Task 22

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1. Refuse collector – manual

2. Business executive – professional
3. Computer programmer – professional
4. Graphic designer – creative
5. Assembly-line-worker – manual
6. Talent scout – creative
7. Plastic surgeon – professional
8. Fire fighter – manual
9. Dental hygienist – professional
10. Civil servant – professional
11. General practitioner – professional
12. Sound technician – creative

1. b) Fulfilling:
 Teaching: Teaching is often considered fulfilling as educators have the
opportunity to positively impact students' lives and contribute to their
2. Arduous:
 Construction Worker: The job of a construction worker involves physically
demanding tasks and can be strenuous, making it arduous.
3. Mind-numbing:
 Data Entry Clerk: Data entry clerks may perform repetitive tasks that require
minimal mental engagement, making the job mind-numbing.
4. Demanding:
 Surgeon: The role of a surgeon is demanding, requiring a high level of skill,
concentration, and responsibility.
5. Gruelling:
 Firefighter: Firefighters face physically demanding and challenging situations,
often under extreme conditions, making their job gruelling.
6. Rewarding:
 Social Worker: Social workers often find their work rewarding as they make a
positive impact on individuals and communities by addressing social issues.
7. Hazardous:
 Miner: Working in mines involves exposure to various risks and hazards,
making it a hazardous occupation.
8. Glamorous:
 Celebrity: Celebrity roles in the entertainment industry are often perceived as
glamorous due to the public spotlight and associated perks.
9. Mundane:
 Data Entry Clerk: Similar to being mind-numbing, the routine and repetitive
nature of data entry can make it mundane.
10. Secure:
 Government Employee: Jobs in government positions are often considered
secure due to stability and benefits.
11. Stimulating:
 Research Scientist: Engaging in research and discovery can be intellectually
stimulating, making it suitable for a research scientist.
12. Strenuous:
 Construction Worker: Similar to being arduous, the physical demands of
construction work can be strenuous.
13. Stressful:
 Air Traffic Controller: The role of an air traffic controller involves managing
high-stakes situations and can be stressful due to the responsibility.
14. Motivating:
 Life Coach: The role of a life coach is to motivate and inspire individuals to
achieve their goals, making it motivating.
15. Physical:
 Athlete: Athletics involve intense physical activity, making it a profession that
requires physical prowess.
16. Intellectual:
 Professor: Professors engage in intellectual pursuits through teaching and
research, making it an intellectually stimulating profession.


1. currently I’m unemployed

2. The job I would like to have in the future is a job that doesn't require a lot of
interaction with people. It would probably be some physical work, but not too
physically demanding.
3. Would not consider a career as an actor. I'm a very private person, and from what
I've seen over the years online, privacy is a big issue for these people.

1. Go on strike
2. Laid off
3. Bonuses
4. Salary
5. Recruits
6. Department
7. Overtime
8. References

1) Employees decided to adopt a work to rule strategy to try and pressure the company
into changing working conditions
Employees decided to go on the picket line to protest for better working conditions
and fair wages
2) After violating the school rules for the tenth time, the student was expelled
He was removed from the team because of his laziness
3) Working for the company comes with many perks, including health benefits and
flexible hours
This job offers a wide range of benefits including gym membership for its workers
4) There was a party for the whole company to celebrate record-breaking profits this
Alan’s hard work and dedication to the company paid oof in the end as he got
increase in his wages
5) Trainees need to enhance their skills first before they are given a role in some project
Craftsmen often pass down their knowledge and techniques with their apprentices
6) They need to submit the financial reports to the head office by the end of the week
The boardroom was silent when he finished his presentation
7) Student often work part-time to save up money
More companies need to offer flexi-time to allow employees to adjust their work
hours to the life outside the office
8) You’ll need good credentials to get a high-level position at a company
people spend hours perfecting their resumes for various job applications, hoping to
secure a position

1. Job
2. Vocation
3. Works
4. Projects
5. Board
6. Grant
7. Vacancies
8. Dismissed

 Work: mate, load, place, shop, bench, station, horse
 Job: satisfaction, title, description, market, hunter, centre, prospects

1. Job title
2. Job description
3. Work load
4. Work station
5. Workhorse
6. Workbench

1. The whizz - someone who is very skilled in a particular activity or is successful in a
particular area of work
2. The perfectionist - someone who pursues flawless work and sets unrealistically high
standards and goals for themselves
3. The paper-shuffler - a person who has a routine desk job and does a rather
meaningless work
4. The gossip - someone who likes to tell stories and spread rumours about colleagues
5. The stirrer - a person who likes causing trouble, especially between other people
6. The workaholic - someone who works very long hours and finds it difficult not to be
7. The slave driver - a person who makes other people work very hard
8. The yes-man - a person who supports the opinions or ideas of someone else in order
to earn that person's approval
9. The techno-freak - a person obsessed with technology especially computer & related

1. Beaver away at smth
2. Keep one’s mind on the job
3. Mean business
4. Make ends meet
5. Get smth off the ground
6. Be someone’s right-hand man
7. Call the shots
8. Have time on one’s hands
9. Keep one’s nose to the grindstone
10. Be an inside job

1) Get the business off the ground

2) Is the president’s right-hand man
3) Beavering away
4) Keep one’s mind on the job
5) Calls the shots
6) Make ends meet

1. Division – department, a branch
2. Recruiting – hiring
3. Leading – senior
4. Decision-makers – managers, executives
5. Enterprises – companies
6. Pressure group – a group that tries to influence public policy in the interest of a
particular cause
7. For and on behalf of – as an agent of, representing
8. Assume complete responsibility – to take or begin to have responsibility, manage
9. Day-to-day preparations – everyday tasks, done to run a company (charity in our
10. Plus car – a company car, given to an employee to use for work
11. Consider applications – review information about applicants
12. Plus benefits – extra allowances that can be granted

1. C
2. D
3. H
4. B
5. E
6. F
7. I
8. G
9. A
10. J

1) On the level
2) On the verge of
3) On the basis of
4) On the dole
5) On and on

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