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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

Botswana College of Distance

and Open Learning

J C Agriculture

Unit 10: Chiken Production


Total Marks = 71 Duration: 2 Hours

1. Answer all the questions without looking in the workbook for answers, and only after you
have gone through the whole unit.
2. This worksheet has two sections: A and B. Answer all the questions on this worksheet in
the spaces provided as per instructions given.
3. You are expected to take 2½ hours to answer all the questions, but if you do not finish
give yourself extra but reasonable time.
4. After answering you may hand the worksheet to your tutor, take it to the nearest
BOCODOL office or post it to Gaborone office immediately.

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

Section A: Multiple choice questions [20 marks]

There are twenty multiple choice questions in this section. Answer them all by putting a
circle around the correct letter for your answer.

1. The term “poultry” means:

A. All breeds of chickens
B. Tamed animals
C. Birds that live with man
D. Tamed birds which can be eaten by man

2. Day-old chickens are separated into pullets and cockerels by a process known as:
A. Brooding
B. Sexing
C. Culling
D. Candling

3. Which is the correct order of giving vaccine against Newcastle disease to chickens in
relation to their age?
A. Hitchner – Lasaota – Komarov
B. Komarov – Lasota – Hitchner
C. Lasota – Hitchner – Komarov
D. Lasota – Komarov – Hitchner

4. What is the importance of litter on the floor of a chicken house?

A. It is food for chickens
B. To keep the floor dry
C. It is where chickens lay eggs
D. It prevents chickens from scratching the floor

5 Which of the following reduces cannibalism?

A. Brooding
B. Candling
C. Debeaking
D. Vaccination

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

6. Extensive systems of rearing chickens require:

A. Much land
B. Big houses
C. Much labour
D. Much money

7. What does the position of chicks indicate about the temperature in the brooding unit
Chicks Brooder (Heat)
A. High
B. Low
C. Suitable
D. Variable

8. Why is it advisable to have a circular brooding unit?

A. It is easy to construct
B. It looks attractive
C. To reduce deaths
D. It keeps chicks warm

9. Which of the following supply day old chicks?

A. Cash and carry wholesalers
B. Feed Centre Botswana
C. Botswana vaccine institute
D. Sebele research station

10. A chicken observed eating eggs is likely to be suffering from:

A. Coccidiosis
B. Foot and mouth disease
C. A mineral deficiency
D. A viral infection in the mouth

11. From day-old to five weeks chickens are raised in a:

A. Semi-intensive unit
B. Brooding unit
C. Hatchery unit
D. Battery cage unit

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

12. Chickens reared in cages are:

A. Less likely to peck each other
B. Likely to produce big eggs
C. Less likely to produce eggs
D. Likely to be attacked by parasites

13. What process is used to detect internal abnormalities in an egg?

A. Brooding
B. Culling
C. Incubation
D. Candling

14. Point-of-lay pullets are usually between:

A. 05 – 10 weeks old
B. 15 – 17 weeks old
C. 18 – 24 weeks old
D. 24 – 30 weeks old

15. Feeds rich in calcium should be fed mostly to:

A. Day-old chickens
B. 5 weeks old chickens
C. 8 weeks old broilers
D. Point-of-lay chickens

16. Broilers are chickens which:

A. Lay eggs
B. Are raised for meat
C. Grow slowly
D. Are resistant to disease

17. A heating system which produces the greatest amount of carbon monoxide is the:
A. Tunnel system
B. Drum system
C. Mbawula system
D. Gas system

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

18. What do you understand by the term “mortality rate”?

A. Chickens in the brooding unit
B. Eggs that are breaking each day
C. Dead chickens per certain period
D. Chickens which are laying eggs

19. The total expenditure for a farmer in chicken production is P5000.00 per month. Her
total income is P7000.00 per month. What is her total profit per year?
A. P2,000
B. P10,000
C. P12,000
D. P24,000

20. Where exactly is albumen added to the developing egg along the reproductive system
of a hen?
A. Magnum
B. Isthmus
C. Infundibulum
D. Cloaca

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

Section B: Structured questions [51 marks]

This section contains structured type of questions. Write all the answers in the spaces

1. Name any three preparations in the chicken house before layers arrive. [3 marks]

2. List three uses of water in the body of chickens [3 marks]


3. List two types of records kept for a chicken production business. [2 marks]

4. Name any three breeds of layers. [3 marks]


5. Give two advantages of the battery system of chicken rearing. [2 marks]


6. What is a brooding unit? [1 mark]


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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10


7. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow:

Label the parts marked B, C and D above. [3 marks]

List two disadvantages of this method. [2 marks]


8. (a) What is incubation? [1 mark]


(b) List the three conditions necessary for successful incubation of eggs up to
hatching. [3 marks]


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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

The diagram showing the inside structure of an egg. Use it to answer question 9 parts (i),
(ii) and (iii).

9. (i) Name the parts A, B and C. [3 marks]

(ii) Which part allows the un-hatched chick to breath? [1 mark]

(iii) State the function of the part labeled B. [1 mark]


10. State any three characteristics of a good layer. [3 marks]

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

11. What advise would you give to a farmer when you have discovered that his or her
chickens are laying eggs with soft shells? [2 marks]

12. What is meant by egg candling, and why is it done? [2 marks]


13. In the space below, draw the reproductive system of a chicken, and label at least any
four parts. [5 marks]

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JC: Agriculture Assignment to Unit 10

14. Answer the following questions on chicken diseases in the spaces provided below:


What causes coccidiosis? [1 mark]


State any two signs of coccidiosis: [2 marks]


State any one way in which coccidiosis can be controlled and another one method of
treatment. [2 marks]

15. Distinguish between artificial and natural incubation. [2 marks]


16. Define the following as used in chicken production [2 marks]

Vaccination ____________________________________________________________

17. Which 2 criterion are used for culling chickens? [2 marks]


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