Booklet MCAT-4 - Weekly Test-5

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1. The amino acids make proteins and they are linked with each other by a bond called
(a) Ionic bond (b) Hydrogen bond
(c) Covalent bond (d) Peptide bond
2. There are --------basic amino acids basically found in all proteins
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 20
3. During protein synthesis, each amino acid become jointed two amino acids forming
continuous, unbranched polymer called
(a) Poly-peptide bond (b) Mono-peptide bond
(c) Bi-peptide bond (d) All
4. In polypeptide chain of protein molecule, the amino acids are linked together by a
process called
(a) Condensation (b) Hydrolysis (c) Both (d) None
5. The specific heat capacity of water is
(a) High (b) Low (c) Medium (d) None
6. One of following is not require in carbohydrate
(a) Oxygen (b) carbon (c) hydrogen (d) nitrogen
7. The branch of biology which deals with the study of chemical compounds and the
chemical processes in the living organisms is called:
(a) Chemistry (b) Biochemistry
(c) Molecular biology (d) Both a and b
8. Which one is an organic compound?
(a) CO2 (b) Water
(c) Lipids (d) HCI
9. Which chemical component has the same % in bacterial as well as the mammalian cell?
(a) Water (b) Carbohydrate
(c) Proteins (d) Lipids
10. Which chemical component has the greatest contribution in the total mammalian cell
(a) Proteins (b) Carbohydrate
(c) Lipids (d) Water
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11. Reactions in which simple substances are combined to form complex substances are
(a) Metabolic reactions (b) Catabolic reactions
(c) Anabolic reactions (d) None of these
12. Which one is the basic element of organic compounds?
(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen (c) Sulphur (d) Carbon
13. The bond formed when two or more atoms complete their electron shells by sharing
electrons is called:
(a) Ionic bond (b) Hydrogen bond
(c) Covalent bond (d) Electrovalent bond
14. Which bond provides stability to complex carbohydrate molecules?
(a) C-H (b) C-O (c) C-C (d) C-N
15. The property of water due to which it works as a temperature stabilizer and hence
protect living organisms from sudden thermal changes is:
(a) High specific heat of vaporization (b) High specific heat capacity
(c) Its Dipole nature (d) Its liquid state
16. Chemical component/s less in eukaryotic cell as compared to prokaryotic cell is / are
(i) lipids (ii) carbohydrates’ (iii) proteins (iv) DNA
(a) i& ii (b) iii &iv (c)i ii iii & iv (d)iv only
17. Which statement is true about an aqueous medium:
(a) Ionic as well as non ionic substance in aqueous media retains their identity.
(b) Enzymes cannot perform catalysis reaction in this medium.
(c) Ions and molecules move randomly thus are in more favorable state to react with other
molecules and ions.
(d) It is less favorable media for chemical reactions.
18. Specific heat of vaporization of water is:
(a) 574 Kcal/kg (b) 674 Kcal/kg (c) 774 Kcal/kg (d) 874 Kcal/kg
19. Peptide bond is:
(a) C-N link (b) C- O lind (c) N-H link (d) C-H link
20. Proteins comprise of _____% of the total dry weight of a cell.
(a) 40% (b) 50% (c) 60% (d) 70%

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21. Proteins are polymers of
(a) Fatty acids (b) Isoprenoid units
(c) Amino acids (d) Nucleotides
22. The element in basic structure of proteins which differentiate them from carbohydrates is
(a) C (b) S (c) H (d) N
23. Total number of amino acids discovered so far in cells and tissues are
(a) 20 (b) 25
(c) 150 (d) 170
24. In Glycin an amino acid R group is replaced by
(a) H (b) CH3
(c) COOH (d) C = O
25. A bond formed by linkage between -OH of carboxyl group of one amino acid and H of
amino group of another amino acid which releases water is called
(a) Phosphodiester linkage (b)Glycosidic bond
(c) Peptide bond (d) Hydrogen bond
26. Total number of amino acids in a hemoglobin molecule are:
(a) 554 (b) 564
(c) 574 (d) 584
27. An insulin molecule consists of _____ polypeptide chains.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
28. Which structure of protein gives information about number and sequence of amino
acids in it?
