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50 Kosa kata dalam dunia kerja perkantoran

• Stationery : alat tulis

• Office supplies : perlengkapan kantor
• Desk : meja
• Cubicle : meja kubikel
• Folder : folder/ map
• Envelope : Amplop
• professionalism : profesional
• pencil : pensil
• correction pen : tipe-X
• highlighter pen : pena stabilo
• whiteboard marker : spidol papan tulis putih
• whiteboard : papan tulis putih
• notebook : buku catatan
• sticky note : pesan tempel
• paper clip : penjepit kertas
• binder clip : penjepit kertas model tangkai
• stapler : stapler
• glue stick : lem stik
• Sealing tape : lakban perekat
• scissors : gunting
• eraser : penghapus
• letter : surat
• Calculator : kalkulator
• Meeting : pertemuan
• Computer : komputer
• Monitor : layar
• Key : kunci
• Company : perusahaan
• Staff : karyawan
• HRD manager : manager kepegawaian
• Employer : atasan
• Boss : bos
• Room : ruangan
• Employee : pekerja
• Responsible : bertanggung jawab
• Responbility : tanggung jawab
• Division : divisi
• Keyboard : papan ketikan
• Telephone : telepon
• Memo : catatan
• Wastebasket : keranjang sampah
• Work : bekerja
• Recruitment : perekrutan karyawan
• Scissor : gunting

• Paper : Kertas

• Storage box : kardus

• Printer : printer

• Fax machine : mesin fax

• Scanner : mesin pemindai

• Laptop : laptop

• Projector : proyektor
Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Employer : Good morning, Caca.

Today is your first time working in this company.
What do you feel now?
Caca : Good morning Boss, I am so excited to start working here.
I hope I can be a professional employee and I can work well.
Employer : Good, I am happy by hearing your enthusiasm.
Before you start work, I want to tell you about your responbility
here. Please have a sit here.
Caca. : Okay thank you Boss..
Employer : Okay, your position is HRD Manager, you have to be responsible
your recruitment. You have some staff here. You can comman them
suitable with the division. Don’t forget to make report letter for each
activity. You can ask you staff to make it. But you have always to
control every work of your staff. Do you understand? Or is there any
question about that?
Caca. : Yes, I have bos. Actually I am a new HRD Manager here. May I get
the identity of my staff? I want to know them and make a meeting to
discuss our activity Boss.

Employer : Oh sure. You can find it in your computer. All of the data is saved
over there. Your room is in third floor, in 301 room. You can get
the key from Mr. Sukisno who responsible with that. I think you
have really understood about your responsibility.
Good luck for today and keep your professionalism.

Caca. : Okay. I will work well and make this company will be better.
Thank you for every information bos. Good morning.

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