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Good afternoon everyone

Now, lets start our discussion. We have here the earth in space.
What you know about earth?


Earth, our home planet, is a world unlike any other. The third planet from the sun, Earth is the
only place in the known universe confirmed to host life.
Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, and it's the only one known for sure to have
liquid water on its surface.
Ano nga pinagkaiba ng revolution, sa rotation. Kasi may nakita ako before na pinag iisa lang nila
ibig sabihin nito.
Our dance around the sun…
Earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days. Since our calendar years have only 365 days, we
add an extra leap day every four years to account for the difference. Earth rotates on its axis
every 23.9 hours, defining day and night for surface dwellers.


1. Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, guess what, we are able to determine this by
The examination and analysis of rocks on Earth’s surface. There are many examinations and
methods na ginamit ang scientist sa pag predict ng age ng earth but this one is the most
accurate. Yung mga Scientists natin have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to
radiometrically date. The age of rocks is determined by radiometric dating. And radiometric
dating relies on predictable decay of radioactive isotopes ng mga elements.
Ano ba kapag sinabing isotopes?
Isotopes- Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
The isotopes of unstable radioactive elements—known as parent isotopes—eventually decay
into other,—known as daughter isotopes—and in a precise amount of time called a half-life.
And that The half-life of an element is the amount of time required of that element to decay.

One problem with this approach to dating rocks and minerals on Earth is the presence of the
rock cycle. During the rock cycle, rocks are constantly changing between forms, going back and
forth from igneous to metamorphic to sedimentary. Old rocks may even be destroyed as they
slide back into Earth’s mantle, to be replaced by newer rocks formed by solidified lava. This
makes finding an exact age for Earth difficult, because the original rocks that formed on the
planet at the earliest stages of its creation are no longer here.
To get around the difficulty presented by the rock cycle, scientists have looked elsewhere in the
solar system for even older rock samples. They have examined rocks from the moon and from
meteorites, neither of which have been altered by the rock cycle. The same techniques of
radiometric dating have been used on those rocks. All the data from Earth and beyond has led
to the estimated age of 4.5 billion years for our planet.

2. Every other solar system planet was named for a Greek or Roman deity, but for at least a
thousand years, some cultures have described our world using the Germanic word “earth,”
which means simply “the ground.”

3. Earth is the only planet in our solar system known to support life. This is because it has two
very important things that living creatures need to survive –– lots of oxygen and lots of water!
Its distance from the sun means it's not too hot and not too cold for creatures to live on, too.

Who can give me the layers of the earth?

At the planet's heart lies the inner core, a solid sphere of iron and nickel.
Outer core that surrounds the inner core.
Beyond the outer core lies the mantle, thick layer of viscous molten rock
the crust, which is parang pinakabalat ng earth na subdivided into continental and oceanic
Earth's crust and upper mantle are divided into massive plates that grind against each other in
slow motion. As these plates collide, tear apart, or slide past each other, they give rise to our
very active geology. Earthquakes rumble as these plates snag and slip past each other. Many
volcanoes form as seafloor crust smashes into and slides beneath continental crust. When
plates of continental crust collide, mountain ranges such as the Himalaya are pushed toward
the skies. (geologic activity)

Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and one percent other gases
such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and argon. Much like a greenhouse, this blanket of gases
absorbs and retains heat. The atmosphere not only nourishes life on Earth, but it also protects
it: It's thick enough that many meteorites burn up before impact from friction, and its gases—
such as ozone—block DNA-damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the surface. But for all that
our atmosphere does, it's surprisingly thin.

Discuss earth origin, earth facts


The Sun is the star at the center of our solar system. It is a big ball of gas and plasma that generates its
own energy through nuclear fusion in its core. As our one and only star, it is the only natural source of
light in the entire solar system.

It is a common misconception that the Sun is yellow, or orange or even red. However, the Sun is
essentially all colors mixed together, which appear to our eyes as white. Rainbows are light from the
Sun, separated into its colors. Each color in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) has a
different wavelength. Red is the longest, blue the shortest. When we see the Sun at sunrise or sunset,
when it is low in the sky, it may appear yellow, orange, or red. But that is only because its short-
wavelength colors (green, blue, violet) are scattered out by the Earth's atmosphere, much like small
waves are dispersed by big rocks along the shore. Hence only the reds, yellows, and oranges get through
the thick atmosphere to our eyes.

When the Sun is high in the sky, the shorter waves, primarily the blue, strike air molecues in the upper
atmosphere and bounce around and scatter. Hence explaining why the sky looks blue.

If it was a hollow ball, more than a million Earths could fit inside it. But the sun isn't hollow: It's filled
with scorching gases and soups of electrically charged particles called plasma.

