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Climate Change and its Impact on Bangladesh/Global Warming/COP Summit: BD & Global Environment

“The climate emergency is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win”. – Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General

Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and it is happening even more quickly than we feared. No corner of the
globe is immune from the devastating consequences of climate change. Bangladesh is recognized worldwide as one of the
most vulnerable countries in terms of the impacts of climate change.
Greenhouse effect, Global Warming and Climate Change:
According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate change refers to a change in the state of
the climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an
extended period, typically decades or longer. On the other hand, NASA has defined Global warming as the unusually rapid
increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by
people burning fossil fuels. Gases that contribute most to the Earth’s greenhouse effect are:

 Carbon dioxide (CO2)

 Nitrous oxide(N2O)
 Methane (CH4)
 Ozone (O3)
 Water vapour (H2O)
Causes of Climate Change:
The two main causes of climate change are human and natural causes of climate change.

Natural Causes Anthropogenic Causes

• Sunspot and Solar cycle • Chemical Fertilizer

• Ocean Tide and Current • Deforestation
• Forest fire • Increased motor vehicles
• Volcanic Eruptions • Emission of GHG
• Meteorites • Unplanned urbaniztion
• Methane emission from animals • Industrialization
• Emission of CO2
Impacts of Climate Change in Bangladesh: “Bangladesh's strong growth could be at risk without urgent climate
action.”– World Bank
Climate risks for Bangladesh are as follows:
Environmental Impacts Socio-economic Resources & Sectors affected
Changes in rainfall patterns Water resources
Increased frequency and severity of: Agriculture and forestry
 Floods Food security
 Droughts Human health
 Storms Infrastructure (e.g. transport)
 Heat waves Settlements: displacement of inhabitants and loss of livelihood
Changes in growing seasons and regions Coastal management
Changes in water quality and quantity Industry and energy
Sea level rise Disaster response & recovery plans
Glacial melt
Major Environmental Impacts: Economic Losses, Sea level rise, Increase of Climate migrants, Increased flooding,
Increased intensity of cyclones, Increased salinity, Increased Droughts, Greater temperature extremes
Climate Injustice:“We are sufferers of, not contributors to climate change.” – Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

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Bangladesh’s Roadmap to Climate Action:“We can temporarily protect ourselves through adaptation, but the
adaptation process will fail to provide sustainable protection unless the current trend of climate change is
restricted."- Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as the President of the Climate Vulnerable Forum
Bangladesh wants to set an example of how a developing country can conduct effective adaptation and mitigation actions
against the effect of climate change.
Initiatives and Achievements:
1.Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan up to 2030
2.Ashrayan: Shelter for the Homeless and Landless
3. Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund
4. Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100
Besides following initiatives have been taken:
 Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP), 2009
 National Solar Energy Roadmap, 2021-2041
 National Action Plan for Clean Cooking, 2020-2030
 Forest and Carbon Inventories and Tree Plantation
 Bangladesh National Action Plan for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (NAP-SLCP)
 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan up to 2030
 Renewable Energy Initiatives
 Promoting Green Technology
Key outcomes of COP-28:

[ শুধু COP-28 নয়, পরিবেশ রেষয়ক যে যকোন যেখোয় এখোনকোি রক ওয়োর্ড/রিম ইনব ো ইউজ কিোি দক্ষতো অজডন কিবত হবে। রিরর্িং রদন।]
“Work together or face "collective suicide": UN chief at COP Summit
COP28 is the yearly meeting of the group of 198 countries that have signed the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change. The UNFCCC is a “Rio Convention”, one of two opened for signature at the “Rio Earth Summit” in
1992. The COP 28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, was the biggest of its kind The
first UN climate conference was held in Berlin, Germany, in 1995. At the historic COP-21 summit held in 2015, member
states ratified the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement was a ground-breaking agreement on what countries should do to
combat the effects of climate change.
The COP28 climate summit, the largest in history, concluded with a landmark but contentious agreement to transition away
from fossil fuels, endorsed by 198 nations. This historic agreement, known as the UAE Consensus, represents the first time
in the 28-year history of UN climate summits that nations have collectively resolved to move away from the fossil fuels
that are at the heart of the climate crisis.

