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Tutorial Letter 101/0/2024

Teaching Practice: Intermediate Phase


Year Module

Department: Curriculum and Instructional


This tutorial letter contains important information about your TPN2601.



1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Outcomes ............................................................................................................................ 6
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION .................................................................................. 7
4 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .......................................................................... 7
4.1 Lecturer................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Department .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 University ............................................................................................................................. 7
5 RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Prescribed book(s) ............................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Recommended book(s) ........................................................................................................ 8
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ............................................................................................ 8
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ....................................................................................... 9
6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme .................................................................... 10
7 STUDY PLAN .................................................................................................................... 11
8 PRACTICAL WORK .......................................................................................................... 11
8.2 School placements.............................................................................................................. 13
9 ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................. 18
9.1 Assessment criteria ............................................................................................................ 18
9.2 Assessment plan ................................................................................................................ 18
9.3 Assessment due dates ....................................................................................................... 18
9.4 Submission of assessments ............................................................................................... 18
9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions ............................................................................. 20
9.5 The assessments ............................................................................................................... 21
9.6 Other assessment methods ............................................................................................... 35
9.7 The examination ................................................................................................................ 35
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring ......................................................................................................... 36
10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY ................................................................................................ 37
10.1 Plagiarism .......................................................................................................................... 37
10.2 Cheating ............................................................................................................................ 37


10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below: .......................................... 37
11 STUDENTS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES ...................................................................... 37
12 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ............................................................................. 38
13 SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................... 38
14 IN CLOSING ................................................................................................................... 39
15 ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................... 39

Dear Student
Unisa is a comprehensive open distance e-learning (CODeL) higher education
institution. The comprehensiveness of our curricula encapsulates a range of offerings,
from strictly vocational to strictly academic certificates, diplomas and degrees. Unisa's
"openness" and its distance eLearning character result in many students registering at
Unisa who may not have had an opportunity to enrol in higher education. Our CODeL
character implies that our programmes are carefully planned and structured to ensure
success for students ranging from the under-prepared but with potential to the
sufficiently prepared.

Teaching and learning in a CODeL context involves multiple modes of delivery ranging
from blended learning to fully online. As a default position, all post graduate programmes
are offered fully online with no printed study materials, while undergraduate programmes
are offered in a blended mode of delivery where printed study materials are augmented
with online teaching and learning via the learner management system – myUnisa. In
some instances, undergraduate programmes are offered fully online as well.

Furthermore, our programmes are aligned with the vision, mission and values of the
University. In line with Unisa's commitment to serve humanity and shape futures
combined with a clear appreciation of our location on the African continent, Unisa's
graduates have distinctive graduate qualities which include

• being independent, resilient, responsible and caring citizens who are able to fulfil
and serve in multiple roles in their immediate and future local, national and
global communities

• having a critical understanding of their location on the African continent with its
histories, challenges and potential in relation to globally diverse contexts

• the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the credibility and usefulness of
information and data from multiple sources in a globalised world with its ever-
increasing information and data flows and competing worldviews

• the ability to apply their discipline-specific knowledges competently, ethically

and creatively to solve real-life problems

• an awareness of their own learning and developmental needs and future


This module is blended (meaning that we use a combination of printed and online
material to engage with you).
You are encouraged to log into the module site on myUnisa regularly
(that is, at least twice per week).


We wish you every success with your studies!


2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this module (TPN2601) is to support students in their initial teaching
experiences – “the micro-contexts of everyday life in classrooms” (Cohen, Manion,
Morrison & Wyse, 2010:1) and proceeds from the understanding that education is context-
specific and context-dependent.

The focus of this module is guided observation, helping students to observe practice and
make connections between what they have learned, what they have observed and what
they have experienced. They may become involved in assisting the teacher under
instruction. The placement will require 5 weeks in a school and there will be an “orientation
to school teaching” approach

Why is observation so important?

Observation is a significant tool for collecting data to assess teaching and learning in any
context. The activities in this portfolio will develop your observation skills to enable you to
analyse and improve your own teaching.

What can you do with this skill?

• Observation is a significant tool for collecting assessment data.