(a) Primary structure (b) Secondary structure
(c) Tertiary structure (d) Quaternary structure
29. In an aqueous environment the most stable tertiary conformation is that in which
______ amino acids are buried inside the conformation.
(a) Hydrophobic (b) Hydrophilic
(c) Basic (d) None of these
30. Hemoglobin molecule exhibits which structural organization of proteins
(a) Primary structure (b) Secondary structure
(c) Tertiary structure (d) Quaternary structure

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31. If the distance between two equal charges is reduced to half and also the magnitude of
both becomes half, then the force between them will be:
(a) Remain same (b) Decreased to half
(c) Increased to The concept (d) Becomes four time
32. The electrostatic force between two point charges is independent of one of the
following quantities
(a) Magnitude of charges (b) Temperature of the charges
(c) Distance between (d) Medium between charges
33. Charged body attracts uncharged body by ______ induction
(a) Electrostatic (b) Magnetic (c) Both A and B (d) None of these
34. Coulomb force is a
(a) Short range force (b) Long range force
(c) Medium range force (d) None of these
35. Three objects are brought close to each other, two at a time. When objects A and B are
brought together, they repel. When objects B and Care brought together, they also
repel. Which of the following are true?
(a) Objects A and C possess charges of the same sign, but not B
(b) Objects A and C possess charges of opposite sign
(c) All three objects possess charges of the same sign
(d) One object is neutral
36. Electrostatic force is
(a) Non conservative (b) Conservative
(c) Depends on shape of charge (d) None of these
37. The value of permittivity of material, other than air or free space is.
(a) Greater than unity (b) Less than unity
(c) Equal to unity (d) Zero
38. If two-point charges of charge q1 and q2 are placed at distance d. The force between
them is proportional to:
(a) d (b) d2 (c) 1 / d (d) 1 / d2
39. Atom is neutral when it has equal number of
(a) Charged particles (b) Uncharged particles
(c) Neutrons (d) All of these
40. Calculate the charge passing through the circuit if it's current it 10 Amp and the recorded
time is 15 seconds
(a) 1500 Coulomb (b) 150 Coulomb
(c) 13400 Coulomb (d) 140 Coulomb
41. Coulomb's law is true for
(a) Atomic distance (b) Nuclear distance
(c) Charge as well as uncharged particle (d) All the distances
42. The force between two charges Q and q, separated by a distance d is F. What will be the
force between them when distance between them is d/2?
(a) 4F (b) 2F (c) F (d) F / 2
43. If a charged particle is at rest but we are seeing it from a train then we observe
(a) Electric field (b) Magnetic field (c) Both fields (d) None of these

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44. The presence of dielectric between two charged particles:
(a) Reduces the electrostatic force (b) Increases the electrostatic force
(c) Does not change electrostatic force (d) Doubles the electrostatic force
45. The minimum charge on an object cannot be less than:
(a) 1.6 x 10-19 C (b) 9 x 109 C (c)9.1 x 10-31 C (d) 1.6 x 10-27 C
46. In a conductor, if 6-coulomb charge flows for 2 seconds. The value of electric current will
(a) 3 ampere (b) 2 amperes (c) 3 volts (d) 2 volts
47. The value of coulomb constant is:
(a) 9 X 109 Nm2 (b) 9 x 10-9 Nm2 / C2 (c) 9 x 109 Nm2 / C2 (d) 9 x 10-9 Nm2
48. The distance between two point charges is halved, the force between them would be:
(a) Half (b) One fourth (c) Double (d) Four times
49. The value of K depends upon
(a) Charges (b) System of units and medium
(c) The distance between charges (d) Nature of medium
50. Two-point charges are at the distance d. If force between these two charges is F, then
what is the force between charges when the distance between them is 3d?