The final agreement calls for a “just, orderly, and equitable” transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems to achieve
“net zero by 2050 in keeping with the science”. It was the Most important achievement of COP28

“The deal is historic, no doubt. The final text signals the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era,” Dr Maria Neira,
head of the Department of Climate, Environment and Health at the World Health Organization (WHO)

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, the summit’s president, lauded the agreement as a “historic” triumph of “unity, solidarity, and

Delegates at COP28 also achieved a historic breakthrough by formally establishing a Loss and Damage Fund, which
will provide financing for vulnerable countries hit hard by climate disasters. By the end of COP28, the Fund totalled
US$770.6 million. The US pledged just US$17.5 million, while the UK and Canada were accused of simply re-pledged
money they had already committed.

The role of AI in climate action: COP28 also focused on technology development and transfer, particularly highlighting
the role of artificial intelligence in climate action. The conference recognized the need for sustainable support, financial

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aid, and capacity-building for developing countries, establishing a technology implementation program to aid in these

Bangladesh has secured the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) championship Award
in the category of Innovation in Developing Finance during the ongoing climate conference, COP28 in Dubai, UAE.

Key Word From Previous COP Summit: (পরিবেশ রেষয়ক যে যকোন যেখোয় কোবজ েোগোবেন!-EBC)
“The world’s first opportunity in the era of implementation of the Paris Agreement to demonstrate progress”--
Simon Stiell, Chief of UN Climate Change,
COP27 is “the number one litmus test” of how seriously governments take the growing climate toll on the most vulnerable
countries. COP-27 is a “do-or-die moment” for global action on climate change. The Earth is currently unable to keep
global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius. And after last year's natural events, this reality became more evident.
Faced with a growing energy crisis, record greenhouse gas concentrations, and increasing extreme weather events, COP27 seeks
renewed solidarity between countries, to deliver on the landmark Paris Agreement, for people and the planet.
"It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact or a Collective Suicide Pact”-- UN Secretary-General António

The UN is urging the world’s industrialized nations to ‘lead by example’ by taking ‘bold and immediate actions’ through

“A third of Pakistan flooded. Europe’s hottest summer in 500 years. The Philippines hammered. The whole of Cuba
in blackout. And … in the United States, Hurricane Ian has delivered a brutal reminder that no country and no
economy is immune from the climate crisis.”—World Economic Forum/ UN Secretary-General António Guterres

According to the BBC, “COP27 will be most focused on reducing emissions, adaptation to and preparation for the
effects of climate change, and providing access to technology and funds to nations that will be most affected by those

COP27 goals: As an ‘All of Africa’ COP, the Egyptian COP27 Presidency has defined the summit’s four key goals as:
 Mitigation: All parties, especially those in a position to “lead by example”, are urged to take “bold and immediate
actions” and to reduce emissions to limit global warming well below 2°C.
 Adaptation: Ensure that COP27 makes the “crucially needed progress” towards enhancing climate change
resilience and assisting the world’s most vulnerable communities.
 Finance: Make significant progress on climate finance, including the delivery of the promised $100 billion per
year to assist developing countries.
 Collaboration: As the UN negotiations are consensus-based, reaching agreement will require “inclusive and active
participation from all stakeholders”.
“We trust the world will come together, yet again, to reaffirm its commitment to the global climate agenda despite
the difficulties and uncertainties of our time”---Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
'Loss and damage' The heads of developing nations won a small victory when delegates agreed to put the
controversial issue of compensation for "loss and damage" on the summit agenda.
 Guterres said COP27 must agree on a "clear, time-bound roadmap" for loss and damage that delivers
"effective institutional arrangements for financing".
 "Getting concrete results on loss and damage is a litmus test of the commitment of governments to
the success of COP27" UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Rich nations will also be expected to set a timetable for the delivery of $100 billion per year to help developing
countries green their economies and build resilience against future climate change.

"This COP needs to demonstrate that there is a distinct shift from negotiations to implementation," UN
Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell
Conversations About Loss and Damage

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"Loss and damage" – is the financial support for developing countries already being hit by climate-fueled
disasters, such as floods or crop-withering drought.

 "Very poor people are losing everything. We don't demand charity, we demand justice." --- vice
chair for implementation at the U.N. climate agency, UNFCCC.
 “We can no longer plead ignorance to the consequences of our actions, or continue to repeat our mistakes,” –
US President Mr. Joe Biden

 Mr Biden announced in his speech the US would contribute 150 million dollars “as a down payment” to
initiatives to help Africa adapt to the changing climate.

