Project Proposal

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Project Proposal

In Community Engagement, Solidarity, and

[group 4]
Submitted by:


Singson, John Ryan Cuerdo


Dungog, Jeanne Samuel Lazera Adelante, Andria Shyne

Inojales Dytianquin, Luis Oliver Cornilla, Carie Comia

Gailo, Alexandra Dela Torre Caberio, Charmaine Anne Uway

Lachica, Mahika Katricia Ann Vista, Steven

Monte, Joshua Tabiolo, Catherine Libon

Mangaser, Rodney Mar Ates, Ivan Hoe

[12 HUMSS 2O S.Y. 2023-2024]

Project title: Forda Chikitings

Project description: A program that helps the children and provide

essential school supplies for them. Bringing a smile for every kid. Giving
them entertainment while giving them knowledge.

Project objectives:
1. To give joy and happiness to the children.
2. To entertain them and to educate or to provide new knowledge to them.

3. Our goal is to provide for the children who are said to be the hope of our

Project implementation location: Brgy. Maybunga, Westbank Road,

Pasig City

Time Frame: April, 17, 2024 [3:50pm - 5:30pm]

Material/s needed:
- School Supplies
- toys as our prizes for our games
- Food for the children
Budget breakdown:
- Pencil 20pcs - 60 - Sticker - 13

- Sharpener 20pcs - 100 - Water Gun - 65

- Crayons 18pcs - 324 - Eraser 19pcs - 64

- Stickers 2pcs - 50 - Dowee Donut - 54

- Toothbrush w/ toys 2pcs - 70 - Nissin Wafer - 40

- Mamon 2packs - 96 - Zesto 2box - 195

- Cream-O - 47 - Other expenses - 60

Total= 1,238

Beneficiaries: [recipient/s of your project like stray cats and dogs,

- Children
Group Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:


Singson, John Ryan Cuerdo


Dungog, Jeanne Samuel Lazera Adelante, Andria Shyne

Inojales Dytianquin, Luis Oliver Cornilla, Carie Comia

Gailo, Alexandra Dela Torre Caberio, Charmaine Anne Uway

Lachica, Mahika Katricia Ann Vista, Steven

Monte, Joshua Tabiolo, Catherine Libon

Mangaser, Rodney Mar Ates, Ivan Hoe

Singson, John Ryan Cuerdo [leader]

Role in this project: leader of the community action. We had a great time doing our activity
because we played with them and gave them school supplies, which made them happy. Later
on, they immediately used the school supplies we gave them. Bringing joy to their faces, and
seeing their happiness made us happy too.

Dungog, Jeanne Samuel Lazera [Member]

Role in this project: Assistant Leader, Organizer of the event, One of the members who
bought and Packed the materials for the kids. On April 17, 2024, was the day when we
decided to conduct our community action. We visited Maybunga Westbank Road, where
there were a lot of children. Initially, we spoke with some children and encouraged them to
invite their friends because we were planning a program for them. The day was memorable as
we played games, organized activities, and I read a book to them.

Adelante, Andria Shyne Inojales [Member]

Role in this project: In charge of the location for the community action to be held at and
prepare the materials. On April 27, 2024, we had a great time doing our community action
project, which involved engaging with children and providing them with much-needed school
supplies. The joy on their faces was priceless, and it was heartwarming to see how such a
small gesture could make a big difference in their lives.

Dytianquin, Luis Oliver [Member]

Role in this project: One of the members who filmed the videos. Basically what we did was
organized a community service event in Pasig, where they provided school supplies and fun
activities for children. Jeanne introduced the program, and Ryan led interactive games with
prizes for the kids. While I took the videos and eventually gave them their drinks and snacks.
Despite challenges, the group successfully executed the project and enjoyed seeing the
children's happiness. The kids were attentive and active throughout the event, demonstrating
enthusiasm for learning. The experience taught me to be grateful for gifts small or big, be
patient with others, and trust teammates in group projects,

Gailo, Alexandra Dela Torre [Member]

Role in this project: One of the members who takes care of the children and ensures they are
calm and comfortable. On April 17th, we organized a community event in our classmate's
yard with children as our main audience. To start the program, I created name tags for each
child and took the time to connect with them on a personal level to ensure their comfort. We
also encouraged them to be quiet so as not to disturb the neighbors, especially since the event
took place in the late afternoon. I was pleased that everything went smoothly, and at the end
of the program, we provided them with loot bags filled with items to support their studies.