• Observation provides teachers with knowledge about learners in general.
• It gives a general knowledge about particular learners.
• It gives the teacher specific knowledge about learners and their learning styles.
• It provides knowledge related to diagnostic/ remediation routines.
• It checks learners’ understanding of the lesson.
• It checks teacher-learner interactions.
• Teachers are able to check the learners’ attention during the lesson.
• It checks the teacher’s pacing during the lesson.
• It helps to build relationships with learners and a teacher is able to connect with
• It helps the teacher to respect and appreciate learners.
• It helps the teacher to improve classroom practice.
• Through observation, teachers learn children’s interests, behaviour and thinking.
• It familiarizes oneself with the teaching methods and strategies that the teacher is
• It provides an opportunity to develop education unique to the African context.

Why a portfolio as an assessment instrument?

The purpose of this portfolio is to demonstrate and give evidence that you completed a
successful teaching practice period of 25 full school days in the Intermediate Phase
(Grades 4-6).

Teacher education consists of different types of knowledge that must be integrated:

• Conceptual knowledge (foundations of education/theories/disciplinary knowledge/

content) with the aim of acquiring knowledge specialised proficiency.
• Contextual knowledge (all aspects that endeavours to contextualise knowledge for
occupational purposes, such as subject didactics and practical teaching) with the aim of
acquiring task-specific proficiency.

It is therefore important that you find links between school practices (including their associated
activities) and your studies (including disciplinary knowledge and skills). You must do this in
every section of the portfolio.

The focus of this portfolio is guided observation and will have an orientation to school teaching
approach (helping students to observe practice and make connections between what they have
learned, what they have observed and what they have experienced.). As a student you are
expected to familiarise yourself with the full range of activities that are associated with a
functional school. You not only have to observe these activities but are expected to become
involved in assisting the teacher under instruction. You are also expected to look at these
activities critically and to comment on their purpose, functionality, outstanding features and
possible shortcomings where applicable.

2.2 Outcomes

In terms of The National Policy Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South
Africa (2007), student teachers have to be placed in schools that have been identified as
excellent places of teaching and learning, where student teachers will be able to complement
their theoretical training with practical experience and gain valuable experience in the day-to-
day operations at a school in an authentic teaching and learning situation.

In order to facilitate all the relevant procedures, you have to make the necessary arrangements
with the various partners, namely the Teaching Practice Office administrator(s), school principal,
university lecturer(s) and/or supervisor(s) and mentor/subject teacher(s). You will have to submit
the required information to the Teaching Practice office to make the necessary arrangements.


Unisa has implemented a transformation charter, in terms of which the university has placed curriculum
transformation high on the teaching and learning agenda. Curriculum transformation includes student-
centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of
teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. All of these will be
phased in at both programme and module levels, and as a result of this you will notice a marked change
in the teaching and learning strategy implemented by Unisa, together with the way in which the content
is conceptualised in your modules. We encourage you to embrace these changes during your studies at
Unisa in a responsive way within the framework of transformation.


4.1 Lecturer

Prof TI Mogashoa
Mobile: 076 372 5084



4.2 Department

Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies

PO Box 392
Telephone number: 012 429 4033
4.3 University

If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module,
please consult Study@Unisa for advice on which department you should contact. You may also
go to, where contact details are given under the “contact us” button.
Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website:

Please include your student number in all correspondence.

5.1 Prescribed book(s)

5.2 Recommended book(s)

• Du Toit, E.R. 2016. Help I’m a teacher. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

•Taole, M.J. et al. 2015. Teaching practice, perspectives and frameworks. Pretoria: Van
Recommended books can be requested online, via the library catalogue.

5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)


• “What I wish I had known” Teachers share their best advice to help new educators
start their first year with confidence.

