Amtaikhoa Rajkhocoa: Mechancal

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Amtaikhoa Rajkhocoa
(Banch - Mechancal ng
Roll No. =
202310 00 2007
Class = 3.Teeh gt
Comp E hesTbinl Asyn inent

Wutelat Ntes On
O Saoinl Vanes
Soil o , lo knoh cs g ulde Va ne o M Scwinl
geneatos, vital hole in luid s ystems,
Such tutbims , pumps
Ghimahy fuutiom in volus Comtrolliug the flow
dicection ig motiom te
in trodueiug
twoyh the sys tem
comtho lled csilg
baittly enhancs ovetall efieiany b dyna mis
im pxovig iy
Im tunbines, Cwil Vaes play kay ole in morimi
mOre ficieut twaug
-fer kimetic 2wgy to
op+imie floco into e impe|y
tluy Simlaly. in ComprsOrs
educiy Vaus comtibute
turbelence. comp e sion
minimiziug los & im pnoviycomditio ns
ystema adaptibility
tos lihe vawl
cosids facto
ongle, Cuvatue, desigm&spaci achieve ue

desied 9oikliy fect othout com pPro misig

Oveatl pfonmuee.
Holes Down sthenm a Hemis phrial Ble
Docanstueam o Rumis plenical baffle,
dy namics. tuse
CHu cial Hole im fluid facili tate comtholle
hedueiy buleuce
laid dischege
gtrut ey ic
Optimites H e
lacemeut tuese holes
by pieeu tigstrean
3no0 the dowu
ecldies oud euwiy
tlow. his siym not ouy
oveLall pnfpnmned but abso mimimi2s
fleetive sotutiom
eugies hiy arplicatioms.
injeclinm a bubsfauee ot fuid at a
phoces system hat pstram,
O Qwnlier
lis techmigut s eves difrat pwposes. In
gab Pctream y'ection i'nvole
addities into
injectig che micals
Ruhance 0id u covey
comdext Sfasae veloprat,
psteum jecfion might refer to mConporaliy
chauges Kifcy cle updates ealie ts in tu deue lbp
to uvent docstam iswes.
The eflective ness upstream ijeetion ften
dopenc se Aimiy and stnutegic
placemeut cwithin 3stem PHo c t .

Yapourizer Sytem
A vaponi en fem is device hat traus
em C Bubstance imto vapo fom imhalation.
eommom ly wed fom venious pupoSs
includiy medical re cheatioma) aud aoma tluapg
Tu aystem
a cham be
fon te
com sis+<
a deley
mechani Sm.

Jle hettug eement ften po wwed by electhiciy

com vet Substau Ce,

Commomly henbs ois, into a pon oithot

consieed ess
com buy tiom This
elimiates phoductiom
bypnoduets lihe tat catbon omonoride (co).
loaded nto t e chamben,
activated, u hintiy
elemeut point vaponizatiom.
Tu voapoh is +en inhaled thhoyh a mouthpiece
Nehease imto +ue
Vaponiten phoide c(eanes mtho of
subs taucey, te duciy rus pittohg hisks
com bws tom Pddrlioua lly the
mimioits tue o do aud
ehvl hom mental impact, mmahiy
suitab le om imdooH
Disfeent wte ah A dee tof
ontable On- he yo
to ivense
we. T uy cater
lon thogme
prrfoena hed», mahig vapo au altenhatd

vesutile tool fon hos seaky

thaditional somo hiy

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