Part–I Short Answer Type Questions Module BL CO PO
1 List out different methods of ResultSet interface. 1 1 1 1
2 State the differences between Statement and PreparedStatement. 1 2 1 1
3 Which method is overridden in servlet life cycle ?, justify. 2 2 2 2
4 Why type-4 driver is known as thin driver? 1 3 1 2
5 What is a web container? 2 1 2 3
6 What is a deployment descriptor? 2 1 2 3
7 Write the advantages of JSP over Servlet. 3 1 2 3
8 Write the different types of implicit objects in JSP. 3 1 2 3
9 Differentiate between API and Frame work. 1 2 2 4
10 Explain the J2EE architecture. 1 3 2 4
11 Difference between forward() method and include() method of 2 3 2 5
12 Write the important features of jQuery. 1 1 2 5
13 Why jQuery is required? 1 1 4 1
14 Write the Advantages of Enterprise Java Beans. 4 1 4 2
15 What is JMS? 4 1 4 3
16 What types of communication does JMS provide? 4 1 4 3
17 What are the message types in JMS? 4 1 4 3
18 What are the main components of JMS? 4 1 4 4
19 List the Protocols used in JavaMail API. 5 1 4 4
20 Write the steps to send email using JavaMail API. 5 1 4 5

Part–II Focussed–Short answer type Questions Module BL CO PO

1 WAP to delete some rows from EMP table. 1 3 3 1
2 WAP in java to count all the rows in EMP table. 1 3 3 2
3 Define the basic steps in connecting any java application to 1 1 3 3
Oracle database.
4 Explain the different components of a web server. 2 1 2 4
5 What is ServletConfig? Explain its use, with an example. 2 1 2 4
6 What is session tracking? Explain different session tracking mechanism. 2 1 2 3
7 Explain the working of JSP lifecycle. 3 3 2 3
8 Explain the use and syntax of five JSP tags (JSP Elements). 3 3 2 2
9 Explain Servlet lifecycle with suitable diagram. 2 3 2 2
10 Why JSON is better Than XML? 1 4 4 6
11 Explain different types of EJB. 4 4 4 6
12 How many types of messaging model do JMS provide for and what are 4 1 4 12
13 What is the purpose of an MDB? 4 1 4 12
14 What is the difference between an MDB and a stateless session bean? 4 1 4 11
15 Explain the Model 2 (MVC) Architecture with a neat diagram. 5 3 4 11
16 Explain the Protocols used in JavaMail API. 5 3 4 10
17 Explain the Hibernate Architecture with neat diagram. 5 3 4 10
Part–III Long Answer type Questions Module BL CO PO
1 WAP to display the name of the employee who is getting more than 1 4 3 4
20000 salary.
Draw the basic architecture of a web application. 1 1 4
2 Explain the working principle of 4 types of JDBC drivers. 1 3 1 3
WAP in java to insert row into EMP table using PreparedStatement. 1 4 3 3
3 WAP in java to delete a row from to EMP table using PreparedStatement 1 3 3 3
correspond to an employee whose salary is 10000.
Explain client server architecture with suitable diagram. 2 1 2 2
4 Explain Hibernate architecture with suitable neat diagram. 5 1 4 9
Explain the JMS Programming Model with neat diagram. 4 2 4 9
5 Write the pros and cons of Model 2 (MVC) Architecture. 5 2 4 10
Explain JavaMail Architecture with a neat diagram. 5 1 4 11
6 2 4 2 3

Name Servlet

Hello + input Name

(a)Design the above form.

(b)generating above response by servlet
7 2 4 2 3

Servlet 1
Number 1
Add two
Number 2

Servlet 2
Show add and product values of Multiply two
input numbers in above form numbers

Add numbers using servlet 1

Print add and product values values using servlet 2 2 2 2 3
8 Print “hello world” using JSP 3 2 2 3
Print 1 to 10 using JSP 3 2 2 4
9 2 4 2 4

NAME Servlet 1

Boy Girl


Input Age
Servlet 2


Hello + Name +
age+ boy/girl

Generate above responses using Session tracking. 2 4 2 3

10 Generate above responses using Cookie. 2 4 2 4
Generate above responses using ServletContext. 2 4 2 4
11 Generate above responses using URL re-writing. 2 4 2 5
Generate above responses using hidden form field. 2 4 2 5
12 Generate above responses using JSP application object. 3 4 2 5
Generate above responses using JSP session object. 3 4 2 6
13 Design a form using JSP to input a name and age. 3 4 2 6
Generate a JSP response Hello + name and your age is + age. 3 4 2 6
14 Generate above responses using JSP URL re-writing. 3 4 2 2
Generate above responses using JSP hidden form field. 3 4 2 2

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