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Name Mark

Final Test 1
IWritten Comprehension
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Robo Recruiters
These days, the average person is predicted to change jobs no less than ten times during the
course of his or her working life. Each time a person changes jobs, he or she sends numerous job
applications. These applications end up on the desks of recruiters who must wade through them
and cut them down to ashortlist of five or six people that will be interviewed for a particular position.
The problem with the job recruiters is that by definition of being human, they are not perfect. They
have prejudices, they make mistakes and the number of applications that they can be exposed to is
limited. That is why many people believe that computers should be playinga central role in job
Unlike human recruiters, computer - or "robo" -recruiters are able to analyse vast amounts of data
Coming from applications allover the world. Whereas a human recruiter may be exposed to tens of
thousands of CVs during his career, amachine can be fed hundreds of millions of CVs in a short
time. As a result, the machine can learn from the vast amount of easily accessible information at its
disposal and is much more likely to reach the correct decision.
IV In addition, computers can "notice" things that human beings can't. These observations can help
companies to recruit the best candidates for the job. For example, one company that was trying to
recruit Android programmers decided to use a computer to help in the recruitment process. To their
surprise, they noted that the robot recruiter was suggesting candidates that appeared not to have
the necessary qualifications for the position. Instead of sending them candidates with experience in
programming in Android, acomputer language, it was sending them programmers with experience
in Java, another computer language. This was because it had noticed that.Java and Android were
very similar technologies and had concluded that a programmer with experience in Java would
quickly pick up the new language. This conclusion turned out to be correct.
Another significant advantage computers have over humans is that they are objective. Human
recruiters may reach certain conclusions about particular candidates based on their gender, race or
educational background without even being aware that they are being prejudiced. Computerised
systems,on the other hand, can assess applications fairty and objectively. As a resut, they are less
likely to turn down asuitable candidate because ofaprejudice or bias.
As more and more companies begin using robo recruiters their recruitment process, the
assessments made by these computers will become increasingly accurate. This is because the
computers can continue to monitor the new recruits in the workplace after they have got the job and
use this information to further improve the system that they use for recruiting new candidates. Thus,
for example, if a particular candidate performs well at the injob,thehisfuture.
or her profile can be fed back into
the system so that it can spot people with similar profiles
VII It is clear that robo recruiters can be very helpful in matching the right people with the right jobs.
However, it is important to remember that they must be programmed wisely by humans and that
there is no replacement for the personal touch,such as the smile or kind word that a person can
give. It would seem, therefore, that the day when robo recruiters will completely replace human
ones is still a long way off.

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Final Test 1

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 1 = 2 points)

the text?
1 Which advantage of robo recruiters is NOT mentioned in
(a) The speed at which they work.
b The ability to notice things people don't.
c The low cost of computers compared to humans.
d The lack of prejudices.
2 According to the writer, which statement is true?
a Robo recruiters willnever replace human ones.
Human recruiters will still have jobs for a long time.
c Human recruiters will soon be completely replaced by robo recruiters.
d It's wise toonly use robo recruiters.
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to support your
answers. (2 x 2 =4 points)
1Most people remain at the same wokplac for at least ten years

2 If you know Java, you can easily learn the Android language. .

3Complete the sentences. (2 x2=4 points)

I A computer company recruiting Android programmers was surprised by the suggestion to

2 Human rcruiters are often unable to

4 Answer the questions. (2 x 3=6 points)
1 In what ways does the writer compare a robo recruiter to a human one?

2 Why does the writer suggest that robo recruiters are not perfect?

5Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x1=4 points)

Iat least (paragraph l) -Jo leayhas
2 huge (paragraph III).Nast.
3 learn (paragraph IV) ielkp
4 not happening for awhile (paragraph Vl) aleyikisy c
IWritten Production
Write an essay (120-150 words) expressing your opinion about whether robots should replace humans
in as many jobs as possible. (20 points)

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