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Jin: Hi, Jessica. How are you?

Jessica: So far so good. What about you?

Jin: I am alright. So, how was your weekend?
Jessica: I was busy and it was tiring.
Jin: Why?
Jessica: I was busy doing some chores like washing dishes, vacuuming,
doing laundry.
I also babysat my friends’ children yesterday.

Jin: You must be tired. How often do you babysit the children?
Jessica: Sometimes. Not often. My friends could not find the sitter.
So, I babysat for them.
How about you? Did you have a good weekend?

Jin: Yes, I had a great weekend.

Jessica: What did you do?
Jin: I had dinner with my friends on Saturday and we played a board
game together.

Jessica: That sounds fun! How was the food?

Jin: It was good. We had some pasta, chicken, and steamed

Jessica: That sounds delicious!

Jin: Yeah, It was. I didn’t know that my friend was such a good cook.
Jessica: How about you? Are you a good cook?
Jin: I don’t know. But I try to cook for my family sometimes.
Jessica: I like cooking too. But I don’t like to go grocery shopping.
Jin: Oh, I see.
Jessica: Well, I got to go now. But it was nice talking to you.
Jin: Yes, me too. I will see you tomorrow.
Jessica: Yeah, see you soon.
Jin: Bye!
Jessica: Bye!

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