• Flipped classroom field guide. Classroom-Field-Guide.pdf

• Building a positive learning environment

• Presentation tips for teachers

• Teach like a champion teaching techniques. A summary of the summary

E-reserves can be downloaded from the Unisa library webpage. Find e-reserves. More
information is available at:

5.4 Library services and resources

The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources. The library has
created numerous library guides, available at:

Recommended guides :

• For brief information on the library, go to

• For more detailed library information, go
• Frequently Asked Questions,
• For research support and services such as the Personal Librarian service and the
Information Search Librarian's Literature

Search Request (on your research topic) service,

• For library training for undergraduate
students, visit
• Lending Services
• Services for postgraduate students
• Support and services for students with disabilities:
• Library Technology Support:
• Finding and using library resources and tools -
• A–Z list of library databases –

Important contact information:

• Technical problems encountered in accessing library online services: Lib-
• General library-related queries:
• Queries related to library fines and payments:
• Interlibrary loan service for postgraduate students:
• Literature Search Service:
• Social media channels: Facebook: UnisaLibrary and Twitter: @UnisaLibrary


Study@Unisa is available on myUnisa:

This brochure contains important information and guidelines for successful studies through

If you need assistance with regard to the myModules system, you are welcome to use the
following contact details:

• Toll-free landline: 0800 00 1870 (Select option 07 for myModules)

• E-mail: or

You can access and view short videos on topics such as how to view your calendar, how to
access module content, how to view announcements for modules, how to submit assessment
and how to participate in forum activities via the following link: https://dtls-

Registered Unisa students get a free myLife e-mail account. Important information, notices
and updates are sent exclusively to this account. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours
for your account to be activated after you have claimed it. Please do this immediately after
registering at Unisa, by following this link:

Your myLife account is the only e-mail account recognised by Unisa for official
correspondence with the University and will remain the official primary e-mail address on
record at Unisa. You remain responsible for the management of this e-mail account.

6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme

Many students find the transition from school education to tertiary education stressful. This is also true
in the case of students enrolling at Unisa for the first time. Unisa is a dedicated open distance and e-
learning institution, and it is very different from face-to-face/contact institutions. It is a mega university,
and all our programmes are offered through either blended learning or fully online learning. It is for this
reason that we thought it necessary to offer first-time students additional/extended support to help them
seamlessly navigate the Unisa teaching and learning journey with little difficulty and few barriers. We
therefore offer a specialised student support programme to students enrolling at Unisa for the first time
– this is Unisa’s First-Year Experience (FYE) Programme, designed to provide you with prompt and
helpful information about services that the institution offers and how you can access information. The
following FYE services are currently offered:

FYE Website Email Support

myUnisa; Study
Referrals to Skills; Academic &
Orientation Digital Literacies;
other support
services i.e. etc
Reading & Writing

To ensure that you do not miss out on important academic and support communication from
the SRU, please check your myLife inbox regularly.




This tutorial letter gives an overview of the Tutorial Letter

Teaching Practice module and contains 103 for TPN2601 contains the
Assignment 01 and 02. MODULE CODE: TPN2601 portfolio to be used during
Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6) teaching practice. (Download
the electronic version from
myUnisa or contact if you
did not receive the portfolios.)

Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 50 (Portfolio)

Purpose The assignment The assignment Structured portfolio that records

familiarises student requires the experiences of students’
teachers with learners’ student teachers observations during practical
participation in school to observe teaching.
activities during learners in one
teaching practice. school day.

Actions Submit Assignment 01 Submit You must do five weeks (25

to be for examination Assignment 02 for school days) of observation
taken for admission. year mark. (not teaching) for your
this Intermediate Phase school
module activities.

How Teaching Practice should be undertaken.

Teaching Practice modules integrate all learning in the BEd programme. The structure of the
qualification is such that there is a gradual build-up to the ultimate aim of achieving applied
competence. Students build on their disciplinary (academic) knowledge and acquire
pedagogical (educational) knowledge and competences. They then have to combine these in
the professional studies phase of the qualification (specialised didactics or methods) and they
have to practice their competences in the workplace during their practical teaching period.

Everything in the programme is aimed at and culminates in this final phase – the achievement
of applied competence. The aim is that students demonstrate their ability to teach (perform a
set of tasks) with both understanding (perform their roles as educators) and reflection (reflect on
their practice).

Teaching Practice modules cannot be registered for in isolation. They are always part of subject
didactics or learning area didactics modules. Students must therefore simultaneously register
for TPN2601 when registering for an Intermediate Phase subject didactics module. The five
weeks of teaching practice for the Intermediate Phase subject didactics can be done in a
primary school (Grades 4-6).