Bangladesh has been awarded the Local Adaptation Champions Awards at the COP27 climate
summit in Egypt along with three other countries. The other three countries to receive the award
among 170 countries are India, Nepal, and Kenya.
Shortcomings of COP: Failure in strengthening emission commitments, Failure to tackle food insecurity,
Inadequate climate finance for developing countries, Adaptation was given less priority
 Information Box
যে যকোন টরপক এ আপনোি একটো information Box থোকো উরিৎ যেখোবন আপরন ওই টরপক সিংরিষ্ট যকোি ও রিম ইন িবমশন
যজবন/সিংগ্রবহ িোখবেন েোিংেো ও ইিংবিরজ যে যকোন ভোষোয় েযেহোি যেোগয এেিং পিীক্ষোয় ওই টরপক েো কোছোকোরছ যেবকোন টরপবক রিবেট কবি
ইন িবমশন গুবেো আপনোি যেখোি োাঁবক োাঁবক জুবে রদবয় আসবত হবে।
মবন িোখবত হবে েযোিংক েো রেরসএস Written যকোথোও হুেহু েোইন েোই েোইন যেখো েোয়নো, যকৌশবে রেবখ আসবত হয়।
 "Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish"—UN Secretary-General António Guterres
 "৫৪রট যদশ যদউরেয়ো হওয়োি পবথ- ০৩ রট কোিবে ১। মুদ্রোরিরত (Inflation) ২। জ্বোেোরন সিংকট (energy crisis) ৩। সু দহোি
েৃ রি (rising interest rates)--- ইউএনরর্রপ প্রধোন Achim Steiner [ কপ-সোরমট এি আবেোিনো িেোকোবে ]
জোরতসিংবেি যসই ঝুাঁরকপূ েড যদবশি তোরেকোয় পোরকস্তোন থোকবেও েোিংেোবদশ নোই।
 জোরতসিংবেি মবত, বেরিক জেেোয়ু ঝুাঁরকবত েোিংেোবদবশি অেস্থোন ৭ম হবেও সমুদ্রপৃ বেি উচ্চতো েৃ রিজরনত ঝুাঁরকবত েোিংেোবদবশি অেস্থোন
১ম এেিং কমপবক্ষ ৩ যকোরট মোনু বষি েোস্তুিুযত হেোি সম্ভোেনো িবয়বছ।
 “To implement the National Adaptation Plan prepared by the Bangladesh government, we need $230 billion till
2030. We hope that international organisations like the United Nations will help us execute the plan effectively” --
Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister
 “Bangladesh wants climate finance doubled by 2025 to implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP)”--
- --Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister
 Ziaul Haque, Mirza Shawkat Ali >> climate expert and representative from Bangladesh to COP27, Bangladeshi
representative to the conference এবদি নোম ভোঙ্গোবনো/কোবজ েোগোবনো যেবত পোবি।
সু তিোিং, রেিবক েোাঁিোবত এেোবিি সবেেনরট অতযন্ত গুরুত্বপূ েড রছবেো কোিে প্ররতরনয়ত ঝে, জবেোচ্ছোস েনযো খিো দোেোনবেি মবতো প্রোকৃরতক
দু বেডোগ এখন বেরিক েোস্তেতো সু তিোিং রেিবক েোাঁিোবত রেিবনতোবদি একবেোবগ কোজ কিবত হবে আি যসই সু বেোগরট প্ররতেোি এবন যদয় কপ
সবেেন েোবক ‘পৃ রথেী িক্ষোি সবেেন’ েেবেও অতুযরি হবেনো।

“We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something
about it.”- Barack Obama, Former US President
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the adverse impacts of climate change. To stop global climate change
and reduce disaster risk, we need to truly implement Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework. The
world urgently needs to find more resources for mitigation, adaptation and ‘loss and damage’ so that climate change will
not erode humanity's chances to deliver on the ‘Sustainable Development Goals.

রক ওয়োর্ড, রিম ইনব ো যে যকোন যেখোয় কোবজ েোগোবনোি দক্ষতো অজডন কিবত হবে।- Engineer’s BCS Care

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