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Subject : SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Question Bank

Part – I Marks BL CO PO
P1 Short Answer Type Questions (01 x 8)
1 What do you mean by Structured Programming? 1
What do you understand by the term "life cycle model of 1
software development"? Write the names of the major phases
2 in the classical waterfall model of software development.
What is the basic difference between a control flow-oriented 1
3 and a data flow-oriented design technique?
Suppose you plan to undertake the development of a s/w 1
product beset with a large number of technical as well as
customer related risks, which life cycle model would you
4 adopt? Justify the reasonings behind your answer.
Give examples of software product developments for which the 1
5 classical waterfall model is not suitable.
Give examples of software product developments for which the 1
6 spiral model is suitable.
What is a prototype? Under what circumstances is it beneficial 1
7 to construct a prototype?
How are the risks associated with a project handled in the 1
8 spiral model of software development?
Name any four popular agile SDLC models. Discuss any two 2
project characteristics that indicate unsuitability of agile
9 development model for use in a development project.
10 What do you understand by traceability of requirements? 2
11 What is decision table? Discuss its structure. 2
What are functional and non-functional requirements? Give 2
12 examples from each.
13 Discuss the top-down and bottom-up approach of s/w design. 2
What is context diagramm? Draw a context diagram for a tic- 3
tac-toe game that can be played between a computer and a
14 human being.
Briefly discuss about the items that are designed and 3
15 documented during the design phase?
What do you understand by coupling? Name different types of 3
coupling. Which is the most desirable coupling?
What do you understand by the term functional independence 3
16 in the context of software design? Explain it briefly
17 What is system testing? Distinguish between alpha and beta 4
Consider a program unit that takes an input integer that can 4
18 assume values in the range of 0 and 5000 and computes the
square root . Determine the equivalence classes and the black
box test suite for this program unit.
19 What is mutation testing? What is its purpose? 4
20 What is regression testing? What is its purpose 4
21 Name various types of performance testing? Discuss any two 4
of them.
22 What is code walkthrough? 4
23 Briefly discuss metrices for s/w reliability. 5
24 What is cyclomatic complexity? 5
25 Discuss about SEIs CMM 5
What do you understand by the terms a CASE tool and a 5
CASE environment?
Part – II Marks BL CO
(03 x
02 Focussed – Short answer type Questions
1 Draw a schematic diagram of V model and explain how is it 1
different from waterfall model .
2 What are the three important activities that are carried out 1
during the feasibility study phase?
3 Explain how a software development is initiated and finally 1
terminated in incremental model.
4 Why the spiral life cycle model is considered to be a meta 1
Discuss the aspects of the software product you would like to 1
5 document in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
6 Briefly discuss the Requirements Gathering Activities 2
7 Briefly discuss Requirements analysis activities 2
Taking your own experience in account specify the functional 2
requirement for “Withdraw money from ATM”
Enumerate the different types of coupling that might exist 3
between two modules
10 Enumerate the different types of cohesion that a module might 3
What is DFD? Discuss different types of symbols used in DFD 3
with their purpose.
12 What is the purpose of sequence diagram? Explain it with one 3
What is performance testing? Discuss any four types of 4
performance testing.
Differentiate between black box and white box test case design 4
What is the purpose of integration testing? Discuss the 4
approaches of integration of modules.
16 Discuss any two types of coverage testing 4
17 What do you mean by quality of a s/w? Discuss the factor 5
factors that contribute to the quality of s/w.
What do you understand by software maintenance? Briefly 5
discuss different types of s/w maintenance
19 What do you mean by reliability of the s/w? 5
20 Discuss the relative merits of ISO 9001 certification and the 5
SEI CMM-based quality assessment.
Define three metrics to measure software reliability ? Explain 5
21 using one simple sentence each what you understand by the
following reliability measures: A POFOD of 0.001, A ROC OF
of 0.002, MTBF of 200 units
Part – III Marks BL CO PO
Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two out of three) (04 x 2)
03 a). Briefly discuss the various phases and the related activities in 1
iterative waterfall model.
b) Discuss the phases in incremental model 1

04 a). With schematic diagram Briefly discuss the Spiral model of 1

s/w development..
b) Write the benefits of RAD model. 1
What is SRS? As per As per the IEEE 830 guidelines, name 2
05 a). the important categories of user requirements. Taking your
experience into account write the function requirements for
renewing a library book.
Represent the processing logic of the following problem in the 2
form of a decision table:
A Library Membership Automation System needs to support
three functions: add new-member, renew-membership, cancel-
membership. If the user requests for any function other than
these three, then an error message is is flashed. When an add
b) new-member request is made, a new member record is created
and a bill for the annual membership fee for the new member is
generated. If a membership renewal request is made, then the
expiry date of the concerned membership record is updated and
a bill towards the annual membership fee is generated. If a
membership cancellation request is made, then the concerned
membership record is deleted and a cheque for the balance
amount due to the member is printed.
What is structured analysis and design? What major activities 3
06 a are carried out in it? Taking into into your own experience into
account draw a DFD (upto two level) for library management
What do you understand by the term functional independence 3
b in the context of software design? What is the advantage of
functional independence? How can you achieve functional
independence in a software design?

7 a Briefly discuss about code review process. 4

b Explain the concepts of s/w reverse engineering and s/w 5
8 a Briefly discuss about mutation testing 4
b Discuss about salient features of ISO 9001 5

9 a What are the main shortcomings of Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 3

as a tool for performing structured analysis?
b Briefly Discuss the format of SRS ? 2

NB : BL – Blooms Level 1, 2, 3, CO – Course Outcome, PO – Program Outcome

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