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global warming due to daily activities

Global warming is a condition where the average temperature of the earth's surface
increases due to the presence of greenhouse gas levels. Global warming is one of the causes of
increasingly hot temperatures on earth. In fact, a study released by the WMO (World
Meteorological Organization) stated that in 2025 there is a 40% chance that temperatures will be
1.5 degrees Celsius hotter in at least a year compared to pre-industrial times (in the 1850s). Here
are five daily activities that without us realizing it cause global warming.

First, deforestation causes a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Because

forests are the lungs of the world which help bind carbondioxide (CO2) and absorb it so that it
does not rise into the atmosphere. According to the World Bank, the earth is still losing around
14.5 million hectares of forest every year. This is caused by various illegal and legal human
activities. Apart from that, clearing land by burning can also increase greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere due to smoke containing carbonmonoxide (CO), which is exacerbated by the loss of
trees which help absorb this gas.

Second, the use of motorized vehicles without us realizing it worsens global warming.
The gas produced by vehicles contains carbon monoxide (CO), which is estimated to contribute
15% of the gas that causes global warming. Currently, the use of private vehicles is increasing
every year. Self-awareness to prefer walking or using a bicycle is very necessary and
government policy is needed to limit the use of transportation and recommend using public

Third, Livestock activities contribute greenhouse gases to the earth. Livestock activities
can produce gases called methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide. Methane gas (CH4) is produced
from farm animal waste. Methane (CH4) is a stronger greenhouse gas than carbon. It is estimated
that around 16% of world greenhouse gas emissions are contributed by livestock. In addition, the
use of nitrogen fertilizer in animal feed production can produce another powerful gas, namely
nitrous oxide. This nitrogen fertilizer can flow into the soil and groundwater, and then undergo a
chemical process that produces nitrous oxide.

Fourth, AC is a cooling device that is currently widely used. However, many people don't
know that using AC can cause global warming caused by the CFC (ChloroFluoroCarbons) gas
released. Air conditioners use CFCs to cool the air and then release them into the atmosphere.
Because of their stable form, CFCs released by AC can rise into the Earth's stratosphere where
the ozone layer is located. Apart from AC, refrigerators are also everyday appliances that cause
global warming by CFC gas.
Fifth, as we know, the accumulation of waste has many negative impacts on the
environment. However, waste also has a negative impact on the earth in the form of producing
greenhouse gases. Garbage can contribute two dangerous gases, namely carbon dioxide (CO2)
and methane (CH4). Carbon dioxide (CO2) comes from organic waste, when organic compounds
decay, the carbon in them is released in the form of carbon dioxide. Reporting from Scientific
American, food waste releases around 9.3 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Reporting from
the United States Environmental Protection Agency, waste decomposition is carried out by
methane-producing aerobic bacteria and produces methane gas as a by-product. According to the
UN Environment Program, methane is 80 times more potent in global warming than carbon

Too much of anything is certainly not good, just as greenhouse gases which help warm
the earth's temperature are now the reason for extreme weather on earth. There are many
dangerous impacts due to global warming. Therefore, self-awareness is very necessary to help
protect the earth from the dangers of global warming.

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