Caberio, Charmaine Anne Uway [Member]

Our Group's Community Action called "Forda Chikitings" held on 17th of April 2024 made
me realize that kids are really appreciative. We interacted with them through fun games,
trivias, having snacks and giving them school supplies that can make them busy through the
summertime. I loved the experience because every kid was so happy and we were able to
give something to them. Everyone left with a smile on their faces.

Lachica, Mahika Katricia Ann [Member]

We had a great time doing our community service action because we bought foods for the
children and I was one of those who supported the children and helped give food and we
gave them school supplies. They enjoyed it and we gave them school supplies.

Monte, Joshua [Member]

Role on this project; Organizer of the event. On April 17, 2024 we had our community action
project. We had a great time working on this project because the kids really enjoyed
program we had and we could tell by their smiles that they were happy with the food and
school supplies we gave them. Later, we saw them using the supplies and I could tell they
were grateful for it.

Tabiolo, Catherine Libon [Member]

Role in this project: Organizer and Manage the budget. On April 17,2024 I wasn't able to
join us face to face, because organizing and helping online seeing the pictures and videos
made me happy, seeing the kids happy made me feel better.

Mangaser, Rodney Mar [Member]

On April 17 2024, we decided to visit the fruit tree and do a program with the children and of
course make the kids happy. We played and studied a little. We were happy but we made the
children smile. We were happy somehow.

Cornilla, Carie Comia [Member]

role on this project: the one who gives the children gifts and foods, the one who organize
those kids, and also the one who take vids and pics. We do our communication action in the
Maybunga Westbank Road on April 7, 2024. It was a nice experience since for me this
activity help us how to communicate with the children that test our patience. i really love how
our connections work, we spoke and i ask them some random questions that make them
comfortable with me and with my group mates. so far so good, it was one of memorable

Ates, Ivan Hoe [Member]

I was able to participate in the plan of group activity in the room and messenger.

Vista, Steven [Member]

My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Dungog, Jeanne Samuel Lazera

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
On April 17, 2024, we conducted a community action at Maybunga Westbank Road,
focusing on engaging with the local children. We began by speaking with some children and
encouraging them to invite their friends for a planned program. The day was memorable,
filled with games, activities, and I read a book for the children.

The children were enthusiastic and cooperative, making it a pleasant experience. We

also provided educational sessions on mathematics, spelling, and various animals. Our final
activity was distributing school supplies, which the children appreciated and thanked us for.

This community action taught me a lot. The entire process, from preparing and
purchasing supplies to organizing the event and bonding with the children, was a valuable
experience for me.
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Dytianquin, Luis Oliver

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
On a sunny wednesday afternoon in our hometown of Pasig, we as a group decided to go
to one of our classmates' houses and do our community action or service, where we would
give children some school supplies such as notebooks, colors, pencils, and erasers. Aside
from that, we also did some cute and fun activities for the kids, which were fun and
interactive, especially for the kids. Jeanne, our member, started off the program by
introducing us members to the kids. She also introduced the name of our program and gave a
brief overview of what it was all about. Ryan, on the other hand, and our group leader did
some fun games that were interactive with the kids, and every time a kid won, they would
earn their prize, such as candy or an educational sticker set. After the interactive games, we
also gave the kids some snacks and drinks to satisfy them, and then finally, we gave them
their school supplies, which they were surprisingly happy about. This program of ours was
very fun to do because we, as a group, were able to pull off this project even though we are
still students. It is also such a relief to see the kids smile and hear their laughs during the
entire program. Getting to do this activity with them means so much to me because I’ve
always wanted to do this, and I remember the times where me and my family would go to our
trusted orphanage and give the kids our toys and clothes, do some fun activities together, and
also eat our lunch together. But doing this activity alone without my family's help in
preparation or anything else was such a big responsibility, but I'm also glad that we were able
to pull off such a great program.

