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Reworked document for Kenneth


Good morning and afternoon, and thank you for the opportunity to interview for the London
branch position. My name is Fan Chenguang, and I hold a Master's degree in Monetary
Banking and Finance from Loughborough University (2012). Over the past 12 years, I've
dedicated my career to CITIC Bank, starting in the International Business Department at
Taiyuan Branch, where I specialized in foreign exchange trading from 2013 to 2016. Since
2017, I've been contributing to the Financial Market Department at the Head Office, focusing
on financial analysis, materials creation, and branch management. I'm enthusiastic about this
role because I believe my skills, qualities, and experience strongly align with the job
requirements, enabling me to make an immediate and positive impact.


During my tenure at the Taiyuan branch, my primary focus was on foreign exchange
trading. This involved facilitating settlements with the head office, providing
assistance to customers with derivative services, and conducting presentations on
derivative products.

At the Financial Markets Department of the head office, my daily responsibilities

encompass three key areas:

1. Data Analysis: I am tasked with processing, analyzing, and synthesizing data from
over ten financial statements. This information is crucial for supporting departmental
management, creating various summary materials, and facilitating departmental
2. Branch Assessment Management: This role involves formulating methods and
regulations, conducting quarterly assessments, and maintaining close
communication with branches. I provide suggestions and support for their operation
and development.
3. Comprehensive Coordination: I actively participate in various coordination tasks,
providing reliable back-office support. Handling hundreds of cross-departmental
demands annually has enabled me to build strong relationships with colleagues in
other departments, which I consider a significant strength.

I am interested in this role because I see it as a valuable opportunity for long-term

professional development and growth. London's financial market offers unparalleled
opportunities for advancement, and I am eager to immerse myself in such an

While I may not have direct experience as a trader, my eight years in the Financial
Markets Department at the Head Office have equipped me with a comprehensive
understanding of foreign exchange, bond investment, and monetary markets.
Additionally, I have four years of early career experience in foreign exchange trading,
which provided me with a solid foundation in forex transactions.

I believe this background, coupled with my enthusiasm and commitment to learning,

positions me as a strong candidate for the trader role. I am confident that I can
leverage my skills and experience to excel in this dynamic and challenging


The Financial Markets branch in London plays a crucial role in handling trading
activities, particularly during non-standard working hours. Previously, traders from
the head office rotated night shifts to manage transactions occurring outside regular
hours and capitalize on the active forex market during China's evening, coinciding
with the European market's daytime.

Now, the London branch has assumed this responsibility, contributing to Citic Bank's
global standing in the financial market and strengthening our position in foreign
exchange trading. Beyond night trading, the London branch engages in various
financial market activities such as bond investment and money borrowing and

Moreover, traders in London must possess a deep understanding of the capital

market, actively participate in implementing the head office's financial market
strategies, and foster relationships with counterparties. Additionally, they fulfill
various management requirements mandated by the head office to ensure efficient
operations and compliance.

In my perspective, transitioning to a trader role requires a heightened level of focus

and a distinct skill set compared to my current responsibilities. A proficient trader
must possess five key abilities:

1. Information Management: The ability to swiftly acquire, summarize, and organize

market information is crucial for effective decision-making.
2. Operational Accuracy: Traders need to operate with precision, react promptly to
market changes, and maintain low error rates to minimize risks.
3. Communication Skills: Maintaining clear and effective communication with
counterparties, regulators, and the head office is essential for successful trading
4. Risk Management: Traders must have the capability to identify market trends and
implement stop-loss strategies promptly to mitigate potential losses.
5. Continuous Learning: Adaptability and a willingness to acquire new knowledge and
stay updated on emerging products and market trends are vital for long-term
success in the trading profession.

These distinctions highlight the specialized skill set required for thriving in a trader
role, emphasizing the importance of agility, accuracy, communication, risk
management, and ongoing learning.


I believe I am well-suited for the role despite lacking direct trading experience. My
eight-year tenure in the Financial Markets Department at the Head Office has
provided me with a solid foundation in areas such as foreign exchange, bond
investment, and monetary markets. Additionally, my four years of early career
experience in foreign exchange trading have equipped me with valuable insights and
skills that will facilitate my transition into this role.

Moreover, I thrive in high-pressure environments and remain composed during

stressful situations. I view challenges as opportunities for growth and continuously
strive to improve my skills and performance.

In addition to my experience, my strong analytical abilities and attention to detail

further enhance my suitability for the role. I am adept at handling data and creating
comprehensive presentations, skills that will be invaluable in analyzing market trends
and communicating insights effectively.


I would rate myself as energetic, self-motivated, and trustworthy. My energy

translates into a strong work ethic and a constant drive to improve. I approach tasks
with enthusiasm and dedication, ensuring that I deliver results efficiently.

My self-motivation enables me to quickly adapt to new roles and responsibilities,

requiring minimal supervision. I take initiative and proactively seek out opportunities
for growth and development.

