Phytoplasma Disease Research Paper

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Deep Learning-Based Detection of Phytoplasma

Disease in Various Plants Using Convolutional

Neural Networks
KIT’s College of Engineering Kolhapur KIT’s College of Engineering Kolhapur KIT’s College of Engineering Kolhapur
Maharashtra, India Maharashtra, India Maharashtra, India


KIT’s College of Engineering Kolhapur KIT’s College of Engineering Kolhapur
Maharashtra, India Maharashtra, India

Abstract—The presence of Phytoplasma disease poses a signif- India, sugarcane, coconut, rice, grapes, etc., are integral to the
icant threat to agriculture worldwide to various plants causing livelihood of millions of farmers. Therefore, the implications
reduced yield and economic losses. Although various traditional of Phytoplasma disease are acutely felt, particularly in the state
methods have been used to detect the disease, they are not
always effective due to the pathogen’s complexity. Therefore, of Maharashtra, underscoring the urgent need for effective
this paper proposes a model that uses Convolutional Neural disease management strategies.
Networks (CNNs) to detect the sympotoms of various Plants In this research, we acquired a comprehensive dataset com-
that are important to Indian economy.The model is specifically prising images of the mentioned plants exhibiting symptoms
designed to identify Phytoplasma infected plants from images, of Phytoplasma infection. With this dataset, we developed
achieving high accuracy in distinguishing between healthy and
infected plants. This model provides a promising tool for early a CNN-based model capable of accurately identifying and
detection and management of the disease in various plants. classifying Phytoplasma-infected plants from healthy ones.
Index Terms—Phytoplasma Disease, Indian Economy, Disease Our contribution lies in the application of cutting-edge deep
Vectors, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Disease learning techniques to address a critical agricultural challenge,
Detection. offering a novel approach to disease detection and manage-
ment in various plant cultivation.
I. I NTRODUCTION The main contributions of this research paper are:
Phytoplasma is a dangerous pathogen that poses a sig- • Understanding the pathogen and the vectors responsible
nificant threat to global agriculture, impacting various plant for transmission of this pathogen.
species. However, the complexity and variability of Phyto- • Development of a CNN-based model for automated dis-
plasma make it difficult to detect, and traditional methods ease detection in various plants.
often fail. To address this issue, our research aims to develop • Acquisition and preprocessing of a diverse dataset for
an innovative solution by leveraging Convolutional Neural model training and validation.
Networks (CNNs) for automated disease detection in various • Choosing the plants from the perspective of the Indian
plants. economy.
India is one of the largest contributors to the world’s The remaining sections of the paper are arranged as follows:
plant production, including sugarcane, coconut, rice, grapes, II. Background of the Pathogen III. Related Work IV. Proposed
etc. Therefore, India faces significant risks from Phytoplasma Work/Methodology V. Future Scope VI. Conclusion.
disease outbreaks, exacerbating existing challenges in the
agricultural sector. Through the deployment of CNNs, we II. BACKGROUND OF THE PATHOGEN
seek to revolutionize disease management practices by offering Phytoplasma, a type of cell-wall-less bacteria belonging to
farmers and agricultural stakeholders a powerful tool for early the class Mollicutes, are responsible for causing Phytoplasma
detection and prevention of the spreading of the disease. diseases in plants. These diseases are caused by a unique
The impact of Phytoplasma disease on the global agriculture group of obligate, prokaryotic, pathoenic bacteria that lack
sector makes it a matter of international concern. Within cell walls. Over 1000 plant disease have been associated
Fig. 1: Planthopper Fig. 2: Leafhopper