A student teacher is expected to:

• observe mentor teachers while they teach

• become involved in, and learn from, as many teaching and educational experiences
at school as possible
• develop a critical and reflective attitude towards school, teaching and education
• start making a connection between the practice and the theoretical knowledge he/she
has acquired in the BEd course
• complete portfolios
• use the opportunity to learn as much as possible from the visit to the school and his/her
association with every teacher and pupil
• understand that every teacher has his/her own ideas about the nature and scope of
• listen appreciatively and critically to the opinion of every teacher and show a positive
attitude towards Teaching Practice
• participate in the activities of the school, obey the rules and acknowledge the authority
of the principal and other office-bearers
• remember that he/she also represents Unisa during the visit to the school, especially
since his/her good behaviour might open the doors for other students
• adhere to the safety regulations of the school
• understand that the school is not responsible for the safety or loss of his/her personal
• maintain a teaching portfolio


8.2 School placements

8.2.1 Introduction

All initial professional education and training (IPET) programmes have three components in
common: educational theory, professional studies and school practice. The last and perhaps
most fascinating part of the professional preparation of teachers is school practice. In South
Africa, much attention is paid to teaching practice in initial teacher education programmes.
Teaching practice is a series of learning situations for prospective teachers in which they are
systematically confronted with or can study concrete activities of teaching and classroom
management in schools, supervised by experienced teachers. The students’ learning process
during teaching practice is based on the concept of learning systematically and step-by-step
guidance by means of supervision (feedback and reflection).

In terms of the National Policy Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South
Africa (Republic of South Africa, 2007), student teachers have to be placed in schools that have
been identified as excellent places of teaching and learning, where student teachers will be able
to complement their theoretical training with practical experience, and gain valuable experience
of the day-to-day operations within a school, in an authentic teaching and learning situation.

In order to facilitate all the relevant procedures, student teachers have to make the necessary
arrangements with the various partners, namely the Teaching Practice Office administrators, the
school principal, their university lecturers and/or supervisors and mentor, subject or learning
area teachers. You will have to submit the required information to the Teaching Practice Office
to make the necessary arrangements.

8.2.2 School evaluation

A number of schools have already been evaluated for teaching practice, either by Teaching
Practice supervisors or Teaching Practice coordinators. The Higher Education Quality
Committee (HEQC) stipulates that all schools in which student teachers are placed must be
functional to enable the school and the student to accomplish the goals set for the student for
teaching practice. Through the agreement entered into between Unisa and the school, the
school commits itself to support and mentor the student teacher during his or her teaching
practice experience. In turn, Unisa undertakes that its Teaching Practice supervisors will work
with mentors, principals and student teachers in a manner that promotes quality learning and
adherence to school rules.

8.2.3 Placement of student teachers in schools

The HEQC stipulates that students should be placed in diverse schools and educational centres
in the country at the beginning of each year. To enable this process to proceed smoothly and
speedily, all students must submit Assignment 01 before or on the due date. Assignment 01
requires certain procedures that are discussed below.

VERY IMPORTANT: Read Tutorial Letter 102, which will assist you and the principal to
plan the teaching practice more effectively. Read this letter carefully before you decide
on the school and the teaching practice period.

• Details of three suggested schools

A student must complete and submit form DSAR25 with the stamp of the school of their choice.
The form can be found in Tutorial Letter 102 or may be obtained from the Unisa website (click
on “Study” then “How to register” and go to “2016 forms”) or any Unisa registration office. This
form can also be found at the back of the My Registration @ Unisa brochure of the College of

• Teaching practice period

It is suggested that you do the teaching practice during the second school term. This will
allow 60 to 90 days for the verification process as there is a large number of students
that need to be placed.

• Verification
The Teaching Practice administrator will contact or visit the school or educational centre
to establish whether the student’s teaching practice activity will be meaningfully
enhanced at that institution.

• Confirmation
The Teaching Practice Office will contact students either telephonically or via SMS or
email, to confirm the placement.

• Declaration
Once the Teaching Practice Office has placed the student teacher in a particular school,
the student teacher will have to submit Assignment 02 before the due date.