Like many energy sources, the sun will not last forever. It has already used up nearly half of the
hydrogen in its core. The sun will continue to burn through the hydrogen for another five billion years or
so, and then helium will become its primary fuel. At that point, the sun will expand to about a hundred
times its current size, swallowing Mercury and Venus—and maybe Earth. It will burn as a red giant star
for another billion years and then collapse into a white dwarf star.

The planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and other objects in the solar system orbit the Sun. The
only exceptions are moons, which, in turn, orbit planets, dwarf planets, and even asteroids. Still, moons
are also dependent on the Sun just like any other object.


The Sun provides us with the light and energy we need for life here on Earth. In the morning, when the
Sun rises, our daily activities start as well. Our bodies produce Vitamin D through direct sunlight
exposure. It also helps in producing serotonin, a hormone that boosts our mood and makes us feel more
energetic. However, as with all things, moderation is key here since too much Sun exposure can also
lead to sunburn.

At night, after the Sun sets, it is the Moon that shines the brightest in the sky. The Earth’s Moon,
however, does not make its own light. It shines because of the light that it reflects from the Sun.

Plants and animals alike depend on the Sun for nourishment. The plants make food through the process
of photosynthesis. Together with water and carbon dioxide, the Sun helps plants make glucose. Glucose
is a type of sugar that serves as food for plants.
Aside from that, another product of photosynthesis is oxygen, which the plants give off. In turn, we
humans inhale oxygen—which is very vital for us to live. This is why plants are often called the “lungs of
the world.”

Plants in the oceans like phytoplankton and kelp also use sunlight for photosynthesis. Through them, the
ocean produces more than half of the oxygen in the world. The ocean also absorbs a big part of carbon
dioxide on Earth.

Even though the Sun is the most important star for us, it is just an ordinary star. In fact, it is just one of
the billions of stars in the Milky Way alone. However, that does not make it less interesting.

Many missions have been sent to study the Sun closer. Spearheading the fleet is the Parker Solar Probe,
which made history as the first spacecraft to “touch” the Sun. It has passed through the Sun’s corona
and will continue to do flybys and studies to understand our Sun better.


earth sun relationship

The solar system is made up of the Sun, the planets that orbit the Sun, their satellites, dwarf planets and
many, many small objects, like asteroids and comets. All of these objects move and we can see these
movements. We notice the Sun rises in the eastern sky in the morning and sets in the western sky in the
evening. We observe different stars in the sky at different times of the year. When ancient people made
these observations, they imagined that the sky was actually moving while the Earth stood still. In 1543,
Nicolaus Copernicus (Figure 24.21) proposed a radically different idea: the Earth and the other planets
make regular revolutions around the Sun. He also suggested that the Earth rotates once a day on its axis.
Copernicus’ idea slowly gained acceptance and today we base our view of motions in the solar system
on his work. We also now know that everything in the universe is moving.


Positions and Movements

Earlier we discussed Earth’s rotation and revolution. The Earth rotates once on its axis about every 24
hours. If you were to look at Earth from the North Pole, it would be spinning counterclockwise. As the
Earth rotates, observers on Earth see the Sun moving across the sky from east to west with the
beginning of each new day. We often say that the Sun is “rising” or “setting”, but actually it is the Earth’s
rotation that gives us the perception of the Sun rising up or setting over the horizon. When we look at
the Moon or the stars at night, they also seem to rise in the east and set in the west. Earth’s rotation is
also responsible for this. As Earth turns, the Moon and stars change position in our sky.

Earth’s Day and Night

Another effect of Earth’s rotation is that we have a cycle of daylight and darkness approximately every
24 hours. This is called a day. As Earth rotates, the side of Earth facing the Sun experiences daylight, and
the opposite side (facing away from the Sun) experiences darkness or nighttime. Since the Earth
completes one rotation in about 24 hours, this is the time it takes to complete one day-night cycle. As
the Earth rotates, different places on Earth experience sunset and sunrise at a different time. As you
move towards the poles, summer and winter days have different amounts of daylight hours in a day. For
example, in the Northern hemisphere, we begin summer on June 21. At this point, the Earth’s North
Pole is pointed directly toward the Sun. Therefore, areas north of the equator experience longer days
and shorter nights because the northern half of the Earth is pointed toward the Sun. Since the southern
half of the Earth is pointed away from the Sun at that point, they have the opposite effect—longer
nights and shorter days.

For people in the Northern hemisphere, winter begins on December 21. At this point, it is Earth’s South
Pole that is tilted toward the Sun, and so there are shorter days and longer nights for those who are
north of the equator.

Earth’s Seasons

It is a common misconception that summer is warm and winter is cold because the Sun is closer to Earth
in the summer and farther away from it during the winter.

