Partisala Ahe111 Activity1

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Name: Reymark John Partisala Subject: AHE 111

Course/Year: BSCE-1B Date: March 12, 2024

Do you believe in destiny? Do you think you can do something to change your ‘fate’
which is said to be predetermined by a ‘supernatural’ power?

-For me, the idea of destiny, which is sometimes represented as a predestined

sequence of events, has always both intrigued and confounded people. It suggests that,
in spite of our own decisions and deeds, a greater power or cosmic force directs our
lives and leads us down a particular path. Although some people find solace and
purpose in the idea of destiny, it also begs concerns about the degree of personal
agency and the possibility of change.

I see destiny as a complex phenomenon that includes both the effects of human free
will and predestined aspects. Sometimes the way things happen seems to dictate how
things should happen, making people question if they are just characters in a larger
cosmic scheme. But I also think that people have the power to control their own destiny
through the decisions and deeds they commit to.

For example, Consider an individual who aspires to become a successful entrepreneur.

While they may face challenges and disappointments along the way, their
determination, endurance, and smart decision-making can have a big impact on the fate
of their entrepreneurial venture. In this situation, the individual's free will is critical in
creating their fate, allowing them to chart a course toward their chosen outcomes.

Nevertheless, there are some things in life that we might not be able to control.
Unexpected events, financial situations, and genetic predispositions are examples of
external influences that can have an uncontrollable, unpredictable impact on our life.
Even while we might not be able to stop these outside factors, we nevertheless have
the ability to react to them in ways that will ultimately determine how our life turns out.

To put it simply, destiny is the careful balancing act between fate and free will. We have
the agency to make decisions and perform acts that can affect how our lives unfold,
even though there may be aspects of our lives that feel predestined or directed by
outside forces. We may traverse the complexity of destiny with a sense of
empowerment and purpose if we embrace this duality.

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