• Submission of school-based practical assignments

Assignments 02 and 50 form part of the school-based practical (observation)
requirements. Students must make sure they study these assignments, to know what is
required for the teaching practice.


Placement procedures

Student submits form DSAR25 or The Teaching Practice Office verifies

DSAR26 directly with registration the school information. (Please allow
or emails the form to the Teaching 60 days due to high volumes of
Practice Office no later than 6 May. students.)
(Do not send the form to the

Student is notified about the The Teaching Practice Office

placement via SMS and mylife captures information on the system
email. and assigns a supervisor.

Students start practical teaching. The supervisor or lecturer contacts

(The most suitable period the student regarding the date and
suggested is from February to time of the school visit and confirms
August.) with the school principal. (The
student should also contact the
supervisor if he or she has not been

Assignment 01 must be submitted The student completes the school-

before 6 May. All other assignments based practical assignments and
are submitted directly after submits them on their scheduled
completing the teaching practice dates. Assignment 01 is the active
(but not later than 30 September). student assignment and must be
submitted on time to gain entrance to
the examination.

8.2.4 School visits and supervision

A Unisa Teaching Practice supervisor may visit you at the school at which you are doing your
teaching practice to support you with general teaching practice aspects, observe your lesson
planning and presentation, and provide you with reflective feedback. The Teaching Practice
placement administrative office and/or Teaching Practice supervisor will contact you well in
advance to make the necessary arrangements.

• The supervisor will call you, introduce him or herself and give you their contact details.
You must write down the name and telephone or cell number of the supervisor.
• If there is any problem regarding school visits by the supervisor, call the Teaching
Practice Office and give them the full particulars of the supervisor. The Teaching
Practice Office will not be able to help you if you do not know the name of the supervisor.
• Any postponement should be agreed upon between the supervisor and the student.
• Students are expected to assist the supervisors with directions to the schools.
• Students may, under no circumstances, be absent from the school on the day of the visit
by the supervisor.
• In the event of absence on the day of the school visit by the supervisor, the student
should notify the supervisor immediately and not the Teaching Practice Office.






You need to include a completed and signed copy of this form when you submit
Assignments 01, 02 and 50 for this module. Assignments without the form will be cancelled
and returned unmarked

The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies places specific emphasis on

integrity and ethical behaviour regarding the preparation of all written work submitted for
academic assessment.

Although your lecturers can provide you with information about reference techniques and
guidelines to avoid plagiarism, you also have a responsibility to fulfil in this regard. Should
you at any time feel unsure about the requirements, you must consult your lecturers before
you submit any assignment.

You are guilty of plagiarism when you extract information from a book, article, web page or
fellow student without acknowledging the source and submit it as your own work. In truth,
you are stealing someone else’s property. You may not use another student’s work. You
may not allow anyone to copy or use your work with the intention to submit it as his/her

Students who are guilty of plagiarism will forfeit all credit for the work concerned. Plagiarism
is a serious violation of the University’s regulations and may lead to expulsion.

The under-mentioned declaration must accompany written assignments. Your

assignment will be cancelled and returned unmarked if you do not include a fully
completed and signed declaration form.

I (full names):………………………………………………………………………………………..

Student number:…………………………………………………..
Module: TPN2601

Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s
work, whether a printed source, the internet, or any other source, I give the proper
acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting
it as his or her own work.

Signature __________________________ Date:___________________________

9.1 Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria can be found in the assignments.

9.2 Assessment plan

• To complete this module, you will be required to submit three assessments.

• All information about when and where to submit your assessments will be made
available to you via the myModules site for your module.
• Due dates for assessments, as well as the actual assessments are available on the
myModules site for this module.
• To gain admission to the examination, you will be required to submit one
• To gain admission to the examination, you need to obtain a year mark average of
50% for the assignments.
• The assignments weighting for the module is 20%.
• You will receive examination information via the myModules sites. Please watch out
for announcements on how examinations for the modules for which you are
registered will be conducted.
• The examination/portfolio will count 80% towards the final module mark.

9.3 Assessment due dates

• There are no assignment due dates included in this tutorial letter.

• Assignment due dates will be made available to you on the myUnisa landing page
for this module. We envisage that the due dates will be available to you upon

• Please start working on your assessments as soon as you register for the module.