And, believe it or not, aphelion (when Earth is farthest from the Sun) occurs in July, and perihelion
(when we are closest) occurs in January. For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere where it's
summer in July and winter in January, that seems backwards, doesn't it? That just goes to prove that
Earth's distance from the Sun is not the cause of the seasons.

Earth's perihelion (point closest to Sun) = 91,400,000 miles from Sun

Earth's aphelion (point farthest from Sun) = 94,500,000 miles from Sun

Remember that seasons are caused by the 23.5 degree tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation and Earth’s yearly
revolution around the Sun (Figure 24.22). This results in one part of the Earth being more directly
exposed to rays from the Sun than the other part. The part tilted away from the Sun experiences a cool
season, while the part tilted toward the Sun experiences a warm season. Seasons change as the Earth
continues its revolution, causing the hemisphere tilted away from or towards the Sun to change
accordingly. When it is winter in the Northern hemisphere, it is summer in the Southern hemisphere,
and vice versa.

But what caused Earth to tilt?

Long, long ago, when Earth was young, it is thought that something big hit Earth and knocked it off-
kilter. So instead of rotating with its axis straight up and down, it leans over a bit.
By the way, that big thing that hit Earth is called Theia. It also blasted a big hole in the surface. That big
hit sent a huge amount of dust and rubble into orbit. Most scientists think that that rubble, in time,
became our Moon.

As Earth orbits the Sun, its tilted axis always points in the same direction. So, throughout the year,
different parts of Earth get the Sun’s direct rays.


Solar energy

and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world. Solar energy pros and cons are a hot
topic today. As the earth’s most plentiful source of energy, the sun holds enormous promise as a clean
and dependable way to power our world.

Solar energy is any type of energy generated by the sun. Solar energy is created by nuclear fusion that
takes place in the sun. Fusion occurs when protons of hydrogen atoms violently collide in the sun's core
and fuse to create a helium atom.


Is solar energy worth it?


Advantages of Solar Energy

The more we can capture the benefits of solar energy, the less we will rely on fossil fuels. Adding a solar
energy system to your home allows you to tap into these solar energy advantages:

1. Solar energy is a renewable energy source and reduces carbon emissions

Solar energy is a renewable energy source, meaning you don’t ever use it up. Solar energy is clean. It
creates no carbon emissions or other heat-trapping “greenhouse” gases. It avoids the environmental
damage associated with mining or drilling for fossil fuels. Furthermore, solar energy also uses little to no
water, unlike power plants that generate electricity using steam turbines.

2. Solar energy can reduce your home’s electricity bill

A solar energy system for your home can reduce your reliance on the grid and help you save on your
electricity bill. Some owners of residential solar energy systems may even have excess power that they
can sell to the utility. Instead of paying a utility for electricity, homeowners get paid by the utility. You
may not have to buy an entire solar energy system to cut your home’s electricity bill. Simply choose
solar lights, lights that are powered by the sun instead of your home’s electrical system, to help save

3. Solar power can get you money back through Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)
Some states offer solar renewable energy certificates (SREC). Each one represents a megawatt-hour of
electricity generated through solar energy. Electricity suppliers buy these certificates to satisfy their
state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, a requirement that a certain amount of their renewable energy
come from solar. You can sell SRECs for your system's output, which is another way to earn money from
your investment.

4. Homes with solar panels installed may improve home value

Home buyers will likely pay more for a house with solar panels installed. Considering solar energy pros
and cons, the savings on electricity bills and the money earned selling power back to the utility, all count
in the plus column. Residential solar energy systems are highly valued and can increase a home's resale
value. The property value of a home with solar panels can be worth up to $15,000 more than its

Solar systems are fairly easy to install and require very little maintenance. Both are handled by your
solar provider, if you opt for a solar lease or power purchase agreement (PPA). Consider this as you ask
yourself is solar energy worth it.

5. Solar panels have low maintenance costs

Solar panels are easy to maintain, as they have no moving parts that wear out over time. Just keep them
clean and in good physical condition to keep them working properly. Between their low maintenance
costs and average lifespan of 25 years, it can be easy to get your money’s worth when investing in solar

6. Solar energy can generate electricity in any climate

Solar energy systems can generate electricity in any climate. One of the disadvantages of solar energy is
that it’s subject to temporary weather disruption. Cloudy days reduce the amount of electricity you
produce. Cold, however, doesn’t affect productivity. Snowfall can actually help your solar system, as the
snow cleans the panels as it melts and sun reflected off the snow increases the amount of light hitting
your panels. The result is more electricity production.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

The disadvantages of solar energy are becoming fewer as the industry advances and grows, creating
economies of scale. Technological advances are helping solar go mainstream. Here are how the
disadvantages of solar energy and the pros and cons stack up.