I've observed that the kids were surprisingly attentive when it comes to activities that
require them to do something for a reward. I'm glad that the kids were very active during our
program, and there was truly no dead air whatsoever during the program because they were
all very playful and attentive to us. The kids were also extremely happy with the prices they
got, and they were also very active during the math part, where Simon asked them who could
do addition and subtraction. Surprisingly, they knew the addition already and were quick to
answer the questions.

What I learned through this activity was first to always be grateful for whatever people
may give you, whether it's a small or big thing, it's a small or big thing, it's still a gift from
somebody, and also to have more patience with the people you are with because creating a
task or program like this wouldn’t be easy. The preparation was not perfect, but we as a team
were able to pull it off at the end. It's always about being able to trust your own ideas and also
your teammates ideas because, at the end of the day, this is a group project, and in a group
project come big responsibilities for each and every one of the members.

My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Galio, Alexandra Dela Torre

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
My main role in this community action is to connect with the children on a personal level,
creating a welcoming environment where they can freely express their true personalities. I
also ensure that participants feel comfortable by recording their preferred names
addressing them accordingly. This helps them feel more engaged and involved in the

My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Caberio, Charmaine Anne Uway

12 HUMSS 20
S.Y. 2023-2024
On April 17, 2024, CESC's Grp 4 "FORDA CHIKITINGS" held an outreach program in
West Bank Rd, Maybunga Pasig City where kids live. We brought with us some Snacks and
School Supplies for kids to enjoy and we conducted some fun games for them to enjoy the
day. Other than that, Singson made them answer mathematics trivias and Dungog read a story
for them. Others in the group participated by assisting Singson and Dungog. Kids sang us
"Five little monkeys" remix for which we enjoyed and laughed about haha. After the program
we made sure kids leave happy by giving them some snacks and School supplies for them to
enjoy the summertime. The program is fun and we all enjoyed the experience.
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Cornilla, Carie Comia

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
My main role in this community action I provide a friendly environment where kids feel
comfortable sharing their ideas and emotions because I genuinely care about their
experiences and smile warmly. My aim is to build trust and assist kids in effectively
managing their emotions by means of good interactions and focused listening, so fostering
their holistic growth. I try to establish strong relationships that promote each child I work
with development and well-being through my presence and manner of working.
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Lachica, Mahika Katricia Ann

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
We had a great time to do our community service action because we bought
foods for the children and I was one of those who supported the children and
helped give food and we gave them school supplies they enjoyed it and we gave
them school supplies
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Singson, John Ryan C.

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
I had a great experience because it was the first program I participated in.
From buying supplies for the children and repacking them, to the games I
organized for them as one of the game providers. And until our farewell,
everyone, including us program members and the children, was happy.
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Tabiolo, Catherine Libon

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
Well, I'm an online student so what I did was I contributed a lot so they could do community
action. They gave the children supplies and food even though I wasn't there. I took pictures to
make the children happy. Under the leadership of our leader, the community action in
wesbank maybunga pasig city was carried out properly. On April 17 a community action was
conducted to provide some school supplies and some foods and our community action was
done well
B My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Adelante, Andria Shyne Inojales

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
During our community action, I interacted with children ages 4-12 years old and distributed
school supplies with a genuine smile. Their eyes sparkled with joy as they received the
materials they needed for their study. During these interactions, I witnessed the power of
small gestures in building hope and empowerment in our community's youngest members.
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Ates, Ivan Hoe

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
I was not able to participate because I accompanied my sister to check up,but I
am happy with the result of our group activity
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Mangaser, Rodney Mar

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024
My Narrative Report
Forda Chikitings
[Group 4]
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Submitted by:

Vista, Steven

12 HUMSS 20

S.Y. 2023-2024

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