• Log on to the myUnisa site for this module to obtain more information on the due
dates for the submission of the assessments.

9.4 Submission of assessments

• Unisa, as a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL), is moving

towards becoming an online institution. You will therefore see that all your study
material, assessments and engagements with your lecturer and fellow students will
take place online. We use myUnisa as our virtual campus.


• The myUnisa virtual campus will offer students access to the myModules site,
where learning material will be available online and where assessments should be
completed. This is an online system that is used to administer, document, and
deliver educational material to students and support engagement between
academics and students.

• The myUnisa platform can be accessed via Click on the

myModules 2024 button to access the online sites for the modules that you are
registered for.

• The University undertakes to communicate clearly and as frequently as is necessary

to ensure that you obtain the greatest benefit from the use of the myModules
learning management system. Please access the announcements on your
myModules site regularly, as this is where your lecturer will post important
information to be shared with you.

• When you access your myModules site for the module/s you are registered for,
you will see a welcome message posted by your lecturer. Below the welcome
message you will see the assessment shells for the assessments that you need to
complete. Some assessments may be in the form of multiple-choice questions,
tests, written assessments, forum discussions, and so on. All assessments must be
completed on the assessment shells available on the respective module platforms.

• To complete quiz assessments, please log on to the module site where you need to
complete the assessment. Click on the relevant assessment shell (Assessment 1,
Assessment 2, etc.). There will be a date on which the assessment will open for
you. When the assessment is open, access the quiz online and complete it within
the time available to you. Quiz assessment questions are not included in this tutorial
letter (Tutorial Letter 101), and are only made available online. You must therefore
access the quiz online and complete it online where the quiz has been created.

• It is not advisable to use a cell phone to complete the quiz. Please use a desktop
computer, tablet or laptop when completing the quiz. Students who use a cell phone
find it difficult to navigate the Online Assessment tool on the small screen and
often struggle to navigate between questions and successfully complete the
quizzes. In addition, cell phones are more vulnerable to dropped internet
connections than other devices. If at all possible, please do not use a cell phone
for this assessment type.

• For written assessments, please note the due date by which the assessment must
be submitted. Ensure that you follow the guidelines given by your lecturer to
complete the assessment. Click on the submission button on the relevant
assessment shell on myModules. You will then be able to upload your written
assessment on the myModules site of the modules that you are registered for.
Before you finalise the upload, double check that you have selected the correct file
for upload. Remember, no marks can be allocated for incorrectly submitted

9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions

All assignments are defined as either optional, mandatory, compulsory, or elective.

• Elective assignments
- If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
- The best of the required submissions will count.
• Mandatory assignments
- If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
• Compulsory assignments
- If not submitted, the result on the student’s academic record will be absent.
• Optional assignments – You are encouraged as a student to do optional
assignment so that it may benefit your learning.

I. Elective assignments
a. the student is given a choice of which assignments within an identified group to
submit, only the best result(-s), the number of which is specified in advance, will
contribute towards the year mark.
b. elective assignments must also be grouped into an elective group.
c. for the student to select which assignment to submit, the elective assignments
must be grouped together. For such an elective group, relevant information must
be provided to the student, such as how many of the assignments must be
submitted and how many of the assignment marks should be combined into the
year mark.
d. The selection criteria define how marks received for assignments in an elective
group are to be combined into the year mark. Three different criteria may be
used for calculating the year mark:
• The best mark should be used, or
• If the student submits fewer than the required number of assignments per
group or no assignment in a group, a mark of 0% will be used.
• 0% is awarded to all non-submitted or unmarked assessments. A best mark
is then calculated from all items.

II. Mandatory assignments

a. contribute to the year mark.
b. If a student fails to submit a mandatory assignment, no mark is awarded and the
year mark is calculated accordingly. The student will therefore forfeit the marks
attached to this assignment when the final mark for the module is calculated.


III. Compulsory Assessment

a. when not submitted, the student will fail a Continuous Assessment module but
will be shown as absent from the examination in the case of other modules.

IV. Optional assignments – You are encouraged as a student to do optional

assignment so that it may benefit your learning.