1. The high initial costs of installing panels

The most commonly cited solar energy disadvantage, cost, is declining as the industry expands. The
initial cost to buy and install the equipment is not cheap. Still, if cost is an issue, leasing options may
reduce the amount of your initial outlay. If you do choose to buy, you will need to live in your home for a
number of years before the system pays for itself. It’s a long-term investment better suited to property
owners than renters.

2. Solar energy storage is expensive

Of the disadvantages of solar energy, the temporary decline in energy production during bad weather
has been a major issue. Days with low solar energy, however, are having less of an effect due to
advances in battery technology. Old technology for storing solar energy, like lead acid batteries are
being replaced by alternatives. Lithium ion batteries offer greater power at a lower cost. Nickel-based
batteries have an extremely long life. New technologies, like flow batteries, promise scale and durable
power storage.

3. Solar doesn’t work for every roof type

Not every room will work well with solar panels. Orientation matters. If your roof doesn't face the sun,
you won’t be able to capture enough solar energy. Roofs that angle into the sun tend to work better
than flat roofs.

Roofing materials like asphalt shingles, metal and tiles make installing solar panels easier. If your room is
made with other materials, installation may be more expensive. Part of what makes energy-efficient
roofs is their ability to support solar panels.

4. Solar panels are dependent on sunlight

It’s obvious that solar panels need sunlight to generate electricity. They won’t produce electricity at
night when you need it for light and they can be inefficient during storms and gloomy days. Your solar
energy system needs batteries if you plan to fully depend on solar energy to power your home.

Batteries are one of the more expensive components of your system. Unlike solar panels, they do wear
out and need careful maintenance to lengthen their lives. Comparing wind power vs. solar power, wind
will keep generating electricity at night and during storms, as long as there is enough wind. Many people
use both in residential systems.



How does the greenhouse effect work?

As you might expect from the name, the greenhouse effect works … like a greenhouse! A greenhouse is
a building with glass walls and a glass roof. Greenhouses are used to grow plants, such as tomatoes and
tropical flowers.

A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during the winter. In the daytime, sunlight shines into the
greenhouse and warms the plants and air inside. At nighttime, it's colder outside, but the greenhouse
stays pretty warThe greenhouse effect works much the same way on Earth. Gases in the atmosphere,
such as carbon dioxide, trap heat similar to the glass roof of a greenhouse. These heat-trapping gases
are called greenhouse gases.

During the day, the Sun shines through the atmosphere. Earth's surface warms up in the sunlight. At
night, Earth's surface cools, releasing heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by the
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That's what keeps our Earth a warm and cozy 58 degrees
Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius), on average.m inside. That's because the glass walls of the greenhouse
trap the Sun's heat.

13th 14th

What do you think are the activities that could help to reduce greenhouse effect?


Like what we discussed earlier on how solar energy enters and how greenhouse effect works.



Incoming ultraviolet, visible, and a limited portion of infrared energy (together sometimes called
"shortwave radiation") from the Sun drive the Earth's climate system. Some of this incoming radiation is
reflected off clouds, some is absorbed by the atmosphere, and some passes through to the Earth's
surface. Larger aerosol particles in the atmosphere interact with and absorb some of the radiation,
causing the atmosphere to warm. The heat generated by this absorption is emitted as longwave infrared
radiation, some of which radiates out into space.


The solar radiation that passes through Earth's atmosphere is either reflected off snow, ice, or other
surfaces or is absorbed by the Earth's surface.

Why is it important for us to study the energy budget?

The Earth-atmosphere system is constantly trying to maintain a balance between the energy that
reaches Earth from the sun and the energy that flows from Earth back out to space. If the Earth system
is changed either through natural phenomena — such as volcanoes — or man’s activities and an
imbalance in the Earth’s energy budget occurs, the Earth’s temperature will eventually increase or
decrease in order to restore an energy balance.

Understanding exactly how the system is adjusting at any given time is complicated by internal
variations in the system associated with atmospheric and oceanic circulations that also cause Earth’s
energy budget to vary. To improve our understanding, observations of the Earth’s energy budget are
necessary over a range of time scales, from monthly to multi-decadal.
The regional distribution across the globe of the difference between incoming and outgoing radiant
energy drives the atmospheric and oceanic circulations. In the tropics, there is more energy absorbed
than emitted, resulting in a surplus of radiant energy. At high latitudes, the opposite is true. In order to
restore this latitudinal imbalance in radiant energy, the general circulation of the atmosphere and
oceans transport heat from the tropics to the poles. A change in the regional distribution of radiant
energy would therefore have a direct impact on weather and ocean circulation patterns.

The radiation balance at the Earth’s surface is also a critically important as it provides the energy needed
to evaporate water at the surface, which in turn determines how much precipitation can fall over the

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