(a) F / 3 (b) F / 9 (c) F / 3d (d) F / 9d
51. What is the formula for Coulomb's law?
(a) F=Kq1q2/r2 (b) F=2Kq1q2/r2 (c) F=Kq1/r (d) F=Kq1/q2
52. Static charge always creates
(a) Electric field and magnetic field (b) Electromagnetic wave
(c) Electric field (d) Both A and B
53. If two point charges of charge q1 and q2 are placed at distance d The force between
them is proportional to:
(a) q1 + q2 (b) q1 - q2 (c) q1 / q2 (d) q1 x q2
54. Coulomb per second is equivalent to
(a) Ampere (b) Farad (c) Henry (d) Watt
55. One coulomb charge is carried by:
(a) 6.25 x 1018 electrons (b) One electron
(c) One proton (d) 1.6 x 10+19
56. The SI Unit of electric charge is?
(a) Coulomb (b) Ampere (c) Hertz (d) Volt
57. The charge on electron is equal to:
(a) Proton (b) Two protons (c) Two neutrons (d) N.O.T
58. Object A has a charge of 15 mC, and object B has a charge of 10 mC. Which statement is
true about the electric forces on the objects?
(a) FAB= -3 FBA (b) FAB = – FBA
(c) 3 FAB = – FBA (d) -3 FAB = 2 FBA
59. The value of permittivity of free space is:
(a) 8.85 x 10-12 C2/ (N.m2) (b) 8.85 x10-12 (N.m2)C2
(c) 99x 10-12C2/(N.m2) (d) 99 x 1012C2/(N.m2)
60. Two-point charges attract each other with an electric force of magnitude F. If the charge
on one of the particles is reduced to one-half its original value and the distance between
the particles is doubled, what is the resulting magnitude of the electric force between
(a) F (b) F/2 (c) F/4 (d) F/8
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61. The number of sigma bonds between two carbon atoms in C2H2 are?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
62. Mark the incorrect statement about ionic bonds
(a) The elements of group IA and IIA chemically combine with elements of group VIA and
VIIA to form ionic bond
(b) Ionic bonds are non-directional and non-rigid
(c) Ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds
(d) Ionic bonds are also called electron pair bonds
63. The paramagnetic nature of an atom is due to _______ electrons.
(a) Unpaired (b) Paired (c) Sigma electrons (d) Both a & c
64. Number of shared electron pairs in ethane are?
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 5
65. CsF is an ionic compound because
(a) Cs has low I.P and F has high E.A (b) Cs has high I.P and F has low E.A
(c) Cs has high I.P and F has high E.A (d) Cs has low I.P and F has low E.A
66. Number of electrons shared in SF6 molecule are?
(a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 4
67. Molecular orbitals are filled with electrons in accordance to;
(a) Aufbau principle (b) Hund’s rule
(c) Pauli’s exclusion principle (d) A.O.T
68. In all of the following compounds the central atom has less electrons than octet except.
(a) BF4-1 (b) BF3 (c) AlCl3 (d) BeCl2
69. Which of the following pair of elements form ionic bond?
(a) N,O (b) Na, S (c) S,Cl (d) P,Cl
70. All of the following are correct statements regarding difference between sigma and pi
bond except.
Option Sigma bond Pi bond
It is formed by linear overlapping of It is formed by sidewise overlapping of
two half-filled atomic orbitals two half-filled atomic orbitals
It has restricted rotation about the It has free rotation about the inter-
inter-nuclear axis nuclear axis
It has one lobe of electron density It has two lobes of electron density on
between the nuclei opposite of inter-nuclear axis
(d) It has symmetrical charge density It has no symmetrical charge density
71. The energy of antibonding molecular orbital is____.
(a) Greater than the bonding M.O (b) Smaller than the bonding M.O
(c) Equal to that of bonding M.O (d) None of above
72. Which molecule has Pi-bond?
(a) Cl2 (b) NH3 (c) CH4 (d) O2
73. A bond in which region of highest electron density is on the bond axis is called
(a) Pi-bond (b) Sigma bond (c) H-bond (d) N.O.T
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74. The parallel overlapping of two p orbitals results a
(a) Pi-bond (b) Sigma bond (c) Metallic bond (d) H-bond
75. Ethylene molecule (CH2==CH2) contain how many sigma bonds
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1
76. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The anti-bonding molecular orbital is lower in energy than the atomic orbital
(b) The anti-bonding molecular orbital is lower in energy than the bonding molecular orbital
(c) The anti-bonding molecular is equal in energy to the atomic orbital
(d) The anti-bonding molecular orbital is higher in energy than the bonding molecular orbital
77. How many bonds are present in CO2 molecule?
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3
78. The bond order of He2 is?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
79. The valency of Mg in ground state is ____.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3
80. 6 Sigma and 2  bonds are present in __________.