One of my greatest strengths is my trustworthiness. Colleagues perceive me as

dependable, and I consistently strive to uphold this reputation. When entrusted with
tasks, I approach them with diligence and commitment, always seeking solutions and
delivering results.

While I acknowledge that transitioning to a trader role presents a challenge due to

my lack of direct experience, I am a fast learner and possess a comprehensive
understanding of trading principles. My previous working experience has provided
me with a solid foundation in trading, and I am confident in my ability to succeed in
this new role through continuous learning and dedication.


I am confident in my English language skills, which I believe are sufficient to meet the
demands of working in London. Throughout my education and professional career, I
have consistently demonstrated proficiency in reading and writing English, having
successfully communicated in English within various professional contexts.

Moreover, I have previously engaged in international business dealings that required

effective communication in English, providing me with valuable experience in
navigating linguistic challenges. While my oral communication skills may not have
been extensively utilized recently, I am proactive in seeking opportunities to maintain
and enhance my language proficiency.

In preparation for my role as a trader in London, I am committed to further refining

my speaking and listening abilities. I plan to engage in language training programs
and immerse myself in English-speaking environments to ensure I am fully prepared
to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.
With my solid foundation in English and my dedication to continuous improvement, I
am confident that I will quickly adapt to the linguistic demands of the London
workplace and excel in my role as a trader.


When examining the recent trends in the foreign exchange market, it's evident that
the relationship between the US dollar (USD) and the Chinese yuan (CNY) is of
particular interest. Over the past few months, we've observed a fluctuating pattern in
the exchange rate between these two currencies.

Despite various economic factors at play, including geopolitical tensions and central
bank policies, the USD/CNY exchange rate has shown a tendency to hover within the
range of 7.15 to 7.30. This range reflects the delicate balance between supply and
demand dynamics, as well as market sentiment towards both currencies.

One notable aspect is the enduring strength of the US dollar, which has maintained a
long position in the global currency markets. This strength is driven by factors such
as robust economic indicators, including GDP growth and employment figures, as
well as the US Federal Reserve's monetary policy stance.

On the other hand, the Chinese yuan faces ongoing pressures and risks of
depreciation. These pressures stem from various factors, including concerns about
China's economic growth trajectory, trade tensions with the United States, and
uncertainties surrounding monetary policy decisions by the People's Bank of China.

In light of these dynamics, forecasting the future trajectory of the USD/CNY

exchange rate requires a comprehensive analysis of both domestic and international
economic factors. While the range of 7.15 to 7.30 may serve as a guide, it's essential
to remain vigilant and adapt to evolving market conditions.


Absolutely, I've had extensive discussions with my family regarding my decision to

relocate to London, seeking their input and support. Their response has been
overwhelmingly positive, with each member offering encouragement and backing for
this new chapter in our lives.

Together, we've carefully considered our future plans and the impact of the move on
our family dynamics. Our collective priority is ensuring the well-being and happiness
of each family member throughout this transition.
In terms of our plans, should I secure the opportunity to work in London, our
intention is to relocate as a unit as soon as feasible, once my work arrangements are
settled. Central to this decision is the belief that London offers diverse educational
opportunities that will enrich our child's growth and development.

Fortunately, our child is already immersed in an international learning environment

and possesses a solid foundation in English. We're confident in his adaptability and
resilience, knowing that he'll thrive in the new environment.

Moreover, my spouse is fully supportive of the move and intends to focus on

providing care and support for our family during this transition period. Their
unwavering support and commitment to our family's well-being have been
instrumental in my decision-making process.

In summary, the support and encouragement from my family have been invaluable
as I navigate this exciting opportunity. Together, we're eager to embrace this new
adventure and build a fulfilling life in London.


Certainly, I have a variety of hobbies that I find fulfilling and enjoyable outside of my
professional endeavors. One of my greatest passions is football, and I proudly
support Juventus, an Italian football club. Despite being located outside the UK, my
enthusiasm for the sport knows no bounds, and I eagerly follow matches, analyze
strategies, and engage in spirited discussions with fellow fans. Football serves as not
only a source of entertainment but also a communal experience that brings people
together, regardless of geographical boundaries.

In addition to my love for football, I am drawn to the tranquility and serenity of

nature, which I often experience through hiking. Exploring picturesque trails and
immersing myself in the beauty of the outdoors allows me to unwind, clear my mind,
and rejuvenate my spirit. Whether it's a leisurely stroll through wooded paths or a
challenging trek up rugged terrain, each hiking adventure fills me with a sense of
wonder and appreciation for the natural world.

Furthermore, I have cultivated a passion for cooking, which initially sparked during
my time studying in the UK. Inspired by the diverse culinary traditions I encountered,
I eagerly experimented with ingredients, techniques, and flavors, gradually refining
my skills in the kitchen. Today, cooking has become not only a hobby but also a
creative outlet through which I express myself and share joy with others. Whether I'm
whipping up a hearty homemade meal for my family or hosting a dinner party for
friends, the act of cooking brings me immense satisfaction and fulfillment.

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