9.5 The assessments

As indicated in section 9.2, you need to complete three assessments for this module.
Details on the assessments are included in this tutorial letter.

Assignments and due dates will be made available to you on myModules for this module.
We envisage that the due dates will be available to you upon registration.

9.5.1 Assignment 01

To prepare you for your five weeks of teaching practice, it is important that you know more
about the specific policies that guide teaching and learning in a school.

To complete Assignment 01, you need to access the policy document that guides your
subject from the Department of Basic Education website or at the nearest school or nearest
Education District office.

Use the document you downloaded to answer the following questions:

1. Describe the main important issues that are discussed in the overview section of
the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).

2. Briefly discuss the instructional time frames for each subject/learning area
in the Intermediate Phase.

3. In your own words, describe the various skills tabulated in the CAPS
document for any subject/learning area of your choice.

4. Read the first topic in the Annual Teaching Plan or the syllabus for your
subject. List the knowledge, skills and values learners should have after
completing this topic.



5. Discuss the language teaching approaches included in the CAPS


6. Mention any teaching and learning support materials LTSM) that can be used to
assist learners in their learning experience.

7. Identify any skill for a subject/learning area of your choice and discuss the content
of such a skill.


8. Indicate the various codes and percentages for recording and reporting.




9.5.2 Assignment 02

Specific guidelines

Do this exercise within the first week of your teaching practice.

Step 1: Ask your mentor to help you to identify a typical group of learners (a whole class)
that you can “shadow” for a day.
Step 2: Get permission from the mentor and/or school principal and ask him or her to
inform the staff members to expect the student teacher in their classrooms.
Step 3: Complete the attached observation schedule for each period.
Step 4: Complete the attached reflection form.
Step 5: Thank the mentor and the staff members for their participation.
Step 6: Submit as Assignment 02.

NB: Do not submit this assignment with your portfolio. Do not wait to complete this
assignment until the end of your teaching practice period. It must be submitted any
time before the due date.

Student name and surname: ……………………………………………………………………

Student number: ………………………………………………………………………………….


Use the observation schedule to note down your observations for each period.
Period 1

Grade: ..............................................................................................................................
The subject:………………………………………………………………………………………
Learners observed/ Class: ...............................................................................................


Classroom atmosphere:…………………………………………………………………….

The teaching approach:………………………………………………………………………..



. ……………………………………………………………………………

Learner behaviour in general:……………..……………………………………………………

Period 2

Grade: ..............................................................................................................................
The subject:………………………………………………………………………………………
Learners observed/ Class: ...............................................................................................


Classroom atmosphere:…………………………………………………………………….

The teaching approach:………………………………………………………………………..



. ……………………………………………………………………………

Learner behaviour in general:……………..……………………………………………………

Period 3

Grade: ..............................................................................................................................
The subject:………………………………………………………………………………………

Learners observed/ Class: ...............................................................................................


Classroom atmosphere:…………………………………………………………………….

The teaching approach:………………………………………………………………………..



. ……………………………………………………………………………

Learner behaviour in general:……………..……………………………………………………

Period 4

Grade: ..............................................................................................................................
The subject:………………………………………………………………………………………
Learners observed/ Class: ...............................................................................................

Classroom atmosphere:…………………………………………………………………….

The teaching approach:………………………………………………………………………..



. ……………………………………………………………………………

Learner behaviour in general:……………..……………………………………………………

Period 5

Grade: ..............................................................................................................................
The subject:………………………………………………………………………………………

Learners observed/ Class: ...............................................................................................


Classroom atmosphere:…………………………………………………………………….

The teaching approach:………………………………………………………………………..



. ……………………………………………………………………………

Learner behaviour in general:……………..……………………………………………………


Rubric: Assignment 02

Criteria 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100

Observation Some Observation Observation All Comprehensiv

s observation s done, but s done. Only observatio e and detailed
s done, but limited certain n done and observations
limited or aspects are some on every
incomplete detailed aspects aspect of the
are observation
detailed. schedule


9.6 Other assessment methods

9.7 The examination

The portfolio is the examination equivalent for this module and no written examination will
take place.