(a) Propane (b) Propyne (c) Propene (d) Benzene
81. Which of the following bond is most stable?
(a) S – S (b) S – P (c) P – P (d) All of these
82. Pi - bond ____________ .
(a) Increases bond length (b) decreases bond length
(c) Decide the geometry of molecules (d) None of above
83. Which contain one sigma bond
(a) O2 (b) N2 (c) Cl2 (d) All
84. A bond in which region of highest electron density is around the bond axis is called
(a) Pi-bond (b) Sigma bond (c) H-bond (d) N.O.T
85. Theory which states that electron pairs are arranged around the central atom of a
molecule with maximum separation is
(a) VSEPR theory (b) M.O theory (c) V.B theory (d) N.O.T
86. The bond order of O2 is ______?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 2.5 (d) 1.5
87. Among following species one with para magnetism is _______
(a) O2 (b) N2 (c) H2 (d) Na-2
88. Which shows same bond order as CN- _______?
(a) O2 (b) N2 (c) N2+ (d) O2-
89. Which posses same magnetic property as of oxygen molecule?
(a) N2+ (b) N2- (c) B2 (d) A.O.T
90. Which one is not possible among following given molecules
(a) O2- (b) O2+ (c) CN- (d) Ne2

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91. He said to us, “Why are you all siting doing nothing?”
(a) He asked us why we all were sitting doing nothing.
(b) He asked to us why we all were sitting doing nothing.
(c) He asked us why we all are sitting doing nothing.
(d) He asked us why you all were sitting doing nothing.
92. She said, “How fast understanding my sister has!”
(a) She wondered, that her sister had very fast understanding.
(b) She wondered that her sister has very fast understanding.
(c) She wonders that her sister had very fast understanding.
(d) She wondered that her sister had very fast understanding.
93. He said, “Hurrah! I have a trophy today in my class.”
(a) He expressed happily that he had a trophy that day in his class.
(b) He expressed happily that he has a trophy that day in his class.
(c) He expressed happily that he had a trophy today in his class.
(d) He expressed happily that he had a trophy that day in my class.
94. My teacher said, “Have you submitted your required documents to your office?”
(a) My teacher said have I had submitted my required documents to my office.
(b) My teacher asked if I had submitted my required documents to my office?
(c) My teacher asked If I have submitted my required documents to my office.
(d) My teacher asked if I had submitted my required documents to my office.
95. A policeman said, “May I know your name, please?”
(a) A policeman asked if he might know my name.
(b) A policeman said if he might know my name.
(c) A policeman asked might he know my name.
(d) A policeman asked if he might know his name.
96. Choose the correct narration.
(a) He tells to me that he was working. (b) He says me, that he was working
(c) He tells to me, he was working (d) N.O.T
97. Choose the correct sentence.
(a) Teacher said to student, “Why did you come late yesterday.?
(b) Teacher said to student, “why did you come late yesterday?"
(c) Teacher said to student “Why did you came late yesterday?"
(d) Teacher said to student, “Why did you come late yesterday?"
98. Choose the correct narration.
(a) He ordered him that not to waste time.
(b) He ordered him to not to waste time.
(c) He ordered him to not waste time.
(d) He ordered him not to waste time.
99. Choose the correct narration.
(a) His father forbade him don't smoke. (b) His father forbade him to smoke.
(c) His father forbade him not to smoke. (d) His father forbade him to not smoke.
100. Sonia said,"You help my sister".
(a) Sonia told that I helps her sister. (b) Sonia say that I helped her sister.
(c) Sonia said that I helped her sister. (d) Sonia says that I helped her sister.

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