with pythoplasma globally, affecting a wide range of crops,

including vegetables, fruits, oranmentals cereals, oil crops,
sugarcane and many more.
Phytoplasma variants exhibit considerable genetic diversity,
leading to a variety of symptoms and host-specific interactions.
The taxonomy of Phytoplasma is based on the analysis of
16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences, which has revealed a
vast array of phylogenetic groups or ’Candidatus Phytoplasma’
The transmission of Phytoplasma diseases often occurs
through insect vectors, primarily leafhoppers, planthoppers,
and psyllids. These insects feed on plant phloem sap, inadver-
tently acquiring and transmitting Phytoplasma as they move Fig. 3: Anatomy of Vector
between infected and healthy plants. The complex relationship
between Phytoplasma and their insect vectors contributes to
the challenges in disease management and control. III. R ELATED W ORK
Understanding the anatomy and feeding behavior of Phyto- Manual strategies detecting the Phytoplasma disease are
plasma vectors is essential for implementing effective control inherently time consuming and error-inclined.Recent research
strategies, such as insecticide applications and habitat man- has focused on leveraging advanced machine learning tech-
agement, to minimize the spread of Phytoplasma diseases in niques, specifically transfer learning neural networks, for the
agricultural ecosystems. detection and diagnosis of phytoplasma diseases. The follow-
One of the most concerning aspects of Phytoplasma diseases ing models have demonstrated promising results:
is their incurability once a plant is infected.Unlike fungal or Faster R-CNN Inception v2: This approach combines a
bacterial infections that may be treatable with fungicides or Region Proposal Network (RPN) with Fast R-CNN, utilizing
antibiotics, there are no effective chemical control measures a convolutional neural network to effectively detect objects
available for Phytoplasma diseases. Therefore, prevention and in images. The incorporation of the RPN enables high-quality
early detection are crucial for minimizing the impact of these region proposals, enhancing the model’s detection capabilities.
diseases on agricultural productivity. YOLO v4: You Only Look Once (YOLO) version 4 is
Phytoplasma diseases first appeared in India in the late an innovative, real-time object detection system that can
1960s, with the identification of diseases such as ’little leaf’ identify multiple objects within a single frame. By processing
in coconut palms and ’yellows’ in sugarcane. Since then, the entire image using a single neural network, YOLO v4
Phytoplasma infections have been documented in various offers improved performance in multi-scale object detection
crops across the country, causing significant losses in yield tasks, making it a suitable candidate for phytoplasma disease
and quality.For example, in Maharashtra, outbreaks of ’ratoon detection.
stunting disease’ in sugarcane have resulted in yield losses Single Shot Detection (SSD): SSD is a faster alternative to
of up to 40 percent, highlighting the devastating effects of traditional convolutional neural networks for object detection.
Phytoplasma diseases on agriculture. It analyzes multiple objects in a single image, producing
to ‘ Candidatus phytoplasma australasia’ in marigold in
India[2020] [11]
• Development of field-applicable tests for rapid and sen-
sitive detection of Candidatus Phytoplasma oryzae[2017]
• Crystal structure of phyllogen, a phyllody-inducing effec-
tor protein of phytoplasma[2019] [13]
• First Report of “ Candidatu s Phytoplasma trifolii” As-
sociated with Witches’ Broom Disease of Rauwolfia
serpentina from Northeast Region of India[2019] [14]
• Draft Genome Sequences of Two Phytoplasma Strains
associated with Sugarcane Grassy Shoot (SCGS) and
Bermuda Grass White Leaf (BGWL) diseases[2020] [15]
• First report of association of a 16SrII group phyto-
plasma with a witches’broom disease of Croton bonplan-
dianum[2020] [16]
• Identification of 16SrII-D group phytoplasma associated
with Setaria verticillata (L.) P. Beauv. in India[2020] [17]
Fig. 4: The Structural Framework of Faster R-CNN, YOLOv4,
• Multilocus sequence analysis of a ‘Candidatus Phyto-
SSD Mobilenet v2
plasma australasia’-related strain associated with peanut
little leaf disease in India[2020] [18]
• Mussaenda erythrophylla: A new host of ‘Candidatus
bounding boxes and offsets for each region of interest. This Phytoplasma asteris’ in India[2020] [19]
efficient approach has the potential to significantly reduce the • Detection of a ‘ Candidatus phytoplasma trifolii’-related
time and resources required for phytoplasma disease identifi- strain in Xerochrysum bracteatum showing a leaf yellow-
cation. [1] ing disease[2020] [20]
Other Related Work are as follows: • Detection, Characterization and In-Silico Analysis of
• Our understanding about phytoplasma research scenario Candidatus Phytoplasma australasiae Associated with Big
in India[2021] [2] Bud Disease of Tomato in India[2018] [21]
• A century progress of research on phytoplasma diseases
in India[2017] [3] IV. P ROPOSED W ORK /M ETHODOLOGY
• Comparative Performance Analysis of Real-Time Meth- Our proposed methodology centers on the utilization of
ods for Cassava Phytoplasma Disease (CPD) Detection Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to effectively detect
based on Deep Learning Neural Networks[2022] [1] Phytoplasma disease in various plants. Leveraging the power
• The Anatomy and Ultrastructure of the Digestive Tract of deep learning, specifically TensorFlow, we have developed a
and Salivary Glands of Hishimonus lamellatus (Hemipter robust CNN-based model capable of accurately identifying the
Cicadellidae)[2019] [4] symptoms associated with Phytoplasma infection. TensorFlow,
• First report of mixed infection of phytoplasmas and a popular open-source machine learning framework, provides
begomoviruses in eggplant in India[2015] [5] the necessary tools and functionalities to construct and train
• Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - I Character- complex neural network architectures with ease.
isation and Epidemiology of Phytoplasma - Associated In our methodology, we begin by preprocessing the input
Diseases: Characterisation and Epidemiology of Phyto- images to standardize their size and enhance their quality,
plasma - Associated Diseases[2018] [6] thereby facilitating optimal performance during training and
• Multigene characterization of a ’Candidatus Phytoplasma inference. This preprocessing step involves resizing, normal-
australasia’ - related strain associated with phyllody dis- ization, and augmentation techniques to ensure the model’s
ease of coriander in India[2019] [7] robustness and generalization capabilities. TensorFlow’s im-
• First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma age processing libraries streamline these tasks, allowing for
aurantifolia’(16SrII-A) associated with strawflower efficient data preprocessing pipelines.
phyllody[2019] [8] Subsequently, we construct the CNN architecture, compris-
• A new strain of ’Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ as- ing multiple convolutional and pooling layers followed by
sociated with bottle gourd phyllody disease in South fully connected layers, culminating in an output layer for
India[2020] [9] disease classification. TensorFlow’s extensive collection of
• Standard Detection Protocol: PCR and RFLP Analyses pre-built layers and modules simplifies the process of building
Based on 16S rRNA Gene: Methods and Protocols[2019] and customizing neural network architectures. We employ
[10] popular CNN architectures, such as VGG models tailored to
• Molecular detection and identification of a strain related the specific characteristics of the input data.
Training the model involves optimizing its parameters using model, incorporating additional data sources or advanced al-
labeled datasets consisting of images of both healthy and gorithms to further improve disease detection capabilities. By
Phytoplasma-infected plants. During training, TensorFlow’s continuously refining and optimizing the detection process, we
optimization algorithms, such as stochastic gradient descent can strive towards achieving greater precision and reliability
(SGD) or Adam, iteratively adjust the model’s weights to in identifying Phytoplasma-infected plants.
minimize the classification error. Additionally, TensorFlow’s Moreover, as advancements in agricultural research and
automatic differentiation capabilities enable efficient compu- biotechnology continue to unfold, the integration of our detec-
tation of gradients, accelerating the training process. tion model with innovative solutions for disease management
Once trained, the CNN model can accurately classify unseen holds promise for the future. In the event of discovering a cure
plant images as either healthy or infected with Phytoplasma for Phytoplasma disease, researchers may leverage our model
disease. TensorFlow’s seamless integration with deployment as a foundational framework for developing integrated systems
platforms facilitates the deployment of the trained model capable of both detection and treatment. This could entail the
in real-world scenarios, enabling farmers and agricultural deployment of autonomous systems such as robots or drones
stakeholders to utilize the tool for early disease detection and equipped with sensing technology and treatment mechanisms,
management. Overall, our proposed methodology harnesses allowing for real-time monitoring and intervention in agricul-
the capabilities of TensorFlow to develop an effective and tural settings. By combining detection and cure capabilities,
accessible solution for combating Phytoplasma disease in such integrated systems have the potential to revolutionize
various plant cultivation. plant disease management practices, safeguarding crop yields
and ensuring food security on a global scale.
Dataset Preprocessing VI. C ONCLUSION
In conclusion, our study presents a robust solution for the
automated detection of Phytoplasma disease in various plants
utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Through the
development and training of a CNN-based model on a com-
Image Resizing, Normalization, Augmentation
prehensive dataset, we have demonstrated the efficacy of deep
learning techniques in accurately identifying Phytoplasma-
infected plants from images. Across the epochs of training, our
model consistently exhibited high accuracy, with the validation
CNN Architecture Design accuracy reaching 91.7 % after the first epoch, showcasing
its proficiency in distinguishing between healthy and infected
The utilization of CNNs for disease detection offers several
advantages over traditional methods, particularly in terms of
Training the CNN Model efficiency and accuracy. By leveraging the power of deep
learning, our model provides a promising tool for early disease
detection and management in various plant cultivation, thereby
mitigating the detrimental effects of Phytoplasma infection on
crop yield and economic sustainability.
Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning With further refinement and validation, our CNN-based
approach holds immense potential for broader application in
agricultural settings worldwide. By harnessing technological
advancements in machine learning and image processing, we
can empower farmers and stakeholders with the tools neces-
Model Deployment
sary to safeguard crops and ensure food security in the face of
evolving agricultural challenges. As we continue to refine and
optimize our model, we remain committed to advancing the
V. F UTURE S COPE field of agricultural technology and contributing to the global
The scope of this project extends beyond its current im- effort to enhance crop resilience and sustainability.
plementation, paving the way for future advancements and R EFERENCES
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