9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring

Since 2020 Unisa conducts all its assessments online. Given stringent requirements from
professional bodies and increased solicitations of Unisa’s students by third parties, to
unlawfully assist them with the completion of assignments and examinations, the University
is obliged to assure its assessment integrity through the utilisation of various proctoring
tools: Turnitin, Moodle Proctoring, the Invigilator app and IRIS. These tools will
authenticate the student’s identity and flag suspicious behaviour to assure credibility of
students’ responses during assessments. The description below is for your benefit as you
may encounter any or all of these in your registered modules:

Turnitin is a plagiarism software that facilitates checks for originality in students’

submissions against internal and external sources. Turnitin assists in identifying academic
fraud and ghost writing. Students are expected to submit typed responses for utilisation of
the Turnitin software.

The Moodle proctoring tool is a facial recognition software that authenticates students’
identity during their quiz assessments. This tool requires access to a student’s mobile or
laptop camera. Students must ensure their camera is activated in their browser settings
prior to their assessments.

The Invigilator mobile application-based service does verification of the identity of an

assessment participant. The Invigilator mobile application detects student dishonesty-by-
proxy and ensures that the assessment participant is the registered student. This
invigilation tool requires students to download the app from their Play Store (Google,
Huawei and Apple) on their mobile devices (camera enabled) prior to their assessment.

IRIS invigilation software verifies the identity of a student during assessment and provides
for both manual and automated facial verification. It has the ability to record and review a
student’s assessment session. It flags suspicious behaviour by the students for review by
an academic administrator. IRIS software requires installation on students’ laptop devices
that are enabled with a webcam.

Students who are identified and flagged for suspicious dishonest behaviour arising from
the invigilation and proctoring reports are referred to the disciplinary office for formal

Please note:

Students must refer to their module assessment information on their myModule sites to
determine which proctoring or invigilation tool will be utilised for their formative and
summative assessments.


10.1 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting them
as your own. It is a form of theft. Plagiarism includes the following forms of academic

• Copying and pasting from any source without acknowledging the source.
• Not including references or deliberately inserting incorrect bibliographic
• Paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source of the information.
10.2 Cheating
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• Completing assessments on behalf of another student, copying the work of

another student during an assessment, or allowing another student to copy your
• Using social media (e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram) or other platforms to disseminate
assessment information.
• Submitting corrupt or irrelevant files as per examination guidelines
• Buying completed answers from so-called “tutors” or internet sites
(contract cheating).
10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below:


The Advocacy and Resource Centre for Students with Disabilities (ARCSWiD) provides an
opportunity for staff to interact with first-time and returning students with disabilities.
If you are a student with a disability and would like additional support or need additional
time for assessments, you are invited to contact Prof TI Mogashoa on to discuss the assistance that you need.

May I do both Teaching Practice modules concurrently (in other words may I do only
25 days)?
No. All students need to complete 25 school days for each Teaching Practice module.

Do public holidays and school holidays count as school days?

No. Teaching Practice should be on normal school term days.

Do I need to submit two portfolios?

No, you must submit one portfolio for each module.

Do I need to do teaching practice in all grades of a phase?

You may do practical teaching in one grade only or in more than one grade,
depending on what is possible at the school.

Which language do I use in the portfolio if I teach isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans etc?
You may present your lesson plans in isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans etc., but you
should complete all the activities of the portfolio in English.

Whom should I contact regarding subject specific questions on Teaching Practice?

You need to contact your subject didactics lecturer.

PLEASE NOTE: All questions regarding placements, permission letters, visits by

supervisors, etc., should be directed to the Teaching Practice Office.
All questions regarding study material must be submitted to Dispatch.
All questions regarding assignments must be submitted to Assignments.

Cohen, L. Marion, L, Morrison, K & Wyse, D. (2010). A guide to Teaching Practice. Taylor
& Francis: London
Department of Basic Education: Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement

Intermediate Phase:

Senior Phase:


South Africa. 2007. The national policy framework for teacher education and development in
South Africa

Do not hesitate to contact me, by e-mail, if you are experiencing problems with the content of this
tutorial letter or with any academic aspect of the module.

I wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that you will
complete the module successfully.

Enjoy the journey!


Unisa 2024


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