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Unidade Curricular INGLÊS DE NEGÓCIOS

Trabalho Final

Thomas Meyer- Good morning, this is Thomas Meyer, i´m afraid he´s not in at the moment,
but how can I help you?

Sarah Miller- Ok, thank you! Could you tell him that I already sent the contracts for the new
advertising account to his office?

Thomas Meyer- Certainly, can you give me your name and contact, please.

Sarah Miller- Sure, its 555328175 and my name is Sarah Miller

Thomas Meyer- Sorry, can you spell your last name?

Sarah Miller- M for Mike, I for India, L for Lima, L for Lima again, E for Echo and R for Romeu

Thomas Myer- Thank you Ms Miller, I´ll make sure Mr David gets your message.

Sarah Miller- Thank you. Have a nice day!

Thomas Meyer- Thank you, you too.

FINAL TASK 2 – Write an answer to both emails.
Email 1

Hello Chris,

Thank you for your confirmation that you are coming to Berlin. I will meet you at the airport on
5th May and then we discuss our order requirements.

See you soon in Berlin

Best Regards


Email 2

Dear Mr. O´Connell

Thank you for your email confirming that you will be in Berlin soon. We should meet on 6th May
at Zur Letzten Instanz restaurant at 1Pm to discuss our order requirements for the next

I look forward to seeing you you son.

Best Regards

Karl Zorn

FINAL TASK 3 – CSR Project.

Galp project Colmeia

Galp is a group of Portuguese companies in the energy sector. It owns Petrogal and Gás de
Portugal, and today is an integrated group of petroleum products and natural gas, with activities
that range from the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, to the refining and
distribution of petroleum products, to the distribution and sale of natural gas and electricity

Galp has a lot of CSR projects, and i´ll talk about one that is very close to our city, the name
of the project is Colmeia and it consists of boosting entrepreneurship and the energy transition
in Matosinhos, summoning individual and collective talent, the startup ecosystem and the
entire community around sustainable solutions. This project has a duration of 3 years and will
provide a financial support of 500 million euros to projects that will put Matosinhos as a
reference on a internacional scale in both social innovation and energy transition. The
beneficiaries are the population of Matosinhos.

The sustainable development goal linked to the project is the number 8: Decent work and
economy growth. The project is specially linked to number 8 goal targets 8.2, 8.3 and 8.5.

FINAL TASK 4 – Graphic analyse

This is a line graph of a investment product of Banco BPI called BPI Capitalização Moderado
and is range is from September 2002 to September 2023.
In the beginning the price of this investment product was 5 euros and it had a gradual increase
to 6,28 euros in September 2007. One month after we star seeing a sudden fall till March 2009
the price in that moment was 4,46 euros. After that huge fall we start seeing again a gradual
increase, but in the beginning of pandemic we have suddenly drop, after that it started
increasing again and reached the price peek of 6,44 euros in January 2022. Since then it had
a decreased till nowadays.

Final Task: Arial 14 - bold - sublinhado – maiúsculas – título do tema

Títulos: Arial 12/13 (bold opcional)

Corpo do texto: Arial 11

Espaçamento 1,5

Texto justificado

Quebra de página entre cada Final Task

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