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Have you ever been unemployed? Did you have a hard time finding a job? Have you ever
lost a job or an opportunity because of a lack of education? Universal Basic Income will
help the unemployed by giving them financial support during school or while they are
looking for work. Because of these my partner and I affirm the resolution, RESOLVED:
Governments should provide a universal basic income.

We would like to present the following definitions: (Only use what you need)

Universal is defined by _____

Cambridge dictionary___________________ to mean: existing everywhere or involving everyone:

Basic Income is defined by _

Cambridge dictionary__________________ to mean: an amount of money that is given regularly
to everyone or to every adult in a society by a government or other organization and that is the same
for everyone:

Economy is defined by _

Cambridge dictionary_______________ to mean: the system of trade and industry by which the
wealth of a country or region is made and used:

Theacronym UBI will be used to mean Universal Basic Income.

Our first contention is that UBI will lower the student dropout rate.

Sub-Point A: UBI supports lower income communities and lowers high school dropout
In his 2016 blog, “Moving Towards a Universal Basic Income” Andy Stern tells about one
experiment with Universal Basic Income. In 2008 and 2009, the Otjivero-Omitara region of
Namibia tried universal basic income for one year. The dropout rate fell by 40 percent partly
because parents had more money to pay for school fees and uniforms.

The dropout rate is another significant reason for universal basic income. The dropout rate will
decrease because people will be able to pay for other expenses while they are at school. When
Namibia tried the UBI, dropout rates fell by 40 percent and in 2015 it was reported that the
government was strongly considering it.

This is important because students won't have to drop out in order to get a job to support the

Sub-Point B: UBI makes college accessible to all.

UBI supports low income families so children can go to college or university and get a better
education. UBI will also reduce the burden of student loans In the article, FasterCapital -
Education Access: Breaking Barriers with Basic Income, ***** “Students can use Basic income
to pay for tuition fees, textbooks, and other educational expenses without relying on loans. This
can help students avoid the financial stress that comes with debt and focus on their studies.”

With universal basic income, we can make college accessible to all students. With universal
basic income, students can use it for college funds or funds for daily expenses. When students
receive further education, they can help create a better future for future generations making our
economy stronger. With more education we can get more professional and well paying jobs.

This is important because the economy becomes stronger when people with more college
education have an opportunity to have better income which, in turn, creates a stronger

Our second contention is that UBI will reduce unemployment.

Sub-Point A: UBI leads to improved overall health

According to publisher, David Tai, in “Universal Basic Income Cures Unemployment” ,
UBI gives the individual a few thousand extra dollars a month, but this offers the
opportunity for “Improved health, since a UBI will help you afford better quality food,
gym memberships, and of course, medical treatment when needed.”

He also pointed out UBI’s effect on mental health. “A greater sense of well being and
mental health knowing your UBI will be there to support you in times of need. Day to
day, most of us rarely acknowledge the level of stress, anger, envy, or even depression
we carry around our necks from our fear of scarcity—a UBI will lessen those negative

This is important because when the general population is happier and healthier, the whole
population is positively affected.


Sub-Point B: ?

“UBI would also give employees the financial security to leave a bad job, or wait until the
good job comes along to join or rejoin the job market. People won’t have to take an
awful job just to pay the bills.” (

David Tai also talked about a guaranteed minimum living standard and a greater
freedom to pursue more rewarding work. While the quality of that standard may vary
from country to country, you’ll never have to worry about having enough money to eat,
clothe, and house yourself. That underlying fear of scarcity, of not having enough to
survive should you lose your job or get sick, will no longer be a factor in your decision-
making.. A UBI will give you the flexibility to take your time during a job hunt, instead of
being pressured or settling for a job to pay rent. It should be re-emphasized that people
will still get a Universal Basic Income even if they have a job; in those cases, the UBI
will be a pleasant extra.

This is important because…… people can find more suitable or enjoyable jobs instead of
staying at a job that they dislike. People can also have money if they get fired or get sick.
People can also have more time during the job hunt so they can search for a more suitable job
for themselves instead of rushing to find one that is not suitable to them.
We have presented two strong arguments which were (1) UBI will lower the college dropout rate
(2) UBI will reduce unemployment.

Because of this evidence, we urge a Pro ballot in today’s debate.

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